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Posted (edited)

OK. I'm freezing the source code for new additions. Bug fixes and tweaks only for now until release.

I think everything that needs to be in is in. (Apart from the changes/fixes in RegExp that I wanted - if these aren't ready then I'll just cut out the regexp functions from the release which is no major problem :idiot: )

The main thing to be sure of is the syntax for the GUI. Once I release a public version it will be very difficult to change anything significantly without breaking scripts. So help make sure we've not made any gigantic mistakes or things that will catch us out later on. I'm happy with the naming, happy with the fact we have a choice of ways of working (message loop or events) - I've not used it much myself though so I'm relying on the GUI users to make sure that it is useful.

I'll be concentrating on documentation, mindnumbing as it is ;) The list of things I think that need doing are:

- some more simple examples for the installation directory

- Rewording of all the GUI... manual pages (no offence JP! :D:lol: )

- A few notes on creating a GUI with explanations of the message/event modes

- Simple tutorials

- General sanity check of the manual

The tutorials I want:

- Creating a hello world script (how to create a script, and run it)

- Simple notepad automation (run notepad, type stuff, exit, basic au3spy use)

- Automating an installation (I thought that WinZip would be good)

- Creating a simple inputbox/gui

I want to do the tutorials in the same style as I did the Au3spy/Window Titles manual pages, step by step and with pictures (256 color, png format).

Anything else, or opinions as to how the GUI should be documented?

If you can help with any of this then speak up. Stuff that everyone can do is to just install and use the latest beta version and check for bugs.

Edited by Jon
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Posted (edited)

1) Make sure that "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\GUIConstants.au3" is up to date. I believe WS_CLIPSIBLINGS and WS_CLIPCHILDREN were missing.

2) Update FAQ #15 to mention GUI limitations (max # of controls and windows).

3) Make sure #NoTrayIcon is documented.

4) Help file appendix: GUI Control styles should be broken down by control.

5) Evangelize SciTE :idiot: in the script editors section.

6) Bug fix HotKeySet example (duplicate function name).

Edit fixed items - Jon.

Edited by Jon
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

- Rewording of all the GUI... manual pages (no offence JP!  )

How it could be an offense to a non english perhaps a non french either writer.

I will send you the non GUI doc fix and GUI code fix.

I will miss :

1. Opt("WinHandleReturnMode",1) for WinWait and WinWaitActive

2. Opt("ConsoleWriteDebug",1) to force Consolewrite to be redirected to a Dbgview.exe as the one of www.sysinternals.com. It can be a minimal debug/bug reporting trace

Good doc writing just ask help if you need. :idiot::D

Posted (edited)

Updated with a couple of newbie tutorials.

Very well.

4)  Help file appendix:  GUI Control styles should be broken down by control.


Yeah, maybe like the FAQ... (<a href="#SomeControl">)

BTW: A lot spaces ("<p>&nbsp;</p>") in the FAQ. (at the end)

Ok, something that I found at the moment:

* UDF Docs:

- Phrases with Italics and Bold aren't displayed correctly. (It's displayed the tag, instead) --> Example: "_ArrayPop()"

- Broken links(Related section): _FileCreate, _ColorGet*

...or opinions as to how the GUI should be documented?

The example displayed in the GUI Reference maybe needs improvements. Displaying the recent controls added too. (and including the source?)

---- Edit1:

Display incorrectly: GUICtrlCreateEdit page. (Remark section)

Just some suggestions.. :idiot:

Edit: added another issue.

Edit by Jon: Crossed out items fixed

Edited by Jon
Posted (edited)

Not sure if this is the right place (my apologies if not) but the example code for GuiCtrlCreateListView help page is using GuiCtrlSetData still. (GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem is fine though).

Edit by Jon: Crossed items fixed

Edited by Jon

Not sure if this is the right place (my apologies if not) but the example code for GuiCtrlCreateListView help page is using GuiCtrlSetData still. (GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem is fine though).


It was a bug fix by Holger Thanks a lot. My still old glasses was not seen that the example show the bug. :idiot:
Posted (edited)

OK.  I'm freezing the source code for new additions.  Bug fixes and tweaks only for now until release. 

I think everything that needs to be in is in.  (Apart from the changes/fixes in RegExp that I wanted - if these aren't ready then I'll just cut out the regexp functions from the release which is no major problem :D )


Submitted the RegExp updates to Jon a little while ago. Sorry it so long to get working. :idiot: Edited by Nutster

David Nuttall
Nuttall Computer Consulting

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- Added RegExp fixes

- Removed RegExpClose/Set

- Fixed ReDim $a[$a[0]] style bugs

Not sure about the current regexp method of always returning an array. For long lines of text this could be a significant penalty if all you wanted to do was check if it contained a relevant string.... :idiot:


Submitted the RegExp updates to Jon a little while ago.  Sorry it so long to get working.  :idiot:


Pretty lucky, Jon was not at his parent home before Christmas as he said.

Merry Christmas



@Jon: Do you think that there are many changes in the helpfile (GUI mainly)?  (avoiding possible bugs)


What are you thinking about? :idiot:
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I mentioned in the GUI mainly, because I thought in this: Main page or in the example's part.  ( if you has planned do changes)  :idiot:

BTW: The question is related for the translations only.  :D

It may change a lot, don't touch any of the gui related pages for translation unless you enjoy redoing things :lol:
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- Reg... functions no longer give a fatal error if a bad key is used

- Random has an optional flag that forces integer returns. Also when min=0, max=10 and the integer flag is used then it is possible to get both 0 and 10 as results. Should remove the need for the usual Int + 1 stuff to get the values you really want.

(Devs, based on the bug/feature with ubound I edited the help generation files to remove multiple uses of UBound - doubled the speed......)

  • Developers

(Devs, based on the bug/feature with ubound I edited the help generation files to remove multiple uses of UBound - doubled the speed......)



Can you make the following changes, to avoid updates are made to the wrong scripts, in your doc dirs:

Remove - docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\Gen_RefPage.au3

Remove - docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\txt2htm.au3

Remove - docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\txt2htm.ini

Update the following line in docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\syntaxfiles\gen_lists.au3 to be consistent with the Helpfile:

FileWriteLine($hfile, "Wend")


FileWriteLine($hfile, "WEnd")

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Can you make the following changes, to avoid updates are made to the wrong scripts, in your doc dirs:

Remove - docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\Gen_RefPage.au3

Remove - docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\txt2htm.au3

Remove - docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\txt2htm.ini

Update the following line in  docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\syntaxfiles\gen_lists.au3 to be consistent with the Helpfile:

FileWriteLine($hfile, "Wend")


FileWriteLine($hfile, "WEnd")

I still use those to do speed tests and to force the regeneration of all files (easier than deleting the html directory).

Edit: Oh and how can I make it so that only 1 backup is made - they are huge :idiot:

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