jvanegmond Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 (edited) This is a full HTTP server written in pure AutoIt. No external libraries are used. The server code is readable and very simple to modify. Abilities: A full web server in a single executable. Able to integrate the web pages into your source code and modify its contents with code. ( This is how the first web pages were build ) The ability to send a page with over 1000 images in under 5 seconds. Fully compatible with both Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 through 9, Chrome and Safari. Nearly every line is commented. It helps you understand the code easily, so that you may reuse it and add on new code with ease. GET, POST are both supported and even cookies and sessions are supported This is intended to be a base for any future projects that provide any service over HTTP. Three different servers give you the base code that you need, and nothing you won't need. In the download there is included a short guide on how to choose the right one.BrettF has done some awesome work and added to capability to retain sessions in this post: >http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/...e-autoit/page__view__findpost_ If you need sessions, you can use his version. This version is added in the above v1.1 download. Edit: Please find the webserver attached to this post. You guys keep eating my bandwidth and I had to move it again. webserver_011.zip Edited April 25, 2014 by Manadar Skeletor, LSang, garbb and 1 other 4 github.com/jvanegmond
ptrex Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 @Manadar I am sorry to say that you are not the first to come up wiht a webserver. There are at least 3 or 4 others before you. One of the was picasso and here is an other one from Dhilip's Web Server v0.1a. Anyway a good start is to make a webserver that can handle the AuCGI. regards, ptrex Contributions :Firewall Log Analyzer for XP - Creating COM objects without a need of DLL's - UPnP support in AU3Crystal Reports Viewer - PDFCreator in AutoIT - Duplicate File FinderSQLite3 Database functionality - USB Monitoring - Reading Excel using SQLRun Au3 as a Windows Service - File Monitor - Embedded Flash PlayerDynamic Functions - Control Panel Applets - Digital Signing Code - Excel Grid In AutoIT - Constants for Special Folders in WindowsRead data from Any Windows Edit Control - SOAP and Web Services in AutoIT - Barcode Printing Using PS - AU3 on LightTD WebserverMS LogParser SQL Engine in AutoIT - ImageMagick Image Processing - Converter @ Dec - Hex - Bin -Email Address Encoder - MSI Editor - SNMP - MIB ProtocolFinancial Functions UDF - Set ACL Permissions - Syntax HighLighter for AU3ADOR.RecordSet approach - Real OCR - HTTP Disk - PDF Reader Personal Worldclock - MS Indexing Engine - Printing ControlsGuiListView - Navigation (break the 4000 Limit barrier) - Registration Free COM DLL Distribution - Update - WinRM SMART Analysis - COM Object Browser - Excel PivotTable Object - VLC Media Player - Windows LogOnOff Gui -Extract Data from Outlook to Word & Excel - Analyze Event ID 4226 - DotNet Compiler Wrapper - Powershell_COM - New
jvanegmond Posted April 14, 2008 Author Posted April 14, 2008 (edited) I know I'm not the first, ptrex, and it is not my intention to be "the first" in making something. I'm trying to make something for the benefit of others and this is just a great base for creating your own web server. The other web servers available, at least the 2 decent ones, are made by picasso and Dhilip89. Dhilip89 has made a web server built in pure AutoIt, but it has a GUI. That means you can't easily use it a base to work from. Mine is GUI-less, which is important when you are building a base for others to build off. picasso only uses AutoIt as a pre-processor for HTML before Abyss sends it, so it doesn't even count as a web server. That means that this script is the first of it's kind and I am, despite what you said, the first to make this. Edited April 14, 2008 by Manadar github.com/jvanegmond
nobbe Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 (edited) hi works fine for me somehow traytip wont work for me? i added TrayTip("AutoIt Web Server", "Server created on http://" & $IP & "/",10) MsgBox(0x20, "AutoIt Web Server", "Server created on http://" & $IP & "/") ... Case ".css" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "text/html", $Socket[$x]) Edited April 14, 2008 by nobbe
Alek Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 (edited) i think its awesome, but it would be greater if you could incorporate AuCGIbtw, anyone care to test-> <--- Sweet Works Added _Get_Post, it allows you to use $_POST as in php and a little test function as view on my "Webpage"was mostly just for testing expandcollapse popupTrayTip("AutoIt Web Server", "Starting to create server..",10) Dim $sRootDir = @ScriptDir & "\www\" ; The absolute path to the root directory of the server. Dim $IP = @IPAddress2 Dim $Port = 80 ; the listening port Dim $Max_Users = 15 Dim $Socket[$Max_Users] Dim $Buffer[$Max_Users] $Socket[0] = -1 TCPStartup() $MainSocket = TCPListen($IP,$Port) ;create main listening socket If @error Then MsgBox(0x20, "AutoIt Webserver", "Unable to create a socket on port " & $Port & ".") Exit EndIf TrayTip("AutoIt Web Server", "Server created on http://" & $IP & "/",10) While 1 Sleep(10) $NewSocket = TCPAccept($MainSocket) If $NewSocket >= 0 Then For $x = 0 to UBound($Socket)-1 If $Socket[$x] = -1 Then $Socket[$x] = $NewSocket ;store the new socket ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf For $x = 0 to UBound($Socket)-1 ; loop to receive data from all sockets If $Socket[$x] = -1 Then ContinueLoop $NewData = TCPRecv($Socket[$x],1024) If @error Then $Socket[$x] = -1 ContinueLoop ElseIf $NewData Then ; data received $Buffer[$x] &= $NewData ;store it in the buffer If StringInStr(StringStripCR($Buffer[$x]),@LF&@LF) Then $FirstLine = StringLeft($Buffer[$x],StringInStr($Buffer[$x],@LF)) $RequestType = StringLeft($FirstLine,StringInStr($FirstLine," ")-1) If $RequestType = "GET" Then $Request = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($FirstLine,4),11) If $Request = "/" Then $Request = "/index.html" EndIf $Request = StringReplace($Request,"/","\") If FileExists($sRootDir & "\" & $Request) Then $sFileType = StringRight($Request,4) Switch $sFileType Case "html" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "text/html", $Socket[$x]) Case ".htm" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "text/html", $Socket[$x]) Case ".jpg" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "image/jpeg", $Socket[$x]) Case "jpeg" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "image/jpeg", $Socket[$x]) Case ".png" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "image/png", $Socket[$x]) Case Else _SendError($Socket[$x]) EndSwitch Else _SendError($Socket[$x]) EndIf ElseIf $RequestType = "POST" Then ;Get the lenght of the data in the $_POST $_POST = _Get_Post($Buffer[$x]) ;This is my little test function ;) ;Add special chars from the name $Name = StringReplace(DllStructGetData($_POST,'Name'), '%', '') For $t = 0 To @extended $Find_Char = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($Name, StringInStr($Name, '%')) ,2) $Name = StringReplace($Name, '%' & $Find_Char, Chr(Dec($Find_Char))) Next ;Add special chars from the comment $Comment = StringReplace(DllStructGetData($_POST,'Comment'), '+', ' ') StringReplace($Comment, '%', '') For $t = 0 To @extended $Find_Char = StringLeft( StringTrimLeft($Comment, StringInStr($Comment, '%')) ,2) $Comment = StringReplace($Comment, '%' & $Find_Char, Chr(Dec($Find_Char))) Next If $Name <> '' And $Comment <> '' Then ;Very bad way of doing it :s $File_Data = StringReplace(FileRead($sRootDir & '\index.html'), '</TABLE>','') FileDelete($sRootDir & '\index.html') FileWrite($sRootDir & '\index.html',$File_Data & '<td>' & $Name & ': <td>' & $Comment & '<tr>' & @CRLF & '</TABLE>') EndIf ;"Refresh" the users webpage _SendFile($sRootDir & "\index.html", "text/html", $Socket[$x]) EndIf $Buffer[$x] = "" TCPCloseSocket($Socket[$x]) $Socket[$x] = -1 EndIf EndIf Next WEnd Func _SendHTML($sHTML,$sSocket) $iLen = StringLen($sHTML) $sPacket = Binary("HTTP/1.1 200 OK" & @CRLF & _ "Server: ManadarX/1.0 (" & @OSVersion & ") AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & @CRLF & _ "Connection: close" & @CRLF & _ "Content-Lenght: " & $iLen & @CRLF & _ "Content-Type: text/html" & @CRLF & _ @CRLF & _ $sHTML) $sSplit = StringSplit($sPacket,"") $sPacket = "" For $i = 1 to $sSplit[0] If Asc($sSplit[$i]) <> 0 Then ; Just make sure we don't send any null bytes, because they show up as ???? in your browser. $sPacket = $sPacket & $sSplit[$i] EndIf Next TCPSend($sSocket,$sPacket) EndFunc Func _SendFile($sAddress, $sType, $sSocket) $File = FileOpen($sAddress,16) $sImgBuffer = FileRead($File) FileClose($File) $Packet = Binary("HTTP/1.1 200 OK" & @CRLF & _ "Server: ManadarX/1.3.26 (" & @OSVersion & ") AutoIt " & @AutoItVersion & @CRLF & _ "Connection: close" & @CRLF & _ "Content-Type: " & $sType & @CRLF & _ @CRLF) TCPSend($sSocket,$Packet) While BinaryLen($sImgbuffer) ;LarryDaLooza's idea to send in chunks to reduce stress on the application $a = TCPSend($sSocket,$sImgbuffer) $sImgbuffer = BinaryMid($sImgbuffer,$a+1,BinaryLen($sImgbuffer)-$a) WEnd $Packet = Binary(@CRLF & _ @CRLF) TCPSend($sSocket,$Packet) TCPCloseSocket($sSocket) EndFunc Func _SendError($sSocket) _SendHTML("404 Error: " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "The file you requested could not be found.", $sSocket) EndFunc Func _Get_Post($s_Buffer) Local $s_Temp_Post,$s_Post_Data Local $Temp, $s_Struct, $s_Len ;Get the lenght of the data in the POST $s_Temp_Post = StringTrimLeft($s_Buffer,StringInStr($s_Buffer,'Content-Length:')) $s_Len = StringTrimLeft($s_Temp_Post,StringInStr($s_Temp_Post,': ')) ;Create the base struck $s_Post_Data = StringSplit(StringRight($s_Buffer,$s_Len),'&') For $t = 1 To $s_Post_Data[0] $Temp = StringSplit($s_Post_Data[$t],'=') $s_Struct &= 'char ' & $Temp[1] & '[' & StringLen($Temp[2])+1 & '];' Next $s_Temp_Post = DllStructCreate($s_Struct) ;add the data to the struck For $t = 1 To $s_Post_Data[0] $Temp = StringSplit($s_Post_Data[$t],'=') DllStructSetData($s_Temp_Post,$Temp[1],$Temp[2]) Next Return $s_Temp_Post EndFunc Edited April 15, 2008 by Alek [font="Impact"]Never fear, I is here.[/font]
James Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 First example. Nice! This could be expanded on so much! Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
Skrip Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 Very nice. I will be testing this when I get home from school. [left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left]
Creator Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 (edited) This is great! I only think you held back the most important MIME and subtype there is YES! i mean application/octet-stream For the folks that dont know: Thats the combination for getting raw binary data to your webserver-user. (AKA "downloading") For example: If you want your webserver to upload .zip and .exe on request, add the following cases ABOVE the case else: Case ".zip" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "application/octet-stream", $Socket[$x]) Case ".exe" _SendFile($sRootDir & "\" & $Request, "application/octet-stream", $Socket[$x]) Edited April 14, 2008 by Creator
ptrex Posted April 15, 2008 Posted April 15, 2008 @ManadarDon't feel offended. I felt that I had to correct what you said in the first postthere are no pure AutoIt Web Servers aroundThis is not quite true there are multiple au3 webservers around.Anyhow good job with yours !!Like I and Alek suggested, thare are no Webservers around that support the AuCGI. This might be an next challange.regards,ptrex Contributions :Firewall Log Analyzer for XP - Creating COM objects without a need of DLL's - UPnP support in AU3Crystal Reports Viewer - PDFCreator in AutoIT - Duplicate File FinderSQLite3 Database functionality - USB Monitoring - Reading Excel using SQLRun Au3 as a Windows Service - File Monitor - Embedded Flash PlayerDynamic Functions - Control Panel Applets - Digital Signing Code - Excel Grid In AutoIT - Constants for Special Folders in WindowsRead data from Any Windows Edit Control - SOAP and Web Services in AutoIT - Barcode Printing Using PS - AU3 on LightTD WebserverMS LogParser SQL Engine in AutoIT - ImageMagick Image Processing - Converter @ Dec - Hex - Bin -Email Address Encoder - MSI Editor - SNMP - MIB ProtocolFinancial Functions UDF - Set ACL Permissions - Syntax HighLighter for AU3ADOR.RecordSet approach - Real OCR - HTTP Disk - PDF Reader Personal Worldclock - MS Indexing Engine - Printing ControlsGuiListView - Navigation (break the 4000 Limit barrier) - Registration Free COM DLL Distribution - Update - WinRM SMART Analysis - COM Object Browser - Excel PivotTable Object - VLC Media Player - Windows LogOnOff Gui -Extract Data from Outlook to Word & Excel - Analyze Event ID 4226 - DotNet Compiler Wrapper - Powershell_COM - New
jvanegmond Posted April 15, 2008 Author Posted April 15, 2008 UPDATED 15 APRIL 2008 Changes: Added _POST thanks to Alek Minor fixes thanks to Alek Added application/octet-stream (zip, gzip, exe etc.) thanks to Creator ( I didn't miss it, I just didn't know the proper MIME type ) @Alek, I have rewritten your post example, to be more coherent with the rest of code. It also doesn't use structs anymore, instead it uses a 2D array and a function to mimic the associative arrays. After some consideration, AuCGI looks like something that is easy to implement in this web-server. Although, I'd rather leave that implementation up to whoever made AuCGI in the first place. github.com/jvanegmond
LordNicon Posted April 15, 2008 Posted April 15, 2008 i am loving this!!!! i am actually using it to host a website for my band =D real question: how can you run multiple instances of this for multiple sites, i tried copy/pasting the script and changing the port to 70, and used no-ip.com to redirect it from port 80 to port 79, but it didnt seem to work. replys would be much apreciated!
jvanegmond Posted April 15, 2008 Author Posted April 15, 2008 i am loving this!!!! i am actually using it to host a website for my band =D real question: how can you run multiple instances of this for multiple sites, i tried copy/pasting the script and changing the port to 70, and used no-ip.com to redirect it from port 80 to port 79, but it didnt seem to work. replys would be much apreciated!I'm glad you like it so much, but I can seriously recommend you to set up a proper HTTP server like Apache.http://httpd.apache.org/ github.com/jvanegmond
James Posted April 16, 2008 Posted April 16, 2008 Just brainstorming here but some nice features would be:HTTP Control PanelIn /Program Files you should make a folder along with settings and the WWW folderMySQL supportPassword protect foldersI am very sure MySQL support would be very difficult. The HTTP control panel would be a couple of linked .html files which will just change settings such as the directory of WWW, the port number etc.James Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
Will66 Posted April 16, 2008 Posted April 16, 2008 Just brainstorming here but some nice features would be:HTTP Control PanelIn /Program Files you should make a folder along with settings and the WWW folderMySQL supportPassword protect foldersI am very sure MySQL support would be very difficult. The HTTP control panel would be a couple of linked .html files which will just change settings such as the directory of WWW, the port number etc.JamesFor me, i don't see any reason to turn this into a production type server with support for every other thing....there's plenty of those out there already that would do better.Ideally i'd really like to see this type of autoit server used as a component of autoit applications.For example, one could,have a gui with an embedded instance of IE....rather an embedded web server to host your autoit application.The server could serve either pages from a "www" directory OR return code directly to the server from the application itself using the full scripting power of Autoit.....$html = "<h1>Welcome " & @UserName & "</h1>"return $htmlThis would be extremely useful. Many applications like modem and router user managment interfaces use exactly this technique.Hope someone takes up the challenge.Good work Manadar!
jvanegmond Posted April 16, 2008 Author Posted April 16, 2008 (edited) Thanks, Will66. Your post proves you have a good insight on what to do with this, and I completely agree with you. Many applications like modem and router user managment interfaces use exactly this technique.You're completely right! This web server should be all about providing a base for people to build applications off, and that is what I am using it for too. Making a browser-based remote control for your PC is extremely easy with this. A future feature I have in mind is to release a version that uses "AuCGI", it basically means you can use <?au3 ?> tags inside your HTML. That would mean that this code:$html = "<h1>Welcome " & @UserName & "</h1>"<h1>Welcome <?au3 ConsoleWrite( @UserName) ?> </h1>is essentially the same. However, I will keep this base version of a web server up for anyone to download who wishes not to use this feature. Edited April 16, 2008 by Manadar github.com/jvanegmond
Will66 Posted April 16, 2008 Posted April 16, 2008 (edited) Thanks, Will66. Your post proves you have a good insight on what to do with this, and I completely agree with you. You're completely right! This web server should be all about providing a base for people to build applications off, and that is what I am using it for too. Making a browser-based remote control for your PC is extremely easy with this. A future feature I have in mind is to release a version that uses "AuCGI", it basically means you can use <?au3 ?> tags inside your HTML. That would mean that this code:$html = "<h1>Welcome " & @UserName & "</h1>"<h1>Welcome <?au3 ConsoleWrite( @UserName) ?> </h1>is essentially the same. However, I will keep this base version of a web server up for anyone to download who wishes not to use this feature. Hi Manadar, using the web server in this way eliminates the need for AuCGI at all, in my view all files would reside inside the executable in the form of a function, for example, if the server requests index.html?q=will66, rather than look to the "www" folder, call a function based on the requested file name instead: func index($query="") $html = "<h1>Welcome " & $query & "</h1>" Return $html EndFunc Here's a rather crude unfinished example based on DtTvB's/picasso's server http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=36845 using async.dll for multi threading and sqllite: Server_Gui.zip Edited April 16, 2008 by Will66
James Posted April 16, 2008 Posted April 16, 2008 I see what you are saying, reading what you said I understand there is no need for all of that support. But a settings panel, would make this more useful in my eyes. I shall leave you to continue you with your work Manadar Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
jvanegmond Posted April 16, 2008 Author Posted April 16, 2008 Hi Manadar, using the web server in this way eliminates the need for AuCGI at all, in my view all files would reside inside the executable in the form of a function, for example, if the server requests index.html?q=will66, rather than look to the "www" folder, call a function based on the requested file name instead: Here's a rather crude unfinished example based on DtTvB's/picasso's server http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=36845 using async.dll for multi threading and sqllite: Server_Gui.zipAwesome, thanks for your insights. No more AuCGI, as I didn't want to do it in the first place. I'll look at the multi-threading, since it is definitely something worth having. github.com/jvanegmond
Will66 Posted April 16, 2008 Posted April 16, 2008 (edited) Awesome, thanks for your insights. No more AuCGI, as I didn't want to do it in the first place.I'll look at the multi-threading, since it is definitely something worth having.the zip in my above post is a different/better one than the one i posted in the DtTvB's/picasso thread. Edited April 16, 2008 by Will66
jvanegmond Posted April 16, 2008 Author Posted April 16, 2008 the zip in my above post is a different/better one than the one i posted in the DtTvB's/picasso thread.Thank you, got it. github.com/jvanegmond
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