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HI thats my ini




this my code

#include <Misc.au3>

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

Global $number = 99

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

Func Screencaputure()

Local $capture = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", 240, 355, 429, 406, False)

Local $save = _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@ScriptDir & "\Screenshots\Screenshot " & $number & ".bmp", $capture)

$number = $number + 1

EndFunc ;==>Screencaputure

Func Terminate()

IniWrite ( "ScreenCapture.ini","Section","key",$Number )

Exit 0

EndFunc ;==>Terminate

After i end this with esc it writes the $number in to my ini and exit the script now i want that when i run the script that it writes replaces this Global $number = 99 with $number = iniread ( "ScreenCapture.ini","Section","key","") that it reads it from ini file....


I don't know where is the problem?

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
Global $number = iniread ( "ScreenCapture.ini","Section","key","")
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

Func Screencaputure()
Local $capture = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", 240, 355, 429, 406, False)
Local $save = _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@ScriptDir & "\Screenshot " & $number & ".bmp", $capture)
$number = $number + 1

Func Terminate()
IniWrite ( "ScreenCapture.ini","Section","key",$Number)
Exit 0

[quote name='dbzfanatic' post='609696' date='Nov 26 2008, 08:46 AM']This is a help forum not a "write this for me" forum.[/quote](Sorry for bad English) :)


After i end this with esc it writes the $number in to my ini and exit the script now i want that when i run the script that it writes replaces this Global $number = 99 with $number = iniread ( "ScreenCapture.ini","Section","key","") that it reads it from ini file....

What's the problem? Just replace $number=99 with $number = iniread ( "ScreenCapture.ini","Section","key","") :)

And also make sure that the script continues by adding a never ending loop before the functions.

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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