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Posted (edited)

RunAs("test", @ComputerName, "admin", 0, @AutoItExe, @WorkingDir, @SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
RunAs("test", @ComputerName, "admin", 0, "notepad.exe", @WorkingDir, @SW_SHOWDEFAULT)

The first line does not work, but the second does.

I've tried using the older RunAsSet with Run, and I get an error that the directory name is invalid.

EDIT: I tested this line

RunAs("test", @ComputerName, "admin", 0, "cmd /c pause|start " & @AutoItExe, @WorkingDir, @SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
And the command prompt said "Access is denied." Edited by daslick

You could also try something like this:

If Not IsAdmin() Then
    RunAsSet("USERNAME", @ComputerName, "PASSWORD")
    If @Compiled Then
        Run('"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"')

[sub]Quantum mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of[/sub]


Tested. With your code I'm getting an Autoit error

You may need to set a working directory which is valid for access.

RunAs("test", @ComputerName, "admin", 0, '"' & @AutoItExe & '"', @TempDir, @SW_SHOWDEFAULT)

And some quotes may help as well.


Posted (edited)

Has anyone else with Autoit Beta tried this? None of the examples posted here are working for me.

EDIT: I STILL have been unable to find a way to have my script use a RunAs/RunAsSet+Run command on itself with this version of Autoit. Help??

Edited by daslick

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