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I was looking for a command to keep a window on top of another one. I have a window called Menu, I would like to be able to keep this window on top of all other windows at all times, or at least one level above another window called book1




I was looking for a command to keep a window on top of another one. I have a window called Menu, I would like to be able to keep this window on top of all other windows at all times, or at least one level above another window called book1


WinSetOnTop("TEH WINDOOW", "", 1)




How would I do this with the following windows

1. "TPS REPORT" The Main application

2. "Print Function" The Extra Menu, This is the application i would like to be on top of "TPS REPORT" at all times.

a few points

I would like the "Print Function" to mimic the behavior of "TPS REPORT" when "TPS Report" is minimized so is "Print Function" when "TPS Report" is moved so is "Print Function" and so on. I would also like to have "Print Function" centered on "TPS Report" horizonally and offset vertically down 150 pixels from the top of the "TPS Report" window.

I would like this behavior to be constant as long as "TPS REPORT" is running.


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