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I've been trying to make a function that returns the system idle time (the amount of time the system is inactive - mouse movement) in a format of "X hours Y minutes Z seconds", the function is a part of a bigger script so when i use try capturing the idle time using a while loop that increases the number of seconds according to the mouse x,y the script ignores everything i do in the bigger script because of the while + sleep loop..

i've also tried to use _Date_Time_GetSystemTimes() (see syntrax in the help file and the example script) and all i get is a strange date that has nothing to do with the idle time..

can somebody help me make a function that retrieves the idle time in the specified format without using a while loop to capture the idle time or if possible, use while loop and still be able to excecute commands from the bigger script..

thnx in advance :)


2, this script will check if mouse have moved

$pos = MouseGetPos()

msgbox(64,"",$X & ", " &  $Y)

$begin = TimerInit()
$dif = TimerDiff($begin)

$pos1 = MouseGetPos()

if $X<>$X1 or $Y<>$Y1 Then
    MsgBox(64,"moved","You have moved the mouse")
    MsgBox(64,"Not moved","No Clicked")

the next prob,have a look at TimerInit ( ) and TimerDiff() , also search the forum , i remember reading a topic show how to do something similar to your question

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I've been trying to make a function that returns the system idle time (the amount of time the system is inactive - mouse movement) in a format of "X hours Y minutes Z seconds", the function is a part of a bigger script so when i use try capturing the idle time using a while loop that increases the number of seconds according to the mouse x,y the script ignores everything i do in the bigger script because of the while + sleep loop..

i've also tried to use _Date_Time_GetSystemTimes() (see syntrax in the help file and the example script) and all i get is a strange date that has nothing to do with the idle time..

can somebody help me make a function that retrieves the idle time in the specified format without using a while loop to capture the idle time or if possible, use while loop and still be able to excecute commands from the bigger script..

thnx in advance :)

Larry did a modification of GaryFrost's code that works well without hogging cpu. His original post was deleted from the thread, but is quoted in this post:


Posted (edited)

This is my function (which may have been done better elsewhere). It returns the time in ticks (milliseconds, approximately) since the last user input:

#include <date.au3> ; For _TicksToTime() only

Global $iIdleTime = _Timer_GetIdleTime()
ConsoleWrite("Debug: Idle time = " & $iIdleTime & "ms" & @LF)

Sleep(10 * 1000) ; 10sec

$iIdleTime = _Timer_GetIdleTime()
ConsoleWrite("Debug: Idle time = " & $iIdleTime & "ms" & @LF)

Global $Hr, $Min, $Sec
_TicksToTime($iIdleTime, $Hr, $Min, $Sec)
ConsoleWrite("Debug: Converted = " & $Hr & ":" & $Min & ":" & $Sec & @LF)

; ================================================
; function:  _Timer_GetIdleTime()
; purpose:  Returns the number of ticks since last user activity (i.e. KYBD/Mouse)
; syntax:  _Timer_GetIdleTime()
; returns:  On success:  integer ticks since last (approx. milliseconds) since last activity
; notes:  The current ticks since last system restart will roll over to 0 every 50 days or so,
;      which makes it possible for last user activity to be before the rollover, but run time
;      of this function to be after the rollover.  If this happens, @extended = 1 and the
;      returned value is ticks since rollover occured.
; author:  PsaltyDS at www.autoitscript.com/forum
; ================================================
; Change log:
; v1.0.0  --  03/20/2008 First version
; ================================================
Func _Timer_GetIdleTime()
    ; Get ticks at last activity
    Local $struct = DllStructCreate("uint;dword");
    DllStructSetData($struct, 1, DllStructGetSize($struct));
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetLastInputInfo", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct))
    ; Get current ticks since last restart
    Local $aTicks = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetTickCount")

    ; Return time since last activity, in ticks (approx milliseconds)
    Local $iDiff = $aTicks[0] - DllStructGetData($struct, 2)
    If $iDiff > 0 Then
        ; Normal return
        Return $iDiff
        ; Rollover of ticks counter has occured
        Return SetError(0, 1, $aTicks[0])
EndFunc   ;==>_Timer_GetIdleTime

I got the first DLL call from Gary, the second is straight off _Date_Time_GetTickCount().



P.S. Just use _TicksToTime() if you want Hrs/Mins/Secs from that (demo updated to show that).

Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

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