Some help is needed as I can not get the event information that is send when sinking events to autoIT of internet explorer. I should be able to get all properties as described in * * Based on Help file of com * Based on sample;hl=objevent I added another mousehandler for mouseover by using code as below. This basically works but I am unable to do things like consolewrite($e.clientX)
Not so hard...
This is based on a concept put forth by big_daddy... it spits out info for each element you mouse over (ala ModIV2)
#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("")
$oBody = _IETagnameGetCollection($oIE, "body", 0)
$oTags = _IETagNameAllGetCollection($oBody)
Dim $oEvents[1]
$i = 0
For $oTag in $oTags
$oEvents[$i] = ObjEvent($oTag, "IE_Evt_")
$i += 1
ReDim $oEvents[$i + 1]
While True
Func IE_Evt_onmo