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Dont know if this is possible because I am very new to autoit. Trying to make a "wrapper" for an external .exe . This is what I want to happen:

1. Open sample.exe (this program writes update settings to registry, don't want that)

2. Read registry and write settings to either .ini file or .reg file that will reside with both .exes

3. Delete Registry setting

4. On next sample.exe run, use settings created in the .ini or .reg file even if it has to update and delete registry.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to just delete registry key on exit but then the sample.exe will always check for updates when executed.


Did you even try to look thought the help files?

Your telling us to make the code for you and as far as we see it you havn't even attempted to do so your self.

My Scripts,[topic="65986"]AI Example[/topic] ,Capable of Emotion!


Basically you want to sandbox an application and write the reg values it usually creates into a file (Without it writing to the registry)?

Is this what you want?

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