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Posted (edited)

Edit: Didnt mean to call this topic task manager,I woz just showing a friend a piece of adware he had running as a process

Now I cant change the topic name,Im really not with it today :idiot:

Hi again, kind of a general windows question for you this time

Dose anyone know of a way to disable the windows key from opening the startmenu ?

I have a Gui script which runs in full desktop resolution and it involves the translation of images which start off-screen and move into certain positions.

If the windows key is pressed the start menu opens and over laps my gui and causes certain moving images to glich and slow down while their passing under the menu!

So with the removal of the hotkey restrictions in the new beta versions will I be able to set the win-key as a hotkey?

Or is this a windows restriction and not an autoit restriction ?

Any ideas on disabling the win key woudl be great !

Edited by nova

Edit: Didnt mean to call this topic task manager,I woz just showing a friend a piece of adware he had running as a process

Now I cant change the topic name,Im really not with it today  :idiot: 

Hi again, kind of a general windows question for you this time

Dose anyone know of a way to disable the windows key from opening the startmenu ?

I have a Gui script which runs in full desktop resolution and it involves the translation of images which start off-screen and move into certain positions.

If the windows key is pressed the start menu opens and over laps my gui and causes certain moving images to glich and slow down while their passing under the menu!

So with the removal of the hotkey restrictions in the new beta versions  will I be able to set the win-key as a hotkey?

Or is this a windows restriction and not an autoit restriction ?

Any ideas on disabling the win key woudl be great !


You could try "Doswinkey" Goofy name, yeah, but.... it disables the wonderful POS windows key. The other soloution is to physically rip it off the KB.

Lofting the cyberwinds on teknoleather wings, I am...The Blue Drache


Thats a gud idea,but I cant physically install this program onto every computer in the universe nor can I go door to door ripping ppls winkeys from their keyboards

I need this script to work on computers that dont have the winkey already disabled,

Lar is their any change u could do some of ur dll magic to make the problem go away ? :idiot:

Posted (edited)

edit too complicated, just do this:

;Disable Windows Logo Keys
RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout","Scancode Map","Reg_binary","00000000000000000300000000005BE000005CE000000000")

Reboot and the logo key is disabled. Delete the key when done.

Edited by scriptkitty

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.


Nice. I've never had a use for that POS key anyway. I think I'll just put that registry key in on my home system and forget about it. :idiot:

Personally, I think it's the worst idea ever. 101 keys were enough without the addition of the 3 others on the windows keyboards.

Lofting the cyberwinds on teknoleather wings, I am...The Blue Drache

Posted (edited)

Anyway of making this take effect without restart ?

Edited by nova
Posted (edited)

@this-is-me cheers man, thats just what I need but sadly its in the wrong form again!

It disables the winkey in 1 second flat,but id have to install it and automate the process of selecting disable winkey on every machine that my script is run on !

Anyone able to figure out how this program works ?

I know its installs a dll called ihtkh.dll into its installed folder !

Would it be possible using dll call with ihtkh.dll to disable the winkey ?

Sadly I know nothing about editing dlls

Edited by nova

Flibbertygibbit and Fiddlesticks. It sets up a keyboard hook. If you don't know c++ then don't bother. I found that program in less than 60 seconds on google. I bet if you tried to look into it yourself, then you would either find what you want or realise it is hopeless. Either way, I can't just do everything for you. If you can't find it, then maybe we can't either.

Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

If you don't know c++ then don't bother

I dont know c++ but if I dont bother I wont get anywhere now will I ?

I bet if you tried to look into it yourself, then you would either find what you want or realise it is hopeless

Nothing is hopeless !

I can't just do everything for you

Nor would I want you 2,im looking for helpin in an area i curently know very little about ! :idiot:

I just assumed (because ive no knowledge of dll at all) that the dll installed by this program held code used to disable/enable the winkey !

Under this assumption, i have asked if anyone with the nessary skills would be so kind to as take alook at the dlls source and see if they could quickly and easily edit out the code I need and show me how to use it !

If thats asking to much, then im sry but at my current level I cannot achieve this alone.

Edited by nova

When you have no knowledge of something, do not assume things about it.

Ill keep that in mind !


Sorry, but I`m unable to test it, but isn´t possible to just write a script that

has the Windows-key assigned to a empty func using HotKeySet ?

Not possible ? Sounds like it should work.. :idiot:


Win logo key is one of those exceptions, like Crtl+Alt+Del. Might be able to do it with Dll call, or something. I am not sure.

If nothing else, maybe you could check out what that program does. Of course that would require knowing a bit more C++

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.


It's definitely possible.

See VMware and Virtual PC.

They can disable the Windows key and simulate it in their own application.

Only Ctrl+Alt+Del they can't disable only simulate.


HAHA! I had forgotten about AutoHotKey. Yes, it is possible, and the above application works.

What u talking about ?

This code actually sets the hotkey to W on my laptop

HotKeySet("winkey" , "none")

While 1

Func none ()
   MsgBox(4096,"Test", "Winkey pressed")

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