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What is the best way to restrict long mouse press (left button) allowing only short click or double click?

I've tried such code:


#include "MouseOnEvent.au3"
 #include <AutoItConstants.au3>


   _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYUP_EVENT, "__Dummy", 0, 1)
   _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT, "Mouse_LeftClick", 0, 1)
   _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT, "__Dummy", 0, 1)
   _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_SECONDARYDOWN_EVENT, "__Dummy", 0, 1)
   _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELDOWN_EVENT, "__Dummy", 0, 1)
   _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELUP_EVENT, "__Dummy", 0, 1)


Func Mouse_LeftClick()
   MouseDown($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) ; Set the left mouse button state as down.
   MouseUp($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) ; Set the left mouse button state as up.

It works fine until I made multiple left clicks, after that it totally stops to prevent long clicks of left button.

Func Mouse_LeftClick()
   MouseDown($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) ; Set the left mouse button state as down.
   MouseUp($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT) ; Set the left mouse button state as up.

It works fine without "sleep(10)" but it I click left mouse multiple times the CPU load goes to 50%. Anything to do about this?

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

It works typically between 1-5 times and then none of the events trigger anymore. It seems some other people have this problem. Can someone please try to fix it?

#include "MouseOnEvent.au3"
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>

HotKeySet('{ESC}', '_Exit')

Global $iHold_Time = 200
Global $iTimer = 0

_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT, '_Primary_Event', 0, 0)
_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYUP_EVENT, '_Primary_Event', 0, 0)

While 1

Func _Primary_Event($iEvent)
    Switch $iEvent
            $iTimer = TimerInit()
            AdlibRegister('_Timer', 10)
            $iTimer = 0

Func _Timer()
    If $iTimer And TimerDiff($iTimer) > $iHold_Time Then

Func _Exit()




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 v2.4 [15.03.2020]
* Fixed crash issue when running under x64 script. Thanks to LarsJ (Gary Frost?).
* Added _MouseSetOnEvent_SetDblClckSpeed function to set double click speed.




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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

When you call $sFuncName of _MouseSetOnEvent more than twice, with a sleep of approx. greater than half a second, it breaks all events. lower sleeps work fine.

The intent is to fire off one and only one instance of a function call when you scroll wheel. As the UDF captures each instance of a notch of the scroll wheel, you can get several at once. So, a sleep or a semaphore with a sleep, or unbind then rebinding the mouse event with a sleep -- these all break after the first or second use.


#include "MouseOnEvent.au3"

HotKeySet("^x",  "endProgram")

global $NotepadWHND = WinGetHandle ( "Notepad")

_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLDOWN_EVENT, "_MouseWheel_Events", $NotepadWHND,-1)


Func waitForInterrupt()
    While 1

EndFunc   ;==>waitForInterrupt

Func _MouseWheel_Events($iEvent)
    ConsoleWrite("_MouseWheel_Events call..." & @CRLF)
    Switch $iEvent

Func MouseWheel_down()
    ConsoleWrite("[1] npd active - mouse wheel down" & @CRLF)
Func MouseWheel_up()
    ConsoleWrite("[1] npd active - mouse wheel up" & @CRLF)

Func endProgram()
    ConsoleWrite("quitting..." & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>endProgram


Edited by drwhopoe1
  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

I have found a bug.

If you register a mouse wheel up event, trigger the event by scrolling up, then unregister it and register it again and trigger it -- it triggers twice! If you unregister and register the event once more, it triggers trice, etc. The expectation is that it will trigger exactly once, since you have registered it N+1 times and unregistered N times.

This happens:

  • only with the non-RI functions
  • only if $iBlockDefProc function argument is set to $MOE_RUNDEFPROC
  • only after you trigger the event (if you don't trigger it, it works as expected)

To reproduce:

#include "MouseOnEvent.au3"

_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT, "onMouseWheelUp", 0, $MOE_RUNDEFPROC) ; register
MouseWheel($MOUSE_WHEEL_UP) ; trigger
Sleep(100) ; some delay to allow the event to be processed before we unregister it
_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT) ; unregister
_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT, "onMouseWheelUp", 0, $MOE_RUNDEFPROC) ; register
_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT) ; unregister
_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT, "onMouseWheelUp", 0, $MOE_RUNDEFPROC) ; register
MouseWheel($MOUSE_WHEEL_UP) ; trigger
Sleep(100) ; some delay to allow the event to be processed before we exit

Func onMouseWheelUp()
    ConsoleWrite("up" & @CRLF)

After it prints "---", you would expect it to print "up" once, but it printa it 3 times!

After some debugging, it looks like the UDF author forgot to set $i__MSOE_EventReturn to 1 somewhere. With $iBlockDefProc function argument being set to $MOE_RUNDEFPROC, once __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler() is called at least once, which is done by the first "MouseWheel($MOUSE_WHEEL_UP)" in the reproducible code, $i__MSOE_EventReturn gets set from 1 to 0 and is never set back to 1. With $i__MSOE_EventReturn now always being 0, _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx() never gets called when we remove the last event, so the hook never gets removed from the chain. When we later add an event, UDF sees that it's a first event and creates another, 2nd, hook with _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx(). Basically, hooks are always created but never removed when they should be, which causes these extra event triggers.

Tbh I don't understand why $i__MSOE_EventReturn is needed in the first place. If I understand the code correctly, it is used to delay the cleanup in case the event is being processed via __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler() -> _WinAPI_PostMessage() -> __MouseSetOnEvent_WM_CALL(),  but I don't see why the delay is necessary. Not very familiar with Win32 programming and haven't read too much into UDF's code, so I can easily be missing something. For now I have set $i__MSOE_EventReturn to always be 1 in my copy of the UDF, which fixes the reproducible code issue.

tl;dr: Calling _MouseSetOnEvent to unregister the last event, it unregisters it from the UDF but it doesn't remove the created WinAPI hook, it remains in the Windows's hook chain.

Edited by BakedCakes
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Found another bug: RI doesn't callback on mouse wheel events when the mouse is moving, it only calls back when the mouse is stationary.

#include "MouseOnEvent.au3"

$counter = 0
While 1

Func onMouseWheelDown()
    ConsoleWrite($counter & @CRLF)
    $counter += 1

When running the above, if you move the mouse cursor around, for example to the left and right, while also scrolling down, onMouseWheelDown() will not be called. onMouseWheelDown() is called only when you scroll down while the mouse cursor is not changing the position.

_MouseSetOnEvent() (the non-RI one) doesn't have this bug and works even when the mouse is moving around.

Edited by BakedCakes

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