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Posted (edited)

Still the same problem :D When I am starting new song it is playing with 100% volume until this "Winamp" window hide itself. Keep Working !

P.S- also THX for this

If FileReadLine($inipath, 16) = "Enabled=1" Then ChangeStatus($artist2, $title2, $duration2, $album2, $busy1)

because i haved this bug also. Edited by Uriziel01
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- Changed update server ! (Files are now hosted by Google thx to GooglePages :D) - 100% UPTIME !

- Old playlist's don't work anymore since i changed the way they're saved (only to version prior to 3.4.2)




I'll try to fix that ... So, Stay Tuned !

Edited by LIMITER

Wow, dude this is actually awesome! No offence, this media player SUCKED when it first came out. Now, this is like...windows media player but better!!


Wow, dude this is actually awesome! No offence, this media player SUCKED when it first came out. Now, this is like...windows media player but better!!

Better than Amp3?

Anways, why does it have a Yahoo Instant Messenger Status Changer? Whats the point? It just makes the program "bloated" (As JamesB would put it.)



I'm glad that you like it ... :D


I know that the first versions sucked ... But now, I think it's awesome ! :D


That Yahoo! thing is just an optional (and expermiental) thing ...

I think i'll remove it in the next version :)

Posted (edited)

NEW VERSION 3.4.3 !!!

Now LMP has THEMES !!! (So ... Black version is still there and now it will remain there :D)

P.S. -


I recommend you tu use the minimize to tray function, because it dramatically reduces CPU (on my pc it does ... :D)


BTW ... If you like LMP so much .. why don't you guys give it a little more stars ?

Edited by LIMITER
Posted (edited)

Heh. I have looked few seconds at your script and, just insert

_SoundVolume($playlistsong, (100 - GUICtrlRead($volslider)) * 10)

after line (1606):

Func pop($artst, $sng, $albm, $durtion)

to solve the problem with 100% volume.


or insert it (_soundvolume function) in while loop in the _pop() function but his will reduce the performance a bit. Eventually make something like:

if $VolLevel<> GUICtrlRead($volslider) then _SoundVolume($playlistsong, (100 - GUICtrlRead($volslider)) * 10)


Also delete the line (596):

GUICtrlSetData($Label1, "Volume : " & $VolLevel)

and insert this in line(600):

If abs($vl1[2]-$VolLevel)>1 Then GUICtrlSetData($Label1, "Volume : " & 100 - GUICtrlRead($volslider))

it will solve problem with blinking label of volume level.

Edited by Uriziel01
Posted (edited)

Its OK but your solution isnt allowing to change the volume when this mini window is visible. maby add some fade-in option also ? (in recent version only fade-out is working)

Edited by Uriziel01
Posted (edited)

Wow, NICE upgrades since i last looked!

3 thumbs up :)


My suggestions:

Move everything out of the while loop (or as much as possible) and use the GUISetOnEventMode as to organise things and add a tiny sleep into the While loop ... just to reduce the CPU usage :(

Edited by SxyfrG

My scripts:AppLauncherTRAY - Awesome app launcher that runs from the system tray NEW VERSION! | Run Length Encoding - VERY simple compression in pure autoit | Simple Minesweeper Game - Fun little game :)My website


Limiter, after using your media player for a bit, these are a few bugs i've managed to find:

Pause button STOPS the song, instead of pausing it.

Pressing the play button once the song is playing causes the song to restart (if it's not a bug, it's annoying).

No song info comes up if the extended properties of a song cannot be found.

There are little black corners at the edges of any screen that fades in (using a for $i=1 to 255 Step 10 WinSetTrans($name,"",$i) Sleep(2) Next loop would get rid of those black edges and also provide a neat fade in effect)

Video player stops media players functions from working, hence my suggestion for GUISetOnEvent things so the two can operate together.

You can't change the theme, even though in 'settings' it allows you to.

CPU usage is still WAY too high, 02-05 i can understand when processing things, 38 while active is just ridiculous :(

I DON'T SEE ANY GPU LICENCE!!!!!! :) (you better include that, unless you've tucked it away in the application data folder :\)

My scripts:AppLauncherTRAY - Awesome app launcher that runs from the system tray NEW VERSION! | Run Length Encoding - VERY simple compression in pure autoit | Simple Minesweeper Game - Fun little game :)My website



-The pause button PAUSES the song NOT STOPS it !

Check the code :

Func pause()

Local $volume1 = (100 - GUICtrlRead($volslider)) * 10

If _SoundStatus($playlistsong) = "playing" Then

For $i = (100 - GUICtrlRead($volslider)) * 10 To 0 Step -5

_SoundVolume($playlistsong, $i)


$volume1 = (100 - GUICtrlRead($volslider)) * 10


_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, "Status : Paused ...", 0)

TraySetToolTip("L|M|TER Media Player v. " & $cver & @CRLF & "Song paused ...")



For $i = 0 To $volume1 Step 5

_SoundVolume($playlistsong, $i)


_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, "Status : Playing ...", 0)

TraySetToolTip("L|M|TER Media Player v. " & $cver & @CRLF & _GetExtProperty($playlistsong1, 16) & " - " & _GetExtProperty($playlistsong1, 10))


EndFunc ;==>pause

- The play buttons restarts the song because that's Winamp's default behaviour and i like it :)

- Where should I put the for loop ? before the guisetstate() of after ?

- I'll try to use GuiSetOnEvent ...

- For me the theme change works perfectly ...

- I'll try to reduce the CPU but i don't know how ? (i'll try the guisetonevent thing though)

- The GPL license will show if you enter the About GUI and press the License button :(

Thx for feedback ... :D


Hmm ... well i'm running the latest update from your auto update feature, and those were the bugs i managed to find :\

It may just be your server doesn't have the latest executable on it ...

About the GPL license, i'm talking about a physical text document copy :(

I see now that the pause button actually pauses the song, but due to logical thinking i've been pressing the play button to resume the songs so that's why it's been restarting ...

(i'd suggest checking that if the song is paused, the play button would resume the song once clicked, or at least change the colour of the pause button once clicked so people can tell to click it again to resume)


As to reducing the CPU usage, you have a million things in your While 1 loop!

Now i don't know if these are being called continuously or if they are needed, so i'm just going to treat it like they are needed.

My suggestions:

Use Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) and set this:

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, <exitfunc> ) (especially this, if not anything else)

and use GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Ctrl_Id, <func>) for all the controls you check for in your Switch $nMsg statement

Once you've done that, you can now include some sort of sleep into the statement without losing functionability (i don't know if this is 100% true as i don't have enough time to check it myself)

I'd suggest a sleep of 50 to 100, i.e.

While 1
     Sleep (100)
     ;Do all your stuff here

Now before you attempt any of this, if you deem my comments 'knowledgeable', back-up your current lmp.au3 file so you can switch back to the old memory consuming way if you accidentally stuff it up :D

This truly is a great media player, and i can't wait for all the CPU usage issues to be gone! :)

Enjoy your day,


My scripts:AppLauncherTRAY - Awesome app launcher that runs from the system tray NEW VERSION! | Run Length Encoding - VERY simple compression in pure autoit | Simple Minesweeper Game - Fun little game :)My website

Posted (edited)


I'll put the GPL in the %appdata% also :( ...

I'll make the play button resume the song if it's paused and i'll try to use guisetonevent :)

P.S. - I suggest you to download the version from the forum to be 100% sure that it's the latest ...

Cheers !

Edited by LIMITER

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