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to all of you that use TCPRecv on a connected socket it is important to know that TCPRecv works well on raw-data but for burst data (data occupying a screen of 80x25 in 3 packets for example or 20+ raws recv at once) unless you will do the following:

TCPsend (blablabla - command to send to server)
Sleep(1000)                                                 ; yeh amaizning ah... 1 sec I couldn't beleive it either! and it is on the local-LAN!!!! I think it is because of   
                                                                         the time it takes the packet to get to the application for processing or something....
$m = TCPRecv($ConnectedSocket, 16000, 0)

hope it will help whoever use Telnet emulation using AutoIT like me....


I'm kinda lost on where this is going.


I'm kinda lost on where this is going.

I think he meant that multiple sequencial receives from a socket are only possible with Sleep() beetween them,even on local Conections.


or you could use zatorg's Asynchronous sockets UDF

a good replacement for 'blocking' sockets

Asynchronous sockets UDF, No more multithreaded whining ;)


I used this for a firewall syslog monitor (modified for UDP)

excuse the url link.

my firefox must be borked...

is it me or is anyone else having problems now with

forum post editor menu items not responding other than the bold/code/italic/underline/quote tags?

I see fascists...

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