GaryFrost Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Manadar said: I have it uploaded (Thanks to NeoFoX) but the example still is missing. I'm waiting for Gary to reply to this thread, see if he still has a version of the example. I believe it was: #include <PixelGetColor.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC() $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0,0,@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") ; click left mouse button to exit While Not _IsPressed(0x01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() $sColor = _PixelGetColor_GetPixel($vDC, $aPos[0],$aPos[1], $hDll) ToolTip("The color under your mouse is: " & $sColor, $aPos[0]+3, $aPos[1]+3, "_PixelGetColor_GetPixel return") WEnd DllClose($hDll) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseRegion($vRegion) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseDC($vDC) SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
xekon Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 GaryFrost said: I believe it was: #include <PixelGetColor.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC() $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0,0,@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") ; click left mouse button to exit While Not _IsPressed(0x01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() $sColor = _PixelGetColor_GetPixel($vDC, $aPos[0],$aPos[1], $hDll) ToolTip("The color under your mouse is: " & $sColor, $aPos[0]+3, $aPos[1]+3, "_PixelGetColor_GetPixel return") WEnd DllClose($hDll) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseRegion($vRegion) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseDC($vDC) This will not work because the function "_PixelGetColor_GetPixel" accepts two parameters not 4, and Autoit throws an error saying wrong number of parameters. Anyone have a working example, or know what to change?
xekon Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 (edited) This one works for me, just had to remove the fourth parameter. #include <PixelGetColor.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC() $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0,0,@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") ; click left mouse button to exit While Not _IsPressed(0x01) $aPos = MouseGetPos() $sColor = _PixelGetColor_GetPixel($vDC, $aPos[0],$aPos[1]) ToolTip("The color under your mouse is: " & $sColor, $aPos[0]+3, $aPos[1]+3, "_PixelGetColor_GetPixel return") WEnd DllClose($hDll) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseRegion($vRegion) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseDC($vDC) Edited June 24, 2008 by xekon
jvanegmond Posted June 24, 2008 Author Posted June 24, 2008 Sorry about that, Xekon. I had an old version up there. Fixed in last update.
jvanegmond Posted June 24, 2008 Author Posted June 24, 2008 I also tried to automate a flash game, which failed horribly. I think I should not hide it's results. This shows AutoIt in it's pure slowness. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <_PixelGetColor.au3> ; MAGIC! ; Full topic here: Global $Aimbot = 0, $vRegion Opt("MouseClickDelay", 0) Opt("MouseClickDownDelay", 0) HotKeySet("{Space}", "ToggleAimbot") $oGame = ObjCreate ("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1") $GameForm = GUICreate("Aimbot Proof of Concept", 820, 660, 0, 0) $GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj ($oGame, 10, 10, 800, 580) $exitbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 704, 624, 89, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hit [Space] to toggle the aimbot", 16, 608, 300, 17) $status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Aimbot Status: Off", 16, 624, 500, 33) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") With $oGame .bgcolor = "#000000" .Movie = '' .ScaleMode = 2 .Loop = True .wmode = "Opaque" EndWith GUICtrlCreateLabel("Aimbot Options:", 340, 608, 78, 17) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC($hDll) GUISetState() While 1 If $Aimbot = 1 Then; Auto-Aim + Autoshoot $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 10,10,800,500,$hDll) For $x = 0 to 790 For $y = 0 to 490 $sColor = _PixelGetColor_GetPixel($vDC, $x, $y, $hDll) If $sColor = "FF9986" Then MouseClick('left', $x, $y, 1, 0) Send("r") EndIf Next Next EndIf $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $exitbutton, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd _PixelGetColor_ReleaseRegion($vRegion) _PixelGetColor_ReleaseDC($vDC,$hDll) DllClose($hDll) Exit Func ToggleAimbot() If $Aimbot < 1 Then $Aimbot = $Aimbot + 1 Else $Aimbot = 0 EndIf Select Case $Aimbot = 0 GUICtrlSetData($status, "Aimbot Status: Off") Case $Aimbot = 1 GUICtrlSetData($status, "Aimbot Status: AutoFind + AutoShoot") EndSelect EndFunc
Blahbots Posted August 2, 2008 Posted August 2, 2008 Hey, although this does work for a single pixel how would you use this to search for range or variations as you would with PixelSearch
jvanegmond Posted August 2, 2008 Author Posted August 2, 2008 Blahbots said: Hey, although this does work for a single pixel how would you use this to search for range or variations as you would with PixelSearchSomewhat like in the example above, only you'd have to write your own algorithm for determining the difference between two colors. I have something like it on my computer, but it isn't AutoIt. I hope you can understand it and convert it into AutoIt. ColorDiff.R = Color1.R - Color2.R ColorDiff.G = Color1.G - Color2.G ColorDiff.B = Color1.B - Color2.B if (ColorDiff.R < 0) then ColorDiff.R *= -1 end if (ColorDiff.G < 0) then ColorDiff.G *= -1 end if (ColorDiff.B < 0) then ColorDiff.B *= -1 end ColorDifference = ColorDiff.R + ColorDiff.G + ColorDiff.B if (ColorDifference < 100) then -- 100 is the sensitivity here -- do stuff end
Blahbots Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 I can understand it sertanly but since i am a total AutoIt nub i have no chance of making this into a proper algo...:\
BillLuvsU Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Just saw this again and thought I'd drop in tell you what a great job you did. I find myself using this more and more. [center][/center]Working on the next big thing.Currently Playing: Halo 4, League of LegendsXBL GT: iRememberYhslaw
chantling Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 I know this is an old thread, but I just stumbled across it and thought it'd be perfect for what I'm looking for. The only problem is that it seems to be significantly slower than PixelGetColor()?! Here's a test script: #include <_PixelGetColor.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $init=TimerInit() For $x=1 To 320 For $y=1 To 240 PixelGetColor($x,$y) Next Next MsgBox(0,"","100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @crlf & "Average: " & TimerDiff($init)/($x * $y)) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC($hDll) $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0,0,320,240,$hDll) $init=TimerInit() For $x=1 To 320 For $y=1 To 240 _PixelGetColor_GetPixel($vDC, $x,$y, $hDll) Next Next MsgBox(0,"","100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @crlf & "Average: " & TimerDiff($init)/($x * $y)) Upon running it, I get the following: PixelGetColor(): Time: ~10563 ms Avg: ~0.13655 ms _PixelGetColor_CreateDC(): Time: ~47431 ms Avg: ~0.61312 ms Am I doing something wrong? Would love to have a faster alternative to PixelGetColor.
jvanegmond Posted March 2, 2009 Author Posted March 2, 2009 chantling, this is not a replacement for PixelGetColor. The ideal way to use this would be for OCR, where you need to read many pixels that are concurrent with each other. After 10 seconds of reading pixels into an array, the screen has probably refreshed itself a few hundreds of times. With this method you will read all the pixels at once, and make them available to AutoIt at a later stage.Your results are horrible though:PixelGetColor():Time: ~1208 msAvg: ~0.0157 ms_PixelGetColor_CreateDC():Time: ~3328 msAvg: ~0.0430 ms
chantling Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Ah, ok. I understood the benefit of taking the one snapshot and not having to worry about the screen refreshing - I was (still am) thinking about using it for simple image recognition. I just thought that it would be faster than PixelGetColor b/c you're only taking the screenshot once, then operating on it from memory, whereas my understanding was that pixelgetcolor took a snapshot every time it's called.
jvanegmond Posted March 18, 2009 Author Posted March 18, 2009 (edited) Updated for speed. No longer relies on string operations (*shame*).Compatibility with previous versions is "non-existent" also known as script breaking.I still recommend using the _PixelGetColor_GetRaw function and rewriting your algorithm to use BGR.PixelGetColor100%: 1311.44265542129Average: 0.0169525595608418_PixelGetColor_GetPixel100%: 4878.42141948209Average: 0.0630606773946629_PixelGetColor_GetPixelRaw100%: 2670.78301851213Average: 0.0345238347952256Test script:#include <_PixelGetColor.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $init=TimerInit() For $x=1 To 320 For $y=1 To 240 PixelGetColor($x,$y) Next Next ConsoleWrite("[b]PixelGetColor[/b]" & @CRLF & "100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @crlf & "Average: " & TimerDiff($init)/($x * $y) & @CRLF & @CRLF) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC() $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0,0,320,240) $init=TimerInit() For $x=1 To 320 For $y=1 To 240 _PixelGetColor_GetPixel($vDC, $x,$y, $hDll) Next Next ConsoleWrite("[b]_PixelGetColor_GetPixel[/b]" & @CRLF & "100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @crlf & "Average: " & TimerDiff($init)/($x * $y) & @CRLF & @CRLF) DllClose($hDll) $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC() $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0,0,320,240) $init=TimerInit() For $x=1 To 320 For $y=1 To 240 _PixelGetColor_GetPixelRaw($vDC, $x,$y, $hDll) Next Next ConsoleWrite("[b]_PixelGetColor_GetPixelRaw[/b]" & @CRLF & "100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @crlf & "Average: " & TimerDiff($init)/($x * $y) & @CRLF) DllClose($hDll) Edited March 18, 2009 by Manadar
dexto Posted April 9, 2009 Posted April 9, 2009 Why are you guys bothering? There is little great function: PixelSearch()Test for 300x300 area:PixelGetColor100%: 1295.54316743593Average: 0.00516157297825462PixelSearch100%: 3.46136755706857Average: 1.39017151978103e-005SOLUTION: AutoIt team, PLEASE provide more of simple built-in functions!
JRowe Posted April 9, 2009 Posted April 9, 2009 (edited) Lrn2read. Seriously, both the search function, AND the information already in the threads you've posted in should be more than enough for whatever it is that you want. To be more specific, this gets the pixel from memory, not from the screen, meaning you can grab screenshots from minimized applications, effectively enabling you to automate as many concurrent instances as your hardware can handle. This script is pure gold, and your criticism is tripe. Think, or at least read, before you post next time. Edited April 9, 2009 by JRowe [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
dexto Posted April 9, 2009 Posted April 9, 2009 (edited) I totally Agree! It is a great UDF to add. Can you imagine using it for a game? Something that needs to respond to a pixel faster then 1 second delay? I know there will be new pixel search addition in the ( search pixel starting from left, right, bottom and top) Pixel functions are VERY CPU intensive because there are a lot of pixels to deal with. The best solution is to have built in algorithms that run C++! they are simple yet do a lot of work x1000 faster. Edited April 10, 2009 by dexto
dexto Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 Do you thing there could be a better way to capture screen to an array? _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion 100%: 6.34111961370737 _PixelGetColor_GetPixelRaw 100%: 110123.193945799 Average: 0.0623316217440469 #include <_PixelGetColor.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Global $w=@DesktopWidth Global $h=@DesktopHeight $hDll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") $vDC = _PixelGetColor_CreateDC() $init = TimerInit() $vRegion = _PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion($vDC, 0, 0, $w, $h) ConsoleWrite("_PixelGetColor_CaptureRegion" & @CRLF & "100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @CRLF & @CRLF) Dim $pix[$w][$h] $init = TimerInit() For $x = 1 To $w For $y = 1 To $h $pix[$x-1][$y-1]=_PixelGetColor_GetPixelRaw($vDC, $x, $y, $hDll) Next Next ConsoleWrite("_PixelGetColor_GetPixelRaw" & @CRLF & "100%: " & TimerDiff($init) & @CRLF & "Average: " & TimerDiff($init) / ($x * $y) & @CRLF) DllClose($hDll)
dexto Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 i did some research and: Quote Memory Device ContextsTo enable applications to place output in memory rather than sending it to an actual device, use a special device context for bitmap operations called a memory device context. A memory DC enables the system to treat a portion of memory as a virtual device. It is an array of bits in memory that an application can use temporarily to store the color data for bitmaps created on a normal drawing surface. Because the bitmap is compatible with the device, a memory DC is also sometimes referred to as a compatible device context.The memory DC stores bitmap images for a particular device. An application can create a memory DC by calling the CreateCompatibleDC function.The original bitmap in a memory DC is simply a placeholder. Its dimensions are one pixel by one pixel. Before an application can begin drawing, it must select a bitmap with the appropriate width and height into the DC by calling the SelectObject function. To create a bitmap of the appropriate dimensions, use the CreateBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect, or CreateCompatibleBitmap function. After the bitmap is selected into the memory DC, the system replaces the single-bit array with an array large enough to store color information for the specified rectangle of pixels.When an application passes the handle returned by CreateCompatibleDC to one of the drawing functions, the requested output does not appear on a device's drawing surface. Instead, the system stores the color information for the resultant line, curve, text, or region in the array of bits. The application can copy the image stored in memory back onto a drawing surface by calling the BitBlt function, identifying the memory DC as the source device context and a window or screen DC as the target device context. it possible to access that array directly?
jvanegmond Posted May 11, 2009 Author Posted May 11, 2009 I am using that array directly. The problem is that it only comes out one pixel at a time and so you have to rebuild the array and the DllCall's are quite slow. Maybe this could be rewritten as a plugin if that would be faster. Does anyone else have some experience in that?
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