zvvyt Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 i haven't found any simple way to minimize a speciffic window into tray anyone got a way to do it, or is it impossible?
James Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Some searching would send you in the right direction. I made a script to do this. Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
zvvyt Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 couldn't you just lend me your script? =) was unable to find what i was looking for when i searched =(
Swift Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 (edited) expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include "ModernMenu.au3" If Not IsDeclared("GW_OWNER") Then Global Const $GW_OWNER = 4 If Not IsDeclared("GWL_EXSTYLE") Then Global Const $GWL_EXSTYLE = -20 If Not IsDeclared("WM_GETICON") Then Global Const $WM_GETICON = 0x007F If Not IsDeclared("GCL_HICONSM") Then Global Const $GCL_HICONSM = -34 If Not IsDeclared("GCL_HICON") Then Global Const $GCL_HICON = -14 If Not IsDeclared("PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION") Then Global Const $PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400 If Not IsDeclared("PROCESS_VM_READ") Then Global Const $PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010 Dim $arTrayWin[500][3]; TrayIconID, WinTitle, WinHandle $arTrayWin[0][0] = 0 $nTrayIcon1 = _TrayIconCreate("Win2Tray", "shell32.dll", 12) _TrayIconSetClick(-1, 16) $TrayAbout = _TrayCreateItem(-1, "About") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "shell32.dll", 23) _TrayCreateItem(-1, "") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "", 0) $TrayExit = _TrayCreateItem(-1, "Exit") _TrayItemSetIcon(-1, "shell32.dll", 27) $nChkStart = TimerInit() While 1 If TimerDiff($nChkStart) >= 500 Then CheckWindows() $nChkStart = TimerInit() EndIf $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $TrayExit ExitLoop Case $TrayAbout MsgBox(0, "About", "Minimize all windows to the tray.") EndSwitch WEnd _TrayIconDelete($nTrayIcon1) ; Restores all windows before exit For $i = 1 To $arTrayWin[0][0] If $arTrayWin[$i][0] <> 0 Then ShowWindow($arTrayWin[$i][2], @SW_RESTORE) SetForegroundWindow($arTrayWin[$i][2]) _TrayIconDelete($arTrayWin[$i][0]) EndIf Next Exit ; Own functions Func TrayCallBack($nID, $nMsg) Local $i If $nMsg = $WM_LBUTTONUP Then For $i = 1 To $arTrayWin[0][0] If $arTrayWin[$i][0] > 0 And $arTrayWin[$i][0] = $nID Then ShowWindow($arTrayWin[$i][2], @SW_RESTORE) _TrayIconDelete($arTrayWin[$i][0]) $arTrayWin[$i][0] = 0 $arTrayWin[$i][1] = 0 $arTrayWin[$i][2] = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndFunc Func CheckWindows() Local $i, $k, $idx, $bFound Local $arWin = WinList() If IsArray($arWin) Then For $i = 1 To $arWin[0][0] If $arWin[$i][0] <> "" And _ Not IsToolWnd($arWin[$i][1]) Then If IsWindowVisible($arWin[$i][1]) And IsIconic($arWin[$i][1]) Then $bFound = FALSE For $k = 1 To $arTrayWin[0][0] If $arWin[$i][1] = $arTrayWin[$k][2] Then $bFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFound Then Win2Tray($arWin[$i][0], $arWin[$i][1]) ShowWindow($arWin[$i][1], @SW_HIDE) EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndIf For $i = 1 To $arTrayWin[0][0] If Not IsWindow($arTrayWin[$i][2]) Then _TrayIconDelete($arTrayWin[$i][0]) $arTrayWin[$i][0] = 0 $arTrayWin[$i][1] = 0 $arTrayWin[$i][2] = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc Func Win2Tray($sTitle, $hWnd) Local $i, $nFound = 0, $nID, $nResult For $i = 1 To $arTrayWin[0][0] If $arTrayWin[$i][0] = 0 Then $nFound = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Local $sFile = "" Local $hIcon = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SendMessage", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $WM_GETICON, _ "long", 2, _ "long", 0) $hIcon = $hIcon[0] If $hIcon = 0 Then $hIcon = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SendMessage", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $WM_GETICON, _ "long", 0, _ "long", 0) $hIcon = $hIcon[0] EndIf If $hIcon = 0 Then GetClassLong($hWnd, $GCL_HICONSM) If $hIcon = 0 Then GetClassLong($hWnd, $GCL_HICON) If $hIcon = 0 Then $sFile = @AutoItExe If $hIcon = 0 Then Local $nPID = WinGetProcess($hWnd) If $nPID <> -1 Then Local $hProc = OpenProcess(BitOR($PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, $PROCESS_VM_READ), 0, $nPID) If $hProc <> 0 Then Local $stMod = DllStructCreate("int[1024]") Local $stSize = DllStructCreate("dword") $nResult = EnumProcessModules($hProc, _ DllStructGetPtr($stMod), _ DllStructGetSize($stMod), _ DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) If $nResult <> 0 Then Local $stPath = DllStructCreate("char[260]") If GetModuleFileNameExA($hProc, _ DllStructGetData($stMod, 1), _ DllStructGetPtr($stPath), _ DllStructGetSize($stPath)) <> 0 Then $sFile = DllStructGetData($stPath, 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf $nID = _TrayIconCreate($sTitle, $sFile, 0, "TrayCallBack", 0, $hIcon) If $nFound = 0 Then $arTrayWin[0][0] += 1 $nFound = $arTrayWin[0][0] EndIf $arTrayWin[$nFound][0] = $nID $arTrayWin[$nFound][1] = $sTitle $arTrayWin[$nFound][2] = $hWnd EndFunc Func IsToolWnd($hWnd) Local $nExStyle = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowLong", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $GWL_EXSTYLE) Local $bResult = FALSE If BitAnd($nExStyle[0], $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) Then $bResult = TRUE Return $bResult EndFunc ; Dll functions Func IsWindow($hWnd) Local $nResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "IsWindow", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func IsIconic($hWnd) Local $nResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "IsIconic", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func IsWindowVisible($hWnd) Local $nResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "IsWindowVisible", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GetClassLong($hWnd, $nIdx) Local $hResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetClassLong", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $nIdx) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func OpenProcess($nAccess, $nHandle, $nPID) Local $hResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "hwnd", "OpenProcess", _ "dword", $nAccess, _ "int", $nHandle, _ "dword", $nPID) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func EnumProcessModules($hProc, $pModule, $nSize, $pReqSize) Local $nResult = DllCall("psapi.dll", "dword", "EnumProcessModules", _ "hwnd", $hProc, _ "ptr", $pModule, _ "dword", $nSize, _ "ptr", $pReqSize) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GetModuleFileNameExA($hProc, $hModule, $pFileName, $nSize) Local $nResult = DllCall("psapi.dll", "dword", "GetModuleFileNameExA", _ "hwnd", $hProc, _ "hwnd", $hModule, _ "ptr", $pFileName, _ "dword", $nSize) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc That. When ran...will minimize every window...that is minimized to the tray... EDIT: you will also need ModernMenu.au3...go search it...you'll find it. Edited January 30, 2008 by Swift
weaponx Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Dammit Swift didn't I already say something to you about reposting long pieces of code?#470568If its someone elses code please link to the original location so they can get credit and the forum isn't saturated with duplicated information.
Swift Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Sorry....I really had no idea where this came from...it just appeared on my desktop...
weaponx Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Sorry....I really had no idea where this came from...it just appeared on my desktop... Something tells me your desktop is not a pretty place.
Zedna Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 (edited) i haven't found any simple way to minimize a speciffic window into tray anyone got a way to do it, or is it impossible? Look here for very simple code. Here is some more generalised version: expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1) Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYUP,"SpecialEvent") ;~ TraySetState(2) ; hide GuiCreate("MyGUI", 392, 316,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE TrayShow(1) ; show Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd Func SpecialEvent() TrayShow(0) ; hide EndFunc Func TrayShow($show) ; 0/1 hide/show If $show Then GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE) TraySetState(1) ; show TraySetToolTip ("My app - click here to restore") Else GuiSetState(@SW_Show) TraySetState(2) ; hide EndIf EndFunc Edited January 30, 2008 by Zedna Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
BrettF Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Look here for very simple code. Here is some more generalised version: expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1) Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYUP,"SpecialEvent") ;~ TraySetState(2) ; hide GuiCreate("MyGUI", 392, 316,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE TrayShow(1) ; show Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd Func SpecialEvent() TrayShow(0) ; hide EndFunc Func TrayShow($show) ; 0/1 hide/show If $show Then GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE) TraySetState(1) ; show TraySetToolTip ("My app - click here to restore") Else GuiSetState(@SW_Show) TraySetState(2) ; hide EndIf EndFuncWow... That TrayShow ($show) is misleading. I was about to say shouldn't it be the other way round... But I see that 0 = a hidden window and 1 = a shown window... Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Zedna Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Wow... That TrayShow ($show) is misleading. I was about to say shouldn't it be the other way round... But I see that 0 = a hidden window and 1 = a shown window... No! it's OK. It's TrayShow so when $show = 1 then show tray and hide window. It's not WinShow ;-) Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
zvvyt Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 (edited) Look here for very simple code.thx for that very simple solutionhelped me a lot! Edited January 31, 2008 by zvvyt
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