SadBunny Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 (edited) Sadbunny's analog/digital AutoIt alarm clock!Simpler but far more effective then my other AutoIt clock... Which also almost no-one cared about. Well heck, as long as I care about my own ability to get out of bed early enough to be only a minute late to work, I guess I can pat myself on the back Born out of the fact that my old alarm clock started boring me. And also because I was trying out a few of these here GuiCtrl[Create/Set]Graphic functions anyway.Do anything you want with this code except for any commercial stuff. But do credit me. And notify me on the AutoIt forum if you find the time - just for my øwn kicks (Not that I believe there's anyone in this world who would find any need to steal some of this code... I just like writing things like that )Use Left Mouse Button to set alarm, and Right Mouse Button to unset alarm or to quit sounding it.Note: the default alarm sound is @WindowsDir & "\media\ringin.wav". This because it should be present on pretty much any Windows box, and it is a really good alarm clock sound IMHO. I've been waking up to this sound for months now - my AutoItScript is way more useful and dependable than my physical alarm clock.Known Issues: Every time a refresh command is sent to one specific Graphic control, all other graphic controls seem to receive a refresh command too. This causes a small (small on my system at least) flicker every time @SEC changes... If anybody has any suggestions, I'd be happy to be informed.Two advantages:1 - The alarm keeps sounding FOREVER until you quit it. Hey, I can't bring myself to become conscious in the 30 seconds that most alarm clocks ring. Having to type in my screensaver password before being able to switch off the alarm really, REALLY helps.2 - The volume is ofcourse adjustable through speaker or windows settings. I'm not a radio or MP3 alarm clock guy, I use a beeping clock for my physical one.Plans:1 - introduce a button for a settings window, that will at least include a function to set alarm repetition intended for snoozing, like 'sound for A seconds every B minutes between time C and D, and at time E sound forever until quit by user.Damn, in the morning I'm so lazy that I don't even want to worry about the need to press the Snooze button -there's gotta be automation for that... I make up for that by losing sleep in the evening coding an alarm clock. Damn, sucks to be me! expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Dim $aDigChar[13] _initDigChar($aDigChar) Dim $aXY[2] Global $sec = @SEC Global $MinDegree = 0 Global $HourDegree = 0 Global $AlarmDegree = 0 Global $alarmHour = 0 Global $alarmMin = 0 Global $alarmSec = 0 Global $alarmIsSet = False Global $alarmIsSounding = False Global $previousMinDegree = 0 Global $previousHourDegree = 0 Global $previousAlarmDegree = 0 Global $pi = 3.14159265358979 Global $degToRad = $pi / 180 Global $RadToDeg = 1 / $degToRad #include <Sound.au3> Global $alarmFile = @WindowsDir & "\media\ringin.wav" Global $soundHandle = _SoundOpen($alarmFile, "alarmfile") $gui = GUICreate("Test", 702, 702) GUISetBkColor(0x000000) GUISetState() $megavierkant = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, 700, 700) $vierkant = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(150, 150, 400, 400) $secSquare = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, 0, 0) $timeSquare = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(5, 5, 200, 30) $alarmSquare = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(560, 5, 200, 30) _drawInitBorder($megavierkant) Dim $msg[1] While 1 ; main loop, waits until @sec changes and then executes main drawing management function While @SEC = $sec $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) If $msg[0] = -3 Then Exit If $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN Then $alarmIsSounding = False _SoundStop($soundHandle) $mX = $msg[3] - 350 $mY = $msg[4] - 350 $clickAngle = Int(ATan($mY / $mX) * $RadToDeg) + 90 If $mX < 0 Then $clickAngle += 180 $alarmHour = Int($clickAngle / 30) $alarmMin = Mod($clickAngle, 30) * 2 $alarmSec = 0 $alarmIsSet = True _draw() EndIf If $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN Then $alarmIsSounding = False _SoundStop($soundHandle) GUICtrlDelete($alarmSquare) $alarmIsSet = False $alarmHour = -1 _draw(True) EndIf Sleep(20) If $alarmIsSounding Then _soundAlarm() WEnd _draw() Sleep(50) $sec = @SEC If (@HOUR = $alarmHour Or @HOUR = 12 + $alarmHour) And @MIN = $alarmMin And $alarmIsSet Then $alarmIsSounding = True EndIf WEnd Exit Func _soundAlarm() If _SoundStatus($soundHandle) = "stopped" Then _SoundSeek($soundHandle,0,0,0) _SoundPlay($soundHandle, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_soundAlarm Func _draw($forceDraw = False) ; calculates angles for min/sec dials, manages execution of drawing routines Local $doDraw = False $MinDegree = Int((90 - @MIN * 6) - @SEC * 0.1) $HourDegree = Int((90 - @HOUR * 30) - @MIN * .5) $AlarmDegree = Int((90 - $alarmHour * 30) - $alarmMin * .5) If $MinDegree <> $previousMinDegree Or $AlarmDegree <> $previousAlarmDegree Then $doDraw = True $previousMinDegree = $MinDegree $previousAlarmDegree = $AlarmDegree EndIf If $doDraw Or $forceDraw Then GUICtrlDelete($vierkant) $vierkant = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(150, 150, 400, 400) _drawHourPie($vierkant) _drawMinPie($vierkant) If $alarmIsSet Then _drawAlarmPie($vierkant) GUICtrlSetGraphic($vierkant, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) $doDraw = False EndIf Sleep(25) _drawSec() _drawTime() If $alarmIsSet Then _drawAlarmTime() GUICtrlSetGraphic($secSquare, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) EndFunc ;==>_draw Func _drawTime() ; manages execution of write commands for HH MM SS characters GUICtrlDelete($timeSquare) $timeSquare = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(5, 5, 200, 30) _timeWrite(1, Int(@HOUR / 10), "regular", $timeSquare) _timeWrite(20, Mod(@HOUR, 10), "regular", $timeSquare) _timeWrite(50, Int(@MIN / 10), "regular", $timeSquare) _timeWrite(70, Mod(@MIN, 10), "regular", $timeSquare) _timeWrite(100, Int(@SEC / 10), "regular", $timeSquare) _timeWrite(120, Mod(@SEC, 10), "regular", $timeSquare) EndFunc ;==>_drawTime Func _drawAlarmTime() ; manages execution of write commands for HH MM SS characters for the alarm time GUICtrlDelete($alarmSquare) $alarmSquare = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(480, 5, 220, 30) _timeWrite(1, 10, "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(20, 11, "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(50, 12, "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(80, Int($alarmHour / 10), "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(100, Mod($alarmHour, 10), "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(130, Int($alarmMin / 10), "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(150, Mod($alarmMin, 10), "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(180, Int($alarmSec / 10), "alarm", $alarmSquare) _timeWrite(200, Mod($alarmSec, 10), "alarm", $alarmSquare) EndFunc ;==>_drawAlarmTime Func _timeWrite($pos, $num, $type, $graph) ; $type is "regular" or "alarm" ; manages coloring and writing of LEDs for time writing _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 1, 1), $type);0 _line($graph, $pos + 5, 2, $pos + 3, 10) _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 2, 1), $type);1 _line($graph, $pos + 2, 14, $pos + 0, 22) _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 3, 1), $type);2 _line($graph, $pos + 5 + 2, 0, $pos + 5 + 8, 0) _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 4, 1), $type);3 _line($graph, $pos + 2 + 2, 12, $pos + 2 + 8, 12) _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 5, 1), $type);4 _line($graph, $pos + 2, 24, $pos + 8, 24) _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 6, 1), $type);5 _line($graph, $pos + 5 + 10, 2, $pos + 3 + 10, 10) _setColorAndPenForWrite(StringMid($aDigChar[$num], 7, 1), $type);6 _line($graph, $pos + 2 + 10, 14, $pos + 10, 22) EndFunc ;==>_timeWrite Func _line($graph, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) ; draws line for time writing GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_MOVE, $x1 + 2, $y1 + 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_LINE, $x2 + 2, $y2 + 2) EndFunc ;==>_line Func _setColorAndPenForWrite($char, $type) ; sets color and pen for next line in time writing, based on '0' or '1' in the DigChar array If $char = "1" Then If $type = "alarm" Then GUICtrlSetGraphic($alarmSquare, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($alarmSquare, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xCCCCCC, 0xCCCCCC) Else GUICtrlSetGraphic($timeSquare, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($timeSquare, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xEE0000, 0xEE0000) EndIf Else If $type = "alarm" Then GUICtrlSetGraphic($alarmSquare, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($alarmSquare, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x444444, 0x444444) Else GUICtrlSetGraphic($timeSquare, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($timeSquare, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x660000, 0x660000) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_setColorAndPenForWrite Func _drawSec() ; draws circle seconds indicator $aXY = _getXY(@SEC, 240) GUICtrlDelete($secSquare) $secSquare = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(350 + $aXY[0] - 8, 350 + $aXY[1] - 8, 16, 16) GUICtrlSetGraphic($secSquare, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x0000FF, 0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetGraphic($secSquare, $GUI_GR_ELLIPSE, 0, 0, 16, 16) EndFunc ;==>_drawSec Func _drawAlarmPie($graph) ; draws alarm dial GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xDDDDDD, 0xDDDDDD) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 228, $AlarmDegree, 0) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xBB9999, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 120, $AlarmDegree - 1, 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x996666, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 70, $AlarmDegree - 2, 4) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x773333, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 20, $AlarmDegree - 4, 8) Return True EndFunc ;==>_drawAlarmPie Func _drawMinPie($graph) ; draws minute dial GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xBBBB00, 0xBBBB00) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 200, $MinDegree - 2, 4) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 220, $MinDegree, 0) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x000000, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 150, $MinDegree - 1, 2) Return True EndFunc ;==>_drawMinPie Func _drawHourPie($graph) ; draws hour dial GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xAA0000, 0xAA0000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 140, $HourDegree - 4, 8) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 160, $HourDegree, 0) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x000000, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($graph, $GUI_GR_PIE, 200, 200, 120, $HourDegree - 1, 2) Return True EndFunc ;==>_drawHourPie Func _getXY($sec, $hypo) ; returns array with X,Y coordinates for the seconds points for $sec seconds, with $hypo(tenuse) distance from center Dim $result[2] Local $pi = 3.14159265358979 Local $degToRad = $pi / 180 Local $degrees = $sec * 6 - 90 Local $x = Cos($degrees * $degToRad) * $hypo Local $y = Sin($degrees * $degToRad) * $hypo $result[0] = $x $result[1] = $y Return $result EndFunc ;==>_getXY Func _drawInitBorder($megavierkant) ; draws initial border 'circle' For $count = 1 To 60 If $count / 5 = Int($count / 5) Then Dim $a1 = _getXY($count, 260) Dim $a2 = _getXY($count, 280) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 4) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x00CC00, 0x00CC00) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 350 + $a1[0], 350 + $a1[1]) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_LINE, 350 + $a2[0], 350 + $a2[1]) Else Dim $a1 = _getXY($count, 270) Dim $a2 = _getXY($count, 280) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 3) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x008800, 0x008800) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 350 + $a1[0], 350 + $a1[1]) GUICtrlSetGraphic($megavierkant, $GUI_GR_LINE, 350 + $a2[0], 350 + $a2[1]) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_drawInitBorder Func _initDigChar(ByRef $aDigChar) ; define leds for digital numbers: 1 or 0 for leds on/off in 7-led digital clock characters $aDigChar[0] = "1110111" $aDigChar[1] = "0000011" $aDigChar[2] = "0111110" $aDigChar[3] = "0011111" $aDigChar[4] = "1001011" $aDigChar[5] = "1011101" $aDigChar[6] = "1111101" $aDigChar[7] = "0010011" $aDigChar[8] = "1111111" $aDigChar[9] = "1011111" $aDigChar[10] = "1111011" ; A $aDigChar[11] = "1100100" ; L $aDigChar[12] = "0001000" ; - EndFunc ;==>_initDigChar Edited January 29, 2008 by SadBunny Lion66 and angrof 1 1 Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martin Posted January 27, 2008 Share Posted January 27, 2008 Very nice. Flicker a lot though. In your main while loop maybe you could have While 1 if GuiGetMsg() = -3 then exit If @sec <> $sec then _draw() $sec = @SEC endif WEnd Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SadBunny Posted January 27, 2008 Author Share Posted January 27, 2008 Very nice. Flicker a lot though. In your main while loop maybe you could have While 1 if GuiGetMsg() = -3 then exit If @sec <> $sec then _draw() $sec = @SEC endif WEnd Thanks! Will add the quit thingy I tried to battle the flickering by creating separate Graphic controls and refreshing them separately only when needed, but it turned out that when I sent $GUI_GR_REFRESH to a single Graphic control, all other graphic controls refresh too - making a flicker because everything is redrawn. I ended up deleting a complete Graphic control and recreating and rebuilding it when it needed a refresh, since that seems to be faster when the Refresh is sent. If you have any suggestions to refresh or kill/rebuild one Graphic control without affecting the other ones, I would be very happy to receive your enlightenment... It would save me (and my ludicrous amount of dedicated fans) a whole lot of flickering! Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SadBunny Posted January 29, 2008 Author Share Posted January 29, 2008 Added the quit thingy. More importantly, added an alarm dial that sounds a ringing sound (an age old default Windows sound) at a specified time, not taking AM/PM in consideration, just like an physical old analog alarm clock. Next, time for the snooze repedition mode definition function. (Damn, in Dutch you could write that all with one word... ) Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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