Innovative Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 because the returned text is too long for a post -.- i'll upload a .txt file thenreturned.txt
BrettF Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 I could not see 1 error, except for SetError(1). Well. I guess now, you can console write every varible... Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Innovative Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 ? What you mean by that ? so what must i do to make my stringencrypt works ?
BrettF Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 ? What you mean by that ? so what must i do to make my stringencrypt works ?You could try find the exact point where it fails. Something isn't going right. But no one is getting your problem? I don't know where to start. What is your OS, Service packs, keyboard language... Can you decrypt a string? Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Innovative Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 I cannot encrypt.. how can i decrypt -.- win_XP service pack 2
Innovative Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 EDIT : I cannot decrpyt .. I tried running this#include <string.au3>ConsoleWrite("String returned is : -" & _StringEncrypt(0, "10249CAA2F88B4EB", "test") & "-" & @crlf)and it returned >"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\singlefile.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>18:08:20 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86)>Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3+>18:08:20 AU3Check ended.rc:0>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\singlefile.au3" String returned is : --+>18:08:20 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0>Exit code: 0 Time: 2.406
GaryFrost Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Try this: #include <string.au3> $sTest = "This is a test" $sReturned = _StringEncrypt(1, $sTest, "test") ConsoleWrite("String returned is : -" & $sReturned & "-" & @crlf) ConsoleWrite("String returned is : -" & _StringEncrypt(0, $sReturned, "test") & "-" & @crlf) Your output should be similar to this: >"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "F:\Autoit_files\test files\test4.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>04:19:04 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86) >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 +>04:19:04 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "F:\Autoit_files\test files\test4.au3" String returned is : -12249CDE2882B497699695D1360C13718497BC3A2D030E2A63D0273B- String returned is : -This is a test- +>04:19:05 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 >Exit code: 0 Time: 2.039 SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs  Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Â
Innovative Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 Very sorry but , it returned>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\singlefile.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>19:05:23 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86)>Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3+>19:05:26 AU3Check ended.rc:0>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\singlefile.au3" String returned is : --String returned is : --+>19:05:32 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0>Exit code: 0 Time: 11.195
PsaltyDS Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Try this: #include <string.au3> $sTest = "This is a test" $sReturned = _StringEncrypt(1, $sTest, "test") ConsoleWrite("String returned is : -" & $sReturned & "-" & @crlf) ConsoleWrite("String returned is : -" & _StringEncrypt(0, $sReturned, "test") & "-" & @crlf) We've been there, back at post #8. The next attempt was with the #include removed and the function locally copied into the script from a working machine (mine) in post #33. After that I started inserting debug captures of the input/output of the function in post #35. Bert then took that to the extreme in post #38. This is not a bug, as it only fails on the OP's machine, and works for everyone else. If CrazeStar1074 is running these scripts as posted, they should work. Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Innovative Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 So why exactly it returned a blank string ? i just cant figure out why.
PsaltyDS Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 This version is more "instrumented" to see some of the internal activity of the function. Run this verbatim in SciTE and post the results from the console: expandcollapse popup$encrypt = _StringEncrypt(1, "test", "test") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $encrypt = " & $encrypt & " @error = " & @error & " @extended = " & @extended & @LF & @LF) $decrypt = _StringEncrypt(0, $encrypt, "test") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $dencrypt = " & $decrypt & " @error = " & @error & " @extended = " & @extended & @LF) ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _StringEncrypt() ; Description: RC4 Based string encryption ; Parameter(s): $i_Encrypt - 1 to encrypt, 0 to decrypt ; $s_EncryptText - string to encrypt ; $s_EncryptPassword - string to use as an encryption password ; $i_EncryptLevel - integer to use as number of times to encrypt string ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the string encrypted (blank) times with (blank) password ; On Failure - Returns a blank string and sets @error = 1 ; Author(s): Wes Wolfe-Wolvereness <Weswolf at aol dot com> ;=============================================================================== Func _StringEncrypt($i_Encrypt, $s_EncryptText, $s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptLevel = 1) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_Encrypt = " & $i_Encrypt & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptText = " & $s_EncryptText & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptPassword = " & $s_EncryptPassword & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_EncryptLevel = " & $i_EncryptLevel & @LF) If $i_Encrypt <> 0 And $i_Encrypt <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite("Debug: Bad parameter: $i_Encrypt" & @LF) SetError(1) Return '' ElseIf $s_EncryptText = '' Or $s_EncryptPassword = '' Then ConsoleWrite("Debug: Bad parameter: $s_EncryptText or $s_EncryptPassword" & @LF) SetError(1) Return '' Else ConsoleWrite("Debug: Good parameters" & @LF) If Number($i_EncryptLevel) <= 0 Or Int($i_EncryptLevel) <> $i_EncryptLevel Then $i_EncryptLevel = 1 ConsoleWrite("Debug: Parameter: $i_EncryptLevel = " & $i_EncryptLevel & @LF) Local $v_EncryptModified Local $i_EncryptCountH Local $i_EncryptCountG Local $v_EncryptSwap Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] Local $i_EncryptCountA Local $i_EncryptCountB Local $i_EncryptCountC Local $i_EncryptCountD Local $i_EncryptCountE Local $v_EncryptCipher Local $v_EncryptCipherBy If $i_Encrypt = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("Debug: Encrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = 1" & @LF) For $i_EncryptCountF = 0 To $i_EncryptLevel Step 1 $i_EncryptCountG = '' $i_EncryptCountH = '' $v_EncryptModified = '' For $i_EncryptCountG = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) If $i_EncryptCountH = StringLen($s_EncryptPassword) Then $i_EncryptCountH = 1 Else $i_EncryptCountH += 1 EndIf $v_EncryptModified = $v_EncryptModified & Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountG, 1)), Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptCountH, 1)), 255)) Next ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $i_EncryptCountH = " & $i_EncryptCountH & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptModified = " & StringToBinary($v_EncryptModified) & @LF) $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptModified $i_EncryptCountA = '' $i_EncryptCountB = 0 $i_EncryptCountC = '' $i_EncryptCountD = '' $i_EncryptCountE = '' $v_EncryptCipherBy = '' $v_EncryptCipher = '' $v_EncryptSwap = '' $av_EncryptBox = '' Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1] = Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, Mod($i_EncryptCountA, StringLen($s_EncryptPassword)) + 1, 1)) $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $i_EncryptCountA Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $i_EncryptCountB = Mod(($i_EncryptCountB + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1]), 256) $v_EncryptSwap = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] = $v_EncryptSwap Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) $i_EncryptCountC = Mod(($i_EncryptCountC + 1), 256) $i_EncryptCountD = Mod(($i_EncryptCountD + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0]), 256) $i_EncryptCountE = $av_EncryptBox[Mod(($av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountD][0]), 256)][0] $v_EncryptCipherBy = BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountA, 1)), $i_EncryptCountE) $v_EncryptCipher &= Hex($v_EncryptCipherBy, 2) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptCipher ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $s_EncryptText = " & $s_EncryptText & @LF) Next Else ConsoleWrite("Debug: Decrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = " & $i_Encrypt & @LF) For $i_EncryptCountF = 0 To $i_EncryptLevel Step 1 $i_EncryptCountB = 0 $i_EncryptCountC = '' $i_EncryptCountD = '' $i_EncryptCountE = '' $v_EncryptCipherBy = '' $v_EncryptCipher = '' $v_EncryptSwap = '' $av_EncryptBox = '' Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1] = Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, Mod($i_EncryptCountA, StringLen($s_EncryptPassword)) + 1, 1)) $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $i_EncryptCountA Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $i_EncryptCountB = Mod(($i_EncryptCountB + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1]), 256) $v_EncryptSwap = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] = $v_EncryptSwap Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) Step 2 $i_EncryptCountC = Mod(($i_EncryptCountC + 1), 256) $i_EncryptCountD = Mod(($i_EncryptCountD + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0]), 256) $i_EncryptCountE = $av_EncryptBox[Mod(($av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountD][0]), 256)][0] $v_EncryptCipherBy = BitXOR(Dec(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountA, 2)), $i_EncryptCountE) $v_EncryptCipher = $v_EncryptCipher & Chr($v_EncryptCipherBy) ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = " & StringToBinary($v_EncryptCipher) & @LF) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptCipher $i_EncryptCountG = '' $i_EncryptCountH = '' $v_EncryptModified = '' For $i_EncryptCountG = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) If $i_EncryptCountH = StringLen($s_EncryptPassword) Then $i_EncryptCountH = 1 Else $i_EncryptCountH += 1 EndIf $v_EncryptModified &= Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountG, 1)), Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptCountH, 1)), 255)) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptModified Next EndIf ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() output: $s_EncryptText = " & $s_EncryptText & @LF) Return $s_EncryptText EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StringEncrypt The results should look like: expandcollapse popup>"C:\Progra~1\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Temp\Test\Test1.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>10:17:15 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86) >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 +>10:17:15 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Temp\Test\Test1.au3" Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_Encrypt = 1 Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptText = test Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptPassword = test Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Good parameters Debug: Parameter: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Encrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = 1 Debug: Variables: $i_EncryptCountH = 4 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptModified = 0xFFFFFFFF Debug: Variables: $s_EncryptText = 5170D8EE Debug: Variables: $i_EncryptCountH = 4 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptModified = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2C9CE Debug: Variables: $s_EncryptText = 10249CAA2F88B4EB Debug: _StringEncrypt() output: $s_EncryptText = 10249CAA2F88B4EB Debug: $encrypt = 10249CAA2F88B4EB @error = 0 @extended = 0 Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_Encrypt = 0 Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptText = 10249CAA2F88B4EB Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptPassword = test Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Good parameters Debug: Parameter: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Decrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = 0 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBE Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEAB Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBB Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBB Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2C9 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2C9CE Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFFFF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFFFFFF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFFFFFFFF Debug: _StringEncrypt() output: $s_EncryptText = test Debug: $dencrypt = test @error = 0 @extended = 0 +>10:17:16 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 >Exit code: 0 Time: 1.650 Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
whim Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 In view of the fact that OP is the only 1 in this thread for whom his code doesn't work, and since he has already reinstalled AutoIt, it would seem he needs to: a) Check for viruses/rootkits or Repair or reinstall Windows just my 2c - whim
PsaltyDS Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 In view of the fact that OP is the only 1 in this thread for whom his code doesn't work,and since he has already reinstalled AutoIt, it would seem he needs to:a) Check for viruses/rootkits or Repair or reinstall Windowsjust my 2c - whimVery possible. But I am curious at what point this function is failing. Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
BrettF Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Very possible. But I am curious at what point this function is failing. As am I. And now we wait... Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Innovative Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 (edited) This version is more "instrumented" to see some of the internal activity of the function. Run this verbatim in SciTE and post the results from the console: expandcollapse popup$encrypt = _StringEncrypt(1, "test", "test") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $encrypt = " & $encrypt & " @error = " & @error & " @extended = " & @extended & @LF & @LF) $decrypt = _StringEncrypt(0, $encrypt, "test") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $dencrypt = " & $decrypt & " @error = " & @error & " @extended = " & @extended & @LF) ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _StringEncrypt() ; Description: RC4 Based string encryption ; Parameter(s): $i_Encrypt - 1 to encrypt, 0 to decrypt ; $s_EncryptText - string to encrypt ; $s_EncryptPassword - string to use as an encryption password ; $i_EncryptLevel - integer to use as number of times to encrypt string ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the string encrypted (blank) times with (blank) password ; On Failure - Returns a blank string and sets @error = 1 ; Author(s): Wes Wolfe-Wolvereness <Weswolf at aol dot com> ;=============================================================================== Func _StringEncrypt($i_Encrypt, $s_EncryptText, $s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptLevel = 1) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_Encrypt = " & $i_Encrypt & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptText = " & $s_EncryptText & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptPassword = " & $s_EncryptPassword & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_EncryptLevel = " & $i_EncryptLevel & @LF) If $i_Encrypt <> 0 And $i_Encrypt <> 1 Then ConsoleWrite("Debug: Bad parameter: $i_Encrypt" & @LF) SetError(1) Return '' ElseIf $s_EncryptText = '' Or $s_EncryptPassword = '' Then ConsoleWrite("Debug: Bad parameter: $s_EncryptText or $s_EncryptPassword" & @LF) SetError(1) Return '' Else ConsoleWrite("Debug: Good parameters" & @LF) If Number($i_EncryptLevel) <= 0 Or Int($i_EncryptLevel) <> $i_EncryptLevel Then $i_EncryptLevel = 1 ConsoleWrite("Debug: Parameter: $i_EncryptLevel = " & $i_EncryptLevel & @LF) Local $v_EncryptModified Local $i_EncryptCountH Local $i_EncryptCountG Local $v_EncryptSwap Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] Local $i_EncryptCountA Local $i_EncryptCountB Local $i_EncryptCountC Local $i_EncryptCountD Local $i_EncryptCountE Local $v_EncryptCipher Local $v_EncryptCipherBy If $i_Encrypt = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("Debug: Encrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = 1" & @LF) For $i_EncryptCountF = 0 To $i_EncryptLevel Step 1 $i_EncryptCountG = '' $i_EncryptCountH = '' $v_EncryptModified = '' For $i_EncryptCountG = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) If $i_EncryptCountH = StringLen($s_EncryptPassword) Then $i_EncryptCountH = 1 Else $i_EncryptCountH += 1 EndIf $v_EncryptModified = $v_EncryptModified & Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountG, 1)), Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptCountH, 1)), 255)) Next ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $i_EncryptCountH = " & $i_EncryptCountH & @LF) ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptModified = " & StringToBinary($v_EncryptModified) & @LF) $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptModified $i_EncryptCountA = '' $i_EncryptCountB = 0 $i_EncryptCountC = '' $i_EncryptCountD = '' $i_EncryptCountE = '' $v_EncryptCipherBy = '' $v_EncryptCipher = '' $v_EncryptSwap = '' $av_EncryptBox = '' Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1] = Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, Mod($i_EncryptCountA, StringLen($s_EncryptPassword)) + 1, 1)) $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $i_EncryptCountA Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $i_EncryptCountB = Mod(($i_EncryptCountB + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1]), 256) $v_EncryptSwap = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] = $v_EncryptSwap Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) $i_EncryptCountC = Mod(($i_EncryptCountC + 1), 256) $i_EncryptCountD = Mod(($i_EncryptCountD + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0]), 256) $i_EncryptCountE = $av_EncryptBox[Mod(($av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountD][0]), 256)][0] $v_EncryptCipherBy = BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountA, 1)), $i_EncryptCountE) $v_EncryptCipher &= Hex($v_EncryptCipherBy, 2) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptCipher ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $s_EncryptText = " & $s_EncryptText & @LF) Next Else ConsoleWrite("Debug: Decrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = " & $i_Encrypt & @LF) For $i_EncryptCountF = 0 To $i_EncryptLevel Step 1 $i_EncryptCountB = 0 $i_EncryptCountC = '' $i_EncryptCountD = '' $i_EncryptCountE = '' $v_EncryptCipherBy = '' $v_EncryptCipher = '' $v_EncryptSwap = '' $av_EncryptBox = '' Local $av_EncryptBox[256][2] For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1] = Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, Mod($i_EncryptCountA, StringLen($s_EncryptPassword)) + 1, 1)) $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $i_EncryptCountA Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 0 To 255 $i_EncryptCountB = Mod(($i_EncryptCountB + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][1]), 256) $v_EncryptSwap = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountA][0] = $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountB][0] = $v_EncryptSwap Next For $i_EncryptCountA = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) Step 2 $i_EncryptCountC = Mod(($i_EncryptCountC + 1), 256) $i_EncryptCountD = Mod(($i_EncryptCountD + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0]), 256) $i_EncryptCountE = $av_EncryptBox[Mod(($av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountC][0] + $av_EncryptBox[$i_EncryptCountD][0]), 256)][0] $v_EncryptCipherBy = BitXOR(Dec(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountA, 2)), $i_EncryptCountE) $v_EncryptCipher = $v_EncryptCipher & Chr($v_EncryptCipherBy) ConsoleWrite("Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = " & StringToBinary($v_EncryptCipher) & @LF) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptCipher $i_EncryptCountG = '' $i_EncryptCountH = '' $v_EncryptModified = '' For $i_EncryptCountG = 1 To StringLen($s_EncryptText) If $i_EncryptCountH = StringLen($s_EncryptPassword) Then $i_EncryptCountH = 1 Else $i_EncryptCountH += 1 EndIf $v_EncryptModified &= Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptText, $i_EncryptCountG, 1)), Asc(StringMid($s_EncryptPassword, $i_EncryptCountH, 1)), 255)) Next $s_EncryptText = $v_EncryptModified Next EndIf ConsoleWrite("Debug: _StringEncrypt() output: $s_EncryptText = " & $s_EncryptText & @LF) Return $s_EncryptText EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StringEncrypt The results should look like: expandcollapse popup>"C:\Progra~1\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Temp\Test\Test1.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>10:17:15 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2 CPU:X86) >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 +>10:17:15 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Temp\Test\Test1.au3" Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_Encrypt = 1 Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptText = test Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptPassword = test Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Good parameters Debug: Parameter: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Encrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = 1 Debug: Variables: $i_EncryptCountH = 4 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptModified = 0xFFFFFFFF Debug: Variables: $s_EncryptText = 5170D8EE Debug: Variables: $i_EncryptCountH = 4 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptModified = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2C9CE Debug: Variables: $s_EncryptText = 10249CAA2F88B4EB Debug: _StringEncrypt() output: $s_EncryptText = 10249CAA2F88B4EB Debug: $encrypt = 10249CAA2F88B4EB @error = 0 @extended = 0 Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_Encrypt = 0 Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptText = 10249CAA2F88B4EB Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $s_EncryptPassword = test Debug: _StringEncrypt() inputs: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Good parameters Debug: Parameter: $i_EncryptLevel = 1 Debug: Decrypting: Parameter: $i_Encrypt = 0 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBE Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEAB Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBB Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBB Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2C9 Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xBEABBBBBCFA2C9CE Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFFFF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFFFFFF Debug: Variables: $v_EncryptCipher = 0xFFFFFFFF Debug: _StringEncrypt() output: $s_EncryptText = test Debug: $dencrypt = test @error = 0 @extended = 0 +>10:17:16 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 >Exit code: 0 Time: 1.650 That fails too.. Anyway, im using Avast antivirus , is there a possiblity that avast might stop the script from running or what ? EDIT : I've tried disabling avast and try running the script.. But it still fails.. Edited January 31, 2008 by CrazeStar1074
BrettF Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 That fails too.. Anyway, im using Avast antivirus , is there a possiblity that avast might stop the script from running or what ?EDIT : I've tried disabling avast and try running the script.. But it still fails..Can we see your results please? Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
BrettF Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 here..Copy and Paste! We've asked that of you before... Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Innovative Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 So how.. Whats the prob -.- P.S. : You said you wanted to SEE the result.. so i posted the image instead.
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