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Hey, I was wondering if it's possible to do this:

Create a window that asks you how many times do you want to repeat the Script. Whatever number you enter, is how many times the script does it lol :P

I haven't got the script it's going to be used with, but i'm a lil confused. :D

So far, I think i'm using the wrong thing? I'm currently trying to do it with InputBox; to no avail! ;)

Thank you! :P


Save yourself a line and a variable

(I know the question's already been answered)

For $i = 1 To InputBox("", "How many times repeat?", 1)
    ;Script here
Not really that good an idea. What happens when I put 999999999999999 into the box? or "Hi there!" or I hit cancel?

Much better to get in the habit of error checking.

And @SofaKing, I believe the joke is supposed to go "Sofa King We Todd Did" isn't it? :D


Not really that good an idea. What happens when I put 999999999999999 into the box? or "Hi there!" or I hit cancel?

Much better to get in the habit of error checking.

And @SofaKing, I believe the joke is supposed to go "Sofa King We Todd Did" isn't it? ;)

Hehe, yup :P But the irony of it is; I'm that retarded I got it wrong! :D ( intentionally misspelled my username ;) )

Thank you everyone, the function worked excellent! :P

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