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Posted (edited)

Hi i am writing a bot for an online game "Dream Mirror Online"

Basically it involves searching specific color pixels on the screen and click.

I've tested my program outside the game and it does what I want.

Once I am in the game (window mode), AutoIt returns the coord of the pixel found correctly, but fails to move the cursor to that coordinate and click.

After a little bit of testing, I found AutoIt fails to do anything in the game, e.g. not even sending a key.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by CoBJType

thanks again, just tried but no luck.

the problem is that nothing really works inside the game beside the pixel checking.

e.g. i ordered autoit to move the mouse and it doesnt work :)


Cool, I like the look of the game. What did you try with ControlSend and ControlClick... I really thought those would work.

I cannot download the game for testing right now because I am at work, and they frown on downloading online games.


Cool, I like the look of the game. What did you try with ControlSend and ControlClick... I really thought those would work.

I cannot download the game for testing right now because I am at work, and they frown on downloading online games.


tried control click but i do not know what the ID should be

tried finding the id of the chat box inside the game but nth shown in the autoit window info tool

I really wonder why autoit doesnt work while qmacro works :)



$Coord = PixelSearch()

i dont know if this will work but try :)


pixel search works fine

its just that other inputing functions doesnt work

e.g. moving the cursor, sending key strokes etc


I am having the same problem with a game using GameGuard(The game is Flyff). You can pop boxes and stuff but not send keystrokes. Shouldn't it be allowed or so when it allows you to pop boxes? As I know GameGuard just checks the memory or something and checksums the files of the game.


I am having the same problem with a game using GameGuard(The game is Flyff). You can pop boxes and stuff but not send keystrokes. Shouldn't it be allowed or so when it allows you to pop boxes? As I know GameGuard just checks the memory or something and checksums the files of the game.

have u tried qmacro?

it works with my game while autoit doesnt


maybe this will help, dug it up on google (turned out to be an AutoIt archive...)

DllCall("user32.dll","none","mouse_event","long",1,"long",$xAmount,"long",$yAmount,"long",0,"long", 0)

set the variables to different numbers to simulate relative mouse movement. May help though. Might be able to couple it with MouseGetPos() ?

Posted (edited)

Reply to crzftx:

Func _user32_MouseMove($x, $y)
   $pos  = MouseGetPos()
   $xAmount = $x- $pos[0]
   $yAmount = $y- $pos[1]
   DllCall("user32.dll","none","mouse_event","long",1,"long",$xAmount,"long",$yAmount,"long",0,"long", 0)


edit: was bored, and did it for the heck of it.

Edited by nfwu

i dont really know anything about dll calls, but is it necessary to have a zero -type "long" ? couldn't that be "short" and save some time. it does work.

$xAmount = 50
$yAmount = 50
Posted (edited)

HotKeySet("{F11}", "_user32_MouseMove")

While 1



Func _user32_MouseMove($x, $y)

$pos = MouseGetPos()

$xAmount = 50+ $pos[0]

$yAmount = 50+ $pos[1]

DllCall("user32.dll","none","mouse_event","long",1,"long",$xAmount,"long",$yAmount,"long",0,"long", 0)

MsgBox(0, "", "")


added a line to test if the hotkey is detected. on desktop it should move your cursor and then pop up an empty dialogue.

when in game (window mode still), the cursor didnt move but the empty dialogue popped up.

i am confused..anway, thanks crzftx and nfwu

Edited by CoBJType

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