Alek Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 (edited) well, i dont know much about enigma but i gave it a shot, so far it can only encrypt im still not sure how to make it decrypt (yet).what i know about enigma is only the stuff i found on Wikipedia so please report back if there is something wrong with it.i found it by random googleing it creates new totaly random rollers (the things that creates the encryption) every time you start the script.not sure if this was smart idea.Edit: move the "rollers" to the correct part of the script (i think)started working on the decrypting script, dosent work yet expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $Roller[5][3] ;[number_of_Rollers][2] ;[$n][0] = then input|output alphabet ;[$n][1] = roller status. (how many times it has bin moved) ;[$n][2] = inputbox handle for the gui. For $x = 0 To UBound($Roller,1)-1 $Roller[$x][0] = _GenerateRandomalphabet() & "|" & _GenerateRandomalphabet() $Roller[$x][1] = 0 Next $Form1 = GUICreate("", 395, 286, 193, 125) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 25, 385, 89,$ES_MULTILINE) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Input", 5, 5, 28, 17, $SS_SUNKEN) $Edit2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 190, 385, 89, $ES_MULTILINE) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output", 5, 170, 36, 17, $SS_SUNKEN) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Encrypt", 5, 120, 75, 25, 0) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Reset Rollers", 85, 120, 75, 25, 0) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Decrypt", 165, 120, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DISABLE) For $x = 0 To UBound($Roller,1)-1 $Roller[$x][2] = GUICtrlCreateInput("1",(22*$x)+5,147,20,20) Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button1 GUICtrlSetState($Button1,$GUI_DISABLE) $Text = GUICtrlRead($Edit1) $New_Text = _Enigma($Text,0) GUICtrlSetData($Edit2,$New_Text) For $x = 0 To UBound($Roller,1)-1 GUICtrlSetData($Roller[$x][2],$Roller[$x][1]+1) Next GUICtrlSetState($Button1,$GUI_ENABLE) Case $Button2 ;Reset the rollers, bad idea if we are going to decrypt it xD For $x = 0 To UBound($Roller,1)-1 GUICtrlSetData($Roller[$x][2],$Roller[$x][1]+1) $Roller[$x][1] = 0 Next Case $Button3 GUICtrlSetState($Button3,$GUI_DISABLE) $Text = GUICtrlRead($Edit2) $New_Text = _Enigma($Text,1) GUICtrlSetState($Button3,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($Edit1,$New_Text) For $x = 0 To UBound($Roller,1)-1 GUICtrlSetData($Roller[$x][2],$Roller[$x][1]+1) Next EndSwitch WEnd Func _GenerateRandomalphabet() ;Thought it whould easyest to create a random alphabet, please tell me if it shouldent be random. Local $Return = "" For $x = 1 To 26 Do $Random = Random(97,122,1) Until Not StringInStr($Return,Chr($Random)) $Return &= Chr($Random) Next Return $Return EndFunc Func _Enigma($_String,$_Way=0) ;0 = encrypt, 1 = decrypt (not made yet xD) Local $Output_String = "" Switch $_Way Case 0 ;write to the console what we are encrypting. ConsoleWrite("Encrypting: " & $_String & @CRLF) Do ;Get the chr we want to encrypt. $String = StringLeft($_String,1) ;Encrypt the shit. For $x = 0 To UBound($Roller,1)-1 ;Split the input|output $Split = StringSplit($Roller[$x][0],"|") ;find the chr on the input side + the amount of scrolling the rollers has done. $Input = StringInStr($Split[1],$string)+$Roller[$x][1] ;check if the input is right, if not then correct it. If $Input > 26 Then $Input -= 26 ;Get the output chr. $Output = StringSplit($Split[2],"") If $Input > UBound($Output)-1 Then MsgBox(0,"",$Input & " Wtf??" & @CRLF & StringLen($Split[1])) ;Set the string to the output chr to make the chr move on to the next roller. ConsoleWrite("[" & $x+1 & "]: " & $string & "->" & $Output[$Input] & " ") ;Set the string so we can use it on the next roller. $String = $Output[$Input] Next If $Roller[0][1] = 26 Then For $x = 1 to UBound($Roller,1)-1 If $Roller[$x-1][1] = 26 Then $Roller[$x][1] += 1 $Roller[$x-1][1] = 0 EndIf Next Else $Roller[0][1] += 1 EndIf ;Put together the output string. $Output_String &= $String ;Create a new line in the console. ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) ;trim the _String to get the next chr. $_String = StringTrimLeft($_String,1) Until $_String = "" ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) Case 1 ;Write to console what we are decrypting. ConsoleWrite("Decrypting: " & $_String & @CRLF) ;enter a do unil $_string = "" loop Do ;Get the text we want to decrypt $String = StringRight($_String,1) ;Loop trought all the rollers For $x = UBound($Roller,1)-1 to 0 Step -1 ;Split the input|output of that roller. $Split = StringSplit($Roller[$x][0],"|") ;Get the input on the roller. $Input = StringInStr($Split[2],$string) - $Roller[$x][1] ;Splitt the output, remeber we have changed the way the code enters and leaves the roller. $Output = StringSplit($Split[1],"") If $Input < 0 Then $Input = 26-($Input*-1) ConsoleWrite("[" & $x+1 & "]: " & $string & "->" & $Output[$Input] & " ") $String = $Output[$Input] Next If $Roller[0][1] = 0 Then For $x = 1 to UBound($Roller,1)-1 If $Roller[$x-1][1] = 0 Then $Roller[$x][1] -= 1 $Roller[$x-1][1] = 26 EndIf Next Else $Roller[0][1] -= 1 EndIf $Output_String &= $string ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) $_String = StringTrimRight($_String,1) Until $_String = "" ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) EndSwitch ;return the encrypted data. Return StringUpper($Output_String) EndFunc Edited December 28, 2007 by Alek [font="Impact"]Never fear, I is here.[/font]
jhoule84 Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 hey i had a question...its probably a stupid question but w/e ummm.... is it possible to create a script for a playfair cipher? if so could u help me get started? i know how to write one and use one by hand its just i dont know how to make it into a script
BrettF Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 hey i had a question...its probably a stupid question but w/e ummm.... is it possible to create a script for a playfair cipher? if so could u help me get started? i know how to write one and use one by hand its just i dont know how to make it into a scriptGo along to the helpfile, or if your to lazy then go to This is not a place to request scripts! Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Jango Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 This is what I got with the sim on default:Input:Encoded output:Decoded output:Does it work now ?
pluto41 Posted November 2, 2019 Posted November 2, 2019 I did a attempt in 2016 to make a Enigma machine. I'm not coding much anymore since some years so i thought i'd better release what i did come up. Its working code. Encrypts and Decrypts. Optional word space can be turned of and on. Optional SHA256 encode the already Enigma encrypted code. There's still a small error somewhere but i don't have time or do want to fix that. Anyway perhaps someone can use this code and make it better or just play with it for fun. expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; Author: 48Pluto 23 januari 2016 ; Program Name: My_Enigma.exe ; National Geographic Code Breakers [] ; The Complexity of CODES - History Documentary Films [] ;=============================================================================== #include <array.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <Crypt.au3> ; Options Opt ( 'MustDeclareVars', 1 ) Opt ( 'GUIOnEventMode', 1 ) ; Constants Const $WindowTitle = " Encryptie Machine - Versie 1.02 - (c) Pluut 7-02-2016" Const $SuperEncrypt = False Const $DEBUG = False ; Declare and Initialize GUI Variables Global $mainUiHeight = 420 Global $mainUiWidth = 800 Global $TOPMARGIN = 10 ; gets adjusted troughout the program Global $LEFTMARGIN = 10 ; left margin Global $RIGHTMARGIN = $mainUiWidth - (2 * $LEFTMARGIN) ; right margin Local $BUTTON_HEIGHT = 25 Local $BUTTON_WIDTH = 90 Local $TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT = 150 ; Salt Input Local $mod1 = mod ( _WeekNumberISO (), 3 ) Local $mod2 = mod ( $mod1, 3 ) + $mod1 * 2 ;Local $day = @MDAY ; code is valid for today only Local $day = _WeekNumberISO () ; code is valid for this week only Local $sSuperEncryptKey = "until" & $day ; code is valid for this week only Local $iAlgorithm = $CALG_AES_256 ; Global Settings Global $aRotorInit [9] = [ 0,0,$day,0,0,0,0,0,0 ] ; SLT Global $aRotor = $aRotorInit Global $aWiringRotor_0_1 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_1_2 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_2_3 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_3_4 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_4_5 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_5_6 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_6_7 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_7_8 [26] Global $aWiringRotor_8_9 [26] ; User Interface Local $hGUI = GUICreate ( $WindowTitle, $mainUiWidth, $mainUiHeight, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN ) GUISetBkColor ( 0xD8D8D8 ) GUISetIcon( @ScriptDir & "\au3script_v9.ico" ) ; Create Input Text Box Label Local $GUIStatusMessage = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "", $LEFTMARGIN, $TOPMARGIN, $mainUiWidth - $LEFTMARGIN, 20 ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $GUIStatusMessage, 11, 590, 0, "Helvetica" ) GUICtrlSetData ( $GUIStatusMessage, StringLeft("Voer de tekst in:", 60 ) ) ; Create Output Text Box Label Local $GUIStatusMessage = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "", $LEFTMARGIN, $TOPMARGIN + $TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT + 35, $mainUiWidth - $LEFTMARGIN, 20 ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $GUIStatusMessage, 11, 590, 0, "Helvetica" ) GUICtrlSetData ( $GUIStatusMessage, StringLeft("Resultaat:", 60 ) ) ; Create Text Boxes Local $TXT_INPUT = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", $LEFTMARGIN, $TOPMARGIN + 25, $RIGHTMARGIN, $TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT, $ES_MULTILINE ) Local $TXT_OUTPUT = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", $LEFTMARGIN, $TOPMARGIN + $TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT + 60, $RIGHTMARGIN, $TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT, $ES_MULTILINE ) ; Create Buttons Local $BTN_ENCRYPT = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Encrypt", $LEFTMARGIN + $BUTTON_WIDTH * 4 + 100, $mainUiheight - 35, $BUTTON_WIDTH, $BUTTON_HEIGHT ) Local $BTN_DECRYPT = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Decrypt", $LEFTMARGIN + $BUTTON_WIDTH * 5 + 120, $mainUiheight - 35, $BUTTON_WIDTH, $BUTTON_HEIGHT ) Local $BTN_CLOSEPROGRAM = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Afsluiten", $RIGHTMARGIN - $BUTTON_WIDTH + $LEFTMARGIN, $mainUiheight - 35, $BUTTON_WIDTH, $BUTTON_HEIGHT ) ; Set the GUI Events GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( $BTN_CLOSEPROGRAM, "_GUI_closeOnEvent" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( $BTN_ENCRYPT, "_GUI_Encrypt" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( $BTN_DECRYPT, "_GUI_Decrypt" ) ; Show the GUI GUISetState ( @SW_SHOW ) ; Init Local $iCount = 0 InitialiseMachineSettings ( ) While 1 Sleep ( 200 ) Wend ;==> Main Loop() ; ================================== ; Func _GUI_Encrypt ( ) ; ================================== Func _GUI_Encrypt ( ) $aRotor = $aRotorInit ; Reset the Rotor Wheels Local $sSecret = GUICtrlRead ( $TXT_INPUT ) Local $sEncoded = Encode ( $sSecret, "encode" ) ; Encode $sEncoded = StringReplace ( $sEncoded, "|", "" ) If $DEBUG = True Then ConsoleWrite ( "Encoded: " & $sEncoded & @CRLF ) If $SuperEncrypt = True Then $sEncoded = _Crypt_EncryptData ( $sEncoded, $sSuperEncryptKey, $iAlgorithm ) $sEncoded = BinaryToString ( $sEncoded ) EndIf ControlSetText ( "", "", $TXT_OUTPUT, $sEncoded ) EndFunc ;==> _GUI_Encrypt ; ================================== ; Func _GUI_Decrypt ( ) ; ================================== Func _GUI_Decrypt ( ) $aRotor = $aRotorInit ; Reset the Rotor Wheels Local $sSecret = GUICtrlRead ( $TXT_INPUT ) If $SuperEncrypt = True Then $sSecret = _Crypt_DecryptData ( $sSecret, $sSuperEncryptKey, $iAlgorithm ) $sSecret = BinaryToString ( $sSecret ) EndIf Local $sDecoded = Encode ( $sSecret, "decode" ) ; Decode $sDecoded = StringReplace ( $sDecoded, "|", "" ) If $DEBUG = True Then ConsoleWrite ( "Decoded: " & $sDecoded & @CRLF ) ControlSetText ( "", "", $TXT_OUTPUT, $sDecoded ) EndFunc ;==> _GUI_Decrypt ; ================================== ; Func Encode ( code ) ; ================================== Func Encode ( $sCode, $action ) Local $iPosFound, $sEncodeChar If $action <> "encode" And $action <> "decode" Then MsgBox ( 6, "Error", "Function Encode called with wrong arguments" ) Return EndIf Local $aCode = StringSplit ( $sCode, "" ) _ArrayDelete ( $aCode, 0 ) For $n = 0 to UBound ( $aCode ) - 1 If $action = "encode" Then $sEncodeChar = CodeScramble ( $aCode [$n], "encode" ) ; 1 If $action = "decode" Then $sEncodeChar = CodeScramble ( $aCode [$n], "decode" ) ; 1 $aCode [$n] = $sEncodeChar Next Return ( _ArrayToString ( $aCode ) ) EndFunc ;==> Encode ; ================================== ; Func CodeScramble ( character, encode/decode ) ; ================================== Func CodeScramble ( $sChar, $action ) Local $aWireCombo ; Contains 0=index, 1=start value, 2=end value Local $retValue If $sChar = " " Then ; Verwijder de spaties uit de encryptie / decryptie [maakt lezen moeilijker maar reversed engineering ook] ;RotorRotate ( ) ; wil je wel spaties uncomment deze regel (stap 1) Return "" ; wil je wel spaties dan return " " (laatste stap) EndIf If $action = "encode" Then $retValue = PassRotor ( $sChar, "encode" ) Return $retValue ElseIf $action = "decode" Then $retValue = PassRotor ( $sChar, "decode" ) Return $retValue Else MsgBox ( 6, "Error", "Function CodeScramble called with wrong arguments" ) EndIf EndFunc ; ================================== ; Func PassRotor ( ) ; ================================== Func PassRotor ( $sChar, $action ) Local $iSecretRotorNumber, $aWireCombo If $action <> "encode" And $action <> "decode" Then MsgBox ( 6, "Error", "Function CodeScramble called with wrong arguments" ) Return EndIf $iSecretRotorNumber = RotorRotate () ConsoleWrite ( $iSecretRotorNumber & " " ) Select Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 14 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 3 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_0_1 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_0_1 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_0_1 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_0_1 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 13 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 4 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_1_2 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_1_2 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_1_2 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_1_2 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 12 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 2 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_2_3 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_2_3 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_2_3 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_2_3 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 11 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 6 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_3_4 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_3_4 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_3_4 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_3_4 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 10 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 7 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_4_5 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_4_5 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_4_5 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_4_5 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 9 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 16 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_5_6 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_5_6 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_5_6 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_5_6 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 15 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 5 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_8_9 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_8_9 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_8_9 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_8_9 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case $iSecretRotorNumber = 8 Or $iSecretRotorNumber = 1 if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_6_7 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_6_7 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_6_7 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_6_7 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf Case Else if $action = "encode" Then For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_7_8 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_7_8 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [1] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [2] Next Else For $i = 0 to UBound ( $aWiringRotor_7_8 ) - 1 $aWireCombo = StringSplit ( $aWiringRotor_7_8 [$i], "," ) If $aWireCombo [2] = $sChar Then Return $aWireCombo [1] Next EndIf EndSelect EndFunc ;==> PassRotor ; ================================== ; Func RotorRotate ( ) ; ================================== Func RotorRotate ( ) Local $RotorNum = 0 $aRotor [0] += 1 If $aRotor [0] > 2 Then $aRotor [1] += 1 $aRotor [0] -= 1 $RotorNum = 1 EndIf If $aRotor [1] > 2 Then $aRotor [2] += 1 $aRotor [1] -= 1 $RotorNum = 2 EndIf If $aRotor [2] > 2 Then $aRotor [3] += 1 $aRotor [2] -= 1 $RotorNum = 3 EndIf If $aRotor [3] > 2 Then $aRotor [4] += 1 $aRotor [3] -= 1 $RotorNum = 4 EndIf If $aRotor [4] > 2 Then $aRotor [5] += 1 $aRotor [4] -= 1 $RotorNum = 5 EndIf If $aRotor [5] > 2 Then $aRotor [6] += 1 $aRotor [5] -= 1 $RotorNum = 6 EndIf If $aRotor [6] > 2 Then $aRotor [6] -= 1 $aRotor [0] = 0 $aRotor [1] = 0 $aRotor [2] = 2 $aRotor [3] = 0 $aRotor [4] = 0 $aRotor [5] = 0 $aRotor [6] = 0 $aRotor = $aRotorInit ; Reset the Rotor Wheels EndIf ; _ArrayDisplay ( $aRotor ) $iCount = ( $aRotor [0] + $aRotor [1] + $aRotor [2] + $aRotor [3] + $aRotor [4] + $aRotor [5] + $aRotor [6] ) ; / ( $aRotor[$RotorNum] ) $iCount = int ( $iCount, 1 ) Return ( $iCount ) EndFunc ;==> RotorRotate ; ================================== ; Func InitialiseMachineSettings ( ) ; ================================== Func InitialiseMachineSettings ( ) $aWiringRotor_0_1 [0] = "A,Z" ; Rotor 0 to 1 $aWiringRotor_0_1 [1] = "B,K" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [2] = "C,M" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [3] = "D,F" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [4] = "E,L" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [5] = "F,G" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [6] = "G,D" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [7] = "H,Q" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [8] = "I,V" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [9] = "J,E" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [10] ="K,N" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [11] ="L,T" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [12] ="M,O" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [13] ="N,W" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [14] ="O,Y" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [15] ="P,H" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [16] ="Q,X" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [17] ="R,U" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [18] ="S,S" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [19] ="T,P" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [20] ="U,A" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [21] ="V,I" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [22] ="W,B" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [23] ="X,R" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [24] ="Y,C" $aWiringRotor_0_1 [25] ="Z,J" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [0] = "A,P" ; Rotor 1 to 2 $aWiringRotor_1_2 [1] = "B,J" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [2] = "C,D" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [3] = "D,K" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [4] = "E,S" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [5] = "F,I" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [6] = "G,R" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [7] = "H,U" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [8] = "I,X" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [9] = "J,B" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [10] ="K,L" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [11] ="L,H" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [12] ="M,W" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [13] ="N,T" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [14] ="O,M" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [15] ="P,C" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [16] ="Q,Q" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [17] ="R,G" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [18] ="S,Z" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [19] ="T,N" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [20] ="U,A" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [21] ="V,Y" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [22] ="W,F" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [23] ="X,V" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [24] ="Y,O" $aWiringRotor_1_2 [25] ="Z,E" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [0] = "A,Y" ; Rotor 2 to 3 $aWiringRotor_2_3 [1] = "B,D" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [2] = "C,F" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [3] = "D,H" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [4] = "E,J" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [5] = "F,L" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [6] = "G,C" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [7] = "H,P" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [8] = "I,R" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [9] = "J,T" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [10] ="K,X" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [11] ="L,V" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [12] ="M,N" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [13] ="N,Z" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [14] ="O,B" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [15] ="P,E" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [16] ="Q,I" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [17] ="R,W" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [18] ="S,G" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [19] ="T,A" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [20] ="U,K" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [21] ="V,M" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [22] ="W,U" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [23] ="X,S" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [24] ="Y,Q" $aWiringRotor_2_3 [25] ="Z,O" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [0] = "A,K" ; Rotor 3 to 4 $aWiringRotor_3_4 [1] = "B,W" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [2] = "C,M" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [3] = "D,C" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [4] = "E,D" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [5] = "F,B" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [6] = "G,G" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [7] = "H,T" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [8] = "I,F" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [9] = "J,N" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [10] ="K,L" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [11] ="L,X" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [12] ="M,H" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [13] ="N,R" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [14] ="O,I" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [15] ="P,U" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [16] ="Q,Q" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [17] ="R,Y" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [18] ="S,A" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [19] ="T,J" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [20] ="U,Z" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [21] ="V,P" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [22] ="W,V" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [23] ="X,O" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [24] ="Y,S" $aWiringRotor_3_4 [25] ="Z,E" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [0] = "A,K" ; Rotor 4 to 5 $aWiringRotor_4_5 [1] = "B,X" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [2] = "C,E" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [3] = "D,F" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [4] = "E,O" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [5] = "F,Q" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [6] = "G,J" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [7] = "H,M" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [8] = "I,W" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [9] = "J,A" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [10] ="K,C" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [11] ="L,L" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [12] ="M,H" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [13] ="N,D" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [14] ="O,N" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [15] ="P,B" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [16] ="Q,S" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [17] ="R,U" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [18] ="S,Y" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [19] ="T,T" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [20] ="U,I" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [21] ="V,G" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [22] ="W,R" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [23] ="X,P" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [24] ="Y,Z" $aWiringRotor_4_5 [25] ="Z,V" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [0] = "A,S" ; Rotor 5 to 6 $aWiringRotor_5_6 [1] = "B,G" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [2] = "C,X" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [3] = "D,L" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [4] = "E,B" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [5] = "F,A" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [6] = "G,T" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [7] = "H,U" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [8] = "I,M" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [9] = "J,V" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [10] ="K,P" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [11] ="L,Q" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [12] ="M,W" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [13] ="N,N" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [14] ="O,J" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [15] ="P,K" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [16] ="Q,R" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [17] ="R,O" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [18] ="S,F" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [19] ="T,Y" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [20] ="U,Z" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [21] ="V,H" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [22] ="W,I" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [23] ="X,C" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [24] ="Y,D" $aWiringRotor_5_6 [25] ="Z,E" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [0] = "A,V" ; Rotor 7 to 8 $aWiringRotor_6_7 [1] = "B,W" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [2] = "C,T" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [3] = "D,J" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [4] = "E,Y" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [5] = "F,Q" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [6] = "G,E" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [7] = "H,Z" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [8] = "I,F" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [9] = "J,C" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [10] ="K,G" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [11] ="L,H" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [12] ="M,I" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [13] ="N,A" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [14] ="O,K" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [15] ="P,U" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [16] ="Q,L" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [17] ="R,M" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [18] ="S,S" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [19] ="T,B" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [20] ="U,D" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [21] ="V,N" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [22] ="W,X" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [23] ="X,P" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [24] ="Y,R" $aWiringRotor_6_7 [25] ="Z,O" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [0] = "A,E" ; Rotor 8 to 9 $aWiringRotor_7_8 [1] = "B,G" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [2] = "C,M" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [3] = "D,R" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [4] = "E,I" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [5] = "F,J" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [6] = "G,Q" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [7] = "H,A" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [8] = "I,N" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [9] = "J,O" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [10] ="K,W" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [11] ="L,X" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [12] ="M,Y" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [13] ="N,Z" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [14] ="O,U" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [15] ="P,V" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [16] ="Q,H" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [17] ="R,K" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [18] ="S,C" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [19] ="T,D" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [20] ="U,L" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [21] ="V,P" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [22] ="W,A" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [23] ="X,F" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [24] ="Y,S" $aWiringRotor_7_8 [25] ="Z,T" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [0] = "A,M" ; Rotor 9 to 10 $aWiringRotor_8_9 [1] = "B,N" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [2] = "C,G" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [3] = "D,B" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [4] = "E,C" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [5] = "F,D" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [6] = "G,H" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [7] = "H,I" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [8] = "I,Z" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [9] = "J,J" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [10] ="K,C" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [11] ="L,W" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [12] ="M,X" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [13] ="N,K" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [14] ="O,L" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [15] ="P,O" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [16] ="Q,P" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [17] ="R,A" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [18] ="S,Q" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [19] ="T,R" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [20] ="U,S" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [21] ="V,T" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [22] ="W,E" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [23] ="X,F" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [24] ="Y,U" $aWiringRotor_8_9 [25] ="Z,V" EndFunc ;==> InitialiseMachineSettings ; ================================== ; Func _GUI_closeOnEvent ( ) ; ================================== Func _GUI_closeOnEvent() GUIDelete() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==> _GUI_closeOnEvent
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