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Posted (edited)


In alpha state right now but useable..

pressing Ctrl+space brings up dropdown list of autoit functions/macros and send keys

pressing Ctrl+J brings up auto completion.(click "new",press Ctrl+J)

code completion also exists for all autoit functions, ie: typing in

ControlClick("hint",hint,etc,etc . pops in after pressing the "(" bracket


finish search,search/replace

compiler results console window

code explorer

form designer

source available on request as this will be open source once out of alpha

written in Delphi, compiles on D5,D6,D7

uses the synedit vcl control

Edited by lookfar
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Not bad. I am going to keep using SciTE for now. That looks like it may be very nice in the future. I dont like how I can type at any point on the thing without having to do something to get out that far.


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


Looks good to me.

Are you gonna add any keystroke recording?

Be really cool if you had a 'run script' button or keystroke too. F9 perhaps.

Keep up the good work.


----[ SandyD ]---

Looks good to me.

Are you gonna add any keystroke recording?

Be really cool if you had a 'run script' button or keystroke too. F9 perhaps.

Keep up the good work.



Yes they are on the todo list.

I have already implemented the "run script" and syntax checking that opens up a console window in the application and if an error is found it jumps to the offending line and hilights it, for a perl editor.. I just have to copy the code over.

Posted (edited)

Looks good so far...


Format -> Font doesn't seem to work.

If main window is put in focus after opening a dialog like syntax, then syntax window is completely inaccessable again.

If you try to open the dialog again, then the dialog comes up, but cannot be closed with cancel or close button.

Font settings do not stay after closing and reopening.

au3 should be default when opening instead of txt

Save button on syntax highlighting doesn't work. EDIT: saves, but doesn't close the dialog box.

EDIT: I am sure there are more, but I will find them later.

Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

Requires details. I know, like you said:'for testing purposes only'...But, it looks very good.

Good start, Martin. :)

*Some remarks:

- The caret isn't a fixed position.

- Some keys don't work correctly in certain event, e.g:

Write "dd", appears Code completion, but pressing "SHIFT+END" or "SHIFT+HOME" not works.


Good luck ;)

Edit: typos

Edited by josbe

It looks promising, and is very impressive so far. I personally will stay with Scite because the caret positioning bothers me. I think there is a bug in the If statement. When you type "If (" it leaves the AutoComplete box up without contents so it won't let me Autocomplete the contents in the parents. It looks good though; keep us posted!

*** Matt @ MPCS


It looks promising, and is very impressive so far. I personally will stay with Scite because the caret positioning bothers me. I think there is a bug in the If statement. When you type "If (" it leaves the AutoComplete box up without contents so it won't let me Autocomplete the contents in the parents. It looks good though; keep us posted!

*** Matt @ MPCS


I posted the caret position thing above and that is exactly why I wont use it for now. I just didnt know what it was called thank you for the unintended education :)


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


fixed caret/cursor not showing up on startup page.

fixed codecompletion template not showing up on startup page. (CTRL+J)

fixed problem with saving font

removed all trigger charactors except @ and { for autocompletion dropdown

Ctrl+space and the above two charactors will initialize autocomplete

until the bugs are worked out of Synedit CVS this seems the best alternative

I may add an option to change/add/modify the trigger characters

"File Open" now defaults to only AutoIt files and All files

Posted (edited)

A couple suggestions:

1. "removed all trigger charactors except @ and { for autocompletion dropdown"

Why did you do that? Autocomplete is a very cherished feature for most developers. IMHO, it was better before this release for this fact alone.

2. When you do autocomplete and then backspace over the character that initiates the autocomplete, the autocomplete box should disappear.

3. Auto-Tab is also a great feature. The way AutoEd handles this now (it doesn't), it gives lazy coders to leave their code a mess. With auto-tab you are creating the impression on the coder that organization is important in their code.

4. You never explicitly state version numbers. Although this is just a personal pet peive, it will simplify troubleshooting when you are out to v0.90a. It can give you a clue to what the user is using and the bugs associated with that perticular release.

It is a good attempt, keep up the hard work!

*** Matt @ MPCS


5. The caret positioning is still not locked. This is where you will lose most support from Scite users.

Edited by Matt @ MPCS
Posted (edited)

A couple suggestions:

1. "removed all trigger charactors except @ and { for autocompletion dropdown"

Why did you do that? Autocomplete is a very cherished feature for most developers. IMHO, it was better before this release for this fact alone.

2. When you do autocomplete and then backspace over the character that initiates the autocomplete, the autocomplete box should disappear.

3. Auto-Tab is also a great feature. The way AutoEd handles this now (it doesn't), it gives lazy coders to leave their code a mess. With auto-tab you are creating the impression on the coder that organization is important in their code.

4. You never explicitly state version numbers. Although this is just a personal pet peive, it will simplify troubleshooting when you are out to v0.90a. It can give you a clue to what the user is using and the bugs associated with that perticular release.

It is a good attempt, keep up the hard work!

*** Matt @ MPCS


5. The caret positioning is still not locked. This is where you will lose most support from Scite users.


changed version uploaded that properly saves editor options...

1: you had previously pointed out a bug when typing "if" and the autocomplete showed up empty and in the way, I also found this a bit of a nuisance and is a bug in Synedit, what I will do is setup options for end user to add any charactor.

2. for now esc does this but I will try your suggestion

3: Tools -> Editor Options -> Options -> Smart Tabs?

4: Alpha 0 till search/search replace implemented

5: Tools -> Editor Options -> Options -> Scroll Past End Of Line (uncheck)

this weekend I have been inserting the code for syntax check,compile,run within the editor via console window. if errors in syntax offending line is hilighted at caret.XY

once all that is done I will start the Form Designer for GUI stuff.

as a side note: In my opinion SciLexer.dll/Scite is far superior to synedit , AutoEd is a simple alternative. I have used the SciLexer.dll Delphi wrapper but chose synedit to test out Synedit 2.0b

Thanks for all your feedback

Edited by lookfar

Thanks lookfar. I was going off of standard settings because Scite works for me without changing any options... so I do an equal comparison. It does look good, I just feel it has a while to go, as you have previously stated. These comments are not meant to be taken personally, only as a guide. Thanks for the response though!

*** Matt @ MPCS


1.) Line & col numbers not updating when using the mouse to move the cursor

2.) col numbers not updating correctly when using the arrow keys to move the cursor

that's all for the moment, will let you know of anymore

looking good :)

Posted (edited)

Very good.

Some new remarks:

- Keywords with a '#' prefix, don't display correctly (colors). Like #CS or #include

- "For $var=0 To x Step x": 'To' and 'Step' words aren't turned to bold in 'FOR' keyword.

- When you open a file, the window it's moved to original position.

(I think that, must be stay in the current position)

once all that is done I will start the Form Designer for GUI stuff...




Edit: Fixed typos

Edited by josbe

Very good.

Some new remarks:

- Keywords with a '#' prefix, don't display correctly (colors). Like #CS or #include

- "For $var=0 To x Step x": 'To' and 'Step' words aren't turned to bold in 'FOR' keyword.

- When you open a file, the window it's moved to original position.

  (I think that, must be stay in the current position)

:)  :)


Edit: Fixed typos


keywords that start with a symbol are not parsed. If you look in colors.ini you will also see that none of the macro keywords use the @ prefix

the @ symbol is treated separately than the keyword. (all symbols are colored same)

what you can do is add the #CS keyword in colors.ini without the # symbol

then it will be colored as well.

"To and Step" can be added easily as well (ok, I just added them)

oopsy on the window re-positioning on opening a file .. fixed that, thanks..

uploaded new binary (same zipfile)


This looks very cool - keep up the good work!

Some initial feedback.

  • I love the MDI feature - and it would be nice to be able to save a "workspace" or "project" too: so that you can group several scripts / files to open at the same time.
  • I'd like to set the Editor font to Andale Mon, 7.5 pt .. but I get a message that the "Size must be a number".
  • If there are n lines of code in the editor, I can only select n-1 lines by dragging a selection in the gutter.
  • When changing the Keystroke for ecDeleteWord from Ctrl+T to Ctrl+Del: the new setting failed to take effect (Ctrl+Del does nothing, and Ctrl+T still works) even though the keystroke listing confirmed Ctrl+Del; and restarting AutoEd restored the original Ctrl+T in the keystroke listing.
  • I tried to replace the ecBlockIndent and ecBlockUnindent keystrokes from Shift+Ctrl+I (and U) to Tab and Shift+Tab: the listing failed to reflect the change; so I deleted the Shift+Ctrl+I (and U), and added my Tab and Shift+Tab; but the new commands came in at the end of the list, indicating the command as blank. Yet the Tab and Shift+Tab worked fine - although so too still did the Shift+Ctrl+I (and U). And restarting AutoEd lost my changes from the listing as before, but I could now use Tab and Shift+Tab
Just minor things :)

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