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Posted (edited)

This is a NosTale bot written by Labrinth


Nostale is a free MMO http://www.nostale.co.uk/

I added some features to it, but some where ive done somthing wrong. and im not sure what i did. Would some one mind looking over this code. A second pair of eyes usualy helps.

Also, is there a command to search for a picture on screen and then force a mouse click on it?

#Include <Misc.au3> 
Opt("WinWaitDelay", 100) 
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4); <-- exact title Match or it doesnt run the bot 
Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1) 
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2); <--- this is why pixel coords was wrng too. 
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2);<--- This is why your coords was not right. 
;~ Below is how it targets only the game window 
WinWait("NosTale", "") 
If Not WinActive("NosTale", "") Then WinActivate("NosTale", "") 
WinWaitActive("NosTale", "") 
;~ Hold END To stop the bot 
HotKeySet("{END}", "Terminate") 
$pickupitems = 0 
$ColorHP = 0 
$ColorLHP = 0 
$ColorMP = 0 

While $pickupitems = 0 
   Send("{` 20}");use auto pickup;~ Send("{~ 10}");Presses the ~ key 10 times for picking up items 
   $ColorHP = PixelGetColor(150, 36);Dont know if this Loc is valid.  Coding at work and dont have access to nostale here so im guessing 
   $ColorLHP = PixelGetColor(130, 36) 
   $ColorMP = PixelGetColor(130, 46);Mana Bar again just a guess on location for now 
   If $ColorHP = 592137 Then;Checking For low HP 
      $ColorHP = 0 
      Send("{c Down}") 
      Send("{c Up}") 
         Sleep(40000);healing time "how long he sits" 20 seconds 
      Send("{c Down}") 
      Send("{c Up}") 
   If $ColorMP = 592137 Then;Checking For low MP 
      $ColorMP = 0 
      Send("{c Down}") 
      Send("{c Up}") 
         Sleep(40000);Med time same as healing time "how long he sits" 20 seconds 
      Send("{c Down}") 
      Send("{c Up}") 
      Send("{Space 2}");use to auto fight pressing Space, 2 times 
      Send ("{q Down}");Skill   1 = Q     2 = W 3 = E 
      Send ("{q Up}") 
      Send ("{w Down}") 
      Send ("{w Up}") 
      Send ("{e Down}") 
      Send ("{e Up}") 
   If $ColorLHP = 592137 Then;Checking For very low HP while fighting 
      $ColorLHP = 0 
      Send("{r Down}") 
      Send("{r Up}");Helth pot location on toolbar = R 
      Send("{Space 2}");use to auto fight pressing Space, 2 times 

;~ Terminates the bot 
Func Terminate() 
   $MB_MsgBoxButtons = 5;What buttons that show in messagebox 5 = Retry and Cancel 
   $MB_Cancel = 2;What button is pressed to exit the script 2 = Cancel, If Cancel buton is pushed the script stops. 
   If MsgBox($MB_MsgBoxButtons, "You Stopped the Bot!", "Retry or Cancel the bot?") == $MB_Cancel Then 
EndFunc ;==>Terminate

in addition to the orgional bot i wanted to add

Ive been playing with Lab's Bot here. Im at work and i cannot even launch the script or even have Nostale installed.(Somthing about the managment saying we would waist time playing games /shrug). Im still new to autoit3, and i end up missing somthing simple. So if anyone wants to take a look at it and test it for me here is the source

What i added (hopefully) Is Mana support if you are low on mana you should sit same as health. Raised the limit at which you will sit and rest.

If your helth goes to low while fighting the bot will press 'R' that is where you want to place snacks or potions.

also added ' q' 'w' 'e' presses for skills.. This mostlikly will need the sleep modifyed depending on the skill.

The loc I used for the mana bar is a guess and may need relocated

Edited by MildWarlock
Posted (edited)

What errors do you get?

:P I am writing this at work, and this PC has Au3 blocked (bastards) while I can write it I cannot test it.. The -if- -then- -else- statments seem wrong to me but I can't test it to find out. I was hoping some one would be able to test for me

Edited by MildWarlock
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I found that if you take a screen shot of your desktop at home with the nostale client set at pixel 0,0 then you can track the correct pixel posistions while coding at work. Use the window tool in autoit to get that posistion.

Looking at the code I noticed that you have an mp check only if your hp is low...perhaps you want them seperated...

;;;;;;;;HP CHECK

If PixelGetColor == $ColorHP Then

$ColorHP = 0





;;;;;;;;MP CHECK

If PixelGetColor == $ColorMP Then

$ColorMP = 0





The If Else would work for heal or fight but I would probably just do it like

If hp then heal

if mp then heal


Since you will fight anyway it doesnt have to really be an else...

Hopefully this helps, I have a few bots with some more advanced features and would be happy to run through some theory/code if you want. Good Luck on the bot!

Edited by Fend

I like cookies?

  • 1 month later...

hi..i'm new to autoit... i have copy and paste the code to notepad and save...imy problem is i don't know what to do to make this code run...could anyone be kind enough to teach me at my YM: kristoffer_dy@yahoo.com

CODE#Include <Misc.au3>

Opt("WinWaitDelay", 100)

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4); <-- exact title Match or it doesnt run the bot

Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)

Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2); <--- this is why pixel coords was wrng too.

Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2);<--- This is why your coords was not right.

;~ Below is how it targets only the game window

WinWait("NosTale", "")

If Not WinActive("NosTale", "") Then WinActivate("NosTale", "")

WinWaitActive("NosTale", "")

;~ Hold END To stop the bot

HotKeySet("{END}", "Terminate")

$pickupitems = 0

$ColorHP = 0

$ColorLHP = 0

$ColorMP = 0

While $pickupitems = 0


Send("{` 20}");use auto pickup;~ Send("{~ 10}");Presses the ~ key 10 times for picking up items

$ColorHP = PixelGetColor(150, 36);Dont know if this Loc is valid. Coding at work and dont have access to nostale here so im guessing

$ColorLHP = PixelGetColor(130, 36)

$ColorMP = PixelGetColor(130, 46);Mana Bar again just a guess on location for now

If $ColorHP = 592137 Then;Checking For low HP

$ColorHP = 0


Send("{c Down}")


Send("{c Up}")

Sleep(40000);healing time "how long he sits" 20 seconds

Send("{c Down}")


Send("{c Up}")


If $ColorMP = 592137 Then;Checking For low MP

$ColorMP = 0


Send("{c Down}")


Send("{c Up}")

Sleep(40000);Med time same as healing time "how long he sits" 20 seconds

Send("{c Down}")


Send("{c Up}")




Send("{Space 2}");use to auto fight pressing Space, 2 times


Send ("{q Down}");Skill 1 = Q 2 = W 3 = E


Send ("{q Up}")


Send ("{w Down}")


Send ("{w Up}")


Send ("{e Down}")


Send ("{e Up}")

If $ColorLHP = 592137 Then;Checking For very low HP while fighting

$ColorLHP = 0


Send("{r Down}")


Send("{r Up}");Helth pot location on toolbar = R



Send("{Space 2}");use to auto fight pressing Space, 2 times






;~ Terminates the bot

Func Terminate()

$MB_MsgBoxButtons = 5;What buttons that show in messagebox 5 = Retry and Cancel

$MB_Cancel = 2;What button is pressed to exit the script 2 = Cancel, If Cancel buton is pushed the script stops.

If MsgBox($MB_MsgBoxButtons, "You Stopped the Bot!", "Retry or Cancel the bot?") == $MB_Cancel Then



EndFunc ;==>Terminate

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