McGod Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 expandcollapse popup;Item_Pickit.au3 Global $sPre = "(.+?)" Global $iStats[108][3] = [ _ [ "Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts", 0, "ExplosiveArrows" ], _ [ "Fires Magic Arrows", 0, "MagicArrows" ], _ [ "[x]% Target Defense", 1, "TargetDef" ], _ [ "[x]% Bonus to Attack Rating", 1, "BonusAR" ], _ [ "+[x] to Attack Rating", 1, "AR" ], _ [ "+[x] to Attack Rating against Demons", 1, "ARVsDemons" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Attack Rating versus: [x]", 2, "ARVS" ], _ [ "+[x] to Attack Rating against Undead", 1, "ARVsUndead" ], _ [ "Hit Causes Monster to Flee [x]%", 1, "MonsterFlee" ], _ [ "+[x] Magic Absorb", 1, "MagicSorb" ], _ [ "+[x] Cold Absorb", 1, "ColdSorb" ], _ [ "+[x] Lightning Absorb", 1, "LightSorb" ], _ [ "+[x] Fire Absorb", 1, "FireSorb" ], _ [ "+[x]% Enhanced Damage", 1, "EnDmg" ], _ [ "Adds [x]-[x] damage", 2, "ADmg" ], _ [ "Damage +[x]", 1, "Dmg" ], _ [ "+[x]% Damage to Demons", 1, "DmgToDemons" ], _ [ "+[x]% Damage to Undead", 1, "DmgToUndead" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Damage versus: [x]", 2, "DmgVs" ], _ [ "Adds [x]-[x] magic damage", 2, "MagicDmg" ], _ [ "Adds [x]-[x] fire damage", 2, "FireDmg" ], _ [ "Adds [x]-[x] lightning damage", 2, "LightDmg" ], _ [ "Adds [x]-[x] cold damage", 2, "ColdDmg" ], _ [ "+[x] to Maximum Poison Damage", 1, "MaxPoisonDmg" ], _ [ "[x]% Chance of Crushing Blow", 1, "CrushBlow" ], _ [ "[x]% Deadly Strike", 1, "DeadlyStrike" ], _ [ "[x]% Chance of Open Wounds", 1, "OpenWounds" ], _ [ "Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of [x]", 1, "AttackerTkLightDmg" ], _ [ "Attacker Takes Damage of [x]", 1, "AttackerTkDmg" ], _ [ "[x]% Damage Taken Goes To Mana", 1, "DmgToMana" ], _ [ "[x]% Increased Chance of Blocking", 1, "IncreaseBlock" ], _ [ "Ignore Target's Defense", 1, "IgnoreTarDef" ], _ [ "+[x] poison damage over [x] seconds", 2, "PsnDmgSec" ], _ [ "Hit Blinds Target +[x]", 1, "BlindTarget" ], _ [ "Freezes target +[x]", 1, "FreezeTarget" ], _ [ "Knockback", 0, "Knockback" ], _ [ "-[x] to Monster Defense Per Hit", 1, "MonsterDefHit" ], _ [ "+[x]% Enhanced Defense", 1, "EnDef" ], _ [ "+[x] Defense", 1, "Defense" ], _ [ "+[x] Defense vs. Melee", 1, "DefVsMelee" ], _ [ "Heal Stamina Plus [x]%", 1, "HealStamina" ], _ [ "Cannot Be Frozen", 0, "CannotBeFrozen" ], _ [ "Half Freeze Duration", 0, "HalfFreezeDur" ], _ [ "[x]% Reanimate as: [x]", 2, "Reanimateas" ], _ [ "+[x] Life after each Kill", 1, "LifeEachKill" ], _ [ "+[x] Life after each Demon Kill", 1, "LifeEachDemonKill" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Experience Gained", 1, "ExpGain" ], _ [ "[x]% Extra Gold from Monsters", 1, "ExtraGold" ], _ [ "[x]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items", 1, "MF" ], _ [ "Reduces all Vendor Prices [x]%", 1, "ReduceVendorPrice" ], _ [ "+[x] to Light Radius", 1, "LightRadius" ], _ [ "Increased Stack Size", 0, "IncreaseStack" ], _ [ "Replenishes quantity", 0, "ReplenQuanity" ], _ [ "Repairs [x] durability in [x] seconds", 2, "Repair" ], _ [ "Requirements -[x]%", 1, "Requirements" ], _ [ "Piercing Attack", 0, "PierceAttk" ], _ [ "-[x]% to Enemy Lightning Resistance", 1, "EneLightRes" ], _ [ "-[x]% to Enemy Fire Resistance", 1, "EneFireRes" ], _ [ "-[x]% to Enemy Cold Resistance", 1, "ColdSkillDmg" ], _ [ "-[x]% to Enemy Poison Resistance", 1, "PoisonSkillDmg" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Poison Skill Damage", 1, "PoisonSkillDmg" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Cold Skill Damage", 1, "ColdSkillDmg" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Lightning Skill Damage", 1, "LightSkillDmg" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Fire Skill Damage", 1, "FireSkillDmg" ], _ [ "Slain Monsters Rest in Peace", 0, "SlainMonRestPeace" ], _ [ "Prevent Monster Heal", 0, "PrvMonHeal" ], _ [ "Slows Target by [x]%", 1, "SlowTarget" ], _ [ "Replenish Life +[x]", 1, "ReplenLife" ], _ [ "Regenerate Mana [x]%", 1, "RegenMana" ], _ [ "[x]% Slower Stamina Drain", 1, "SlowStaminaDrain" ], _ [ "Magic Resist +[x]%", 1, "MagicRes" ], _ [ "Cold Resist +[x]%", 1, "ColdRes" ], _ [ "Lightning Resist +[x]%", 1, "LightRes" ], _ [ "Fire Resist +[x]%", 1, "FireRes" ], _ [ "Damage Reduced by [x]%", 1, "DmgReducePercent" ], _ [ "+[x] to Fire Skills", 1, "FireSkill" ], _ [ "Damage Reduced by [x]", 1, "DmgReduce" ], _ [ "Magic Damage Reduced by [x]", 1, "MDmgReduce" ], _ [ "Poison Length Reduced by [x]%", 1, "PoisonLengthReduce" ], _ [ "+[x] to Mana after each Kill", 1, "ManaPerKill" ], _ [ "Throwable", 0, "Throwable" ], _ [ "Increase Maximum Durability [x]%", 1, "IncreaseMaxDura" ], _ [ "+[x] to All Skills", 1, "AllSkills" ], _ [ "+[x] to [x]", 2, "Skill" ], _ [ "+[x] to [x] Skill Levels", 2, "ClassSkills" ], _ [ "+[x]% Faster Run/Walk", 1, "FRW" ], _ [ "+[x]% Increased Attack Speed", 1, "IAS" ], _ [ "+[x]% Faster Cast Rate", 1, "FCR" ], _ [ "+[x]% Faster Hit Recovery", 1, "FHR" ], _ [ "+[x]% Faster Block Rate", 1, "FHR" ], _ [ "+[x] to Dexterity", 1, "Dex" ], _ [ "+[x] to Energy", 1, "Ene" ], _ [ "+[x] to Life", 1, "Life" ], _ [ "Increase Maximum Life [x]%", 1, "MaxLife" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Maximum Magic Resist", 1, "MaxMagicRes" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Maximum Cold Resist", 1, "MaxColdRes" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Maximum Lightning Resist", 1, "MaxLightRes" ], _ [ "+[x]% to Maximum Fire Resist", 1, "MaxFireRes" ], _ [ "All Resistances +[x]", 1, "AllRes" ], _ [ "Level [x] [x] ([x]/[x] Charges)", 4, "ChargeSkill" ], _ [ "[x]% Life stolen per hit", 1, "LifeStolenPerHit" ], _ [ "+[x] to Strength", 1, "STR" ], _ [ "+[x] to Vitality", 1, "VIT" ], _ [ "+[x] to Mana", 1, "Mana" ], _ [ "Increase Maximum Mana [x]%", 1, "MaxMana" ], _ [ "+[x] Maximum Stamina", 1, "Stamina" ], _ [ "Level [x] [x] Aura When Equipped", 2, "AuraWhenEquip" ]] #include <Array.au3> _ArrayDisplay($iStats) It is about 108 in the first subscript and three in the second, any of the help autoit gives gets cut off because of the massive size of the array. Anyone see anything wrong with it minus the fact that it doesn't work! [indent][center][u]Formerly Chip[/u][/center]~UDFs~[/indent][u]IRC.au3 - Allows you to connect to IRC ServersINetCon.au3 - Connects/Disconnects/Check Status of InternetHardware Key - Creates a unique hardware hashScriptComm - Allows you to communicate between scripts using WM_COPYDATA[/u][indent]~Programs~[/indent][indent]SimonAu3ForumsIRC Bot~Web Site~Web Autoit Example[/indent][indent][b][/b][/indent][u][/u]
McGod Posted October 30, 2007 Author Posted October 30, 2007 is for neverwinter night? lolno. [indent][center][u]Formerly Chip[/u][/center]~UDFs~[/indent][u]IRC.au3 - Allows you to connect to IRC ServersINetCon.au3 - Connects/Disconnects/Check Status of InternetHardware Key - Creates a unique hardware hashScriptComm - Allows you to communicate between scripts using WM_COPYDATA[/u][indent]~Programs~[/indent][indent]SimonAu3ForumsIRC Bot~Web Site~Web Autoit Example[/indent][indent][b][/b][/indent][u][/u]
McGod Posted October 30, 2007 Author Posted October 30, 2007 MAX_LINESIZE 4095 Maximum size for a line of script. STRBUFFER 4095 Size of a general string buffer. Its in the 5000's:/ I gotta figure a way of splitting it without alot of effort (I REALLY don't want to have to go through 100 lines of array) [indent][center][u]Formerly Chip[/u][/center]~UDFs~[/indent][u]IRC.au3 - Allows you to connect to IRC ServersINetCon.au3 - Connects/Disconnects/Check Status of InternetHardware Key - Creates a unique hardware hashScriptComm - Allows you to communicate between scripts using WM_COPYDATA[/u][indent]~Programs~[/indent][indent]SimonAu3ForumsIRC Bot~Web Site~Web Autoit Example[/indent][indent][b][/b][/indent][u][/u]
Nevin Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 (edited) is for neverwinter night? lolwhere'd you get that from? It's part of a Diablo II Pickit bot. (Picks up valuble dropped items automatically, good for botting or just being a dick)Where'd you get that big array from? Didn't you make it? Edited October 30, 2007 by Nevin
McGod Posted October 30, 2007 Author Posted October 30, 2007 where'd you get that from? It's part of a Diablo II Pickit bot. (Picks up valuble dropped items automatically, good for botting or just being a dick)Where'd you get that big array from? Didn't you make it?Made it Over the last couple nights. (Used Hero Editor to make item with 30 stats then used a autoit memory reader to get stats to text) I think I figured a way of doing this tho:D [indent][center][u]Formerly Chip[/u][/center]~UDFs~[/indent][u]IRC.au3 - Allows you to connect to IRC ServersINetCon.au3 - Connects/Disconnects/Check Status of InternetHardware Key - Creates a unique hardware hashScriptComm - Allows you to communicate between scripts using WM_COPYDATA[/u][indent]~Programs~[/indent][indent]SimonAu3ForumsIRC Bot~Web Site~Web Autoit Example[/indent][indent][b][/b][/indent][u][/u]
Nevin Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Good luck I tried to write my own little pindlebot but I gave up lol.
McGod Posted October 30, 2007 Author Posted October 30, 2007 Its a group project called D2Au3, I figured it out guys it works fine:D [indent][center][u]Formerly Chip[/u][/center]~UDFs~[/indent][u]IRC.au3 - Allows you to connect to IRC ServersINetCon.au3 - Connects/Disconnects/Check Status of InternetHardware Key - Creates a unique hardware hashScriptComm - Allows you to communicate between scripts using WM_COPYDATA[/u][indent]~Programs~[/indent][indent]SimonAu3ForumsIRC Bot~Web Site~Web Autoit Example[/indent][indent][b][/b][/indent][u][/u]
_Kurt Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 (edited) When your script is finished, please consider posting this in the Example Scripts subforum. I really enjoy browsing through Diablo II related code and that project looks pretty cool. Thanks, Kurt EDIT: Spelling Mistake Edited October 31, 2007 by _Kurt Awaiting Diablo III..
Achilles Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 Why not declare the array in different lines? My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
McGod Posted October 31, 2007 Author Posted October 31, 2007 I ended up declaring it in a one dim array then spliting it, and Kurt the project will be open source. [indent][center][u]Formerly Chip[/u][/center]~UDFs~[/indent][u]IRC.au3 - Allows you to connect to IRC ServersINetCon.au3 - Connects/Disconnects/Check Status of InternetHardware Key - Creates a unique hardware hashScriptComm - Allows you to communicate between scripts using WM_COPYDATA[/u][indent]~Programs~[/indent][indent]SimonAu3ForumsIRC Bot~Web Site~Web Autoit Example[/indent][indent][b][/b][/indent][u][/u]
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