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Autoit looks for include files in ScriptDir and in the normal pathes. You can add a path in Scite by pressing CTRL+1.

So, it is your job to say OI where it should look for include files. OI is not looking into files in @scriptdir automatically.

Standard is looking here:

; NormalVersion
Global $InstallPath = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'InstallDir')
Global $InstallVersion = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'Version')
; BetaVersion
Global $betaInstallPath = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'betaInstallDir')
Global $betaInstallVersion = RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'betaVersion')

; Variables
Dim $includesPath[1]
If $InstallPath <> '' Then _ArrayAdd($includesPath, $InstallPath & '\Include\')
If $betaInstallPath <> '' Then _ArrayAdd($includesPath, $betaInstallPath & '\Include\')

and I normally add this ( this is where I save all the nice udfs)

_ArrayAdd($includesPath, $betaInstallPath & '\include\UDF\')

The second point you mentioned

GUIRegisterMsg($WM_HSCROLL, "MY_WM_HSCROLL") OI is missing is right. Never thought of that before. :)

Thanks, I'll have a look whether I can catch funcs which are only called this way.

So long,


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

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Posted (edited)

Autoit looks for include files in ScriptDir and in the normal pathes. You can add a path in Scite by pressing CTRL+1.

So, it is your job to say OI where it should look for include files. OI is not looking into files in @scriptdir automatically.

Ok. I didn't know about Ctrl 1, so I added the script directory to the include directories. I still get OI telling me that GuiScrollbars is not needed even though I chose "Renew ini".

If AutoIt looks in the script directory then I would have liked it if OI did as well without being told. I always thought until now that

#include "filename.au3"

meant that the file was in the script directory.

I tried

#include "Q:\razerMEditor\AutoIt Editor\GuiScrollBars.au3";the full path to the file

and OI still tells me the file is not needed. I feel that this is not right but I know it might just be my opinion. But whether I like it or not the question is how do I deal with it? So far nothing I have tried works. Perhaps I misunderstood something you already told me.

If I rename the old version of GuiScrollBars.aus which is in the Beta Include folder, and paste a copy of the version of GuiScrollBars.au3 that I want to use then OI still says it is not required.

It also says that #include <nomamdmemory.au3> correctly include and on the next line says it is not needed.

Is it significant that the include quoted in your results always has the file name between triangular brackets (<>) even though the two file nomadmemory and guiscrollbars appear between quotes in my script?

I am sure there is something wrong here.

If I'm boring you to death with this just tell me; I don't want to annoy you.

Edited by martin
Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
Posted (edited)


firstly, you definitely do not boring me. Your tests are great and the only way to improve my stuff.

Cause you work different.

OKay, I try to explain. Autoit looks into the pathes I mentioned above.

For me it is : BETA




and if you write in your code something like : #include<GUIConstants.au3> or #include"GUIConstants.au3"

Autoit looks for the include in @scriptDir first!

All OI does is :

Scanning all au3 files in the two pathes mentioned above and getting all funcs from them. After that saving it in includes.ini. If you want OI to look for au3 files in other pathes then you have to add them here :

; **************************************************************
;   Add HERE your own pathes for udfs
; **************************************************************
 _ArrayAdd($includesPath, $betaInstallPath & '\include\UDF\')
;   _ArrayAdd($includesPath, 'C:\downloads\')
;   _ArrayAdd($includesPath, 'C:\downloads\')
;   _ArrayAdd($includesPath, 'C:\downloads\')
; **************************************************************

directly in OI!

OI doesn't look for files in the ScriptDir of the file you check. That is the difference to Autoit!

So, all you have to do for your AutoMonItorDB script is the following:

Store all includes you want to scan by OI in one folder and put the path to this folder in the source code of OI. Like this _ArrayAdd($includesPath, $betaInstallPath & '\include\UDF\')

Then open AutoMonItorDB in Scite , Start OI and have a look at the ini. Your udfs should be there if not push renew ini. From now on OI can check your source code with the all funcs in include.ini.

The '"< '"> do not matter if you use the latest version I posted in this thread.

Besides, your script works for me.

It shows this : all green correct includes







because of this (this is in Scite output)

_GUICtrlComboBox_FindString from GuiComboBox.au3 found

_GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems from GuiListView.au3 found

_IsPressed from Misc.au3 found

GUICreate from GUIConstants.au3 found

_GUIScrollBars_Init from GUIScrollbars.au3 found

_MemoryOpen from NomadMemory.au3 found

So long,


Edited by Xenobiologist

Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times



firstly, you definitely do not boring me. Your tests are great and the only way to improve my stuff.

Cause you work different.

OKay, I try to explain. Autoit looks into the pathes I mentioned above.

For me it is : BETA




and if you write in your code something like : #include<GUIConstants.au3> or #include"GUIConstants.au3"

Autoit looks for the include in @scriptDir first!

All OI does is :

Scanning all au3 files in the two pathes mentioned above and getting all funcs from them. After that saving it in includes.ini. If you want OI to look for au3 files in other pathes then you have to add them here :

; **************************************************************
;   Add HERE your own pathes for udfs
; **************************************************************
 _ArrayAdd($includesPath, $betaInstallPath & '\include\UDF\')
;   _ArrayAdd($includesPath, 'C:\downloads\')
;   _ArrayAdd($includesPath, 'C:\downloads\')
;   _ArrayAdd($includesPath, 'C:\downloads\')
; **************************************************************

directly in OI!

OI doesn't look for files in the ScriptDir of the file you check. That is the difference to Autoit!

So, all you have to do for your AutoMonItorDB script is the following:

Store all includes you want to scan by OI in one folder and put the path to this folder in the source code of OI. Like this _ArrayAdd($includesPath, $betaInstallPath & '\include\UDF\')

Then open AutoMonItorDB in Scite , Start OI and have a look at the ini. Your udfs should be there if not push renew ini. From now on OI can check your source code with the all funcs in include.ini.

The '"< '"> do not matter if you use the latest version I posted in this thread.

Besides, your script works for me.

It shows this : all green correct includes







because of this (this is in Scite output)

_GUICtrlComboBox_FindString from GuiComboBox.au3 found

_GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems from GuiListView.au3 found

_IsPressed from Misc.au3 found

GUICreate from GUIConstants.au3 found

_GUIScrollBars_Init from GUIScrollbars.au3 found

_MemoryOpen from NomadMemory.au3 found

So long,


Ok, if I restrict to the standard include folders and make sure the udfs I want to use are in them then it works ok. I think some of my problems were caused by me. Sorry for the fuss.

The one thing (who am I kidding) that I have a problem with is that OI tells me that I need includes that I don't. So I think there needs to be some logic like "if a function is found in a udf that is included in the script then ignore other udfs which have this function."

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
Posted (edited)


I'm glad that you got it working.

I added the GUIRegisterMsg stuff and made a better Progressbar.

The one thing (who am I kidding) that I have a problem with is that OI tells me that I need includes that I don't. So I think there needs to be some logic like "if a function is found in a udf that is included in the script then ignore other udfs which have this function."

That's what I meant. You ' ll get trouble when there are the same functionnames in different udfs. I'll think about adding a logic, but I guess it would be better to put those funcs in one extra include file.

Here is the latest beta:







; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; AutoIt Version:

; Author: Thorsten Meger


; Script Function:

; Organize Includes Version 3.2


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

;Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)

Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1)


Global $start_T = TimerInit()


* Pr

Edited by Xenobiologist

Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times



update new version 3.3. (see 1st post)


So long,


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times



Fixed a bug. The code format CTRL+T in Scite was lost after OI. (see 1st post)


So long,


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

  • 3 weeks later...


added to first post. :D Thanks!


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times



I updatet it for Autoit v3.2.11.0 (beta).


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

  • 2 weeks later...

I ran the installer but then when I tried organizing the includes this is what scite said:

>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\autoit3.exe" "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\OrganizeIncludes\OrganizeIncludes3.0.au3" "C:\Documents and Settings\Michael McFarland\My Documents\Desktops\Desktops.au3"

>Exit code: 1 Time: 7.665

I looked in the install folder and realized that the newest version is 3.6... How can I fix that?
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]

I ran the installer but then when I tried organizing the includes this is what scite said:

I looked in the install folder and realized that the newest version is 3.6... How can I fix that?


that is strange. The SciteUser.properties file should be correct. Anyhow, you need go check the path in your SciteUser.properties file which is located in your UserPorfileDir.

ShellExecute('notepad', @UserProfileDir & '\SciteUser.properties')



P.S.: I will release an updated version in a couple of days which automatically checks whether you put new udfs in the folders to can for includes.

Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

Posted (edited)

Alright, I edited the scite properties files but now I'm getting more errors.

I'm using

Line 470 (File "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\OrganizeIncludes\OrganizeIncludes3.6.au3"):

$GUI = GUICreate('Organize Includes for AutoIt by Xenobiologist', 606, 546, 196, 50, $WS_SYSMENU)

$GUI = GUICreate('Organize Includes for AutoIt by Xenobiologist', 606, 546, 196, 50, ^ ERROR

Error: Variable used without being declared.

It seems like this would be caused by the changes that occurred in lots of includes...

Edit: I tried running OrganizeIncludes3.6 by itself and it has some undeclared variables..

Edited by Piano_Man
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
Posted (edited)


thanks. I added Opt('MUSTDECLAREVARS', 1) and updated the script for it. I'll post version 3.7 in a couple of days.

Here is 3.6 with the opt which should run with latest beta without any complains.

[autoit]; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; AutoIt Version:

; Author: Thorsten Meger


; Script Function:

; Organize Includes Version 3.6


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

;Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)

Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1)

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)











Global $start_T = TimerInit()


* Pr

Edited by Xenobiologist

Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times


Thanks it works good now... The code you posted above has a bunch of errors due to some long lines of code you had but once those are commented out it works.

Ok thanks, when I have finished the new version I'll upload it as au3 file. :)

If you got any feature requests, please tell me. THANKS!


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

  • 1 month later...

It looks really VERY GOOD!! :)

You have five stars from me.

But I think there should be new (radio item) option for switching between release/beta includes.

release 3.2.10 and beta 3.2.11.x have changed/different include files

so if I wan't compile script with latest beta it's OK as it is now

but if I want to compile the same script with "old" release 3.2.10 then I'm in trouble

because it finds beta include files first.

Also I have had problems with your installer on WIN98 - checkboxes are OFF and disabled

and instal didn't added new menu item in Scite Tools menu.

I'm using it by running compiled EXE file (OrganizeIncludes3.6.exe) by hand.



thanks! :)

I'll think about the option between normal and beta mode.

Huh, WIN98 is damn old. :) I guess, if you know the how-to you can "install" the script wihtout using an installer. I cannot test cause I do not have any WIN98 PC anymore.

Thanks again for that!

Now switching to your log_view project. I changed your include script to this:

Global Const $LVM_GETITEM = $LVM_FIRST + 5
;~ Global Const $WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112
;~ Global Const $WM_NOTIFY = 0x004E
;~ Global Const $NM_DBLCLK = -3
;~ Global Const $MF_BYPOSITION = 0x0400
;~ Global Const $MF_SEPARATOR  = 0x0800

;~ Global Const $ILC_MASK = 0x0001
;~ Global Const $ILC_COLOR32 = 0x0020
;~ Global Const $HDM_SETIMAGELIST = 0x1208
;~ Global Const $HDM_SETITEM = 0x1204
;~ Global Const $HDI_FORMAT = 0x4
;~ Global Const $HDI_IMAGE = 0x20

;~ Global Const $HDF_STRING = 0x4000
;~ Global Const $HDF_IMAGE = 0x800
;~ Global Const $HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT = 0x1000
;~ Global Const $DTM_SETFORMAT = 0x1005

Func GetSubItemText($nCtrlID, $nItemID, $nColumn)
    Local $stLvfi       = DllStructCreate("uint;ptr;int;int[2];int")
    DllStructSetData($stLvfi, 1, $LVFI_PARAM)
    DllStructSetData($stLvfi, 3, $nItemID)

    Local $stBuffer     = DllStructCreate("char[260]")
    $nIndex = GUICtrlSendMsg($nCtrlID, $LVM_FINDITEM, -1, DllStructGetPtr($stLvfi))

    Local $stLvi        = DllStructCreate("uint;int;int;uint;uint;ptr;int;int;int;int")
    DllStructSetData($stLvi, 1, $LVIF_TEXT)
    DllStructSetData($stLvi, 2, $nIndex)
    DllStructSetData($stLvi, 3, $nColumn)
    DllStructSetData($stLvi, 6, DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer))
    DllStructSetData($stLvi, 7, 260)

    GUICtrlSendMsg($nCtrlID, $LVM_GETITEM, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stLvi));

    $sItemText  = DllStructGetData($stBuffer, 1)
    $stLvi = 0
    $stLvfi = 0
    $stBuffer = 0

    Return $sItemText

Func GetSystemMenu($hWnd, $bRevert = 0)
    Local $hMenu = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetSystemMenu", _
                                                "hwnd", $hWnd, _
                                                "int", $bRevert)
    Return $hMenu[0]

Func InsertMenu($hMenu, $nPosition, $nFlags, $nIDNewItem, $lpNewItem)
    Local $nResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "InsertMenu", _
                                                "hwnd", $hMenu, _
                                                "int", $nPosition, _
                                                "int", $nFlags, _
                                                "int", $nIDNewItem, _
                                                "str", $lpNewItem)
    Return $nResult[0]

Func ImageList_Create($nImageWidth, $nImageHeight, $nFlags, $nInitial, $nGrow)
   $hImageList = DllCall('comctl32.dll', 'hwnd', 'ImageList_Create', 'int', $nImageWidth, 'int', $nImageHeight, 'int', $nFlags, 'int', $nInitial, 'int', $nGrow)
   Return $hImageList[0]

Func ImageList_AddIcon($hIml, $hIcon)
   $nIndex = DllCall('comctl32.dll', 'int', 'ImageList_AddIcon', 'hwnd', $hIml, 'hwnd', $hIcon)
   Return $nIndex[0]

Func ImageList_Destroy($hIml)
   $bResult = DllCall('comctl32.dll', 'int', 'ImageList_Destroy', 'hwnd', $hIml)
   Return $bResult[0]

Func ExtractIconEx($sIconFile, $nIconID, $ptrIconLarge, $ptrIconSmall, $nIcons)
   $nCount = DllCall('shell32.dll', 'int', 'ExtractIconEx', 'str', $sIconFile, 'int', $nIconID, 'ptr', $ptrIconLarge, 'ptr', $ptrIconSmall, 'int', $nIcons)
   Return $nCount[0]

Func DestroyIcon($hIcon)
   $bResult = DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'DestroyIcon', 'hwnd', $hIcon)
   Return $bResult[0]
EndFuncoÝ÷ ٩ݶ§Ü(®G¬8Ę̂ºwvØb²)Üç^±«­¢+Ø¥¹±Õ±ÐíÉÉä¹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±Ðí¥±¹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÕ¥1¥ÍÑY¥Ü¹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±Ðí5¥Í¹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±Ðí±½}Ù¥Ý}¥¹±Õ¹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±Ðí  ÕÑѽ¹
½¹ÍѹÑ̹ÔÌÐìoÝ÷ ÙÆ®±ê¶¬jëh×6+> "Organize Includes" for AutoIt3 | Version 3.7 | © Th.Meger | 10.Feb.2008
!> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> _ArrayReverse                                     > Array.au3
+> _FileReadToArray                                  > File.au3
+> _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems                   > GuiListView.au3
+> _IsPressed                                        > Misc.au3
+> GetSubItemText                                    > log_view_include.au3
+> $BS_CENTER                                        > ButtonConstants.au3
+> $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL                                  > ComboConstants.au3
+> $DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT                              > DateTimeConstants.au3
+> $ES_AUTOHSCROLL                                   > EditConstants.au3
+> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE                                  > GUIConstantsEx.au3
+> $HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT                              > HeaderConstants.au3
+> $ILC_MASK                                         > ImageListConstants.au3
+> $LVS_REPORT                                       > ListViewConstants.au3
+> $MF_BYPOSITION                                    > MenuConstants.au3
+> $SS_CENTER                                        > StaticConstants.au3
+> $tagNMHDR                                         > StructureConstants.au3
+> $WS_GROUP                                         > WindowsConstants.au3
!> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

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