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If Process Not Exist then Start It...?


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Is there a code that can check to see if a certain process is running, and if its not found running then the AutoIt.exe will execute it ..??

and also i want the AutoIt.exe to run in an infinite loop checking every 1 min if the process is running or not...

How can i do this..??

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Oooh, Nice spot Foy :)

Meanwhile, i have complete this script myself, it is 4 lines. I might aswell give it to you (But for future reference, Helpfile)

While 1 ; Opens up a WHILE loop, with 1 as a constant, so it is infinite
If Not ProcessExists("notepad.exe") Then Run("notepad.exe") ; if the process of notepad.exe doesn't exist, it starts it
Sleep (10) ; Puts the script to sleep for 10 milliseconds so it doesn't chew CPU power
WEnd ; Closes the loop, tells it to go back to the beginning
Edited by tAKTelapis
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If for some reason you NEED it to run only once a minute ( or just cause I was bored ):

$StartTimer = TimerInit() ; Define the initial time we will be comparing to later
$process = "notepad.exe" ; define the process
$exe = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe" ; Define the executable
Checkprocess() ; Run our checkprocess() function on initial execute
While 1 ; Infinite Loop Condition is always true, you can exit these loops with "ExitLoop"
    If TimerDiff($StartTimer) > 60000 Then ; Only run the conditional code if the difference in time is greater than 1 min (60000 Miliseconds)
    Sleep(10) ; So we don't kill the CPU
WEnd ; End of While Loop
Func Checkprocess()
    If Not ProcessExists($process) Then Run($exe) ; checks if process exists.. If not, it will Run the process
    $StartTimer = TimerInit() ; Reset the timer since the script just ran
EndFunc   ;==>Checkprocess
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Oooh, Nice spot Foy :)

Meanwhile, i have complete this script myself, it is 4 lines. I might aswell give it to you (But for future reference, Helpfile)

While 1 ; Opens up a WHILE loop, with 1 as a constant, so it is infinite
If Not ProcessExists("notepad.exe") Then Run("notepad.exe") ; if the process of notepad.exe doesn't exist, it starts it
Sleep (10) ; Puts the script to sleep for 10 milliseconds so it doesn't chew CPU power
WEnd ; Closes the loop, tells it to go back to the beginning
wow thanks for such fast replies guys..

ok so when then process gets ran i also need the Autoit.exe to terminate itself as well at the same it executes the process..how would i do that..??

I remember in batch code it would look like this ""START SYSTEM.EXE && EXIT""


If Not ProcessExists("SYSTEM.EXE") Then RUN("SYSTEM.EXE") && EXIT

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