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This is a compiled AutoIt script. AV researchers please email avsupport@autoitscript.com for support.

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Since one directs oneself all right towards a dialog of deaf one-) : The term "intellectual property" seems totally you to escape. ..pourtant it has a value in well superior right to all your rules, "help", or pseudo-clauses composed by here by there.

I have a formation in right, I know of what I speak (given counsels free. ..comprenne that will be able)

Reads like Yoda's next big role!

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Hy Paulie,

Ok, I don't speak french, but Translators do...

Without spelling mistake (or grammatical), slang's expressions, etc, yes they can :)

Basically, you are not allowed to reverse engineer the Autoit3.exe nor the compiled script executable that you create, because it contains the interpreter, so if you reverse engineer that, you may as well have reversed the Autoit3.exe.

OK, you probably reason.

That message is there to inform users, such as yourself, who don't seem to bother with EULAs that it is a violation if that agreement to reverse engineer the .exe

Sorry Paulie but the message don't say that. it informs AV companies that it's a compiled script with autoit to provide a support for...what in your opinion ? As you say, EULAs forbid the reversing. So the AV compagnies can't reverse themselves Legally an autoit executable and this message says only : "contact us, we'll provide the analyse".

If my licence forbid the reversing or unpacking (scanning, AV compagnies don't need that help, hein ;)), first can i forbid this things ? And if i can what would be the situation with regard to an analysis by autoit team ? Do you understand the situation ?

I know that technically it is possible to do a lot of things -unpack, deobfuscate, reverse- but if we could cover of abusive practice in some cases, it would be better ..."it's not because it's possible that it's legal".

Edited by FrenchTroll
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I'm asking two time in this thread if i can fordid the reversing and unpacking in my licence in spite of their message on the debug section. Result : no answer

The licence say :

Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to contact the author of this Software for any reason, please contact him/her at the email address mentioned at the top of this EULA.

We are forced to ask the question by mail to have an answer ?

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