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Posted (edited)

Hi there everybody, i'am Starting a new UDF.

here is the code i have so far.

Global $packet_dll = @SystemDir & "\packet.dll"

ConsoleWrite(_PcapPacketGetAdapterNames() & @CRLF)

Func _PcapPacketGetAdapterNames()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $pStr = DllStructCreate("str")
    If @error <> 0 Then
    $success = DllCall($packet_dll, "bool", "PacketGetAdapterNames","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($pStr), "ulong", DllStructGetSize($pStr))
    If @error Then
    if not $success Then SetError(4)
    $return_value = DllStructGetData($pStr,1)
    Return $return_value
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetAdapterNames

Func _PcapPacketGetVersion()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $return_value = DllCall($packet_dll, "str", "PacketGetVersion")
    If @error Then
    Return $return_value[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetVersion

Func _GetLastError()
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastError

Func _FormatMessage($iFlags, $pSource, $iMessageID, $iLanguageID, $pBuffer, $iSize, $vArguments)
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "FormatMessageA", "int", $iFlags, "hwnd", $pSource, _
            "int", $iMessageID, "int", $iLanguageID, "ptr", $pBuffer, "int", $iSize, _
            "ptr", $vArguments)
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_FormatMessage

Func _GetLastErrorMessage()
    Local Const $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000

    $rBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[4096]")
    $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($rBuffer)
    _FormatMessage($FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, _GetLastError(), 0, $pBuffer, 4096, 0)
    $sResult = DllStructGetData($rBuffer, 1)
    $rBuffer = 0
    Return $sResult
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastErrorMessage

i have figured out to get the version information but not to get the adapter listing.

if you have suggestions how to handle the dll call please reply, im stuck with that.

For those who do not know winpcap here are some links:

The Definition how to act with the Packet get adapter names Function

Packet.dll exported functions and variables

The WinPcap Homepage

The Newest UDF, from SVN.

please help me figuring out that dll call and i will generate the whole UDF for you :)

kind regards,


Edited by JRSmile
For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;
Posted (edited)


Edited by JRSmile
For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;

Hi there everybody, i'am Starting a new UDF.

here is the code i have so far.

Global $packet_dll = @SystemDir & "\packet.dll"
ConsoleWrite(_PcapPacketGetAdapterNames() & @CRLF)

Func _PcapPacketGetAdapterNames()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $pStr = DllStructCreate("str")
    If @error <> 0 Then
    $success = DllCall($packet_dll, "bool", "PacketGetAdapterNames","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($pStr), "ulong", DllStructGetSize($pStr))
    If @error Then
    if not $success Then SetError(4)
    $return_value = DllStructGetData($pStr,1)
    Return $return_value
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetAdapterNames
Func _PcapPacketGetVersion()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $return_value = DllCall($packet_dll, "str", "PacketGetVersion")
    If @error Then
    Return $return_value[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetVersion
Func _GetLastError()
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastError

Func _FormatMessage($iFlags, $pSource, $iMessageID, $iLanguageID, $pBuffer, $iSize, $vArguments)
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "FormatMessageA", "int", $iFlags, "hwnd", $pSource, _
            "int", $iMessageID, "int", $iLanguageID, "ptr", $pBuffer, "int", $iSize, _
            "ptr", $vArguments)
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_FormatMessage

Func _GetLastErrorMessage()
    Local Const $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000

    $rBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[4096]")
    $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($rBuffer)
    _FormatMessage($FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, _GetLastError(), 0, $pBuffer, 4096, 0)
    $sResult = DllStructGetData($rBuffer, 1)
    $rBuffer = 0
    Return $sResult
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastErrorMessage

i have figured out to get the version information but not to get the adapter listing.

if you have suggestions how to handle the dll call please reply, im stuck with that.

For those who do not know winpcap here are some links:

The Definition how to act with the Packet get adapter names Function

Packet.dll exported functions and variables

The WinPcap Homepage

The Newest UDF, from SVN.

please help me figuring out that dll call and i will generate the whole UDF for you :)

kind regards,


I don't know too much about it myself, but the primary developer of winpcap is my brother-in-law (and I know the whole team anyhow), so if you have any specific technical questions that you might need to ask I can forward them on and see if they can help.
[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software

I don't know too much about it myself, but the primary developer of winpcap is my brother-in-law (and I know the whole team anyhow), so if you have any specific technical questions that you might need to ask I can forward them on and see if they can help.

This is amazing how small the world is, could you ask your brother-in-law if he has some vbscript examples how to access the exposed functions of the dll? that would help me a lot.

For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;
Posted (edited)

good stuff. looking forward to see progress :P

btw. how is your firewall project going?

the firewall project will be upset abouve this UDF so you know how far i am :)

a bit more the you thought the gui is already fully working :) only the real firewall features need to be implemented :P

Edited by JRSmile
For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;
Posted (edited)

I don't think AutoIt can handle a DLLCreateStruct("str")

I'll look into this.

Edit: If you do it like this:

Global $packet_dll = @SystemDir & "\packet.dll"

$sReturn = _PcapPacketGetAdapterNames()
MsgBox(0, "", $sReturn)

Func _PcapPacketGetAdapterNames()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $pStr = DllStructCreate("wchar str")
    If @error <> 0 Then
    $success = DllCall($packet_dll, "bool", "PacketGetAdapterNames","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($pStr), "ulong", DllStructGetSize($pStr))
    If @error Then
    if not $success Then SetError(4)
    $return_value = DllStructGetData($pStr,1)
    Return $return_value
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetAdapterNames

Func _PcapPacketGetVersion()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $return_value = DllCall($packet_dll, "str", "PacketGetVersion")
    If @error Then
    Return $return_value[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetVersion

Func _GetLastError()
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastError

Func _FormatMessage($iFlags, $pSource, $iMessageID, $iLanguageID, $pBuffer, $iSize, $vArguments)
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "FormatMessageA", "int", $iFlags, "hwnd", $pSource, _
            "int", $iMessageID, "int", $iLanguageID, "ptr", $pBuffer, "int", $iSize, _
            "ptr", $vArguments)
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_FormatMessage

Func _GetLastErrorMessage()
    Local Const $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000

    $rBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[4096]")
    $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($rBuffer)
    _FormatMessage($FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, _GetLastError(), 0, $pBuffer, 4096, 0)
    $sResult = DllStructGetData($rBuffer, 1)
    $rBuffer = 0
    Return $sResult
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastErrorMessage

The return value is non-zero..

Edit: http://www.1000files.com/Software_Developm...629_Review.html

Edited by Manadar

I don't think AutoIt can handle a DLLCreateStruct("str")

I'll look into this.

Edit: If you do it like this:

Global $packet_dll = @SystemDir & "\packet.dll"
$sReturn = _PcapPacketGetAdapterNames()
MsgBox(0, "", $sReturn)

Func _PcapPacketGetAdapterNames()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $pStr = DllStructCreate("wchar str")
    If @error <> 0 Then
    $success = DllCall($packet_dll, "bool", "PacketGetAdapterNames","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($pStr), "ulong", DllStructGetSize($pStr))
    If @error Then
    if not $success Then SetError(4)
    $return_value = DllStructGetData($pStr,1)
    Return $return_value
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetAdapterNames

Func _PcapPacketGetVersion()
    If Not FileExists($packet_dll) Then SetError(1)
    $return_value = DllCall($packet_dll, "str", "PacketGetVersion")
    If @error Then
    Return $return_value[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_PcapPacketGetVersion

Func _GetLastError()
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastError

Func _FormatMessage($iFlags, $pSource, $iMessageID, $iLanguageID, $pBuffer, $iSize, $vArguments)
    $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "FormatMessageA", "int", $iFlags, "hwnd", $pSource, _
            "int", $iMessageID, "int", $iLanguageID, "ptr", $pBuffer, "int", $iSize, _
            "ptr", $vArguments)
    Return $aResult[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_FormatMessage

Func _GetLastErrorMessage()
    Local Const $FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000

    $rBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[4096]")
    $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($rBuffer)
    _FormatMessage($FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, _GetLastError(), 0, $pBuffer, 4096, 0)
    $sResult = DllStructGetData($rBuffer, 1)
    $rBuffer = 0
    Return $sResult
EndFunc   ;==>_GetLastErrorMessageoÝ÷ Ù8^­ën®{Ú碲z'Íêèþ«¨µè­®'¶¬²Ú­»­.qǬ±«­¢+ÙÕ¹}AÁA­ÑÑÁÑÉ9µÌ ¤(%9½Ð¥±á¥ÍÑÌ ÀÌØíÁ­Ñ}±°¤Q¡¸MÑÉÉ½È Ä¤((ÀÌØíÁMÑÈô±±MÑÉÕÑ

packetx is the best solution but costs 50 bugs ...

For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;

added reply, cause not possible to change above statement without crashing the source code...


i think autoit isnt able to handle PTSTR and PULONG Datatypes... maybe someone knows a solution?

For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;

don't know if this will help, this is all he could give me unless you give me specific examples of what you need to do:

- the developer's pack

(http://www.winpcap.org/install/bin/WpdPack_41b.zip). In particular,

the Examples-pcap folder contains a set of sample applications that

can be compiled with either Visual Studio 6, 2003, 2005 or express

and are ready to run.

- the WinPcap tutorial


that contains instructions and commented code snippets for the most

common operations

[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software
Posted (edited)

hi magleod,

i have downloaded the winpcap developer pack...

installed virtual studio, converted the sln file to Visual Studio 2005

tried to compile, and got this error:

1>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: UDPdump, Konfiguration: Debug Win32 ------



1>c:\documents and settings\jre\desktop\svn\wpdpack\include\pcap-stdinc.h(48) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'winsock2.h': No such file or directory

1>Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\Documents and Settings\JRe\Desktop\SVN\WpdPack\Examples-pcap\UDPdump\Debug\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.

1>UDPdump - 1 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)

========== Erstellen: 0 erfolgreich, Fehler bei 1, 0 aktuell, 0 übersprungen ==========

do you have a clue where i can get the additional files?


found out that i need to install:

Microsoft ® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Platform SDK Web Install


got it to work, but the examples are explaining the usage of the winpcap source,

i want to handle dllcalls with the packet.dll ;)

but thanks anyway will have a look at that too :)

Edited by JRSmile
For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;

FYI: (from source: http://www.winpcap.org/pipermail/winpcap-u...er/001574.html)


at the moment there's no COM interface available for WinPcap, and we have no

plans to export WinPcap as a COM component.

Have a nice day


----- Original Message -----

From: "Shaw, Marco" <Marco.Shaw at aliant.ca>

To: <winpcap-users at winpcap.org>

Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 5:13 AM

Subject: [Winpcap-users] Is there a COM interface?

> Just wondering if I can easily call winpcap from VBScript or Powershell.


> Is there a COM interface?


> Marco


Posted (edited)


got it to work, but the examples are explaining the usage of the winpcap source,

i want to handle dllcalls with the packet.dll ;)

but thanks anyway will have a look at that too :)

well, I'll send him an email and see if he has anything additional that he can send that deals specifically with packet.dll.

Edited by maqleod
[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software
Posted (edited)

yes thats true, unfortunately, but packetx is a com object setup above the winpcap application, so for $50 youll get wat you want :) but i want to implement it natively. and for free.

well, I'll send him an email and see if he has anything additional that he can send that deals specifically with packet.dll.

thank you very much. ;)

Edited by JRSmile
For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;


Maybe you can start using this instead WinPCap.

MS Network Monitor



hi ptrex thanks for your reply,

unfortunately i cant figure out how to handle the tool with autoit:(

no com library and no documented dlls on the internet :)

For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;
Posted (edited)

Could someone post a simple example of use of this winpcap udf please.

*Edit* <RANT>

This didn't really merit another post but wow, this is the first time in my experience that pointless flaming and name calling has been directed at my for a question.

1st. @Manadar Could you please read the heading of this section just once? This is "Example Scripts" far be it from me to assume someone would be able to produce an "Example Script" in "Example Scripts".

2nd. @JRSmile This community is generally above name calling just because you don't like someone asking for a result in the results oriented forum. "Sry boy," is clearly a asinine flame since looking at our profiles I can see this has nothing to do with ma age and is just intended to be a put down.

This is one of the rare programing oriented communities that holds itself to a higher standard and so should we as regular users.


Edited by Skizmata

AutoIt changed my life.

Posted (edited)

Could someone post a simple example of use of winpcap please.

Could you read this topic just once? Almost all of the posts are about finding a simple way to call the winpcap dll.

Edit: Skizmata, I'm not trying to start a flame war here, by all means. I would just appreciate it if you would read the full topic first, that might have helped you realize that the UDF is yet to be created. Thanks.

Edited by Manadar
Posted (edited)

Could someone post a simple example of use of winpcap please.

Sry boy, but thats not as simple as it sounds there is much research needed, to make it happen.

stay tuned, will figure a way out for u.

"Sry boy," is clearly a asinine flame since looking at our profiles I can see this has nothing to do with ma age and is just intended to be a put down.

@ Skizmata: This was no flame at all, i did not want to flam and im not the type of man to do so. Im intendet to bring this udf to the community as fast as possible, but the reason (i wanted to explain to you) is that my knowledge is not high enough to figure out the correct dll call by my own, the example call is in the udf ( the version number) i just want to add more functionality like using it correctly :)

please don't take anything here personallya even because of the language differences there can be easily misunderstandings.

Edited by JRSmile
For $b=1 To UBound($a)+(-1*-1*-1)step(2^4/8);&$b+=1*2/40*µ&Asc(4)
Next ;time_U&r34d,ths,U-may=get$the&c.l.u.e;b3st-regards,JRSmile;


Sorry, but there is not COM interface to the MS Network Monitor.

I was thinking that you guys where having a lot a trouble getting the WinPCap to work.

So why not use MS Network Monitor, which has a lot a features.

I just recently discovered it myself so I don't know if it fulfills your need.



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