Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 This may sound simple, however after about an hour and fifteen minutes of playing around, I still have yet to figure a nice way for this to work. My script is entering data based off of gui input into a program called Syte Line, and the most reliable way to input the data is known to be Control Send, however ControlSend is sending the application the data in lower-case format, even if the variable containing the string is capitalized with StringUpper. When I run the ControlSend with {CAPSLOCK} in front, it turns numbers into symbols. Any idea's?
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 (edited) I have tried SetText(), multiple times, however to no luck as it does not enter anything in the field at all. Edited September 25, 2007 by Tasmania
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 I have even attempted to enter the string that contains numbers as RAW and it still outputs symbols.
aslani Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 From AutoIT Help file under ControlSendRemarksControlSend works in a similar way to Send but it can send key strokes directly to a window/control, rather than just to the active window.ControlSend is only unreliable for command prompts as that works differently to normal windows (seems to check physical states rather than accepting the keystroke messages). For normal windows ControlSend should be way more reliable than a normal Send - and yes it does send shift, ctrl, alt etc.As mention in the Send help the keyboard that send different chars when in CAPS LOCK and using the Shift Key cannot be simulated. An example is the Czech Keyboard. A good workaround is to use the ControlSetText.The control might first need to be given focus with the ControlFocus command, specially when referencing an controlID created by the script itself.Opt("SendKeyDelay",...) alters the the length of the brief pause in between sent keystrokes.Opt("SendKeyDownDelay",...) alters the length of time a key is held down before being released during a keystroke. [font="Georgia"]Chances are, I'm wrong.[/font]HotKey trouble?Stringregexp GuideAutoIT Current Version
dbzfanatic Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Use the function StringUpper Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 Well, I can't use SetText for some reason, because it's not setting the text for the input box. I have tried to give the box focus and then set the text, and it is still not working.
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 StringUpper does not work when set in variables or when set when using the ControlSend function, it still displays characters in lower-case.
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 (edited) expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\documents and settings\uspjefe\desktop\projects\frmquestions.kxf $frmCInfo = GUICreate("Syte Line Automation", 419, 314, -1, -1) $grpInfo = GUICtrlCreateGroup(" Information ", 0, 0, 417, 241) $lblAttn = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Attn:", 8, 17, 32, 17) $txtAttn = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 17, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblEmail = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Email:", 8, 41, 38, 17) $txtEmail = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 41, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblPwo = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&PWO #:", 8, 65, 49, 17) $txtPwo = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 65, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblInum = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Full &Item Num:", 8, 89, 77, 17) $txtInum = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 89, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblSca = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&SCA # (No 0):", 8, 113, 76, 17) $txtSca = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 113, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 7) $lblDesc = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Description:", 8, 137, 66, 17) $txtDesc = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 137, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 40) $lblRstdate = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Request Date:", 8, 161, 79, 17) $dteRstdate = GUICtrlCreateDate("", 96, 161, 105, 21, $WS_TABSTOP) $lblType = GUICtrlCreateLabel("T&ype:", 8, 184, 37, 17) $cmbType = GUICtrlCreateCombo("CONCEPT", 96, 184, 105, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL,$CBS_UPPERCASE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "RECONCEPT|SAMPLE|RESAMPLE|ADDL SMPL|HEAT SEAL TOOL|BLISTR FRM TOOL") $lblProdCode = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Produc&t Code:", 8, 208, 78, 17) $cmbPcode = GUICtrlCreateCombo("SAM-CONCPT", 96, 208, 105, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL,$CBS_UPPERCASE)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "SAM-SAMPL|SAM-ADDL|MAH-FAC|MAH-FAM|BFT-VAC|BFT-PRESS") $lblPO = GUICtrlCreateLabel("P&O Number:", 216, 17, 68, 17) $txtPO = GUICtrlCreateInput("N/C", 304, 17, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblPOamt = GUICtrlCreateLabel("PO A&mount:", 216, 41, 67, 17) $txtPOamt = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 304, 41, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblPOdiscount = GUICtrlCreateLabel("PO Disco&unt:", 216, 64, 73, 17) $txtPOdiscount = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 304, 64, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblPE = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Projec&t Enj:", 216, 89, 64, 17) $txtPE = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 304, 89, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblPM = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Project &Mngr:", 216, 113, 73, 17) $txtPM = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 304, 113, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblCharge = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Charge:", 216, 137, 47, 17) $txtCharge = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 304, 137, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblQty = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Quantit&y:", 216, 160, 52, 17) $txtQty = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 304, 160, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblMaterial = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Materia&l:", 216, 184, 50, 17) $txtMaterial = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 304, 184, 105, 21) $lblGauge = GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Gauge:", 216, 208, 45, 17) $txtGauge = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 304, 208, 105, 21, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $lblExNotes = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extra &Notes:", 8, 248, 68, 17) $edtExNotes = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 80, 248, 241, 57, BitOR($ES_UPPERCASE,$ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "") $btnContinue = GUICtrlCreateButton("Contin&ue", 336, 248, 75, 25, 0) $btnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xit", 336, 280, 75, 25, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ; ********** Variables that are needed to start ********** $displayed = 0 $readonly = 0 ; ********** End variables that are needed to start ********** While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE; Exit icon - upper right Exit Case $btnExit Exit Case $btnContinue GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ExitLoop Case Not $txtInum If StringLen(GUICtrlRead($txtInum)) > 0 And $displayed <= 2 Then If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($txtInum), "SAMPLE") Then GUICtrlSetData($cmbType, "SAMPLE") GUICtrlSetData($cmbPcode, "SAM-SAMPL") $displayed += 1 ElseIf StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($txtInum), "ADDSAM") Then GUICtrlSetData($cmbType, "ADDL SAMPL") GUICtrlSetData($cmbPcode, "SAM-ADDL") $displayed += 1 ElseIf StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($txtInum), "CONCEPT") Then GUICtrlSetData($cmbType, "CONCEPT") GUICtrlSetData($cmbPcode, "SAM-CONCPT") $displayed += 1 ElseIf StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($txtInum), "H") Then GUICtrlSetData($cmbType, "HEAT SEAL TOOL") GUICtrlSetData($cmbPcode, "MAH-FAC") $displayed += 1 ElseIf StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($txtInum), "FORMTOOL") Then GUICtrlSetData($cmbType, "BLISTER FORM TOOL") GUICtrlSetData($cmbPcode, "BFT-VAC") $displayed += 1 EndIf ElseIf StringLen(GUICtrlRead($txtInum)) = 0 And $displayed <= 3 Then $displayed = 0 EndIf EndSwitch WEnd ; ********** Variables that will NOT be changed ********** $attn = GUICtrlRead($txtAttn) $email = GUICtrlRead($txtEmail) $pwo = GUICtrlRead($txtPwo) $inum = GUICtrlRead($txtInum) $sca = GUICtrlRead($txtSca) $date = GUICtrlRead($dteRstdate) $newdate = StringSplit($date, "/") $yr = StringRight($newdate[3], 2) $date = $newdate[1] & "/" & $newdate[2] & "/" & $yr $type = GUICtrlRead($cmbType) $pcode = GUICtrlRead($cmbPcode) $po = GUICtrlRead($txtPO) $poamt = GUICtrlRead($txtPOamt) $podisc = GUICtrlRead($txtPOdiscount) $pe = GUICtrlRead($txtPE) $pm = GUICtrlRead($txtPM) $charge = GUICtrlRead($txtCharge) $desc = GUICtrlRead($txtDesc) $exnotes = GUICtrlRead($edtExNotes) $qty = GUICtrlRead($txtQty) $gauge = GUICtrlRead($txtGauge) $material = GUICtrlRead($txtMaterial) ; Default location is going to be bft $loc = "bft" $newitem = 0 ; ********** End variables that will NOT be change ********** ; First thing we need to do is to see if we can find main menu for Syte Line If WinExists("Main Menu - dekb") Then WinActivate("Main Menu - dekb"); Maximize the dekalb blister site ElseIf WinExists("Main Menu - bft") Then WinActivate("Main Menu - bft"); Maximize the blister form tools site ElseIf WinExists("Main Menu - dekm") Then WinActivate("Main Menu - dekm"); Maximize the dekalb machenery site Else Run("P:\dlc91c\bin\prowin32.exe -basekey INI -ininame p:\syteline6\symix.ini -pf p:\syteline.prd\dekbrun.pf -p menu\symix.p") WinWaitActive("ERP 6.01.00") Send("{SPACE}") WinWaitActive("Main Menu - dekb") EndIf If $type = "HEAT SEAL TOOL" Then If Not WinActive("Main Menu - dekm") Then Send("!fw") WinWaitActive("Select a Site/Entity") Send("dekm{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("Main Menu - dekm") $loc = "dekm" EndIf ElseIf Not WinActive("Main Menu - bft") Then Send("!fw") ; Wait until the select a site is active WinWaitActive("Select a Site/Entity") ; Go to blister form tools Send("BFT{ENTER}{ENTER}") ; Wait until the main menu loads WinWaitActive("Main Menu - bft") $loc = "bft" EndIf ; Now activate the customer order entry window WinMenuSelectItem("Main Menu - ", "", "&Customer", "&Customer Service", "&Order Maintenance") ; Wait for the window to become active WinWaitActive("Order Maintenance - ") ; Select a new entry WinMenuSelectItem("Order Maintenance - ", "", "&Edit", "N&ew") ; Figure out if there is a PO or Not If $po Not = "" Then ControlSend("Order Maintenance - bft", "", "[ID:56]", $po) Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "You did not enter anything in the PO text box. Stopping script.") Exit EndIf ; Now have the user enter in the customer MsgBox(0, "Notice", "Please select the customer and the address and enter the shipping and contact information.") ; Wait for them to Continue WinWaitActive("Order Line Maintenance - ") Send("!d") ; Select a new entry WinMenuSelectItem("Order Line Maintenance - ", "", "&Edit", "N&ew") ; Once at the new entry enter in the item description ControlSend("Order Line Maintenance - ", "", "[ID:369]", $inum) Send("{TAB}") WinWaitActive("Validate", "", 2) If WinActive("Validate") Then Send("{SPACE}") $compname = InputBox("Company Name", "Please enter the company name:", "", " M", 190, 115) $newitem = 1 WinWaitClose("Company Name") WinMenuSelectItem("Main Menu - ", "", "&Material", "&Inventory", "&Item Maintenance") WinWaitActive("Item Maintenance - ") ControlClick("Item Maintenance - ", "", "[ID:618]") WinMenuSelectItem("Item Maintenance - ", "", "&Edit", "N&ew") ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:512]", $inum) ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:514]", $compname & "-" & $desc) ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:520]", "EA") ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:554]", $pcode) ;ControlClick("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:622]") ;ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:664]", $pe) ;ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:666]", $pm) ;ControlSend("Item Maintenance", "", "[ID:668]", $pwo) ;WinMenuSelectItem("Item Maintenance - ", "", "&Edit", "&Save") ;WinClose("Item Maintenance - ") ;If Not WinActive("Order Line Maintenance - ") Then ;WinActivate("Order Line Maintenance - ") ;EndIf EndIf This is how my code looks right now... or well a small part of my code... Edited September 26, 2007 by Tasmania
dbzfanatic Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Are you sure you're doing it right? It should be something like Send(StringUpper($yourVariable)) Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 (edited) I'm not using Send, I'm using ControlSend, and when I program it I do it as such: ; $po contains N/C at this point, inside of the variable it (itself) is in caps ControlSend("Order Maintenance - bft", "", "[ID:56]", StringUpper($po)) Edited September 25, 2007 by Tasmania
dbzfanatic Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 If that doesn't work why don't you just do this? $po = StringUpper($po) ControlSend("Order Maintenance - bft", "", "[ID:56]", $po) Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 I'm attaching some pictures of what I am speaking of to assist.
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 Even when I enter in "037037CONCPET" in the send to control, without a variable, it sends symbols.
aslani Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Try this; ControlSend("Order Maintenance - bft", "", "[ID:56]", "" & $po) [font="Georgia"]Chances are, I'm wrong.[/font]HotKey trouble?Stringregexp GuideAutoIT Current Version
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 Same result. I just wrote a very small autoit for notepad to attempt the same things as I am here, however I have been unable to reproduce this as of yet. Possibly this has something to do with my code as you see it right now?
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 (edited) Still having the same issue, however I have noticed that I can't use SetText after using WinMenuSelectItem for some reason... even if I do the Alt keys, set-text doesn't work. Why? Edit: However if I don't go through the menu, it works just fine. Edited September 25, 2007 by Tasmania
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 (edited) New interesting thing: If you view my original code, and now view this code section, you will notice that two things have flipped. For some reason, settext works now that the code is flipped. ; Select a new entry WinMenuSelectItem("Order Maintenance - ", "", "&Edit", "N&ew") ; Now have the user enter in the customer MsgBox(0, "Notice", "Please select the customer and the address and enter the shipping and contact information.") WinWaitClose("Notice") ; Figure out if there is a PO or Not If $po Not = "" Then ControlSetText("Order Maintenance - ", "", "[ID:56]", $po) Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "You did not enter anything in the PO text box. Stopping script.") Exit EndIfoÝ÷ ØKÞj+z)íz·¬¶)àËajØ!ùb¦Ø^r^j¢»¦ëb¬ØÂ䱫¢+ØìM±Ð¹Ü¹ÑÉä)]¥¹5¹ÕM±Ñ%Ñ´ ÅÕ½Ðí=ÉÈ5¥¹Ñ¹¹´ÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½ÐìµÀí¥ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí8µÀíÜÅÕ½Ðì¤()]¥¹]¥ÑÑ¥Ù ÅÕ½Ðí=ÉÈ5¥¹Ñ¹¹´ÅÕ½Ðì¤((ì¥ÕɽÕХѡɥÌA Edited September 26, 2007 by Tasmania
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 It appears as though for set-text I need to wait for the window to become active before it runs settext? Is this true?
Tasmania Posted September 25, 2007 Author Posted September 25, 2007 SetText displays the text, however it's not actually there, it only appears to be there. If I click in the text box and hit space or anything except left or right arrows, it turns itself blank. This I feel is part of the application I'm running. Back to the drawing board...
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