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Func _GetXkcdLink()
    $RSS = "http://www.xkcd.com/rss.xml"
    $RSSSource = _INetGetSource($RSS)
    $Items = StringRegExp($RSSSource, "(?i)(?s)<item>.*?</item>", 3)
    $Count = UBound($Items)
    $Dummy = _StringBetween($Items[0], '&lt;img +src="', '"')
    $Link = $Dummy[0]
    Return $Link
EndFunc   ;==>_GetXkcdLink

untested but should work...

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN

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right, sorry...

Func _GetXkcdLink()
    $RSS = "http://www.xkcd.com/rss.xml"
    $RSSSource = _INetGetSource($RSS)
    $Items = StringRegExp($RSSSource, "(?i)(?s)<item>.*?</item>", 3)
    $Count = UBound($Items)
    $Dummy = _StringBetween($Items[0], '&lt;img src="', '"')
    $Link = $Dummy[0]
    Return $Link
EndFunc   ;==>_GetXkcdLink

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN

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right, sorry...

Func _GetXkcdLink()
    $RSS = "http://www.xkcd.com/rss.xml"
    $RSSSource = _INetGetSource($RSS)
    $Items = StringRegExp($RSSSource, "(?i)(?s)<item>.*?</item>", 3)
    $Count = UBound($Items)
    $Dummy = _StringBetween($Items[0], '&lt;img src="', '"')
    $Link = $Dummy[0]
    Return $Link
EndFunc   ;==>_GetXkcdLink
Sweet, that looks like it will work perfectly. As soon as I get my computer recustomized (I just reinstalled Windows) I'll update this.
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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To repost my earlier post in this thread: (edited to grab today's date...)

I'd love to see Achewood. (Note that Achewood is often very rude and crass. View at your own peril)

The URL for the daily comic is in this format. http://achewood.com/comic.php?date=11302007 But I'm not sure of the actual image URL format. The image is a .gif, but I don't know enough about PHP to know how to derive the actual image address.

Sometimes the comic is not updated daily. There are often two to three day gaps in comics.

If you would prefer not to add that one due to content, how about Penny Arcade?


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Includes xkcd

I really like this, thank you Piano Man. :) :)

Edit: You should change the $DownloadLocation = "C:\" to @HomeDrive. @HomeDrive&"\"

Your welcome and I changed it to @HomeDrive &'\' like you suggested.. thanks

Thanks again to theguy0000 for that link.

@HeffeD: I'll look into those two, probably tomorrow though, I should be studying for an AP Bio test I have tomorrow... ^_^

Edited by Piano_Man
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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All it shows is a tiny little box for me, with a button, that a click, and does nothing.

Well, internet access is required, but since you're posting on a forum I'll assume you have that.

Does it go through the progressbar where it should download the 5 pictures? It should take a few seconds... While the little box, as you call it, is open, check your @Homedrive to see if there have been any comics downloaded there.

Let me know what happens...

My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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