I searched around on here for some SQL stuff to use with an MSDE database and I ended up getting confused so I tried to simplfy it a bit, there are only a couple of functions so far but I guess someone may find it usefull. I have a database called test and a table called BBKS This has been totally revamped now and it uses very similar syntax to the SQLITE3 functions included with Autoit3 It will break any scripts that used the previous _SQL.au3 file but the new file is much more user friendly
dear @StefanoVR
please read:
>How to post code on the forum
Function header should be before function declaration
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: My_SQL_Connessione
; Description ...: Si collega al database SQL usando i parametri forniti
; Syntax.........: My_SQL_Connessione ($sPercorso,$sDatabase,$sUser,$sPassword)
; Parameters ....: $sPercorso - Stringa conte