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Posted (edited)

Hello, I just made an UDF for Encoding/Decoding the string and HTML Entity Number.


#include <Array.au3>

Dim $Entity[65536]
$Entity[34] = "quot"
$Entity[38] = "amp"
$Entity[39] = "apos"
$Entity[60] = "lt"
$Entity[62] = "gt"
$Entity[160] = "nbsp"
$Entity[161] = "iexcl"
$Entity[162] = "cent"
$Entity[163] = "pound"
$Entity[164] = "curren"
$Entity[165] = "yen"
$Entity[166] = "brvbar"
$Entity[167] = "sect"
$Entity[168] = "uml"
$Entity[169] = "copy"
$Entity[170] = "ordf"
$Entity[171] = "laquo"
$Entity[172] = "not"
$Entity[173] = "shy"
$Entity[174] = "reg"
$Entity[175] = "macr"
$Entity[176] = "deg"
$Entity[177] = "plusmn"
$Entity[178] = "sup2"
$Entity[179] = "sup3"
$Entity[180] = "acute"
$Entity[181] = "micro"
$Entity[182] = "para"
$Entity[183] = "middot"
$Entity[184] = "cedil"
$Entity[185] = "sup1"
$Entity[186] = "ordm"
$Entity[187] = "raquo"
$Entity[188] = "frac14"
$Entity[189] = "frac12"
$Entity[190] = "frac34"
$Entity[191] = "iquest"
$Entity[192] = "Agrave"
$Entity[193] = "Aacute"
$Entity[194] = "Acirc"
$Entity[195] = "Atilde"
$Entity[196] = "Auml"
$Entity[197] = "Aring"
$Entity[198] = "AElig"
$Entity[199] = "Ccedil"
$Entity[200] = "Egrave"
$Entity[201] = "Eacute"
$Entity[202] = "Ecirc"
$Entity[203] = "Euml"
$Entity[204] = "Igrave"
$Entity[205] = "Iacute"
$Entity[206] = "Icirc"
$Entity[207] = "Iuml"
$Entity[208] = "ETH"
$Entity[209] = "Ntilde"
$Entity[210] = "Ograve"
$Entity[211] = "Oacute"
$Entity[212] = "Ocirc"
$Entity[213] = "Otilde"
$Entity[214] = "Ouml"
$Entity[215] = "times"
$Entity[216] = "Oslash"
$Entity[217] = "Ugrave"
$Entity[218] = "Uacute"
$Entity[219] = "Ucirc"
$Entity[220] = "Uuml"
$Entity[221] = "Yacute"
$Entity[222] = "THORN"
$Entity[223] = "szlig"
$Entity[224] = "agrave"
$Entity[225] = "aacute"
$Entity[226] = "acirc"
$Entity[227] = "atilde"
$Entity[228] = "auml"
$Entity[229] = "aring"
$Entity[230] = "aelig"
$Entity[231] = "ccedil"
$Entity[232] = "egrave"
$Entity[233] = "eacute"
$Entity[234] = "ecirc"
$Entity[235] = "euml"
$Entity[236] = "igrave"
$Entity[237] = "iacute"
$Entity[238] = "icirc"
$Entity[239] = "iuml"
$Entity[240] = "eth"
$Entity[241] = "ntilde"
$Entity[242] = "ograve"
$Entity[243] = "oacute"
$Entity[244] = "ocirc"
$Entity[245] = "otilde"
$Entity[246] = "ouml"
$Entity[247] = "divide"
$Entity[248] = "oslash"
$Entity[249] = "ugrave"
$Entity[250] = "uacute"
$Entity[251] = "ucirc"
$Entity[252] = "uuml"
$Entity[253] = "yacute"
$Entity[254] = "thorn"
$Entity[255] = "yuml"
$Entity[338] = "OElig"
$Entity[339] = "oelig"
$Entity[352] = "Scaron"
$Entity[353] = "scaron"
$Entity[376] = "Yuml"
$Entity[402] = "fnof"
$Entity[710] = "circ"
$Entity[732] = "tilde"
$Entity[913] = "Alpha"
$Entity[914] = "Beta"
$Entity[915] = "Gamma"
$Entity[916] = "Delta"
$Entity[917] = "Epsilon"
$Entity[918] = "Zeta"
$Entity[919] = "Eta"
$Entity[920] = "Theta"
$Entity[921] = "Iota"
$Entity[922] = "Kappa"
$Entity[923] = "Lambda"
$Entity[924] = "Mu"
$Entity[925] = "Nu"
$Entity[926] = "Xi"
$Entity[927] = "Omicron"
$Entity[928] = "Pi"
$Entity[929] = "Rho"
$Entity[931] = "Sigma"
$Entity[932] = "Tau"
$Entity[933] = "Upsilon"
$Entity[934] = "Phi"
$Entity[935] = "Chi"
$Entity[936] = "Psi"
$Entity[937] = "Omega"
$Entity[945] = "alpha"
$Entity[946] = "beta"
$Entity[947] = "gamma"
$Entity[948] = "delta"
$Entity[949] = "epsilon"
$Entity[950] = "zeta"
$Entity[951] = "eta"
$Entity[952] = "theta"
$Entity[953] = "iota"
$Entity[954] = "kappa"
$Entity[955] = "lambda"
$Entity[956] = "mu"
$Entity[957] = "nu"
$Entity[958] = "xi"
$Entity[959] = "omicron"
$Entity[960] = "pi"
$Entity[961] = "rho"
$Entity[962] = "sigmaf"
$Entity[963] = "sigma"
$Entity[964] = "tau"
$Entity[965] = "upsilon"
$Entity[966] = "phi"
$Entity[967] = "chi"
$Entity[968] = "psi"
$Entity[969] = "omega"
$Entity[977] = "thetasym"
$Entity[978] = "upsih"
$Entity[982] = "piv"
$Entity[8194] = "ensp"
$Entity[8195] = "emsp"
$Entity[8201] = "thinsp"
$Entity[8204] = "zwnj"
$Entity[8205] = "zwj"
$Entity[8206] = "lrm"
$Entity[8207] = "rlm"
$Entity[8211] = "ndash"
$Entity[8212] = "mdash"
$Entity[8216] = "lsquo"
$Entity[8217] = "rsquo"
$Entity[8218] = "sbquo"
$Entity[8220] = "ldquo"
$Entity[8221] = "rdquo"
$Entity[8222] = "bdquo"
$Entity[8224] = "dagger"
$Entity[8225] = "Dagger"
$Entity[8226] = "bull"
$Entity[8230] = "hellip"
$Entity[8240] = "permil"
$Entity[8242] = "prime"
$Entity[8243] = "Prime"
$Entity[8249] = "lsaquo"
$Entity[8250] = "rsaquo"
$Entity[8254] = "oline"
$Entity[8260] = "frasl"
$Entity[8364] = "euro"
$Entity[8465] = "image"
$Entity[8472] = "weierp"
$Entity[8476] = "real"
$Entity[8482] = "trade"
$Entity[8501] = "alefsym"
$Entity[8592] = "larr"
$Entity[8593] = "uarr"
$Entity[8594] = "rarr"
$Entity[8595] = "darr"
$Entity[8596] = "harr"
$Entity[8629] = "crarr"
$Entity[8656] = "lArr"
$Entity[8657] = "uArr"
$Entity[8658] = "rArr"
$Entity[8659] = "dArr"
$Entity[8660] = "hArr"
$Entity[8704] = "forall"
$Entity[8706] = "part"
$Entity[8707] = "exist"
$Entity[8709] = "empty"
$Entity[8711] = "nabla"
$Entity[8712] = "isin"
$Entity[8713] = "notin"
$Entity[8715] = "ni"
$Entity[8719] = "prod"
$Entity[8721] = "sum"
$Entity[8722] = "minus"
$Entity[8727] = "lowast"
$Entity[8730] = "radic"
$Entity[8733] = "prop"
$Entity[8734] = "infin"
$Entity[8736] = "ang"
$Entity[8743] = "and"
$Entity[8744] = "or"
$Entity[8745] = "cap"
$Entity[8746] = "cup"
$Entity[8747] = "int"
$Entity[8756] = "there4"
$Entity[8764] = "sim"
$Entity[8773] = "cong"
$Entity[8776] = "asymp"
$Entity[8800] = "ne"
$Entity[8801] = "equiv"
$Entity[8804] = "le"
$Entity[8805] = "ge"
$Entity[8834] = "sub"
$Entity[8835] = "sup"
$Entity[8836] = "nsub"
$Entity[8838] = "sube"
$Entity[8839] = "supe"
$Entity[8853] = "oplus"
$Entity[8855] = "otimes"
$Entity[8869] = "perp"
$Entity[8901] = "sdot"
$Entity[8968] = "lceil"
$Entity[8969] = "rceil"
$Entity[8970] = "lfloor"
$Entity[8971] = "rfloor"
$Entity[9001] = "lang"
$Entity[9002] = "rang"
$Entity[9674] = "loz"
$Entity[9824] = "spades"
$Entity[9827] = "clubs"
$Entity[9829] = "hearts"
$Entity[9830] = "diams"

; Function Name:    _HTMLEncode()
; Description:      Encode the normal string into HTML Entity Number
; Parameter(s):     $String     - The string you want to encode.
; Requirement(s):   AutoIt v3.2.4.9 or higher (Unicode)
; Return Value(s):  On Success  - Returns HTML Entity Number
;                   On Failure  - Nothing
; Author(s):        Dhilip89

Func _HTMLEncode($Str)
    $StrLen = StringLen($Str)
    Local $Encoded
    If $StrLen = 0 Then Return ''
    For $i = 1 To $StrLen
        $StrChar = StringMid($Str, $i, 1)
        $Encoded &= '&#' & AscW($StrChar) & ';'
    Return $Encoded
EndFunc   ;==>_HTMLEncode

; Function Name:    _HTMLDecode()
; Description:      Decode the HTML Entity Number into normal string
; Parameter(s):     $HTMLEntityNum  - The HTML Entity Number you want to decode.
; Requirement(s):   AutoIt v3.2.4.9 or higher (Unicode)
; Return Value(s):  On Success  - Returns decoded strings
;                   On Failure  - Nothing
; Author(s):        Dhilip89

Func _HTMLDecode($Str)
    Local $Decoded
    If $Str = '' Then Return ''
    $X1 = StringRegExp($Str, '&#x(.*?);', 3)
    $X2 = StringRegExp($Str, '&#(.*?);', 3)
    $X3 = StringRegExp($Str, '&(.*?);', 3)
    For $i = 0 To UBound($X1) - 1 Step 1
        $Str = StringReplace($Str, '&#x' & $X1[$i] & ';', ChrW(Dec($X1[$i])))
    For $i = 0 To UBound($X2) - 1 Step 1
        $Str = StringReplace($Str, '&#' & $X2[$i] & ';', ChrW($X2[$i]))
    For $i = 0 To UBound($X3) - 1 Step 1
        $Str = StringReplace($Str, '&' & $X3[$i] & ';', ChrW(_ArraySearch($Entity, $X3[$i], 0, 0, 1)))
    $Decoded = $Str
    Return $Decoded
EndFunc   ;==>_HTMLDecode

Download: HTML.au3

Edited by Dhilip89

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Really nobody want reply to this topic ? :)

Edited by Dhilip

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]

  • 1 year later...

If the text is not too long, it shouldn't be a problem to push the whole text as one string through the function.

And if the text has multiple encoded characters?

I'd be more interested in something that handles named entities like &rdquo; for example.


  • 3 months later...

Well... that's pretty lame but it gets the job done...

fixed my issues with them entities.

#include "__HTMLSpecials.au3" :

_____________________________ :

Dim $HTML_SpecialChars[101][2]
$HTML_SpecialChars[0][0] = '&amp;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[0][1] = 38
$HTML_SpecialChars[1][0] = '&nbsp;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[1][1] = 160
$HTML_SpecialChars[2][0] = '&iexcl;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[2][1] = 161
$HTML_SpecialChars[3][0] = '&cent;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[3][1] = 162
$HTML_SpecialChars[4][0] = '&pound;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[4][1] = 163
$HTML_SpecialChars[5][0] = '&curren;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[5][1] = 164
$HTML_SpecialChars[6][0] = '&yen;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[6][1] = 165
$HTML_SpecialChars[7][0] = '&brvbar;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[7][1] = 166
$HTML_SpecialChars[8][0] = '&sect;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[8][1] = 167
$HTML_SpecialChars[9][0] = '&uml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[9][1] = 168
$HTML_SpecialChars[10][0] = '&copy;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[10][1] = 169
$HTML_SpecialChars[11][0] = '&ordf;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[11][1] = 170
$HTML_SpecialChars[12][0] = '&laquo;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[12][1] = 171
$HTML_SpecialChars[13][0] = '&not;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[13][1] = 172
$HTML_SpecialChars[14][0] = '&shy;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[14][1] = 173
$HTML_SpecialChars[15][0] = '&reg;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[15][1] = 174
$HTML_SpecialChars[16][0] = '&macr;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[16][1] = 175
$HTML_SpecialChars[17][0] = '&deg;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[17][1] = 176
$HTML_SpecialChars[18][0] = '&plusmn;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[18][1] = 177
$HTML_SpecialChars[19][0] = '&sup2;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[19][1] = 178
$HTML_SpecialChars[20][0] = '&sup3;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[20][1] = 179
$HTML_SpecialChars[21][0] = '&acute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[21][1] = 180
$HTML_SpecialChars[22][0] = '&micro;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[22][1] = 181
$HTML_SpecialChars[23][0] = '&para;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[23][1] = 182
$HTML_SpecialChars[24][0] = '&middot;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[24][1] = 183
$HTML_SpecialChars[25][0] = '&cedil;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[25][1] = 184
$HTML_SpecialChars[26][0] = '&sup1;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[26][1] = 185
$HTML_SpecialChars[27][0] = '&ordm;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[27][1] = 186
$HTML_SpecialChars[28][0] = '&raquo;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[28][1] = 187
$HTML_SpecialChars[29][0] = '&frac14;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[29][1] = 188
$HTML_SpecialChars[30][0] = '&frac12;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[30][1] = 189
$HTML_SpecialChars[31][0] = '&frac34;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[31][1] = 190
$HTML_SpecialChars[32][0] = '&iquest;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[32][1] = 191
$HTML_SpecialChars[33][0] = '&Agrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[33][1] = 192
$HTML_SpecialChars[34][0] = '&Aacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[34][1] = 193
$HTML_SpecialChars[35][0] = '&Acirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[35][1] = 194
$HTML_SpecialChars[36][0] = '&Atilde;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[36][1] = 195
$HTML_SpecialChars[37][0] = '&Auml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[37][1] = 196
$HTML_SpecialChars[38][0] = '&Aring;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[38][1] = 197
$HTML_SpecialChars[39][0] = '&AElig;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[39][1] = 198
$HTML_SpecialChars[40][0] = '&Ccedil;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[40][1] = 199
$HTML_SpecialChars[41][0] = '&Egrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[41][1] = 200
$HTML_SpecialChars[42][0] = '&Eacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[42][1] = 201
$HTML_SpecialChars[43][0] = '&Ecirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[43][1] = 202
$HTML_SpecialChars[44][0] = '&Euml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[44][1] = 203
$HTML_SpecialChars[45][0] = '&Igrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[45][1] = 204
$HTML_SpecialChars[46][0] = '&Iacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[46][1] = 205
$HTML_SpecialChars[47][0] = '&Icirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[47][1] = 206
$HTML_SpecialChars[48][0] = '&Iuml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[48][1] = 207
$HTML_SpecialChars[49][0] = '&ETH;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[49][1] = 208
$HTML_SpecialChars[50][0] = '&Ntilde;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[50][1] = 209
$HTML_SpecialChars[51][0] = '&Ograve;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[51][1] = 210
$HTML_SpecialChars[52][0] = '&Oacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[52][1] = 211
$HTML_SpecialChars[53][0] = '&Ocirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[53][1] = 212
$HTML_SpecialChars[54][0] = '&Otilde;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[54][1] = 213
$HTML_SpecialChars[55][0] = '&Ouml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[55][1] = 214
$HTML_SpecialChars[56][0] = '&times;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[56][1] = 215
$HTML_SpecialChars[57][0] = '&Oslash;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[57][1] = 216
$HTML_SpecialChars[58][0] = '&Ugrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[58][1] = 217
$HTML_SpecialChars[59][0] = '&Uacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[59][1] = 218
$HTML_SpecialChars[60][0] = '&Ucirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[60][1] = 219
$HTML_SpecialChars[61][0] = '&Uuml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[61][1] = 220
$HTML_SpecialChars[62][0] = '&Yacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[62][1] = 221
$HTML_SpecialChars[63][0] = '&THORN;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[63][1] = 222
$HTML_SpecialChars[64][0] = '&szlig;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[64][1] = 223
$HTML_SpecialChars[65][0] = '&agrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[65][1] = 224
$HTML_SpecialChars[66][0] = '&aacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[66][1] = 225
$HTML_SpecialChars[67][0] = '&acirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[67][1] = 226
$HTML_SpecialChars[68][0] = '&atilde;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[68][1] = 227
$HTML_SpecialChars[69][0] = '&auml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[69][1] = 228
$HTML_SpecialChars[70][0] = '&aring;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[70][1] = 229
$HTML_SpecialChars[71][0] = '&aelig;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[71][1] = 230
$HTML_SpecialChars[72][0] = '&ccedil;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[72][1] = 231
$HTML_SpecialChars[73][0] = '&egrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[73][1] = 232
$HTML_SpecialChars[74][0] = '&eacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[74][1] = 233
$HTML_SpecialChars[75][0] = '&ecirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[75][1] = 234
$HTML_SpecialChars[76][0] = '&euml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[76][1] = 235
$HTML_SpecialChars[77][0] = '&igrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[77][1] = 236
$HTML_SpecialChars[78][0] = '&iacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[78][1] = 237
$HTML_SpecialChars[79][0] = '&icirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[79][1] = 238
$HTML_SpecialChars[80][0] = '&iuml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[80][1] = 239
$HTML_SpecialChars[81][0] = '&eth;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[81][1] = 240
$HTML_SpecialChars[82][0] = '&ntilde;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[82][1] = 241
$HTML_SpecialChars[83][0] = '&ograve;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[83][1] = 242
$HTML_SpecialChars[84][0] = '&oacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[84][1] = 243
$HTML_SpecialChars[85][0] = '&ocirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[85][1] = 244
$HTML_SpecialChars[86][0] = '&otilde;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[86][1] = 245
$HTML_SpecialChars[87][0] = '&ouml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[87][1] = 246
$HTML_SpecialChars[88][0] = '&divide;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[88][1] = 247
$HTML_SpecialChars[89][0] = '&oslash;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[89][1] = 248
$HTML_SpecialChars[90][0] = '&ugrave;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[90][1] = 249
$HTML_SpecialChars[91][0] = '&uacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[91][1] = 250
$HTML_SpecialChars[92][0] = '&ucirc;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[92][1] = 251
$HTML_SpecialChars[93][0] = '&uuml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[93][1] = 252
$HTML_SpecialChars[94][0] = '&yacute;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[94][1] = 253
$HTML_SpecialChars[95][0] = '&thorn;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[95][1] = 254
$HTML_SpecialChars[96][0] = '&yuml;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[96][1] = 255
$HTML_SpecialChars[97][0] = '&quot;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[97][1] = 34
$HTML_SpecialChars[98][0] = '''
$HTML_SpecialChars[98][1] = 39
$HTML_SpecialChars[99][0] = '&lt;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[99][1] = 60
$HTML_SpecialChars[100][0] = '&gt;'
$HTML_SpecialChars[100][1] = 62

_HTMLEntityNumDecode() :


; Function Name:    _HTMLEntityNumDecode()
; Description:      Decode the HTML Entities from a text into normal string.
; Parameter(s):     $Text   - Whatever text you want to decode.
; Requirement(s):   AutoIt v3.2.4.9 or higher (Unicode)
; Return Value(s):  On Success  - Returns decoded text
;                   On Failure  - Nothing
; Author(s):        Dhilip89, Modified by SK
Func _HTMLEntityNumDecode($Text)
    ;ConsoleWrite("+ _HTMLEntityNumDecode() Decoding:: "&@CRLF&$Text&@CRLF)
    $ReformatedStr = ""
    $StrExp = StringRegExp($Text, "([\s\S]*?)&#(x?\d+);([\s\S]*)", 3) ;Gives you the TEXT [Entity] TEXT
    If @error = 0 Then
        While 1
            ;First part isn't an entity - just add it...
            $ReformatedStr &= $StrExp[0]

            ;Second part must be an entity [if present]
            If StringLeft($StrExp[1], 1) = "x" Then
                ;Check for Dec/Hex variations... HEX is with x.
                $strHex = StringTrimLeft($StrExp[1], 1)
                $ReformatedStr &= ChrW(Dec($strHex))
                $ReformatedStr &= ChrW($StrExp[1])

            ;Look for more entities...
            $Text = $StrExp[2];
            $StrExp = StringRegExp($Text, "([\s\S]*?)&#(x?\d+);([\s\S]*)", 3) ;Gives you the TEXT [Entity] TEXT
            If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop
    ;If we had an entity to decode, add the left overs! Else -> return the entire text.
    $ReformatedStr &= $Text

    $ret = StringRegExp($ReformatedStr, '(&.+;)', 3)
    If @error = 0 Then
        ;We have some specials!
        #include "__HTMLSpecials.au3"
        For $i = 0 To UBound($ret)-1
            $id = _ArraySearch($HTML_SpecialChars, $ret[$i])
            If $id <> -1 Then
                $ReformatedStr = StringReplace($ReformatedStr, $ret[$i], ChrW($HTML_SpecialChars[$id][1]))
                If @extended = 0 Then
                    ;ConsoleWrite("Can't convert the entity: "&$ret[$i]&@CRLF)
                    ;ConsoleWrite("Switched: "&$ret[$i]& " With: "& ChrW($HTML_SpecialChars[$id][1]) & @CRLF)
                ;ConsoleWrite("Couldn't find the resolution in $HTML_SpecialChars"&@CRLF)
        ;ConsoleWrite("No Special-Entities"&@CRLF)

    ;Dump the array
    $HTML_SpecialChars = ""

    ;We are done -> send the new string. [Only entities!]
    ;ConsoleWrite("- _HTMLEntityNumDecode() Returning:: "&@CRLF&$ReformatedStr&@CRLF)
    Return $ReformatedStr
EndFunc   ;==>_HTMLEntityNumDecode

I'm '#include "__HTMLSpecials.au3"' since maybe we don't have to load that huge array.


[u]My Au3 Scripts:[/u]____________(E)Lephant, A Share download manager (RS/MU etc)Http1.1 Console, The Ez Way!Internet Reconnection Automation Suite & A Macro Recording Tool.SK's Alarm Clock, Playing '.MP3 & .Wav' Files._________________Is GOD a mistake of the Humanity Or the Humanity is a mistake of GOD ?!


Update: replaced obsolete script with better script found in my backup. :D

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]

  • 2 years later...
  • 6 years later...

I'm trying to convert " Chung V&#7847;ng Tr&#259;ng &#272;&#7907;i " using your UDF but I'm getting "Chung V?ng Trang Ð?i".  It suppose to be "Chung Vầng Trăng Đợi "


Use this:

Local $s = " Chung V&#7847;ng Tr&#259;ng &#272;&#7907;i ", $t
$t = Execute("'" & StringRegExpReplace($s, "(&#)(\d+)(;)", "' & ChrW($2) & '") & "'")
MsgBox(0, "", $t)


This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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