smashly Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 (edited) I started making a video udf from your sound.au3 RazorM.. But it definately needs more added for it to be stand alone udf.., atm I'm using bad coding practices until I write the rest of the udf Here's what I started..(maybe it can help ronriel to with what he's doing) vid_ex_sound.au3expandcollapse popup#include <Sound.au3> ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _VidOpen($vFile, $vAlias, $guID, $vX1, $vY1, $vX2, $vY2) ; Description:: Opens a Video file as a control in a gui for use with other _Vid/_Sound functions ; Parameter(s): $vFile - The full path to video file (spaces in path/file name is fine) ; $vAlias - a name such as sound1 (must contain no spaces), use "" and it is randomly generated ; $guID - The GUI handle that the video control will be displayed in ; $vX1 - Left position in the GUI (set as 0 for left edge of GUI) ; $vY1 - Top position in the GUI (set as 0 for Top edge of GUI, flush to Title bar if one exists) ; $vX2 - Width of the video ; $vY2 - Height of the video ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++ ; Return Value(s): string(the alias video id for use in other _Vid/_Sound functions) - Success ; 0 - Failure ; @extended <> 0 - open failed ; @error = 2 - File doesn't exist ; @error = 3 - alias contains whitespace ; @error = 4 - GUI handle is not valid ; @error = 5 - Failed to render video to GUI ; @error = 6 - Failed to place video at the deignated location in GUI ; Author(s): smashly (modified from RazorM sound udf for video open) ; ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _VidOpen($vFile, $vAlias, $guID, $vX1, $vY1, $vX2, $vY2) ;Declare variables Local $vID, $iCurrentPos, $gId, $vRet, $vWin, $vLoc ;check for file If Not FileExists($vFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ;search for whitespace by character For $iCurrentPos = 1 To StringLen($vAlias) If StringIsSpace(StringMid($vAlias, $iCurrentPos, 1)) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Next ;create random alias if one is not supplied If $vAlias = "" Then $vID = RandomStr(10) Else $vID = $vAlias EndIf ;check and translate the GUI handle into a ASCII numeric equivalent If StringLeft($guID, 2) = '0x' And StringIsXDigit(StringTrimLeft($guID, 2)) = 1 Then $gId = Dec(StringTrimLeft($guID,2)) Else Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf ;open video file in the GUI at desired location and size $vRet = mciSendString("open " & FileGetShortName($vFile) & " alias " & $vID) $vWin = mciSendString("window " & $vID & " handle " & $gId) If $vWin <> 0 Then mciSendString("close " & $vID) Return SetError(5, 0, 0) EndIf $vLoc = mciSendString("put " & $vID & " destination at " & $vX1 & " " & $vY1 & " " & $vX2 & " " & $vY2) If $vLoc <> 0 Then mciSendString("close " & $vID) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf Return SetError(0, $vRet, $vID) EndFunc ;==>_VidOpen ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _VidPlay($vID, $fScreen) ; Description:: Plays a Video from the current position (beginning is the default) ; Parameter(s): $vID - Video ID returned by _VidOpen ; $fScreen [Optional] - If set to 1 the will be played in FullScreen (no Gui or Controls displayed) ; - If set to 0 the video will play in the GUI as specified in _VidOpen ; - If omitted then 0 will be used (play in the GUI as specified in _VidOpen) ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++ ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure ; @error = 1 - play failed ; Author(s): smashly (modified from RazorM sound udf for video play) ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _VidPlay($vID, $fScreen = 0) ;Declare variables Local $vRet ;if sound has finished, seek to start If _SoundPos($vID, 2) = _SoundLength($vID, 2) Then mciSendString("seek " & $vID & " to start") If $fScreen = 1 Then $vRet = mciSendString("play " & $vID & " fullscreen") Else $vRet = mciSendString("play " & $vID) EndIf ;return If $vRet = 0 Then Return 1 Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_VidPlayoÝ÷ Ø*îuç±jjezî²)àÖ®¶sb6æ6ÇVFRfÇC´uT6öç7FçG2æS2fwC°¢6æ6ÇVFRgV÷C·fEöW÷6÷VæBæS2gV÷C° ¤÷D¶W6WBb33²b333·´TåDU'Òb33²Âb33´gVÆÅ67&VVâb33² ¤÷BgV÷C´wVöäWfVçDÖöFRgV÷C²Ã ¤vÆö&Âb33c·dBÂb33cµ7FFP ¢b33c´uTÒuT7&VFRgV÷CµfFVò6öçG&öÂgV÷C²ÂÂcÂÓÂÓÂb33cµu5ôõdU$ÄTEtäDõr²b33cµu5ô4Ä4ÄE$Tâ ¢b33cµÆÒuT7G&Ä7&VFT'WGFöâgV÷CµÆgV÷C²ÂRÂSsÂCÂ#R¤uT7G&Å6WDöäWfVçBÓÂgV÷CµfFVô6öçG&öÂgV÷C²¤wV7G&Å6WE7FFRÓÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR ¢b33cµ7F÷ÒuT7G&Ä7&VFT'WGFöâgV÷Cµ7F÷gV÷C²ÂSÂSsÂCÂ#R¤uT7G&Å6WDöäWfVçBÓÂgV÷CµfFVô6öçG&öÂgV÷C²¤wV7G&Å6WE7FFRÓÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR ¢b33c´÷VâÒuT7G&Ä7&VFT'WGFöâgV÷C´ÆöBgV÷C²ÂRÂSsÂCÂ#R¤uT7G&Å6WDöäWfVçBÓÂgV÷CµfFVô6öçG&öÂgV÷C² ¢b33c´Ö÷fRÒuT7G&Ä7&VFT'WGFöâgV÷C´VçFW'FâÖRb333²gV÷C²ÂCÂSsÂ#Â#R¤wV7G&Å6WE7FFRÓÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR¤uT7G&Å6WDöäWfVçBÓÂgV÷CµfFVô6öçG&öÂgV÷C² ¤uT6WDöäWfVçBb33c´uTôUdTåEô4Äõ4RÂgV÷C´6Æ÷6RgV÷C²¤wV6WE7FFR5uõ4õrÂb33c´uT ¥vÆR 6ÆVW¥tVæ@ ¤gVæ2fFVô6öçG&ö 6VÆV7@ 66RuTô7G&ÄBÒb33cµÆ bõ6÷VæE7FGW2b33c·dBÒgV÷C·ÆærgV÷C²FVâ õ6÷VæEW6Rb33c·dB uT7G&Å6WDFFb33cµÆÂb33µÆb33² wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR¢VÇ6Tbõ6÷VæE7FGW2b33c·dBÒgV÷C·W6VBgV÷C²FVâ õ6÷VæE&W7VÖRb33c·dB uT7G&Å6WDFFb33cµÆÂb33µW6Rb33² wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR VÇ6Tbõ6÷VæE7FGW2b33c·dBÒgV÷C·7F÷VBgV÷C²FVâ õfEÆb33c·dB uT7G&Å6WDFFb33cµÆÂb33µW6Rb33² wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR VæD` 66RuTô7G&ÄBÒb33cµ7F÷ bõ6÷VæE7FGW2b33c·dBÒgV÷C·ÆærgV÷C²FVà õ6÷VæE7F÷b33c·dB uT7G&Å6WDFFb33cµÆÂb33µÆb33² wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR VæD` 66RuTô7G&ÄBÒb33c´÷Và b33c¶fÆRÒfÆT÷VäFÆörgV÷C´õTâgV÷C²ÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷CµfFVò¢æ×3²¢æf²¢æ×s²¢çvc²¢æ6F²¢çvÖ²¢æ×C²¢æÓ'bgV÷C²¢bW'&÷"fÇC²fwC²FVà bõ6÷VæE7FGW2b33c·dBfÇC²fwC²gV÷C²gV÷C²FVâ õ6÷VæD6Æ÷6Rb33c·dB uT7G&Å6WDFFb33cµÆÂb33µÆb33² VæD` b33c·dBÒõfD÷Vâb33c¶fÆRÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Âb33c´uTÂÂÂCÂ3 bb33c·dBfÇC²fwC²gV÷C²gV÷C²FVà õfEÆb33c·dB uT7G&Å6WDFFb33cµÆÂb33µW6Rb33² wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33cµÆÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33cµ7F÷Âb33c´uTôTä$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR VæD` VæD` 66RuTô7G&ÄBÒb33c´Ö÷fP wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33cµÆÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33cµ7F÷Âb33c´uTôD4$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c¶÷VâÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôD4$ÄR f÷"b33c¶ÒFòC7FW buTô7G&ÄBÒb33cµ7F÷FVâ&WGW&à 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Âb33c¶ 6ÆVW#R bb33c¶ÒCFVâ f÷"b33c¶¢ÒFòC7FW 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Âb33c¶Òb33c¶¢ 6ÆVW# bb33c¶¢ÒCFVà f÷"b33c¶²ÒFòC7FW 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶¢²b33c¶² 6ÆVW# bb33c¶²ÒCFVà¢f÷"b33c¶ÂÒFòC7FW 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶¢²b33c¶²Òb33c¶Â 6ÆVW# æW@ VæD` æW@ VæD` æW@ VæD` æW@ gVÆÅ67&VVâ 6ÆVW# f÷"b33c¶ÒFòC7FW@ buTô7G&ÄBÒb33cµ7F÷FVâ&WGW&à 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Âb33c¶ 6ÆVW# bb33c¶ÒCFVâ f÷"b33c¶¢ÒFòC7FW@ 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Âb33c¶Òb33c¶¢ 6ÆVW# bb33c¶¢ÒCFVà f÷"b33c¶²ÒFòC7FW@ 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶¢²b33c¶² 6ÆVW# bb33c¶²ÒCFVà¢f÷"b33c¶ÂÒFòC7FW@ 6öçG&öÄÖ÷fRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²Â6öçG&öÄvWDæFÆRb33c´uTÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ´4Ä53¥fFVõ&VæFW&W#²å5Dä4S£ÒgV÷C²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶²Âb33c¶Òb33c¶¢²b33c¶²Òb33c¶Â 6ÆVW# æW@ VæD` æW@ VæD` æW@ VæD` æW@ 6ÆVW# gVÆÅ67&VVâ b33c´Ô"Ò×6t&÷BÂb33²b33²Âb33µvW&R÷RVçFW'FæVCòb33² bb33c´Ô"ÒrFVâ6Æ÷6R wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33cµÆÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33cµ7F÷Âb33c´uTôTä$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c¶÷VâÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR wV7G&Å6WE7FFRb33c´Ö÷fRÂb33c´uTôTä$ÄR VæE6VÆV7@¤VæDgVæ0 ¤gVæ2gVÆÅ67&VVâ bb33cµ7FFRÒFVà õfEÆb33c·fB b33cµ7FFRÒ VÇ6Tbb33cµ7FFRÒFVà õfEÆb33c·fB b33cµ7FFRÒ VæD`¤VæDgVæ0 ¤gVæ26Æ÷6R õ6÷VæD6Æ÷6Rb33c·dB W@¤VæDgVæ Hopefully more to come soon... Cheers Edited July 9, 2007 by smashly
ronriel Posted July 24, 2007 Author Posted July 24, 2007 maybe it can help ronriel to with what he's doingThank you... Haven't noticed the post until now.It's been long since I last visited the forum. Anyway here's an update. See my first post. [font="Comic Sans MS"]-ronriel[/font][topic="48542"]r4r media player[/topic][topic="80836"]OCR & Paste[/topic]
cyanidemonkey Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 wow man, that skin is looking pretty cool. nice work. My AutoIt Scripts.- AutoHost and Password Enabler for Delta Force 2 Demo.| Caffine for Winamp 2.9x and WRS 2.0 | mp3 directory cleaner | CRAP DJ | A:B:J Radio Automation Software | FFMPEG batch conversion automator
BananaFredSoft Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Here it is: #include <GUIConstants.au3> $hVideo = GUICreate("Test Video Player :: RazerM", 340, 280) $hPlay = GUICtrlCreateButton("Play", 10, 255, 60, 20) $hPause = GUICtrlCreateButton("Pause", 75, 255, 60, 20) $hLoad = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load", 140, 255, 60, 20) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE mciSendString("close Test_Video") ;free device memory Exit Case $hPlay mciSendString("set Test_Video time format milliseconds") If mciSendString("status Test_Video position") = mciSendString("status Test_Video length") Then mciSendString("seek Test_Video to 0") mciSendString("play Test_Video") Case $hPause mciSendString("pause Test_Video") Case $hLoad $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Open", @DesktopDir, "All Files (*.*)", 1) mciSendString("close Test_Video") ;free device memory If Not @error Then mciSendString("open " & FileGetShortName($sFile) & " alias Test_Video") mciSendString("window Test_Video handle " & Number($hVideo)) ;assign video to our GUI mciSendString("put Test_Video destination at 10 10 320 240") ;set top left width height EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Func mciSendString($string) Local $iRet $iRet = DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendStringA", "str", $string, "str", "", "int", 65534, "hwnd", 0) If Not @error Then Return $iRet[2] EndFunc ;==>mciSendString This gives an error: Video not available, cannot find 'vids:DVSD' decompressor. -ColinSite:www.bananafredsoft.comStuff:Simple Text Editor - MediaPlayer - Animator - BananaDB - BananaNotes - Chatta - Filesearch - Excuse GeneratorMy YouTube channel:
smashly Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 (edited) This gives an error: Video not available, cannot find 'vids:DVSD' decompressor.This is a problem with you pc configuration of mci devices and or codecs not an error of the player itself..more info from you is required to give a resolve/work file extension of the file you opened (.avi , .mp4, .mpg, .mkv... etc)?Do you have the codec installed to play back the format you are opening? (DVSD codec from reading tells me your playing pack a DV Camera video file format.)Does the file play on your pc with any other video players (wmp , mpc... etc) ?If your opening a DV file that has an .avi file extension and you have the video codec installed and it play fine in other players then you could try associating the .avi extension with the mpegvideo mci device in the windows registry.I know it sounds odd, but when the mci device can't open the avi with the default device (avi is associated by default with AVIVideo mci device) it will use windows default codec chain.Cheers Edited July 25, 2007 by smashly
cyanidemonkey Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Hey ronriel,I found this when looking about for a way to make a slider look different. Thought you might be interested for the skins side of your script. My AutoIt Scripts.- AutoHost and Password Enabler for Delta Force 2 Demo.| Caffine for Winamp 2.9x and WRS 2.0 | mp3 directory cleaner | CRAP DJ | A:B:J Radio Automation Software | FFMPEG batch conversion automator
ronriel Posted July 26, 2007 Author Posted July 26, 2007 (edited) Hey ronriel, I found this when looking about for a way to make a slider look different. Thought you might be interested for the skins side of your script. Like this one? It's going with the next version. This is how I did it. Well not exactly, but kinda like this: #include <GuiConstants.au3> $posL = 50 $posT = 70 $gui = GUICreate("Test",200,100) $bar = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\bar.gif",$posL,$posT,0,0) $ball = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\ball.gif",$posL,$posT,0,0) GUISetState() $oShell = ObjCreate("shell.application") $oDir = $oShell.NameSpace (@ScriptDir) $oFile = $oDir.Parsename ("bar.gif") $sW = StringReplace($oDir.GetDetailsOf ($oFile, 27), " pixels", "") Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() $CI = GUIGetCursorInfo($gui) If $CI[2] = 1 And $CI[4] = $bar Then ToolTip(Round(($CI[0]-$posL)/$sW*100)); "bar.gif" width = 90 GUICtrlSetPos($ball,$CI[0],$posT) EndIf Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ball: bar: Edited July 26, 2007 by ronriel [font="Comic Sans MS"]-ronriel[/font][topic="48542"]r4r media player[/topic][topic="80836"]OCR & Paste[/topic]
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