magician13134 Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 Ok, I wrote a small program from a script by Larry, and I'm having some troubles with it. It's supposed to enable/disable/click controls for you, but there are two problems... there's no ControlSetState, so I can't use $GUI_CHECKED for that, right now I'm using ControlClick(), but I'd like a way to specifically check or uncheck boxes. Also, the script Larry wrote can't detect hidden or disabled controls... can anyone help me? Here's the source, press the middle mouse button over a control (If you don't have a middle mouse button edit the line 'If _IsPressed(04)' to 'If _IsPressed(02)' for the right mouse click'. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <misc.au3> Dim $color1 = 0x000084 Dim $color2 = 0xD4D0C8 Dim $color3 = 0xAA0000 Dim $color4 = 0xFFFFFF Dim $name[11] Dim $hidden = 0 Global $prevhWIN = 0 Global $hWIN = HWNDUnderMouse() Global $classnn = "" Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) TraySetToolTip("Control Command") $TrayIcon = TrayCreateItem("Hide Icon") TrayCreateItem("") $TrayExit = TrayCreateItem("Exit") $DummyParent = GUICreate("", 0, 0, -5, -5, $WS_POPUP) $GUI = GUICreate("Cotrol Command", 125, 191, -1, -1, $WS_DLGFRAME + $WS_POPUP, -1, $DummyParent) GUISetBkColor($color2) $ControlName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 1, 3, 123, 16, $SS_CENTER) $name[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Check", 1, 20, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Uncheck", 1, 37, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enable", 1, 54, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Disable", 1, 71, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[5] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Show", 1, 88, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[6] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hide", 1, 105, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[9] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Click", 1, 122, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[7] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Cancel", 1, 139, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[10] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hide Icon", 1, 156, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) $name[8] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exit", 1, 173, 123, 17, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) While 1 $msg = TrayGetMsg() $mouse = MouseGetPos() If $msg = $TrayExit Then Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) Exit EndIf If $msg = $TrayIcon Then GUICtrlSetData($name[10], "Show Icon") Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) $hidden = 1 EndIf If Not @error And $prevhWIN <> $hWIN Then $classnn = ClassNNOfHWND($hWIN) $prevhWIN = $hWIN EndIf $hWIN = HWNDUnderMouse() If _IsPressed(04) Then options($classnn, WinGetTitle("", "")) WEnd Func options($control, $win) $control = ClassNNOfHWND($hWIN) $win = WinGetTitle("") WinMove("Cotrol Command", "", $mouse[0], $mouse[1]) WinSetOnTop("Cotrol Command", "", 1) GUICtrlSetData($ControlName, $control) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI) $id = 0 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() $mouse = GUIGetCursorInfo($GUI) If Not WinActive("Cotrol Command", "") Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[7], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[7], 0x000000) ExitLoop EndIf If $msg = $name[7] Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[7], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[7], 0x000000) ExitLoop EndIf If $msg = $name[8] Then Exit If $msg = $name[1] Then ControlClick($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[2] Then ControlClick($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[3] Then ControlEnable($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[4] Then ControlDisable($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[5] Then ControlShow($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[6] Then ControlHide($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[9] Then ControlClick($win, "", $control) If $msg = $name[10] Then If $hidden = 1 Then Opt("TrayIconHide", 0) $hidden = 0 GUICtrlSetData($name[10], "Hide Icon") Else Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) $hidden = 1 GUICtrlSetData($name[10], "Show Icon") EndIf EndIf If $mouse[4] <> 0 and $mouse[4] <> $ControlName Then If $mouse[4] = $name[1] and $id <> 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[1], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[1], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 1 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[2] and $id <> 2 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[2], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[2], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 2 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[3] and $id <> 3 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[3], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[3], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 3 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[4] and $id <> 4 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[4], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[4], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 4 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[5] and $id <> 5 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[5], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[5], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 5 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[6] and $id <> 6 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[6], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[6], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 6 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[7] and $id <> 7 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[7], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[7], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 7 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[8] and $id <> 8 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[8], $color3) GUICtrlSetColor($name[8], $color4) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 8 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[9] and $id <> 9 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[9], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[9], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 9 ElseIf $mouse[4] = $name[10] and $id <> 10 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[10], $color1) GUICtrlSetColor($name[10], $color2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 10 EndIf Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($name[$id], $color2) GUICtrlSetColor($name[$id], 0x000000) $id = 0 EndIf WEnd GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI) EndFunc Func HWNDUnderMouse() Local $point, $hwnd $point = MouseGetPos() If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) $hwnd = DLLCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "WindowFromPoint", "int", $point[0], "int", $point[1]) If Not @error Or $hwnd[0] <> 0 Then Return $hwnd[0] Return SetError(2,0,0) EndFunc Func ClassNNOfHWND(ByRef $hwnd) Local $i,$ctrl Local $phWnd = DLLCall("user32.dll","hwnd","GetAncestor","hwnd",$hwnd,"int",2) $phWnd = $phWnd[0] If $phwnd = 0 Or $phWnd = $hwnd Then Return SetError(1,1,0) Local $list = WinGetClassList($phWnd) While StringLen($list) $i = StringInStr($list,@lf) $ctrl = StringLeft($list,$i-1) $list = @lf & $list $i = 1 Do If ControlGetHandle($phWnd,"",$ctrl & $i) = $hwnd Then Return $ctrl & $i $i += 1 $list = StringReplace($list,@lf & $ctrl & @lf,@lf,1) Until Not StringInStr($list,@lf & $ctrl & @lf) $list = StringTrimLeft($list,1) WEnd Return SetError(1,0,0) EndFunc Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
Zedna Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Look into Helpfile at ControlCommand()There are commands: IsChecked, Check, UnCheck Resources UDF Â ResourcesEx UDF Â AutoIt Forum Search
magician13134 Posted June 1, 2007 Author Posted June 1, 2007 Cool, thanks! But does anyone know how to find hidden/disabled control under the mouse? Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
Moderators SmOke_N Posted June 1, 2007 Moderators Posted June 1, 2007 Cool, thanks! But does anyone know how to find hidden/disabled control under the mouse?WinGetClassList + ControlGetPos + MouseGetPos + Loop + ControlCommand... Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
magician13134 Posted June 1, 2007 Author Posted June 1, 2007 (edited) *sigh* I was afraid I'd have to do something like that... There's no easier way? Oh well, thanks... Edited June 1, 2007 by magician13134 Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
magician13134 Posted June 3, 2007 Author Posted June 3, 2007 I'm having some serious issues with ControlGetPos... Can someone write a simple script to use WindowGetClassList to list all window controls, then get their positions with ControlGetPos? It's because WinGetClassList doesn't return the instance... Does anyone know how to work around this? Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
Moderators SmOke_N Posted June 4, 2007 Moderators Posted June 4, 2007 I'm having some serious issues with ControlGetPos... Can someone write a simple script to use WindowGetClassList to list all window controls, then get their positions with ControlGetPos?It's because WinGetClassList doesn't return the instance... Does anyone know how to work around this?It's usually customary to show some effort rather than taking your word for it. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
magician13134 Posted June 4, 2007 Author Posted June 4, 2007 Thank you! Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
magician13134 Posted June 13, 2007 Author Posted June 13, 2007 (edited) Can someone help me with the control under mouse issue again? I took smoke_N's advice and the script he wrote, but it's returning multiple controls... can anyone help me figure out how to only return the right one? expandcollapse popup#include <misc.au3> Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3) While 1 GUIGetMsg() ;If _IsPressed(04) Then $controls = _WinGetCtrlInfo("") $win = _WinGetCtrlInfo("[ACTIVE]") For $i = 1 to $controls[0][0] If _PointIsOverControl($controls[$i][0], $win) Then ToolTip($controls[$i][0]) Next ;EndIf WEnd Func _PointIsOverControl($CName, $title = "", $text = "", $x = -1, $y = -1) $mouse = MouseGetPos() If $x = -1 Then $x = $mouse[0] If $y = -1 Then $y = $mouse[1] $CPos = ControlGetPos($title, $text, $CName) If @error Then Return 0 $win = WinGetPos($title, $text) $mouse = MouseGetPos() If $x >= $win[0]+$CPos[0] and $x <= $win[0]+$CPos[0]+$CPos[2] and $y >= $win[1]+$CPos[1] and $y <= $win[1]+$CPos[1]+$CPos[2] Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func _WinGetCtrlInfo($hWin) If IsString($hWin) Then $hWin = WinGetHandle($hWin) Local $sClassList = WinGetClassList($hWin), $iAdd = 1, $aDLL, $sHold Local $aSplitClass = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sClassList, 1), @LF), $aReturn[1][2] For $iCount = $aSplitClass[0] To 1 Step - 1 Local $nCount = 0 While 1 $nCount+=1 If ControlGetHandle($hWin, '', $aSplitClass[$iCount] & $nCount) = '' Then ExitLoop If Not StringInStr(Chr(1) & $sHold, Chr(1) & $aSplitClass[$iCount] & $nCount & Chr(1)) Then $sHold &= $aSplitClass[$iCount] & $nCount & Chr(1) $iAdd += 1 ReDim $aReturn[$iAdd][2] $aReturn[$iAdd - 1][0] = $aSplitClass[$iCount] & $nCount $aDLL = DllCall('User32.dll', 'int', 'GetDlgCtrlID', 'hwnd', _ ControlGetHandle($hWin, '', $aSplitClass[$iCount] & $nCount)) If @error = 0 Then $aReturn[$iAdd - 1][1] = $aDLL[0] Else $aReturn[$iAdd - 1][1] = '' EndIf EndIf WEnd Next $aReturn[0][0] = $iAdd - 1 Return $aReturn EndFunc Edited June 13, 2007 by magician13134 Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
Moderators SmOke_N Posted June 13, 2007 Moderators Posted June 13, 2007 I think as long as you've been a member of the forum, and as much as you've coded, this is really something you need to code on your own. From what you've shown, you've put 0% effort forward, and that's just not good enough. You didn't even care to share a working piece of code, so why should we care to help? Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
magician13134 Posted June 13, 2007 Author Posted June 13, 2007 That code does work... Visit Magic Soft Inc. for some of my software
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