Leoj Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 (edited) I have been working hours and hours on this. Now I am nearing the end but it is being stupid and using lots of memory. -I think I may need to set my big arrays/variables back to single values or something like that. Though I have no idea if thats what I need to do... Any suggestions to make this AutoIt program faster would be greatly appreciated. -Look at the first few lines... this is where I have 3 [dims] that add up to 403 slots. I think this is when my program started reporting memory allocation errors. Well, if anyone can make this run faster, thanks! Knowing the AutoIt forums, as I do now, I don't think I will be disappointed -Please help because this is very important to me. [autoit]TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "To show/hide WoW press [F9] at any time." & @CRLF & "To show/hide LWT press [F10] at any time.", 8, 0) #region Functions that relate to GUI $file1 = FileOpen("myservers.txt", 0) Dim $server[201] For $x = 1 to 200 $server[$x] = FileReadLine($file1, $x) If $server[$x] == "" Then $server[$x] = "us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com" EndIf Next FileClose($file1) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $file8 = FileOpen("myaccounts.txt", 0) Dim $account[101] For $d = 1 to 100 $account[$d] = FileReadLine($file8, $d) If $account[$d] == "" Then $account[$d] = "*Username..." EndIf Next FileClose($file8) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $file9 = FileOpen("mypasswords.txt", 0) Dim $password[101] For $h = 1 to 100 $password[$h] = FileReadLine($file9, $h) If $password[$h] == "" Then $password[$h] = "*Password..." EndIf Next FileClose($file9) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #endregion #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiList.au3> #region Main GUI Global $CharLvl, $GrayLvl, $DesLvl, $ExpGained, $Exp2Lvl, $a[4], $b[4], $aLabel[4], $bLabel[4], $ZD, $s $dlgTabbed = GUICreate("Leoj's WoW Tool v1.8", 512, 399, 302, 218) GUISetIcon("D:05.ico") ;GUICtrlCreateLabel("Greetings, " & @UserName & ".", 20, 342, 300, 300) ;$Btn_Launch_With_Script = GUICtrlCreateButton("Script Launch", 20, 342, 101, 31) $Label_Profile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Loaded Profile: " & IniRead("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", ""), 239, 372, 300, 300) $Rad_Fullscreen = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Fullscreen", 20, 328, 97, 25) $Rad_Minimized = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Minimized", 20, 350, 97, 25) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Chck_Silent_Mode = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Silent Mode", 20, 372) $Btn_Launch_Game = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Launch Game", 239, 335, 101, 31) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x335EA8) $Btn_The_Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Exit", 342, 335, 76, 31) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x335EA8) $Btn_About = GUICtrlCreateButton("&About", 420, 335, 76, 31) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x335EA8) $Tab_Root_1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(16, 16, 481, 305) ;;;;FILES TAB $Tab_Files = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Files") $Gr_File_Locations = GUICtrlCreateGroup("File Locations", 40, 70, 425, 185) GUICtrlCreateLabel("WoW Directory:", 50, 100, 95, 36) $UI_Directory = GUICtrlCreateInput("C:\\Program Files\World of Warcraft\", 150, 98, 300, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Saved Realms:", 50, 130, 95, 36) $UI_Realms_Txt = GUICtrlCreateInput("myservers.txt", 150, 128, 300, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Accounts:", 50, 160, 95, 36) $UI_Accounts_Txt = GUICtrlCreateInput("myaccounts.txt", 150, 158, 300, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Passwords:", 50, 190, 95, 36) $UI_Passwords_Txt = GUICtrlCreateInput("mypasswords.txt", 150, 188, 300, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Realmlist:", 50, 220, 95, 36) $UI_Realmlist_Txt = GUICtrlCreateInput("realmlist.wtf", 150, 218, 300, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ;GUICtrlCreateLabel("Note: editing .txt filenames will create new files.", 50, 90, 330, 36) $Btn_Validate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Validate", 200, 270, 89, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) $Btn_Default = GUICtrlCreateButton("Defaults", 100, 270, 89, 25) ;;;;PROFILES TAB $Tab_Files = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Profiles") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_SHOW) $Gr_Profiles = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Profile List", 40, 48, 425, 185) $Li_Profiles = GUICtrlCreateList("", 48, 80, 305, 150, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $Btn_Delete_Selected_Profile = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 368, 128, 89, 25) $Btn_Delete_All_Profiles = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete All", 368, 160, 89, 25) $Btn_Load_Profile = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load Profile", 368, 192, 89, 25) $Gr_Add_Profile = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Save Current Settings to a Profile", 40, 240, 425, 65) $UI_Add_Profile = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 48, 264, 305, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $Btn_Save_Profile = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save Profile", 368, 264, 89, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) ;;;;REALMLIST TAB $Tab_Realmlist = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Realmlist") $Gr_Servers = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Servers", 40, 48, 425, 185) $Li_Servers = GUICtrlCreateList("us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com", 48, 80, 305, 150, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) For $z=1 To 200 GUICtrlSetData(-1,$server[$z]) Next GUICtrlSetData(-1,"eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com") ;$Btn_Open_Realmlist = GUICtrlCreateButton("Realmlist.wtf", 368, 96, 89, 25) $Btn_Delete_Added = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete All", 368, 128, 89, 25) $Btn_Show_Current = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show Current", 368, 160, 89, 25) $Btn_Update_Now = GUICtrlCreateButton("Update Now", 368, 192, 89, 25) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Add_Server = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Add Servers", 40, 240, 425, 65) $UI_Add_Server = GUICtrlCreateInput("us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com", 48, 264, 305, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $Btn_Add_Server = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Server", 368, 264, 89, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;;;;ACCOUNT LOG IN TAB $Tab_Log_In = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Login") $Gr_Add_Account = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Add Account", 32, 72, 153, 190) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Account Name", 40, 96, 92, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x6FA1D9) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password", 40, 179, 64, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x6FA1D9) $UI_Password = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 201, 137, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $UI_Account_Name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 120, 137, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $Btn_Add_Account = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add", 40, 150, 65, 25) $Btn_Add_Password = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add", 40, 230, 65, 25) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Accounts = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Accounts", 192, 72, 169, 240) $Li_Accounts = GUICtrlCreateList("*Username...", 200, 96, 153, 108, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) For $g=1 To 100 GUICtrlSetData(-1,$account[$g]) Next $Li_Passwords = GUICtrlCreateList("*Password...", 200, 202, 153, 108, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) For $u=1 To 100 GUICtrlSetData(-1,$password[$u]) Next GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Account_Options = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 368, 72, 113, 81) $Rad_Enable_Account = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Enabled", 376, 96, 89, 25) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Rad_Disable_Account = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Disabled", 376, 120, 97, 25) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Account_Actions = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Actions", 368, 160, 113, 89) $Btn_Delete_Accounts = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete All", 376, 184, 97, 25) $Btn_Account_Now = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test Now", 376, 216, 97, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;;;;CHARACTER SELECT TAB $Tab_Character = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Char.") $Gr_Character = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Character", 48, 48, 129, 265) $Rad_Char_1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 1", 56, 72, 97, 17) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Rad_Char_2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 2", 56, 96, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 3", 56, 120, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 4", 56, 144, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_5 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 5", 56, 192, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_6 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 6", 56, 168, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_7 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 7", 56, 216, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_8 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 8", 56, 240, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_9 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 9", 56, 264, 97, 17) $Rad_Char_10 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Character 10", 56, 288, 97, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Time_Delay = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Time Delay", 184, 48, 153, 169) $Rad_1_Sec = GUICtrlCreateRadio("1 Second", 200, 72, 113, 17) $Rad_5_Sec = GUICtrlCreateRadio("5 Seconds", 200, 96, 121, 17) $Rad_10_Sec = GUICtrlCreateRadio("10 Seconds", 200, 120, 113, 17) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Rad_15_Sec = GUICtrlCreateRadio("15 Seconds", 200, 144, 105, 17) $Rad_20_Sec = GUICtrlCreateRadio("20 Seconds", 200, 168, 113, 17) $Rad_25_Sec = GUICtrlCreateRadio("25 Seconds", 200, 192, 105, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Character_Options = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 344, 48, 121, 81) $Rad_Enable_Character = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Enabled", 352, 72, 105, 17) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Rad_Disable_Character = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Disabled", 352, 96, 105, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Gr_Character_Actions = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Actions", 344, 136, 121, 81) $Btn_Character_Now = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test Now", 360, 168, 89, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Character: the slot (counting down from top) that a character occupies in the character selection screen.", 184, 224, 286, 52) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x85878C) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Time Delay: the time between logon and automated character selection.", 184, 280, 277, 36) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x85878C) ;;;;ANTI AFK BOT TAB $Tab_Anti_AFK = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Anti AFK") $Gr_Setup_AFK = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Settings", 51, 62, 409, 180) GUICtrlCreateLabel("-wait time (in seconds) before running Anti AFK. ", 163, 100, 286, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("-wait from this amount of time (in seconds) to...", 163, 132, 286, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("this amount of time (in seconds) between jumps.", 163, 164, 286, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("-number of times to jump.", 163, 196, 286, 20) ;GUICtrlCreateLabel("Note: pressing [F11] will stop Anti AFK." & @CRLF & "Note: all times are in seconds. (60 sec = 1 min)", 170, 250, 294, 40) $UI_Load_Wait = GUICtrlCreateInput("120", 83, 100, 73, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $UI_Jump_Sleep = GUICtrlCreateInput("60", 83, 132, 73, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $UI_Jump_Sleep2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("60", 83, 164, 73, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $UI_Jump_Times = GUICtrlCreateInput("180", 83, 196, 73, 24, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $Gr_Run_AFK = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Actions", 51, 245, 125, 60) $Btn_Jump_Now = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test Now", 70, 268, 89, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) $Gr_Run_AFK = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 186, 245, 125, 60) $Rad_Enable_AFK = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Enabled", 210, 264, 80, 17) ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Rad_Disable_AFK = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Disabled", 210, 284, 80, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;;;;LEVEL CALCULATOR TAB $Tab_Level_Calc = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Calc.") $CLvlLabel = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Character Level:", 150, 50, 100, 20) $CLvlInput = GuiCtrlCreateInput("1", 250, 50, 30, 20) $CalcButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 285, 50, 80, 20) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) $Gr_Kill_Calc = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Number of Monsters You Need to Kill", 60, 80, 390, 155) $Lvl1a = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("1 Level above you:", 260, 110, 115, 50) $aLabel[0] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 383, 110, 50, 20) $Lvl2a = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("2 levels above you:", 260, 140, 120, 50) $aLabel[1] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 383, 140, 50, 20) $Lvl3a = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("3 levels above you:", 260, 170, 120, 50) $aLabel[2] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 383, 170, 50, 20) $Lvl4a = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("4 levels above you:", 260, 200, 120, 50) $aLabel[3] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 383, 200, 50, 20) $Lvl1b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("1 level below you:" , 80, 110, 110, 50) $bLabel[0] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 200, 110, 85, 20) $Lvl2b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("2 levels below you:", 80, 140, 115, 50) $bLabel[1] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 200, 140, 85, 20) $Lvl3b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("3 levels below you:", 80, 170, 115, 50) $bLabel[2] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 200, 170, 85, 20) $Lvl4b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("4 levels below you:", 80, 200, 115, 50) $bLabel[3] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("?", 200, 200, 85, 20) $Gr_Other_Calc = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Other Information", 60, 240, 390, 50) $Mobs = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Mobs your level:", 80, 262, 100, 100) $MNeededLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("?", 182, 262, 100, 20) ;;;;DEV TOOLS TAB $Tab_Process_Edit = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Tools") $Gr_Setup_AFK = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Choose Priority", 51, 52, 409, 172) $Rad_0_Priority = GUICtrlCreateRadio("0 - Idle/Low", 59, 71, 380, 25) $Rad_1_Priority = GUICtrlCreateRadio("1 - Below Normal (Not supported on Windows 95/98/ME)", 59, 95, 380, 25) $Rad_2_Priority = GUICtrlCreateRadio("2 - Normal", 59, 119, 380, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Rad_3_Priority = GUICtrlCreateRadio("3 - Above Normal (Not supported on Windows 95/98/ME)", 59, 143, 380, 25) $Rad_4_Priority = GUICtrlCreateRadio("4 - High", 59, 167, 380, 25) $Rad_5_Priority = GUICtrlCreateRadio("5 - Realtime (Use with caution, may make the system unstable)", 59, 191, 390, 25) $Btn_Set_Priority = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Priority", 36, 247, 97, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) $Btn_Close_WoW = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close WoW", 140, 247, 97, 25) $Btn_Check_Ping = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Ping", 244, 247, 97, 25) $Btn_Set_On_Top = GUICtrlCreateButton("Always on Top", 348, 247, 97, 25) ;;;;TABS TO COME:;;;; ;;;;MACRO EDIT TAB ;;$Tab_Macro_Edit = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Macro Edit") ;;;;SETTINGS TAB ;$Tab_Settings = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Settings") ;;;;LINKS TAB ;$Tab_Links = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Links") ;$TreeView1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(24, 48, 465, 257) ;$TreeView1_0 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Exploits, Hacks, Programs", $TreeView1) ;$TreeView1_1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("www.mmowned.com", $TreeView1_0) ;$TreeView1_2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("www.hsforum.net", $TreeView1_0) ;$TreeView1_3 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("www.elitepvpers.de", $TreeView1_0) ;$TreeView1_4 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Databases", $TreeView1) ;$TreeView1_5 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Official Sites", $TreeView1) ;$TreeView1_6 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Private Servers", $TreeView1) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #endregion ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ABOUT POPUP GUI;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #region About Popup GUI $Ch_About = GUICreate("About", 399, 260, 302, 218) $GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 10, 375, 228) $Image1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Documents and Settings\Candace\Desktop\Joels Crap\Other\leoj-avatar.jpg", 20, 30, 129, 119) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Leoj's WoW Tool", 187, 30, 108, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Version 1.2", 187, 59, 70, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Copyright Leoj (2007)", 20, 168, 129, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("www.Leoj.info", 20, 197, 84, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("LeojCorp@yahoo.com", 240, 200, 140, 20) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) #endregion ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MY CREATED FUNCTIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #region _MyCreatedFunctions Opt("SendKeyDelay", 100) Opt("SendKeyDownDelay", 100) $noLaunch = 0 $LoadedProfile = IniRead("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", "") Func readProfileNames() $names = IniReadSectionNames("settings.ini") For $p = 1 To (Ubound($names) - 1) GUIctrlSetData($Li_Profiles, $names[$p]) Next ;GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "[default]") EndFunc Call("readProfileNames") Func loadProfile() If GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles) = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No profile selected.") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles) = "[default]" Then Call("setBackToDefaultProfile") Else ;;;Fullscreen or Minimized (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Fullscreen", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Fullscreen, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Minimized", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Minimized, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Silent Mode (checkbox)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Chck_Silent_Mode", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Chck_Silent_Mode, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Chck_Silent_Mode", "null") = "unchecked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Chck_Silent_Mode, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf ;;;Directory (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Directory, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "UI_Directory", "C:\\Program Files\World of Warcraft\")) ;;;Realmlist (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Realmlist_Txt, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "UI_Realmlist_Txt", "realmlist.wtf")) ;;;Server (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Servers, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Li_Servers", "eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com")) ;;;Username (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Accounts, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Li_Accounts", "*Username...")) ;;;Password (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Passwords, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Li_Passwords", "*Password...")) ;;;Login - Enable/Disable (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Enable_Account", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Enable_Account, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Disable_Account", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_Account, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Character (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_1", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_1, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_2", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_2, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_3", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_3, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_4", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_4, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_5", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_5, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_6", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_6, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_7", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_7, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_8", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_8, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_9", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_9, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Char_10", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_10, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Time Delay (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_1_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_1_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_5_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_5_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_10_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_10_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_15_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_15_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_20_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_20_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_25_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_25_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Char. - Enable/Disable (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Enable_Character", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Enable_Character, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Disable_Character", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_Character, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Wait time b4 anti AFK (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Load_Wait, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "UI_Load_Wait", "120")) ;;;Wait from this time... (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "UI_Jump_Sleep", "60")) ;;;to this time (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep2, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "UI_Jump_Sleep2", "60")) ;;;Number of times to jump (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Times, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "UI_Jump_Times", "180")) ;;;Anti AFK - Enable/Disable (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Enable_AFK", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Enable_AFK, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "Rad_Disable_AFK", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_AFK, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Character Level (input)? GUICtrlSetData($CLvlInput, IniRead("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles), "CLvlInput", "1")) ;;;End--- $LoadedProfile = GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Profile, "Loaded Profile: " & GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles)) EndIf EndFunc Func saveProfile() If GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile) = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No profile name entered.") Else ;;;Fullscreen or Minimized (radio)? If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Fullscreen) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Fullscreen", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Fullscreen", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Minimized) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Minimized", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Minimized", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Silent Mode (checkbox)? If GUICtrlRead($Chck_Silent_Mode) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Chck_Silent_Mode", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Chck_Silent_Mode", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Directory (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "UI_Directory", GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory)) ;;;Relmlist (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "UI_Realmlist_Txt", GUICtrlRead($UI_Realmlist_Txt)) ;;;Server (select)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Li_Servers", GUICtrlRead($Li_Servers)) ;;;Username (select)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Li_Accounts", GUICtrlRead($Li_Accounts)) ;;;Password (select)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Li_Passwords", GUICtrlRead($Li_Passwords)) ;;;Login - Enable/Disable (radio)? If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Enable_Account) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Enable_Account", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Enable_Account", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Disable_Account) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Disable_Account", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Disable_Account", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Character (radio)? If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_1) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_1", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_1", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_2) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_2", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_2", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_3) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_3", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_3", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_4) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_4", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_4", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_5) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_5", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_5", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_6) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_6", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_6", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_7) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_7", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_7", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_8) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_8", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_8", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_9) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_9", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_9", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_10) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_10", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Char_10", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Time Delay (radio)? If GUICtrlRead($Rad_1_Sec) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_1_Sec", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_1_Sec", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_5_Sec) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_5_Sec", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_5_Sec", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_10_Sec) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_10_Sec", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_10_Sec", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_15_Sec) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_15_Sec", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_15_Sec", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_20_Sec) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_20_Sec", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_20_Sec", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_25_Sec) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_25_Sec", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_25_Sec", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Char. - Enable/Disable (radio)? If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Enable_Character) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Enable_Character", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Enable_Character", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Disable_Character) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Disable_Character", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Disable_Character", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Wait time b4 anti AFK (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "UI_Load_Wait", GUICtrlRead($UI_Load_Wait)) ;;;Wait from this time... (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "UI_Jump_Sleep", GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep)) ;;;to this time (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "UI_Jump_Sleep2", GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep2)) ;;;Number of times to jump (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "UI_Jump_Times", GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Times)) ;;;Anti AFK - Enable/Disable (radio)? If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Enable_AFK) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Enable_AFK", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Enable_AFK", "unchecked") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Disable_AFK) = 1 Then IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Disable_AFK", "checked") Else IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "Rad_Disable_AFK", "unchecked") EndIf ;;;Character Level (input)? IniWrite("settings.ini", GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile), "CLvlInput", GUICtrlRead($CLvlInput)) ;;;End--- GUICtrlSetData($Label_Profile, "Loaded Profile: " & GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile)) $LoadedProfile = GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Profile) GUICtrlSetData($UI_Add_Profile, "") Call("readProfileNames") _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Profiles, $LoadedProfile) EndIf EndFunc Func deleteAllProfiles() $file10 = FileOpen("settings.ini", 2) If $file10 = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Cannot find settings.ini.") Exit EndIf FileClose($file10) IniWrite("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", "") $LoadedProfile = "" Call("setBackToDefaultProfile") GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "") GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "[default]") Call("readProfileNames") Call("selectOnProfileList") EndFunc Func deleteSelectedProfile() $Check1 = GUICtrlRead($Li_Profiles) $Check2 = IniRead("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", "") If $Check1 = $Check2 Then ;;;If the currently selected profile (the one the user is trying to delete) as specified by the ini is = to the currently loaded profile... Then do... IniWrite("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", "") ;;;erase the loaded profile from the ini. $LoadedProfile = "" ;;;Make the currently loaded profile = nothing because it is going to be deleted. Call("setBackToDefaultProfile") ;;;reset all settings ElseIf $LoadedProfile = $Check1 Then ;;;Or if the currently selected profile as specified by the variable $LoadedProfile is = to the currently loaded profile... Then do... $LoadedProfile = "" ;;;Make the currently loaded profile = nothing because it is going to be deleted. Call("setBackToDefaultProfile") ;;;reset all settings EndIf IniDelete("settings.ini", $Check1) GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "") ;;;clear the profile list of all contents before refreshing. GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "[default]") Call("readProfileNames") ;;;refresh the profile list. Call("selectOnProfileList") EndFunc Func selectOnProfileList() If $LoadedProfile = "" Then _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Profiles, "[default]") Else _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Profiles, $LoadedProfile) EndIf EndFunc Func getLastProfile() ;;;===> to be run on startup $LastProfile = IniRead("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", "") If $LastProfile = "" Then Call("setBackToDefaultProfile") Else ;;;===> do a mass update of these from load when load is done! ;;;Fullscreen or Minimized? If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Fullscreen", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Fullscreen, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Minimized", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Minimized, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Silent Mode Checkbox If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Chck_Silent_Mode", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Chck_Silent_Mode, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Chck_Silent_Mode", "null") = "unchecked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Chck_Silent_Mode, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf ;;;Select $LastProfile on list in profiles tab _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Profiles, $LastProfile) ;;;Directory (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Directory, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "UI_Directory", "C:\\Program Files\World of Warcraft\")) ;;;Realmlist (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Realmlist_Txt, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "UI_Realmlist_Txt", "realmlist.wtf")) ;;;Server (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Servers, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Li_Servers", "eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com")) ;;;Username (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Accounts, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Li_Accounts", "*Username...")) ;;;Password (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Passwords, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Li_Passwords", "*Password...")) ;;;Login - Enable/Disable (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Enable_Account", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Enable_Account, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Disable_Account", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_Account, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Character (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_1", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_1, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_2", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_2, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_3", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_3, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_4", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_4, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_5", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_5, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_6", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_6, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_7", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_7, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_8", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_8, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_9", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_9, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Char_10", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_10, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Time Delay (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_1_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_1_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_5_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_5_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_10_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_10_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_15_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_15_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_20_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_20_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_25_Sec", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_25_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Char. - Enable/Disable (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Enable_Character", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Enable_Character, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Disable_Character", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_Character, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Wait time b4 anti AFK (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Load_Wait, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "UI_Load_Wait", "120")) ;;;Wait from this time... (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "UI_Jump_Sleep", "60")) ;;;to this time (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep2, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "UI_Jump_Sleep2", "60")) ;;;Number of times to jump (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Times, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "UI_Jump_Times", "180")) ;;;Anti AFK - Enable/Disable (radio)? If IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Enable_AFK", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Enable_AFK, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "Rad_Disable_AFK", "null") = "checked" Then GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_AFK, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ;;;Character Level (input)? GUICtrlSetData($CLvlInput, IniRead("settings.ini", $LastProfile, "CLvlInput", "1")) ;;;;make sure [default] is in profile list GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "[default]") EndIf EndFunc Call("getLastProfile") Func setLastProfile() ;;;===> to be run on shutdown IniWrite("settings2.ini", "last profile", "loaded profile", $LoadedProfile) EndFunc Func setBackToDefaultProfile() GUICtrlSetData($Li_Profiles, "[default]") GUICtrlSetData($Label_Profile, "Loaded Profile: [default]") _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Profiles, "[default]") ;;;Fullscreen or Minimized (radio)? GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Minimized, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Silent Mode (checkbox) GUICtrlSetState($Chck_Silent_Mode, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Directory (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Directory, "C:\\Program Files\World of Warcraft\") ;;;Realmlist (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Realmlist_Txt, "realmlist.wtf") ;;;Server (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Servers, "us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com") ;;;Username (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Accounts, "*Username...") ;;;Password (select)? _GUICtrlListSelectString($Li_Passwords, "*Password...") ;;;Login - Enable/Disable (radio)? GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_Account, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Character (radio)? GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Char_1, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Time Delay (radio)? GUICtrlSetState($Rad_10_Sec, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Char. - Enable/Disable (radio)? GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_Character, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Wait time b4 anti AFK (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Load_Wait, "120") ;;;Wait from this time... (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep, "60") ;;;to this time (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep2, "60") ;;;Number of times to jump (input)? GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Times, "180") ;;;Anti AFK - Enable/Disable (radio)? GUICtrlSetState($Rad_Disable_AFK, $GUI_CHECKED) ;;;Character Level (input)? GUICtrlSetData($CLvlInput, "1") EndFunc Func theExit() Call("setLastProfile") Exit EndFunc Func showAboutGUI() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Ch_About) EndFunc Func closeGUIWindow() If WinActive("About") Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Ch_About) ElseIf WinActive("Leoj's WoW Tool") Then Call("setLastProfile") Exit Else Exit EndIf EndFunc Func checkBeforeLaunch() If GUICtrlRead($Li_Accounts) = "*Username..." Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "You have not selected a username.") $noLaunch = 1 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Li_Passwords) = "*Password..." Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "You have not selected a password.") $noLaunch = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func launchGame() TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Launching World of Warcraft...", 5, 0) $Does_Dir_Exist = DirGetSize(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory), 2) If $Does_Dir_Exist <= -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Directory may not exist.") ElseIf WinExists("World of Warcraft") = 0 Then Run(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory) & "WoW.exe", "", @SW_SHOWDEFAULT) Else TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "World of Warcraft detected...", 5, 0) Sleep(1000) EndIf EndFunc $n = WinGetTitle("") $tray = 0 $tray2 = 0 $stop = 0 $stop2 = 0 $hide = 0 Func hideAfterLaunch() WinWait("World of Warcraft") If GUICtrlRead($Chck_Silent_Mode) = 1 Then WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_MINIMIZE) If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Fullscreen) == 1 Then WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_SHOW) ;;;changed from showdefault EndIf WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_HIDE) TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "WoW has been hidden. Please wait...", 5, 0) Sleep(2000) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Chck_Silent_Mode) = 1 Then $hide = 1 Else $hide = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func checkBeforeLogin() If WinExists("World of Warcraft") Then HotKeySet("{F11}") HotKeySet("{F11}", "stopScript") $tray2 = 0 ;will tell us that script has stopped only if it was already running $stop2 = 0 $wait3 = 0 $once = 0 $state = WinGetState("World of Warcraft", "") If NOT WinExists("World of Warcraft") Then Do Sleep(1000) $wait3 = $wait3 + 1 Until $stop2 = 1 OR $wait3 = 10 EndIf $m = 0 $checked = 0 TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Checking if WoW is ready to receive info..." & @CRLF & "Press [F11] to cancel the check.", 20, 0) Do $tray2 = 1 If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' $wait3 = 0 If $once > 0 Then Do Sleep(1000) $wait3 = $wait3 + 1 Until $stop2 = 1 OR $wait3 = 15 EndIf ClipPut(" ") $n = WinGetTitle("") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' sleep(300) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}{a}{CTRLUP}") $n = WinGetTitle("") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' sleep(300) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "1010") $n = WinGetTitle("") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' sleep(300) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}{a}{CTRLUP}") $n = WinGetTitle("") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' sleep(200) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' If $hide = 1 Then WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_HIDE) EndIf $n = WinGetTitle("") If NOT WinActive("World of Warcraft") Then WinActivate("World of Warcraft") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Fullscreen) == 1 Then WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_MINIMIZE) EndIf If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' If $hide = 1 Then WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_HIDE) EndIf If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Fullscreen) == 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Please wait 5 seconds - Opening WoW." & @CRLF & "Do not use your mouse or keyboard during this time.", 6) sleep(4000) ;;;user may click some other window during this time!! -- Wait only needed when in fullscreen mode. EndIf If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}{c}{CTRLUP}") sleep(200) If GUICtrlRead($Chck_Silent_Mode) = 1 Then WinActivate($n) EndIf If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' sleep(200) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' $n = WinGetTitle("") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' sleep(200) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' If ClipGet() == 1010 Then TrayTip("this clears any tray tip","",0) Call("accountNow") $m = 1 EndIf $once = $once + 1 $checked = $checked + 1 If $checked >= 3 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Checked " & $checked & " times. There must be an error." & @CRLF & "Please wait while WoW is debugged." & @CRLF & "Press [F11] to cancel.", 25, 0) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' If WinExists("World of Warcraft") Then $once = 0 $hide = 0 WinSetState("World of Warcraft","",@SW_SHOW) If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' WinActivate("World of Warcraft") If $stop2 = 1 Then Return '' Else $stop2 = 1 EndIf Else TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "WoW is not ready to receive account info yet." & @CRLF & "Checked " & $checked & " times." & @CRLF & "Press [F11] to cancel the check.", 25, 0) EndIf Until $m = 1 Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please start WoW and enter the login screen. Then rerun the logon script.") EndIf TrayTip("this clears any tray tip","",0) $once = 0 $hide = 0 EndFunc Func accountNow() If GUICtrlRead($Li_Accounts) = "*Username..." Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "You have not selected a username.") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Li_Passwords) = "*Password..." Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "You have not selected a password.") Else $tray = 0 If WinExists("World of Warcraft") Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Now running the login script.", 5, 0) ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{CTRLDOWN}{a}{CTRLUP}{DEL}") Sleep(300) ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", GUICtrlRead($Li_Accounts)) Sleep(300) ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{TAB}") Sleep(300) ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", GUICtrlRead($Li_Passwords)) Sleep(1000) ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{ENTER}") Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please start WoW and enter the login screen. Then rerun the logon script.") EndIf If WinExists("World of Warcraft") == 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Login complete.", 5, 0) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func characterSelectNow() If GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_1) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 0 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_2) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 1 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_3) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 2 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_4) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 3 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_5) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 4 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_6) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 5 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_7) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 6 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_8) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 7 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_9) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 8 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_Char_10) = 1 Then $Rad_Char_Pick = 9 Else $Rad_Char_Pick = 1 EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Rad_1_Sec) = 1 Then $Rad_Sec_Pick = 1000 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_5_Sec) = 1 Then $Rad_Sec_Pick = 5000 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_10_Sec) = 1 Then $Rad_Sec_Pick = 10000 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_15_Sec) = 1 Then $Rad_Sec_Pick = 15000 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_20_Sec) = 1 Then $Rad_Sec_Pick = 20000 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_25_Sec) = 1 Then $Rad_Sec_Pick = 25000 Else $Rad_Sec_Pick = 10000 EndIf If WinExists("World of Warcraft") Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Now running the character selection script.", 5, 0) Sleep($Rad_Sec_Pick) TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Now selecting the character.", 5, 0) $sendRepeat = 0 Do ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{DOWN}") Sleep(1000) $sendRepeat = $sendRepeat + 1 Until $sendRepeat >= $Rad_Char_Pick Sleep(1000) ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{ENTER}") Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please start WoW and enter the character selection screen. Then rerun the character selection script.") EndIf If WinExists("World of Warcraft") == 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Character selection complete.", 5, 0) EndIf EndFunc Func stopScript() $stop2 = 1 If $tray2 = 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "The script has been stopped.", 5, 0) $tray2 = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func antiAFKnow() HotKeySet("{F11}") HotKeySet("{F11}", "stopJump") $tray = 0 ;will tell us that script has stopped only if it was already running $stop = 0 If GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep) < 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep, 1) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep2) < 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep2, 1) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Times) < 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Times, 1) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Load_Wait) < 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($UI_Load_Wait, 1) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep) == GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep2) Then $r = GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep2) GUICtrlSetData($UI_Jump_Sleep2, $r+1) EndIf While 1 If $stop = 1 Then Return '' If WinExists("World of Warcraft") == 1 Then $tray = 1 TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Now running the Anti AFK script." & @CRLF & "Press [F11] to cancel.", 5, 0) $wait2 = 0 Do Sleep(1000) $wait2 = $wait2 + 1 Until $stop = 1 OR $wait2 = GUICtrlRead($UI_Load_Wait) $delay = 1 $p = 0 While $p <= GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Times) If $stop = 1 Then Return '' $wait = 0 TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", Int($delay) & " seconds until next jump." & @CRLF & "Anti AFK has jumped " & $p & " times." & @CRLF & "Press [F11] to stop jumping.", 20, 0) If $stop = 1 Then Return '' Do Sleep(1000) $wait = $wait + 1 Until $stop = 1 OR $wait = Int($delay) If $stop = 1 Then Return '' ;ToolTip(Int($delay) & " seconds until next jump." & @CRLF & "Anti AFK has jumped " & $p + 1 & " times." & @CRLF & "Press [F11] to stop jumping.") ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{SPACE}") If $stop = 1 Then Return '' $p = $p + 1 $delay = Random(GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep),GUICtrlRead($UI_Jump_Sleep2)) If $stop = 1 Then Return '' WEnd TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Anti AFK has completed.", 5, 0) Else $tray = 0 MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please log on to your desired character and then rerun Anti AFK.") Return '' EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func stopJump() $stop = 1 If $tray = 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Anti AFK has been stopped.", 5, 0) $tray = 0 EndIf EndFunc HotKeySet("{F9}", "hideWoW") HotKeySet("{F10}", "hideLWT") Func hideWoW() $hide = 0 $win = WinGetTitle('World of Warcraft') $state = WinGetState("World of Warcraft", "") If BitAnd($state, 2) Then WinSetState($win,'',@SW_HIDE) TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "WoW has been hidden." & @CRLF & "Press [F9] to show it.", 5, 0) Else WinSetState($win,'',@SW_SHOW) If WinExists("World of Warcraft") == 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "WoW is no longer hidden." & @CRLF & "Press [F9] to hide it.", 5, 0) Else TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Cannot hide WoW because it is not running.", 5, 0) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func hideLWT() $win2 = WinGetTitle("Leoj's WoW Tool") $state2 = WinGetState("Leoj's WoW Tool", "") If BitAnd($state2, 2) Then WinSetState($win2,'',@SW_HIDE) TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "LWT has been hidden." & @CRLF & "Press [F10] to show it.", 5, 0) Else WinSetState($win2,'',@SW_SHOW) If WinExists("Leoj's WoW Tool") == 1 Then TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "LWT is no longer hidden." & @CRLF & "Press [F10] to hide it.", 5, 0) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func setProcessPriority() If GUICtrlRead($Rad_0_Priority) == 1 Then $priority = 0 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_1_Priority) == 1 Then $priority = 1 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_2_Priority) == 1 Then $priority = 2 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_3_Priority) == 1 Then $priority = 3 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_4_Priority) == 1 Then $priority = 4 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Rad_5_Priority) == 1 Then $priority = 5 Else $priority = 2 EndIf If WinExists("World of Warcraft") == 1 Then $processId = WinGetProcess("World of Warcraft") ProcessSetPriority($processId, $priority) TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "Window Title: World of Warcraft" & @CRLF & "Process ID: " & $processId & @CRLF & "Priority: " & $priority, 10) Else MsgBox(0,"Error","World of Warcraft is not running.") EndIf EndFunc Func closeWoW() If WinExists("World of Warcraft") == 1 Then WinKill("World of Warcraft", "") TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "World of Warcraft has been closed.", 10) Else MsgBox(0,"Error","World of Warcraft window not found.") EndIf EndFunc Func checkPing() $ping = Ping("www.google.com",250) If $ping Then Msgbox(0,"Success","Your current ping is " & $ping & ".") Else Msgbox(0,"Error","Please check your internet connection.") EndIf EndFunc Func updateRealmlist() $Does_Dir_Exist = DirGetSize(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory), 2) $Var2 = GUICtrlRead($Li_Servers) If $Var2 = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No server selected.") ElseIf $Does_Dir_Exist <= -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Directory may be invalid.") Else $file4 = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory) & GUICtrlRead($UI_Realmlist_Txt), 2) FileWriteLine($file4, "set realmlist " & GUICtrlRead($Li_Servers)) FileClose($file4) $file5 = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory) & GUICtrlRead($UI_Realmlist_Txt), 0) While 1 $realm2 = FileRead($file5, 9999) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop MsgBox(0, "Success", "Changed to: " & $realm2) Wend EndIf EndFunc Func currentRealmlist() $file3 = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory) & GUICtrlRead($UI_Realmlist_Txt), 0) While 1 $realm1 = FileRead($file3, 9999) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $realm1 = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Directory may be invalid.") ExitLoop EndIf MsgBox(0, "Realmlist Contents", $realm1) Wend FileClose($file3) EndFunc Func deleteAddedRealms() GUICtrlSetData($Li_Servers, "") GUICtrlSetData($Li_Servers, "eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com") GUICtrlSetData($Li_Servers, "us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com") FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Realms_Txt), 2) FileClose(GUICtrlRead($UI_Realms_Txt)) EndFunc Func addServer() $file2 = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Realms_Txt), 1) FileWriteLine($file2, GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Server)) FileClose($file2) $Var1 = GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Server) If $Var1 = "" Then Else GUICtrlSetData($Li_Servers, GUICtrlRead($UI_Add_Server)) EndIf EndFunc Func validateDirectory() $Does_Dir_Exist = DirGetSize(GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory), 2) If $Does_Dir_Exist <= -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "The specified directory is invalid.") ElseIf $Does_Dir_Exist > -1 Then Msgbox(0,"Success","The specified directory is valid.") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Realmlist_Txt) <> "realmlist.wtf" Then MsgBox(0, "Warning", "A new file will be created if it doesn't already exist." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "[" & GUICtrlRead($UI_Directory) & GUICtrlRead($UI_Realmlist_Txt) & "]") Endif EndFunc Func setDefaults() GUICtrlSetData($UI_Directory, "C:\\Program Files\World of Warcraft\") GUICtrlSetData($UI_Realmlist_Txt, "realmlist.wtf") EndFunc Func accountAdd() If GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name) & GUICtrlRead($UI_Password) = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please fill in atleast one field.") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name) = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please enter an account name.") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name) <> "" Then $confirmbox = MsgBox(4, "Are you sure?", "Account Name: " & GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name)) If $confirmbox = 6 Then $file6 = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Accounts_Txt), 1) FileWriteLine($file6, GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name)) FileClose($file6) $Var6 = GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name) If $Var6 = "" Then Else GUICtrlSetData($Li_Accounts, GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name)) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func passwordAdd() If GUICtrlRead($UI_Account_Name) & GUICtrlRead($UI_Password) = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please fill in atleast one field.") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($UI_Password) = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please enter a password.") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($UI_Password) <> "" Then $confirmbox = MsgBox(4, "Are you sure?", "Password: " & GUICtrlRead($UI_Password)) If $confirmbox = 6 Then $file7 = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Passwords_Txt), 1) FileWriteLine($file7, GUICtrlRead($UI_Password)) FileClose($file7) $Var7 = GUICtrlRead($UI_Password) If $Var7 = "" Then Else GUICtrlSetData($Li_Passwords, GUICtrlRead($UI_Password)) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func deleteLogin() GUICtrlSetData($Li_Accounts, "") GUICtrlSetData($Li_Accounts, "*Username...") FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Accounts_Txt), 2) FileClose(GUICtrlRead($UI_Accounts_Txt)) GUICtrlSetData($Li_Passwords, "") GUICtrlSetData($Li_Passwords, "*Password...") FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($UI_Passwords_Txt), 2) FileClose(GUICtrlRead($UI_Passwords_Txt)) EndFunc $ontop = 0 Func setOnTop() If $ontop == 0 Then WinSetOnTop("Leoj's WoW Tool", "", 1) $ontop = 1 TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "LWT has been set to always on top.", 10) ElseIf $ontop == 1 Then WinSetOnTop("Leoj's WoW Tool", "", 0) $ontop = 0 TrayTip("Leoj's WoW Tool", "LWT is no longer set to always on top.", 10) EndIf EndFunc #endregion ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;BORROWED SCRIPTS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #region _BorrowedScripts Func _GUIExtraction() ;$DesLvl = GUICtrlRead($DLvlInput) $CharLvl = GUICtrlRead($CLvlInput) $Exp2Lvl = Round ( ( (8 * $CharLvl) + _Diff() ) * _MXP() , -2);XP = ((8 Edited May 20, 2007 by Leoj
jvanegmond Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 I would go for this approach: $file1 = FileRead("myservers.txt") $server = StringSplit(StringStripCR($file1),@LF) $file8 = FileRead("myaccounts.txt") $account = StringSplit(StringStripCR($file8),@LF) $file9 = FileRead("mypasswords.txt") $account = StringSplit(StringStripCR($file9),@LF)oÝ÷ Ú)ìµæ¡ûaÆ®¶sbb33c¶fÆSÒfÆT÷VâgV÷C¶×6W'fW'2çGBgV÷C²Â¤FÒb33c·6W'fW%³#Фf÷"b33c·ÒFò#¢b33c·6W'fW%²b33c·ÒÒfÆU&VDÆæRb33c¶fÆSÂb33c·¢bb33c·6W'fW%²b33c·ÒÓÒgV÷C²gV÷C²FVà¢b33c·6W'fW%²b33c·ÒÒgV÷C·W2æÆövöâçv÷&ÆFögv&7&gBæ6öÒgV÷C°¢VæD`¤æW@¤fÆT6Æ÷6Rb33c¶fÆS£³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³°¢b33c¶fÆSÒfÆT÷VâgV÷C¶×66÷VçG2çGBgV÷C²Â¤FÒb33c¶66÷VçE³Ð¤f÷"b33c¶BÒFò¢b33c¶66÷VçE²b33c¶EÒÒfÆU&VDÆæRb33c¶fÆSÂb33c¶B¢bb33c¶66÷VçE²b33c¶EÒÓÒgV÷C²gV÷C²FVà¢b33c¶66÷VçE²b33c¶EÒÒgV÷C²¥W6W&æÖRâââgV÷C°¢VæD`¤æW@¤fÆT6Æ÷6Rb33c¶fÆS£³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³°¢b33c¶fÆSÒfÆT÷VâgV÷C¶×77v÷&G2çGBgV÷C²Â¤FÒb33c·77v÷&E³Ð¤f÷"b33c¶ÒFò¢b33c·77v÷&E²b33c¶ÒÒfÆU&VDÆæRb33c¶fÆSÂb33c¶¢bb33c·77v÷&E²b33c¶ÒÓÒgV÷C²gV÷C²FVà¢b33c·77v÷&E²b33c¶ÒÒgV÷C²¥77v÷&BâââgV÷C°¢VæD`¤æW@¤fÆT6Æ÷6Rb33c¶fÆS This requires some tweaking of the rest of the code, but it will be infinitely faster afterwards! github.com/jvanegmond
Leoj Posted May 20, 2007 Author Posted May 20, 2007 I could change the .txt's to .ini files. When I first started making the program I did not understand .ini files but now I do. Would doing so make the program any faster? Before I start looking into string split or w/e. Thanks a lot for the response MANADAR!
Leoj Posted May 20, 2007 Author Posted May 20, 2007 -I just read about string split. What a cool command! I will def.. be using this sometime in the future. Thanks for bringing it to my attention manadar =)
Leoj Posted May 20, 2007 Author Posted May 20, 2007 Wow! took like 3 minutes to implement the stringsplit and a _FileCountLines() to get a Much MUch MUCh MUCH faster program. Thanks a lot manadar and whoever made the count line UDF =P
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