REDbot Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 (edited) hi all im using autoit for like a year and a friendof mine gave me his script and he closed his project and when i try to use it ive founded this : expandcollapse popupUDPStartup() ; Open a "SOCKET" ;============================================== $socket = UDPOpen("", 65532) If @error <> 0 Then Exit $n = 0 While 1 $BotAccount = GUICtrlRead($Account) $BotPass = GUICtrlRead($Pass) $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $Check Then $status = UDPSend($socket, GUICtrlRead($Account) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($Pass) & "|" & "OK") If $status = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "Error while connecting " & @error) Exit EndIf Sleep(1000) $Response = UDPRecv($socket, 50) If $Response = "Accepted" Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MainGUI() EndIf If $Response = "Denied" Then EndIf If $Response = "Exit" Then Exit EndIf EndIf If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit WEnd Func OnAutoItExit() $DC = UDPSend($socket, $Account & "|" & $Pass & "|" & "DC") UDPCloseSocket($socket) UDPShutdown() so if any of you now anything about what i should replace to make it work for me or how to delete this kind of connection and use the script normally or if any of you now where i can find a tutorial irt will be very useful and im a noob in socket lol Edited May 19, 2007 by REDbot
erebus Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 First of all this is not a complete script. In addition this is only the client part. It communicates with another script (the server part) which probably you don't have. So this script itself is totally useless to you.
REDbot Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 i have the full tell me just what you need please
Golbez Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 i have the full tell me just what you need pleaselol you say you've use autoit for a year?then you should know that you have to send ALL of the code....
REDbot Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 expandcollapse popup#include <GUIListView.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiList.au3> Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0) ;-------------HotKeys----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HotKeySet("{Home}", "Start") HotKeySet("{END}", "stop") HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "Pause") HotKeySet("{F11}", "SaveCoords") HotKeySet("{F8}", "WalkPath") ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $MonsterLightNotFound Global $MonsterNotFound Global $MonsterDead Global $mobFind Global $PartyLeader Global $autoParty Global $Wait Global $Paused Global $Coordsystem Global $east Global $west Global $south Global $north Global $SavedX Global $SavedY Global $CurrentCoord Global $DestinationY Global $DestinationX Global $WalkToY Global $WalkToX Global $walktoSystem Global $walkback Global $CastSkill Global $Buff1Timer Global $Buff2Timer Global $Buff3Timer Global $Buff4Timer Global $Buff5Timer Global $ChatTimer Global $GetStuckCoords Global $Timer1 Dim $BotName = "ProBot" Global $BotAccount Global $BotPass Global $ProcessID = WinGetProcess("SRO_Client",""); Global $XAddress Global $YAddress Global $YC Global $XC Global $Name Global $result Global $ItemText Global $Wait Global $pos Global $poscoord Dim $Sensitivity = 8 Global $SellingItem Dim $SpamMessage1 = "SELLING ELEXIRS BY STORAGE WEP = 280k, PRO = 100k, SHEILD = 50K, ACC = 40K" Dim $SpamDelay = 50000 #Include <GuiConstants.au3> GUICreate("ProBot Login Server", 300, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username", 10, 20) $Account = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 60, 18, 60, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password", 130, 20) $Pass = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 180, 18, 60, 20) $Check = GUICtrlCreateButton("Login", 120, 50, 50, 30) GUISetState() ;;This is the UDP Client ;;Start the server first ; Start The UDP Services ;============================================== UDPStartup() ; Open a "SOCKET" ;============================================== $socket = UDPOpen("", 65532) If @error <> 0 Then Exit $n = 0 While 1 $BotAccount = GUICtrlRead($Account) $BotPass = GUICtrlRead($Pass) $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $Check Then $status = UDPSend($socket, GUICtrlRead($Account) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($Pass) & "|" & "OK") If $status = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "Error while connecting " & @error) Exit EndIf Sleep(1000) $Response = UDPRecv($socket, 50) If $Response = "Accepted" Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) MainGUI() EndIf If $Response = "Denied" Then EndIf If $Response = "Exit" Then Exit EndIf EndIf If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit WEnd Func OnAutoItExit() $DC = UDPSend($socket, $BotAccount & "|" & $BotPass & "|" & "DC") UDPCloseSocket($socket) UDPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit Func MainGUI() #include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $Name #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\program files\autoit3\scite\koda\forms\botproject v 1.04 gui.kxf $Form1_1 = GUICreate("ProBot Beta Version 1.07", 549, 276, -1, -1) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Auto Login", 8, 8, 193, 97) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("UserName", 16, 24, 54, 17) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x $MenuItem3 = TrayCreateItem("Exit") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $Response = UDPRecv($socket, 50) If $Response = "Exit" Then Exit EndIf $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x GUICtrlSetState($WolfHPBelt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfHPKey, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Case $Save $UserName1 = GUICtrlRead($UserName) $Name = $UserName1 & ".ini" IniWrite($Name, "login", "UserName", GUICtrlRead($UserName)) IniWrite($Name, "login", "PassWord", GUICtrlRead($PassWord)) IniWrite($Name, "login", "Char", GUICtrlRead($char)) IniWrite($Naxx x x x x x x x x x xx x x IniWrite($Name, "Other", "ChampSkills", GUICtrlRead($ChampSkills)) MsgBox(64, "BotProject", "Settings Saved") Case $Load $Name = FileOpenDialog("Open a File", @ScriptDir, "(*.ini)", 1 + 2) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "", "No File(s) chosen") Else $Name = StringReplace($Name, "|", @CRLF) EndIf ;$Name = InputBox("BotProject","Enter The Name of the ini file") If @error <> 1 And $Name <> "" Then $_UserName = IniRead($Name, "login", "UserName", "") $_PassWord = IniRead($Name, "login", "PassWord", "") $_Char = IniRead($Name, "login", "Char", "") $_Skill1Belt = IniRead($Name, "Skills", "Skill1Belt", "") x x x x x x x x x x x GUICtrlSetData($UserName, $_UserName) GUICtrlSetData($PassWord, $_PassWord) GUICtrlSetData($char, $_Char) GUICtrlSetData($Camera, $_Camera) GUICtrlSetData($Skill1Belt, $_Skill1Belt) GUICtrlSetData($Skill2Belt, $_Skill2Belt) GUICtrlSetData($Skill3Belt, $_Skill3Belt) GUICtrlSetData($Skill4Belt, $_Skill4Belt) GUICtrlSetData($Skill5Belt, $_Skill5Belt) GUICtrlSetData($Skill1Key, $_Skill1Key) GUICtrlSetData($Skill2Key, $_Skill2Key) GUICtrlSetData($Skill3Key, $_Skill3Key) GUICtrlSetData($Skill4Key, $_Skill4Key) GUICtrlSetData($Skill5Key, $_Skill5Key) If $_UseSkill1 = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseSkill1, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Skill1Belt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Skill1Key, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseSkill1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Skill1Belt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Skill1Key, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseSkill2 = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseSkill2, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Skill2Belt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Skill2Key, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseSkill1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Skill2Belt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Skill2Key, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseSkill3 = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseSkill3, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Skill3Belt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Skill3Key, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseSkill3, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Skill3Belt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Skill3Key, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseSkill4 = 1 Then x x x x x x x x x x x x GUICtrlSetState($Buff2Key, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff2Delay, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseBuff1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Buff2Belt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff2Key, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff2Delay, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseBuff3 = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseBuff3, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Buff3Belt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff3Key, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff3Delay, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseBuff3, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Buff3Belt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff3Key, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff3Delay, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseBuff4 = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseBuff4, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Buff4Belt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff4Key, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff4Delay, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseBuff1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($Buff4Belt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff4Key, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Buff4Delay, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseBuff5 = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseBuff5, $GUI_CHECKED) x x x x x x x x x x x If $_PickUpItems = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($PickUpItems, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($PickUpItems, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $_UseBeserk = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseBeserk, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($UseBeserkWhen, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseBeserk, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($UseBeserkWhen, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_TownHP = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($TownHP, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($TownHP, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $_TownMP = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($TownMP, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($TownMP, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $_TownRepair = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($TownRepair, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($DuraItems, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($DuraItems, $_DuraItems) Else GUICtrlSetState($TownRepair, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($DuraItems, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_LogHP = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($LogHP, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($LogHP, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $_LogMP = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($LogMP, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($LogMP, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $_LogDurability = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($LogDurability, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($DurItems, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($DurItems, $_DurItems) Else GUICtrlSetState($LogDurability, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($DurItems, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($BlueSkills, $_BlueSkills) GUICtrlSetData($GreenSkills, $_GreenSkills) GUICtrlSetData($WhiteSkills, $_WhiteSkills) GUICtrlSetData($OrangeSkills, $_OrangeSkills) GUICtrlSetData($RedSkills, $_RedSkills) GUICtrlSetData($AreaX, $_AreaX) GUICtrlSetData($AreaY, $_AreaY) GUICtrlSetData($Area, $_Area) GUICtrlSetData($WhenDead, $_WhenDead) If $_RunFromRed = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($RunFromRed, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($RunFromRed, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $_SitHeal = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($SitHeal, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($SitAt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($SitAt, $_SitAt) Else GUICtrlSetState($SitHeal, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($SitAt, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf If $_UseWolf = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($UseWolf, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($WolfBelt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfKey, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($HGPBelt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($HGPKey, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfHPBelt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfHPKey, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($UseWolf, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($WolfBelt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfKey, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($HGPBelt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($HGPKey, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfHPBelt, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($WolfHPKey, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($WolfBelt, $_WolfBelt) GUICtrlSetData($WolfKey, $_WolfKey) GUICtrlSetData($HGPBelt, $_HGPBelt) GUICtrlSetData($HGPKey, $_HGPKey) GUICtrlSetData($WolfHPBelt, $_WolfHPBelt) GUICtrlSetData($WolfHPKey, $_WolfHPKey) If $_NuBotPickup = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($NuBotPickup, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf If $_NuBotSearch = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($NuBotSearch, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf If $_AlertGM = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($AlertGM, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf If $_AlertPM = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($AlertPM, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($GiantSkills, $_GiantSkills) GUICtrlSetData($ChampSkills, $_ChampSkills) MsgBox(64, "ProBot", "Settings Loaded") EndIf Case $Start GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Readyy() EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>MainGUI Func Pause() $Paused = Not $Paused While $Paused $Response = UDPRecv($socket, 50) If $Response = "Exit" Then Exit EndIf ToolTip($BotName & ": Paused ", 2, 0) Sleep(400) WEnd EndFunc ;==>Pause Func stop() $DC = UDPSend($socket, $BotAccount & "|" & $BotPass & "|" & "DC") ToolTip($BotName & ": Shutting Down ", 2, 0) Sleep(2000) MsgBox(64, $BotName, "Thanks for using " & $BotName & ", Made By The BotProject Team.") Exit EndFunc ;==>stop Func Wait() Global $Message $Wait = Not $Wait While $Wait $Response = UDPRecv($socket, 50) If $Response = "Exit" Then Exit EndIf ToolTip($BotName & ": Press the HOME key to start ", 2, 0) Sleep(400) WEnd EndFunc ;==>Wait Func Readyy() If Not WinExists("SRO_Client") Then $Launch = MsgBox(4, $BotName, "Silkroad is not running, Would you like to launch it?") Select Case $Launch = 6 ;Yes Case $Launch = 7 ;No EndSelect If $Launch = 6 Then Run("c:/program files/silkroad/silkroad.exe") WinWait("Silkroad Online Launcher") WinActivate("Silkroad Online Launcher") ControlClick("Silkroad Online Launcher", "Start", "1000") WinWaitActive("SRO_Client") Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf Wait() EndFunc ;==>Readyy Func Start() $Monsterlvl = 0 $tookmoblvl = 0 WinActivate('SRO_Client') CameraSetup() $TimerC = TimerInit() $PartyTimer = TimerInit() $PotTimer = TimerInit() $Buff1Timer = TimerInit() $Buff2Timer = TimerInit() $Buff3Timer = TimerInit() $Buff4Timer = TimerInit() $Buff5Timer = TimerInit() $ChatTimer = TimerInit() $BotOpenTimer = TimerInit() While 1 $Response = UDPRecv($socket, 50) If $Response = "Exit" Then Exit EndIf If $AlertGM = 1 Or $AlertPM = 1 Then ChatCheck() EndIf DisconnectCheck() CheckIfDead() $MonsterDead = 0 If TimerDiff($PartyTimer) > 10 * 1000 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Party Check ", 2, 0) PartyCheck() $PartyTimer = TimerInit() EndIf If TimerDiff($PotTimer) > 5 * 1000 Then If $LogHP = 1 Or $LogMP = 1 Or $TownHP = 1 Or $TownMP = 1 Or $TownRepair = 1 Or $LogDurability = 1 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Pot Check ", 2, 0) PotCheck() $PotTimer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf If $SitHeal = 1 Then Sit() EndIf WolfStuff() If $Coordsystem = 1 Then If TimerDiff($TimerC) > 8 * 1000 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Check coords ", 2, 0) CheckCoords() $TimerC = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf If $UseBuff1 = 1 Or $UseBuff2 = 1 Or $UseBuff3 = 1 Or $UseBuff4 = 1 Or $UseBuff5 = 1 Then Buff() EndIf If $NuBotSearch = 1 Then NuBotSearch() Else ToolTip($BotName & ": Searching for monsters ", 2, 0) CheckMonster() EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>AutoTrain ;-------------------------------Camera Setup------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Func CameraSetup() ToolTip($BotName & ": Setting Camera ", 2, 0) WinActivate('SRO_Client') Send("{F9}") $nRotation = PixelGetColor(961, 104) Sleep(500) While $nRotation <> 16711680 Send("{right down}") $nRotation = PixelGetColor(961, 114) WEnd Send("{right up}") Send("{F9}") Send("{F9}") MouseMove(500, 90, 0) Sleep(500) MouseClickDrag("right", 500, 90, 500, 610, 10) Sleep(500) MouseWheel("Up", 25) MouseWheel("down", $Camera) Sleep(100) EndFunc ;==>CameraSetup ;----------------------------Checks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func ChatCheck() If TimerDiff($ChatTimer) > 5500 Then If $AlertGM = 1 Then $ChatTimer = TimerInit() $ChatCoord = PixelSearch(23, 566, 396, 690, 0xFFAEC3, 2) If Not @error Then SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\notify.wav") EndIf EndIf If $AlertPM = 1 Then $ChatTimer = TimerInit() $ChatCoord = PixelSearch(23, 566, 396, 690, 0x9FFFFE, 2) If Not @error Then SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\notify.wav") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>ChatCheck Func CheckIfDead() If PixelGetColor(539, 494) = 0xFEFBD8 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": You Died ", 2, 0) Sleep(1000) If $WhenDead = "Log Out" Then Send("{ESC}") Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 500, 450, 2) Exit EndIf If $WhenDead = "Return To Town" Then MouseClick("Left", 473, 490) Sleep(1000) EndIf If $WhenDead = "Ask For Res" Then MouseClick("Left", 627, 489) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("Left", 69, 553) Sleep(1000) Send("{Enter}") Send("{BackSpace Down}") Sleep(2000) Send("{BackSpace Up}") $ResTimer = TimerInit() While 1 $ResMessage = Random(0, 7, 1) If $ResMessage = 0 Then Send("can someone please res me") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 1 Then Send("please res me") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 2 Then Send("please someone res me") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 3 Then Send("hey could you res me plz") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 4 Then Send("can i get a res please") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 5 Then Send("can someone please res me") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 6 Then Send("res please") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If $ResMessage = 7 Then Send("anyone wanna resurect me") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(16000) EndIf If PixelGetColor(539, 494) = 0xFEFBD8 Then MouseClick("Left", 473, 490) Sleep(1000) $RandMes = Random(1, 4, 1) If $RandMes = 1 Then Send("thanks") EndIf If $RandMes = 2 Then Send("thx") EndIf If $RandMes = 3 Then Send("awsome thx") EndIf If $RandMes = 4 Then Send("Thank you") EndIf ExitLoop EndIf If TimerDiff($ResTimer) > 350000 Then Send("{ESC}") Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 500, 450, 2) Exit EndIf WEnd EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>CheckIfDead Func DisconnectCheck() ToolTip($BotName & ": Disconnect Check ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(376, 323, 381, 328, 0x1F1F1F, 10) If Not @error Then PixelSearch(397, 377, 402, 382, 0x292421, 5) If Not @error Then PixelSearch(480, 422, 485, 427, 0x7B6B4A, 10) If Not @error Then MouseMove(510, 421) Sleep(1000) EndIf PixelSearch(480, 422, 485, 427, 0x9C4A31, 10) If Not @error Then MouseClick("Left", 510, 421) ;Closes Disconnect Box Reconnect() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>DisconnectCheck Func PotCheck() Send("{F1}") Sleep(500) If $LogHP = 1 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Checking Pots ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(692, 731, 716, 754, 0x080008, 15) If @error Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Pots not found , check once more ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(692, 731, 716, 754, 0x000831, 15) If @error Then Send("{ESC}") Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 500, 450, 2) Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf If $LogMP = 1 Then PixelSearch(728, 732, 752, 754, 0x1942EF, 15) If @error Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Pots not found , check once more ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(728, 732, 752, 754, 0x1942EF, 15) If @error Then Send("{ESC}") Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 500, 450, 2) Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf If $LogDurability = 1 Then $BrokenItems = 0 If PixelGetColor(984, 240) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 278) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 310) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 345) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 380) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If $BrokenItems >= $DurItems Then Send("{esc}") Sleep(300) MouseMove(500, 450, 0) Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 500, 450, 2) MsgBox(0, "NOTICE", "Durability CRITICAL, Silkroad Shutdown") Exit EndIf EndIf If $TownHP = 1 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Checking Pots ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(692, 731, 716, 754, 0xCE0000, 15) If @error Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Pots not found , check once more ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(692, 731, 716, 754, 0xCE0000, 15) If @error Then GoToTown() EndIf EndIf EndIf If $TownMP = 1 Then PixelSearch(728, 732, 752, 754, 0x1942EF, 15) If @error Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Pots not found , check once more ", 2, 0) PixelSearch(728, 732, 752, 754, 0x1942EF, 15) If @error Then GoToTown() EndIf EndIf EndIf If $TownRepair = 1 Then $BrokenItems = 0 If PixelGetColor(984, 240) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 278) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 310) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 345) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If PixelGetColor(984, 380) = 0xD40E00 Then $BrokenItems = $BrokenItems + 1 EndIf If $BrokenItems >= $DurItems Then GoToTown() EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>PotCheck Func PartyCheck() If $PartyLeader = 1 Then PixelSearch(437, 457, 442, 465, 0x73634A, 1) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", 464, 459) Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf PixelSearch(12, 151, 14, 156, 0x000000, 5) If @error Then AutoParty() Else $autoParty = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>PartyCheck ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------Sit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Sit() ToolTip($BotName & ": Sitting ", 2, 0) If $SitAt = "75%" Then PixelSearch(184, 34, 186, 42, 0x181618, 12) If Not @error Then Send("{n}") EndIf EndIf If $SitAt = "50%" Then PixelSearch(138, 34, 140, 42, 0x181618, 12) If Not @error Then Send("{n}") EndIf EndIf If $SitAt = "25%" Then PixelSearch(104, 34, 106, 42, 0x181618, 12) If Not @error Then Send("{n}") EndIf EndIf While PixelGetColor(205, 37) = 0x181618 Sleep(1000) If PixelGetColor(539, 494) = 0xFEFBD8 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": You Died ", 2, 0) CheckIfDead() EndIf WEnd Send("{n}") EndFunc ;==>Sit ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------Login, reconnect, restart------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Func loginn() ToolTip($BotName & ": Logging In ", 2, 0) Sleep(2000) WinActivate("SRO_Client") Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 456, 232) Sleep(4000) ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", "{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) Sleep(1000) ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", "{TAB}") Sleep(1000) Send($UserName) Sleep(1000) ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", "{TAB}") Sleep(1000) Send($PassWord) Sleep(1000) ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", "{Enter}") While PixelGetColor(500, 755) = 0xFFFFFF $disconnect = PixelSearch(410, 360, 420, 370, 0x313131, 25, 1) If Not @error Then Sleep(250) MouseMove(505, 425, 0) MouseClick("left", 510, 425) Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 510, 425) Sleep(2000) DisconnectCheck() EndIf ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", "{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) WEnd charselect() EndFunc ;==>loginn Func charselect() ToolTip($BotName & ": Selecting Char ", 2, 0) Sleep(4000) $char = PixelSearch(185, 70, 265, 95, 0xD5BC89, 25) If Not @error Then Sleep(2000) If $char = 1 Then MouseMove(325, 348, 0) MouseClick("left", 325, 348, 2) MouseClick("left", 325, 348, 2) EndIf If $char = 2 Then MouseMove(521, 362, 0) MouseClick("left", 521, 362, 2) MouseClick("left", 521, 362, 2) EndIf If $char = 3 Then MouseMove(704, 374, 0) MouseClick("left", 704, 374, 2) MouseClick("left", 704, 374, 2) EndIf Sleep(800) If PixelGetColor(857, 204) = 16737131 Then Sleep(2200) MouseMove(791, 710, 0) MouseClick("left", 791, 710, 2) EndIf While PixelGetColor(922, 41) = 0x000000 Sleep(2000) WEnd Sleep(2000) CameraSetup() EndIf EndFunc ;==>charselect Func Reconnect() Sleep(8000) Run("C:\Program Files\Silkroad\silkroad.exe") WinActivate("Silkroad Online Launcher") Sleep(250) MouseMove(680, 435, 0) Sleep(250) $Start = PixelSearch(625, 430, 670, 440, 0xFFFFFF) If Not @error Then Sleep(250) MouseClick("Left", 746, 520, 2) Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("SRO_Client") MouseClick("left", 830, 436, 2) loginn() Else Sleep(3000) $Start = PixelSearch(625, 430, 670, 440, 0xFFFFFF) If Not @error Then Sleep(250) MouseClick("Left", 746, 520, 2) Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("SRO_Client") MouseClick("left", 830, 436, 2) loginn() Else ProcessClose("Silkroad Online Launcher") Sleep(2000) Reconnect() EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Reconnect ;------------------------------------Party Functions------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func AutoParty() ToolTip($BotName & ": Looking for a party", 2, 0) Sleep(2000) Send("e") Sleep(3000) MouseClick("Left", 520, 588) ; Next Page Sleep(3000) MouseClick("Left", 392, 586) ; Auto Match Sleep(500) MouseClick("Left", 462, 523) ; Click Confirm Button Sleep(500) Send("e") Sleep(1500) $autoParty = $autoParty + 1 If $autoParty = 6 Then MakeParty() EndIf EndFunc ;==>AutoParty Func MakeParty() ToolTip($BotName & ": Making a party", 2, 0) Sleep(2000) Send("e") Sleep(3000) MouseClick("Left", 614, 589) ; Form Party Sleep(3000) MouseClick("Left", 461, 539) ; Click Confirm Button Sleep(500) Send("e") Sleep(1500) $PartyLeader = 1 EndFunc ;==>MakeParty Func PartyAccept() PixelSearch(437, 457, 442, 465, 0x73634A, 1) ;Invite Party Box If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", 464, 459) Sleep(500) EndIf EndFunc ;==>PartyAccept ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------Wolf-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func WolfStuff() If PixelGetColor(106, 94) <> 0x8C5B00 Then ; If wolf not summoned If $WolfBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $WolfBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $WolfBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $WolfBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($WolfKey) EndIf If PixelGetColor(106, 94) = 0x8C5B00 Then ; If wolf is summoned then If (PixelGetColor(152, 93) <> 16766546) Then If $HGPBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $HGPBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $HGPBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $HGPBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($HGPKey) Sleep(1000) EndIf If (PixelGetColor(152, 87) <> 16724273) Then If $WolfHPBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $WolfHPBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $WolfHPBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $WolfHPBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($WolfHPKey) Sleep(1000) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>WolfStuff ;---------------------Monster Search-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func CheckMonster() $CastSkill = 0 $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $MonsterLightNotFound = 0 ;MONSTRZ light MonsterNearCheck() $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(672, 220, 953, 676, 0xFF00FF, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 5, $coord[1] + 5, 1, 0) Attack() Else $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(127, 220, 361, 539, 0xFF00FF, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 5, $coord[1] + 5, 1, 0) Attack() Else MonsterNearCheck() $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(125, 79, 362, 219, 0xFF00FF, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 2, $coord[1] + 2, 1, 0) Attack() Else $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(671, 78, 894, 220, 0xFF00FF, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 2, $coord[1] + 2, 1, 0) Attack() Else $MonsterLightNotFound = 1 $MonsterNotFound = $MonsterNotFound + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If $MonsterNotFound = 5 Then Send("{right down}") ;Holds the A key down Sleep(500) Send("{right up}") ;Releases the A key Send("{up down}") Sleep(4000) Send("{up up}") $MonsterNotFound = 0 EndIf If $MonsterLightNotFound = 1 Then ;MONSTRZ dark MonsterNearCheck() $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(672, 220, 953, 676, 0x5E006D, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 5, $coord[1] + 5, 1, 0) Attack() Else $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(127, 220, 361, 539, 0x5E006D, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 5, $coord[1] + 5, 1, 0) Attack() Else MonsterNearCheck() $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(125, 79, 362, 219, 0x5E006D, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 2, $coord[1] + 2, 1, 0) Attack() Else $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(671, 78, 894, 220, 0x5E006D, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 2, $coord[1] + 2, 1, 0) Attack() EndIf $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>CheckMonster Func MonsterNearCheck() ;Monster Light $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(364, 444, 671, 714, 0xFF00FF, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 10, $coord[1] + 10, 1, 0) Attack() Else $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(362, 78, 671, 442, 0xFF00FF, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 5, $coord[1] + 5, 1, 0) Attack() Else ;Monster Dark $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(364, 444, 671, 714, 0x5E006D, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 10, $coord[1] + 10, 1, 0) Attack() Else $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf $coord = PixelSearch(362, 78, 671, 442, 0x5E006D, 25, 0) If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $coord[0] + 5, $coord[1] + 5, 1, 0) Attack() EndIf $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>MonsterNearCheck Func NuBotSearch() $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then Attack() Else Sleep(500) EndIf EndFunc ;==>NuBotSearch ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func RunAway() Send("{up down}") Sleep(8000) Send("{up up}") MouseClick("Left", 598, 24) EndFunc ;==>RunAway ;--------------------Attack and pickup------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Attack() ToolTip($BotName & ": Checking Mob", 2, 0) If $UseBeserkWhen = "Ready" Then PixelSearch(18, 4, 35, 16, 0xFFC3ED, 15) If Not @error Then Send("{TAB}") EndIf EndIf While $MonsterDead <> 1 $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) ; Check Monster HP If Not @error Then $stuck = TimerInit() ToolTip($BotName & ": Checking Mob Lvl...", 2, 0) ;1st lvl mob $mobcolor = PixelSearch(434, 18, 444, 25, 0x084364, 20) If Not @error Then $Monsterlvl = 1 $champion = PixelGetColor(495, 69) $giant = PixelGetColor(496, 70) If $champion = 1642577 Then $MonsterChamp = 1 Else $MonsterChamp = 0 EndIf If $giant = 543364 Then $MonsterGiant = 1 Else $MonsterGiant = 0 EndIf $tookmoblvl = 1 EndIf $mobcolor = PixelSearch(434, 18, 444, 25, 0x2A7855, 20) ;2nd lvl mob If Not @error Then $Monsterlvl = 2 $champion = PixelGetColor(495, 69) $giant = PixelGetColor(496, 70) If $champion = 1642577 Then $MonsterChamp = 1 Else $MonsterChamp = 0 EndIf If $giant = 543364 Then $MonsterGiant = 1 Else $MonsterGiant = 0 EndIf $tookmoblvl = 1 EndIf $mobcolor = PixelSearch(434, 18, 444, 25, 0x717171, 20) ;3rd lvl mob If Not @error Then $Monsterlvl = 3 $champion = PixelGetColor(495, 69) $giant = PixelGetColor(496, 70) If $champion = 1642577 Then $MonsterChamp = 1 Else $MonsterChamp = 0 EndIf If $giant = 543364 Then $MonsterGiant = 1 Else $MonsterGiant = 0 EndIf $tookmoblvl = 1 EndIf $mobcolor = PixelSearch(435, 18, 442, 25, 15644512, 20) ;4th lvl mob If Not @error Then $Monsterlvl = 4 $champion = PixelGetColor(495, 69) $giant = PixelGetColor(496, 70) If $champion = 1642577 Then $MonsterChamp = 1 Else $MonsterChamp = 0 EndIf If $giant = 543364 Then $MonsterGiant = 1 Else $MonsterGiant = 0 EndIf $tookmoblvl = 1 EndIf $mobcolor = PixelSearch(435, 18, 442, 25, 14832443, 20) ;5th lvl mob If Not @error Then $Monsterlvl = 5 $champion = PixelGetColor(495, 69) $giant = PixelGetColor(496, 70) If $champion = 1642577 Then $MonsterChamp = 1 Else $MonsterChamp = 0 EndIf If $giant = 543364 Then $MonsterGiant = 1 Else $MonsterGiant = 0 EndIf $tookmoblvl = 1 If $Monsterlvl = 0 Then NormalAttack() EndIf EndIf ToolTip($BotName & ": Attacking...", 2, 0) ;-------------------LVL 1 MOB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $BlueSkills > $CastSkill Then $RandomSkill = Random(1, 5, 1) If $UseSkill1 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 1 Then If $Skill1Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill1Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill2 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 2 Then If $Skill2Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill2Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill3 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 3 Then If $Skill3Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill3Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf If $RandomSkill = 4 Then If $Skill4Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill4Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill5 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 5 Then If $Skill5Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill5Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $Monsterlvl = 1 Then If $ImbueBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf ;-------------------LVL 2 MOB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $Monsterlvl = 2 Then If $MonsterChamp = 1 Then $GreenSkills = $GreenSkills + $ChampSkills EndIf If $MonsterGiant = 1 Then $GreenSkills = $GreenSkills + $GiantSkills EndIf If $GreenSkills > $CastSkill Then $RandomSkill = Random(1, 5, 1) If $UseSkill1 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 1 Then If $Skill1Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill1Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill2 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 2 Then If $Skill2Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill2Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill3 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 3 Then If $Skill3Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill3Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill4 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 4 Then If $Skill4Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill4Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill5 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 5 Then If $Skill5Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill5Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf ;-------------------LVL 3 MOB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $Monsterlvl = 3 Then If $MonsterChamp = 1 Then $WhiteSkills = $WhiteSkills + $ChampSkills EndIf If $MonsterGiant = 1 Then $WhiteSkills = $WhiteSkills + $GiantSkills EndIf If $WhiteSkills > $CastSkill Then $RandomSkill = Random(1, 5, 1) If $UseSkill1 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 1 Then If $Skill1Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill1Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill2 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 2 Then If $Skill2Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill2Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill3 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 3 Then If $Skill3Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill3Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill4 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 4 Then If $Skill4Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill4Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill5 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 5 Then If $Skill5Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill5Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf ;-------------------LVL 4 MOB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $Monsterlvl = 4 Then If $MonsterChamp = 1 Then $OrangeSkills = $OrangeSkills + $ChampSkills EndIf If $MonsterGiant = 1 Then $OrangeSkills = $OrangeSkills + $GiantSkills EndIf If $OrangeSkills > $CastSkill Then $RandomSkill = Random(1, 5, 1) If $UseSkill1 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 1 Then If $Skill1Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill1Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill2 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 2 Then If $Skill2Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill2Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill3 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 3 Then If $Skill3Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill3Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill4 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 4 Then If $Skill4Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill4Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill5 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 5 Then If $Skill5Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill5Key) Sleep(500) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf ;-------------------LVL 5 MOB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $Monsterlvl = 5 Then If $RunFromRed = 1 Then RunAway() Else If $MonsterChamp = 1 Then $RedSkills = $RedSkills + $ChampSkills EndIf If $MonsterGiant = 1 Then $RedSkills = $RedSkills + $GiantSkills EndIf If $RedSkills > $CastSkill Then $RandomSkill = Random(1, 5, 1) If $UseSkill1 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 1 Then If $Skill1Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill1Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill1Key) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill2 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 2 Then If $Skill2Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill2Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill2Key) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill3 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 3 Then If $Skill3Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill3Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill3Key) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill5 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 4 Then If $Skill4Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill4Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill4Key) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf If $UseSkill5 = 1 Then If $RandomSkill = 5 Then If $Skill5Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Skill5Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Skill5Key) $CastSkill = $CastSkill + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($ImbueKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($AttackKey) Sleep(500) EndIf EndIf Else $MonsterDead = 1 Pickup() EndIf If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 35000 Then If PixelGetColor(539, 494) = 0xFEFBD8 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": You Died ", 2, 0) CheckIfDead() EndIf EndIf If PixelGetColor(419, 138) = 0xFFFFFF And PixelGetColor(480, 139) = 0xFFFFFF And PixelGetColor(595, 138) = 0xFFFFFF Then Stuck() EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>Attack Func NormalAttack() ToolTip($BotName & ": Fighting...", 2, 0) While $MonsterDead <> 1 $fight = PixelSearch(437, 44, 439, 46, 0xFFC6C6, 10) If Not @error Then If $AttackBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($AttackKey) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($AttackKey) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($AttackKey) EndIf If $AttackBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($AttackKey) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") Send($ImbueKey) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") Send($ImbueKey) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") Send($ImbueKey) EndIf If $ImbueBelt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") Send($ImbueKey) EndIf Else $MonsterDead = 1 Pickup() EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>NormalAttack Func Pickup() $Monsterlvl = 0 $tookmoblvl = 0 If $NuBotPickup = 0 Then If $PickUpItems = 1 Then $ItemSearch = PixelSearch(375, 287, 665, 506, 0x00FFFF, 4) If Not @error Then MouseClick("Left", $ItemSearch[0], $ItemSearch[1], 2) EndIf Sleep(450) Send("gg") Send("gg") Sleep(250) Send("gg") Send("gg") Sleep(100) Send("gg") Send("gg") Sleep(100) Send("gg") Send("gg") Sleep(100) Send("gg") Send("gg") Sleep(100) Send("gg") Send("gg") ElseIf $NuBotPickup = 1 Then Sleep(1000) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Pickup ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;----------------------------------BUFF---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Buff() If $UseBuff1 = 1 Then If TimerDiff($Buff1Timer) > $Buff1Delay + 1000 Then If $Buff1Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Buff1Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Buff1Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Buff1Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Buff1key) Sleep(2500) $Buff1Timer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf If $UseBuff2 = 1 Then If TimerDiff($Buff2Timer) > $Buff2Delay + 2000 Then If $Buff2Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Buff2Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Buff2Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Buff2Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Buff2Key) Sleep(2500) $Buff2Timer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf If $UseBuff3 = 1 Then If TimerDiff($Buff3Timer) > $Buff3Delay + 3000 Then If $Buff3Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Buff3Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Buff3Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Buff3Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Buff3Key) Sleep(2500) $Buff3Timer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf If $UseBuff4 = 1 Then If TimerDiff($Buff4Timer) > $Buff4Delay + 1500 Then If $Buff4Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Buff4Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Buff4Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Buff4Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Buff4Key) Sleep(2500) $Buff4Timer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf If $UseBuff5 = 1 Then If TimerDiff($Buff5Timer) > $Buff5Delay + 2500 Then If $Buff5Belt = 1 Then Send("{F1}") EndIf If $Buff5Belt = 2 Then Send("{F2}") EndIf If $Buff5Belt = 3 Then Send("{F3}") EndIf If $Buff5Belt = 4 Then Send("{F4}") EndIf Send($Buff5Key) Sleep(2500) $Buff5Timer = TimerInit() EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Buff ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;--------------GoToTown-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func GoToTown() MsgBox(64, "Error", "Go To Town hasnt been added yet") ;If $X1 = "" Then ;MsgBox(64,"Error", "You have not set up the walk to town coords properly") ;WalkTo($X1,Y1) ;WalkTo($X2,Y2) EndFunc ;==>GoToTown ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------WalkBack-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func SaveCoords() $SavedX = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $SavedY = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $Coordsystem = 1 $walkback = InputBox($BotName, "Walkback, set how far before walkback starts", "", "") MsgBox(64, $BotName, "Coords Saved", 3) EndFunc ;==>SaveCoords Func CheckCoords() Sleep(1500) $CoordX = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $FinalX = $SavedX - $CoordX If $FinalX < -$walkback Then ToolTip($BotName & ": you have wondered off East", 2, 0) $east = 1 EndIf If $FinalX > $walkback Then ToolTip($BotName & ": you have wondered off West", 2, 0) $west = 1 EndIf $CoordY = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $FinalY = $SavedY - $CoordY If $FinalY < -$walkback Then ToolTip($BotName & ": you have wondered off North", 2, 0) $north = 1 EndIf If $FinalY > $walkback Then ToolTip($BotName & ": you have wondered off South", 2, 0) $south = 1 EndIf Direction() EndFunc ;==>CheckCoords Func Direction() $Timer1 = TimerInit() If $east = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 30 * 1000 Then Stuck() $Timer1 = TimerInit() EndIf MouseClick("left", 680, 425) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking West ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $SavedX If $TempCoord > 6 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking West ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord < -0 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": OK, back to training ", 2, 0) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $east = 0 If $west = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 30 * 1000 Then Stuck() $Timer1 = TimerInit() EndIf MouseClick("left", 350, 425) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking East ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $SavedX If $TempCoord < -6 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking East ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord > 0 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": OK, back to training ", 2, 0) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $west = 0 If $north = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 30 * 1000 Then Stuck() $Timer1 = TimerInit() EndIf MouseClick("left", 514, 256) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking South ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $SavedY If $TempCoord > 6 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking South ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord < -0 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": OK, back to training ", 2, 0) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $north = 0 If $south = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 30 * 1000 Then Stuck() $Timer1 = TimerInit() EndIf MouseClick("left", 505, 567) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking North ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $SavedY If $TempCoord < -6 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking North ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord > 0 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": OK, back to training ", 2, 0) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $south = 0 EndFunc ;==>Direction Func _NCR($Ax, $Ay, $Dx, $Dy) $width = $Dx - $Ax $length = $Dy - $Ay Dim $char[$width][$length] For $xwidth = 0 To $width - 1 For $xlength = 0 To $length - 1 $char[$xwidth][$xlength] = Hex(PixelGetColor($Ax, $Ay), 6) $Ay = $Ay + 1 Next $Ax = $Ax + 1 $Ay = $Ay - $length Next ;scans entire area $p = 1 Dim $row[$width] For $xwidth = 0 To $width - 1 For $xlength = 0 To $length - 1 If $char[$xwidth][$xlength] = "FFFFFF" Then If $p = 1 Then $div = $xwidth $p += 2 EndIf $x = $xwidth - $div $row[$x] += 1 EndIf Next Next ;seriales the array Dim $result For $xwidth = 0 To $width - 1 If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 7 Then $result &= "0" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 9 Then $result &= "1" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 4 Then $result &= "2" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 6 Then $result &= "3" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 1 Then $result &= "4" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 5 Then $result &= "5" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 5 Then $result &= "6" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 1 Then $result &= "7" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 6 Then $result &= "8" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 7 Then $result &= "9" EndIf Next $len = StringLen($result) Return $result EndFunc ;==>_NCR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Stuck() ToolTip($BotName & ": i think were stuck ", 2, 0) MouseClick("left", 227, 97) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("left", 847, 93) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("left", 80, 512) Sleep(1000) MouseClick("left", 958, 532) Sleep(1000) EndFunc ;==>Stuck ;--------------------------WalkTo---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func WalkTo($WalkToX, $WalkToY) $walktoSystem = 1 $Coordsystem = 0 $CoordX = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $DestinationX = $WalkToX - $CoordX If $DestinationX < -2 Then $east = 1 EndIf If $DestinationX > 2 Then $west = 1 EndIf $CoordY = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $DestinationY = $WalkToY - $CoordY If $DestinationY < -2 Then $north = 1 EndIf If $DestinationY > 2 Then $south = 1 EndIf $Timer1 = TimerInit() If $east = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 45 * 1000 Then Stuck() $Timer1 = TimerInit() EndIf MouseClick("left", 680, 425) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking West ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToX If $TempCoord > 2 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking West ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord < 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $east = 0 If $west = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 45 * 1000 Then Stuck() EndIf MouseClick("left", 350, 425) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking East ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(923, 34, 950, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToX If $TempCoord > -2 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking East ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord > 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $west = 0 If $north = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 45 * 1000 Then Stuck() EndIf MouseClick("left", 514, 256) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking South ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToY If $TempCoord > 2 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking South ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord < 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $north = 0 If $south = 1 Then While 1 If TimerDiff($Timer1) > 45 * 1000 Then Stuck() EndIf MouseClick("left", 505, 567) Sleep(1000) ToolTip($BotName & ": walking North ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _NCR(982, 34, 1009, 45) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToY If $TempCoord < -2 Then ToolTip($BotName & ": Keep on walking North ", 2, 0) EndIf If $TempCoord > 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf $south = 0 EndFunc ;==>WalkTo ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func OpenMem() Local $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) If @Error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to open memory.") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func ReadMem() $X = _MemoryRead("0x" & $XAddress, $DllInformation) $Y = _MemoryRead("0x" & $YAddress, $DllInformation) EndFunc Func _MemoryOpen($iv_Pid, $iv_DesiredAccess = 0x1F0FFF, $if_InheritHandle = 1) If Not ProcessExists($iv_Pid) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $ah_Handle[2] = [DllOpen('kernel32.dll')] If @Error Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf Local $av_OpenProcess = DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $iv_DesiredAccess, 'int', $if_InheritHandle, 'int', $iv_Pid) If @Error Then DllClose($ah_Handle[0]) SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf $ah_Handle[1] = $av_OpenProcess[0] Return $ah_Handle EndFunc Func _MemoryRead($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $sv_Type = 'char[5]') If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 1) Return 0 EndIf DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If Not @Error Then Local $v_Value = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) Return $v_Value Else SetError(6) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func _MemoryWrite($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $v_Data, $sv_Type = 'dword') If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 1) Return 0 Else DllStructSetData($v_Buffer, 1, $v_Data) If @Error Then SetError(6) Return 0 EndIf EndIf DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If Not @Error Then Return 1 Else SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func _MemoryClose($ah_Handle) If Not IsArray($ah_Handle) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $ah_Handle[1]) If Not @Error Then DllClose($ah_Handle[0]) Return 1 Else DllClose($ah_Handle[0]) SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func _MemoryPointerRead ($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $av_Offset, $sv_Type = 'dword') If IsArray($av_Offset) Then If IsArray($ah_Handle) Then Local $iv_PointerCount = UBound($av_Offset) - 1 Else SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $iv_Data[2], $i Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate('dword') For $i = 0 to $iv_PointerCount If $i = $iv_PointerCount Then $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 2) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Address = '0x' & hex($iv_Data[1] + $av_Offset[$i]) DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) ElseIf $i = 0 Then DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) Else $iv_Address = '0x' & hex($iv_Data[1] + $av_Offset[$i]) DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) EndIf Next $iv_Data[0] = $iv_Address Return $iv_Data EndFunc Func _MemoryPointerWrite ($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $av_Offset, $v_Data, $sv_Type = 'dword') If IsArray($av_Offset) Then If IsArray($ah_Handle) Then Local $iv_PointerCount = UBound($av_Offset) - 1 Else SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $iv_StructData, $i Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate('dword') For $i = 0 to $iv_PointerCount If $i = $iv_PointerCount Then $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 3) Return 0 EndIf DllStructSetData($v_Buffer, 1, $v_Data) If @Error Then SetError(8) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Address = '0x' & hex($iv_StructData + $av_Offset[$i]) DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(9) Return 0 Else Return $iv_Address EndIf ElseIf $i = 0 Then DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf $iv_StructData = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) Else $iv_Address = '0x' & hex($iv_StructData + $av_Offset[$i]) DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf $iv_StructData = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) EndIf Next EndFunc Func MemSaveCoords() Global $ProcessID = WinGetProcess("SRO_Client") Global $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) If @Error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to open memory.") Exit EndIf $SavedX = _MemoryRead($XMemory, $DllInformation) $SavedY = _MemoryRead($YMemory, $DllInformation) MsgBox(4096, "X", $SavedX) MsgBox(4096, "Y", $SavedY) $Coordsystem = 1 _MemoryClose($DllInformation) EndFunc Func MemWalkStuck() Global $ProcessID = WinGetProcess("SRO_Client") Global $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) If @Error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to open memory.") Exit EndIf $CurrentCoord = _MemoryRead($XMemory, $DllInformation) if $walkCoord = $CurrentCoord Or $walkcoord1 = $CurrentCoord Or $walkcoord2 = $CurrentCoord Then ToolTip("HelBot: Shit im stuck ", 2, 0) MouseClick( "left", 227,97) Sleep(1000) MouseClick( "left", 847,93) Sleep(1000) MouseClick( "left", 80,512) Sleep(1000) MouseClick( "left", 958,532) Sleep(1000) _MemoryClose($DllInformation) MemWalkToDirection() EndIf EndFunc Func MemWalkTo($WalkToX,$WalkToY) Global $ProcessID = WinGetProcess("SRO_Client") Global $DllInformation = _MemoryOpen($ProcessID) If @Error Then MsgBox(4096, "ERROR", "Failed to open memory.") Exit EndIf $walktoSystem = 1 $Coordsystem = 0 $CoordX = _MemoryRead($XMemory, $DllInformation) $Destination = $WalkToX - $CoordX If $DestinationX < -5 Then $east = 1 EndIf If $DestinationX > 5 Then $west = 1 EndIf $CoordY = _MemoryRead($YMemory, $DllInformation) $DestinationY = $WalkToY - $CoordY If $DestinationY < -5 Then $north = 1 EndIf If $DestinationY > 5 Then $south = 1 EndIf _MemoryClose($DllInformation) MemWalkToDirection() EndFunc Func MemWalkToDirection() $Timer1 = TimerInit() If $east = 1 Then While 1 if timerdiff($timer1) > 45 * 1000 then Stuck() $Timer1 = TimerInit() EndIf MouseClick("left",676,425) Sleep(500) ToolTip("HelBot: walking West ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _MemoryRead($XMemory, $DllInformation) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToX If $TempCoord > 5 Then ToolTip("HelBot: Keep on walking West ", 2, 0) Endif If $TempCoord < -5 Then ExitLoop EndIf Wend EndIf $east = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If $west = 1 Then While 1 if timerdiff($timer1) > 45 * 1000 then Stuck() EndIf MouseClick("left",369,409) Sleep(500) ToolTip("HelBot: walking East ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _MemoryRead($XMemory, $DllInformation) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToX If $TempCoord < -5 Then ToolTip("HelBot: Keep on walking East ", 2, 0) Endif If $TempCoord > 5 Then ExitLoop EndIf Wend EndIf $west = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If $north = 1 Then While 1 if timerdiff($timer1) > 45 * 1000 then Stuck() EndIf MouseClick("left",510,253) Sleep(500) ToolTip("HelBot: walking South ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _MemoryRead($YMemory, $DllInformation) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToY MsgBox(64,"WalkCoord",$WalkCoord) MsgBox(64,"temp",$TempCoord) If $TempCoord > 5 Then ToolTip("HelBot: Keep on walking South ", 2, 0) Endif If $TempCoord < -5 Then ExitLoop EndIf Wend EndIf $north = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If $south = 1 Then While 1 if timerdiff($timer1) > 45 * 1000 then Stuck() EndIf MouseClick("left",510,548) Sleep(500) ToolTip("HelBot: walking North ", 2, 0) $walkCoord = _MemoryRead($YMemory, $DllInformation) $TempCoord = $walkCoord - $WalkToY If $TempCoord < -5 Then ToolTip("HelBot: Keep on walking North ", 2, 0) Endif If $TempCoord > 5 Then ExitLoop EndIf Wend EndIf $south = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _MemoryClose($DllInformation) EndFunc Func WalkPath() Global $CoordListItem[101] #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\Koda\Forms\save.kxf $Form1 = GUICreate("coords", 219, 300, 193, 115) $XC = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 216, 33, 21) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("X", 24, 216, 12, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Y", 80, 216, 13, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $YC = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 216, 33, 21) $Enter = GUICtrlCreateButton("Enter", 136, 216, 59, 25, 0) $CoordList = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|X|Y", 24, 40, 171, 163, BitOR($LVS_REPORT,$LVS_SINGLESEL,$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$WS_BORDER)) For $i = 1 To UBound($CoordListItem)-1 $CoordListItem[$i] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & "||",$CoordList) Next $Save = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", 16, 256, 59, 25, 0) $Load = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load", 88, 256, 51, 25, 0) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 152, 256, 51, 25, 0) $WalkToName = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 24, 8, 169, 21) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($CoordList, 1, 60) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($CoordList, 2, 60) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $CoordList Case $Enter If GUICtrlRead($XC) = "" Or GUICtrlRead($YC) = "" Then MsgBox(0,"Error","Fill In X & Y Inputs Please") Else GUICtrlSetData($CoordListItem[_GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices($CoordList)+1],_GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices($CoordList)+1 & "|" & GUICtrlRead($XC) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($YC)) EndIf Case $OK $Name = GUICtrlRead($WalkToName) If $Name = "" Then MsgBox(64,"Error", "You must have a path loaded or it wont work") Else $X1 = _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText ($CoordList, 1,1) $Y1 = _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText ($CoordList, 1,2) MsgBox(64,"ProBot", "You are using the walkback path named : " & $Name) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) EndIf Case $Save $Name = GUICtrlRead($WalkToName) If $Name = "" Then $Name = "default.txt" EndIf For $x = 1 to UBound($CoordListItem)-1 IniWrite ($Name, "Coordinates", "coord" & $x, GuiCtrlRead($CoordListItem[$x])) Next Case $Load $Name2 = InputBox ("Enter name of .ini file", "Enter name of WalkTo .ini file") If $Name2 = "" Then $Name2 = "default.txt" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($WalkToName,$Name2) $LoadRecords = IniReadSection($Name2, "Coordinates") If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "", "Error occurred, probably no INI file.") Else For $i = 1 To $LoadRecords[0][0] GuiCtrlSetData($CoordListItem[$i], $LoadRecords[$i][1]) ;MsgBox(4096, "", "Key: " & $LoadRecords[$i][0] & @CRLF & "Value: " & $LoadRecords[$i][1]) Next EndIf EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func GetItem() WinActivate("SRO_Client") Sleep(500) ;-----------------------------------------FIND ITEM MARKER--------------------------------------------- While 1 ToolTip("Get Item : Searching for item marker ", 2, 0) ;---------------------------Determine search coords---------------------------------------- $pos = MouseGetPos() If $pos[0] < 656 Thexxxxx x x x x x x xx If $pos[1] < 624 And $pos[1] > 587 Then ; hori row 8 $poscoord2 = 624 EndIf $coords = PixelSearch($poscoord1,330,783,$poscoord2,0xC2BDB6,$Sensitivity) ;search for marker If Not @error Then MsgBox(0,"Found Item Marker","Found") ; when marker found WinActivate("SRO_Client") $SearchCoord1 = $coords[1] - 13 ;set ocr coords $SearchCoord2 = $coords[1] + 29 ; set ocr coords $ItemMarkerFound = 1 Else WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemMarkerFound = 0 EndIf If $ItemMarkerFound = 1 Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ;----------------------------------------------ANALYZE ITEM--------------------------------------------------- $result = "" ToolTip("Get Item : Analyzing Item ", 2, 0) $ItemText = _ItemCR($coords[0],$SearchCoord1,910,$SearchCoord2) MsgBox(0,"Result is",$ItemText) WinActivate("SRO_Client") $Item = StringInStr( $ItemText, "(+)",1) ;-----------------------------------------------ITEM RESULT----------------------------------------------- If $Item <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a + item") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "+ Item" EndIf $Item = StringInStr( $ItemText, "MP",1) If $Item <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a MP pot") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "MP Pot" EndIf $Item = StringInStr( $ItemText, "HP",1) If $Item <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a HP pot") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "HP Pot" EndIf $Item = StringInStr( $ItemText, "Retu",1) If $Item <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a Return Scroll") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "Return Scroll" EndIf $Item = StringInStr( $ItemText, "Rub",1) If $Item <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a alchemy tablet") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "Ruby Tablet" EndIf $Item = StringInStr( $ItemText, "Jade",1) If $Item <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a alchemy tablet") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "Jade Tablet" EndIf PixelSearch($coords[0],$SearchCoord1,835,$SearchCoord2,0x72BFFF) If Not @error Then MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a Blue") WinActivate("SRO_Client") $ItemType = "Blue Item" EndIf ;PixelSearch($coords[0],$SearchCoord1,835,$SearchCoord2,0x72BFFF) edit this for sos items ;If Not @error Then ; MsgBox(0,"Item","Item is a Sealed Item") ;WinActivate("SRO_Client") ;$ItemType = "Sealed Item" ;EndIf WinActivate("SRO_Client") EndFunc Func _ItemCR($Ax, $Ay, $Dx, $Dy) $width = $Dx - $Ax $length = $Dy - $Ay Dim $char[$width][$length] For $xwidth = 0 To $width - 1 For $xlength = 0 To $length - 1 $char[$xwidth][$xlength] = Hex(PixelGetColor($Ax, $Ay), 6) $Ay = $Ay + 1 Next $Ax = $Ax + 1 $Ay = $Ay - $length Next ;scans entire area $p = 1 Dim $row[$width] For $xwidth = 0 To $width - 1 For $xlength = 0 To $length - 1 If $char[$xwidth][$xlength] = "FFFFFF" Then If $p = 1 Then $div = $xwidth $p += 2 EndIf $x = $xwidth - $div $row[$x] += 1 EndIf Next Next ;seriales the array Dim $result For $xwidth = 0 To $width - 1 If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 4 Then $result &= "(" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 5 Then $result &= ")" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 1 Then $result &= "+" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 6] = 9 Then $result &= "H" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 6] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 7] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 8] = 9 Then $result &= "M" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 6] = 4 Then $result &= "P" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 8 And $row[$xwidth + 6] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 7] = 1 Then $result &= "R" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 4 Then $result &= "e" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 2 Then $result &= "t" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 6 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 7 Then $result &= "u" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 5 Then $result &= "b" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 8 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 2 Then $result &= "u" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 1 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 8 Then $result &= "J" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 4 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 3 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 6 Then $result &= "a" EndIf If $row[$xwidth + 0] = 5 And $row[$xwidth + 1] = 7 And $row[$xwidth + 2] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 3] = 2 And $row[$xwidth + 4] = 9 And $row[$xwidth + 5] = 9 Then $result &= "d" EndIf $len = StringLen($result) If $result > 4 Then ExitLoop Return $result EndIf Next $len = StringLen($result) Return $result EndFunc ;==>_NCR Func AutoSpam() While 1 Sleep($SpamDelay) MouseClick("Left",87,703,1,0) Sleep(300) ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", $SpamMessage1) Sleep(1000) ControlSend("SRO_Client", "", "", "{ENTER}") WEnd endFunc dont worry i just removed some things that i replaced by x for the copyright
Golbez Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 well thats good.. i cant even test to see wtf the problem is.. i just get a bunch of errors cause you took shit out
Gif Posted May 19, 2007 Posted May 19, 2007 well thats good.. i cant even test to see wtf the problem is.. i just get a bunch of errors cause you took shit outlol wtf is your favorite expression (no offense) , the script is damn to big to be analyzed properly!!! test the normal one and post the error that you get, also there must be 2 separate scripts THE server's one and the client's which are used in different pc's... 1) i can say better use TCP than UDP2) search for other examples....
REDbot Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 can any one make for me the servers one or give me a tutoriel that explane how to make one all he have to is to have a place where he have account names and passwords that the user enter and the servers one verify
REDbot Posted May 19, 2007 Author Posted May 19, 2007 sry all for the double posting but i cant edit my messages thats why so please anyone now how i can fix that please help
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