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Hello to you all,

I'm creating a script to do the following.

User can select from a drop down box 2 things.

These 2 things need to be printed on a A4 paper in double. i mean than the 2 things need to be printed one normal, and one up side down at the bottom of the paper. (so if you fow tha paper, you have to times the same at both sides)

the selection is no problem, but the problem is:

How can I turn the selected text 180 degree? and how can I print it on a paper.

i already tried to print it to a HTML page and print that page. That works (without the 180 degree turn), but with html I always receives the url at the bottom page.

i also tried it with the pdf udf. that is also a possibility, but still need to turn the text.

is there anybody who can direct me to the right way to fix my problem?


"You cannot solve a problem with the mind that created it" (Albert Einstein)

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