RagnaroktA Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Okay so I'm a bit confused... The imbedded script works just fine when running from my Scripting IDE, or running without compiling.As soon as I compile (using either beta, or latest release) when I run the script I get the following:What?expandcollapse popup#Region --- Header --- #comments-start Title: Batch Print Wizard Filename: Batch Print.au3 Description: Tool to aid in the batch printing of files. Author(s): Scott Forehand (RagnaroktA) stforehand@gmail.com Version: 2.0 Last Update: 5/15/2007 Requirements: AutoIt v3.2 +, Developed/Tested on WindowsXP Professional Service Pack 2 Notes: #comments-end #EndRegion --- Header --- #Region --- Compiler Directives --- ;** This is a list of compiler directives used by CompileAU3.exe. ;** comment the lines you don't need or else it will override the default settings ; #Compiler_Prompt=y ; y=show compile menu ;** AUT2EXE settings ; #Compiler_AUT2EXE= #Compiler_Icon="""F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print.ico""" ; Filename of the Ico file to use ; #Compiler_OutFile= ; Target exe filename. ; #Compiler_OutFile_Type= ; a3x=small AitoIt3 file; exe=Standalone executable(Default) #Compiler_Compression=4 ; Compression parameter 0-4 0=Low 2=normal 4=High #Compiler_Allow_Decompile=y ; y=allow decompile ; #Compiler_PassPhrase= ; Password to use for compilation ;** Target program Resource info #Compiler_Res_Comment=Tool to aid in the batch printing of files. #Compiler_Res_Description= #Compiler_Res_Fileversion=2.0 ; #Compiler_Res_LegalCopyright= ; Free form resource fields ... max 15 ; #Compiler_Res_Field=Email| ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue (custompcs@charter.net) #Compiler_Res_Field=Release Date|1/11/2007 ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue #Compiler_Res_Field=Update Date|5/15/2007 ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue #Compiler_Res_Field=Internal Name|Batch Print.exe ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue #Compiler_Res_Field=Status| ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue ; AU3CHECK settings #Compiler_Run_AU3Check=y ; Run au3check before compilation #Compiler_AU3Check_Dat= ; Override the default au3check definition ; RUN BEFORE AND AFTER definitions ; The following directives can contain: ; %in% , %out%, %icon% which will be replaced by the fullpath\filename. ; %scriptdir% same as @ScriptDir and %scriptfile% = filename without extension. #Compiler_Run_Before= ; Process to run before compilation - you can have multiple records that will be processed in sequence ; #Compiler_Run_After=move '%out%' '%scriptdir%' ; Process to run after compilation - you can have multiple records that will be processed in sequence #Compiler_Run_After=move """F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Batch Print.exe""" """F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Compiled"""; process to run after compilation - you can have multiple records that will be processed in sequence #EndRegion --- Compiler Directives End --- #Region --- Includes --- ;----- Standard Includes ----- #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <Array.au3> ;----- Non-Standard Includes ----- #EndRegion --- Includes --- #Region --- Globals, Variables, and Constants --- Global $G_MY_FIRSTCTRLID = 5000 Global $G_MY_LASTCTRLID = 6000 Global $G_MY_CTRLID = $G_MY_FIRSTCTRLID Global $sTitle = 'Batch Print Wizard' Global $sVersion = '2.0' Global $sBuild = '' Global $sHelpFile = FileGetShortName(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Help.chm') Global $iGUI, $sF1Destination, $sF2Destination, $sF3Destination, $sF4Destination, $sF5Destination, $cGUIProgressBar, $iSuccessful, $iFailed, $lvEven = 1 Global $picBatchPrint = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print.jpg' Global $picBatchPrintLogo = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Logo.jpg' Global $sSuccessfulIcon = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Successful Print.ico' Global $sFailedIcon = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Failed Print.ico' Global $sGUI1Description = 'This wizard helps you batch print all of the files in the directory specified. The files will print to your Default Printer.' Global $sGUI1Description2 = 'To continue, click Next.' Global $sGUI2Note = 'You may batch print files from one or more directories.' Global $sGUI3Note = '' Global $sGUIFinishDescription = 'You have successfully completed the ' & $sTitle & '. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Successfully Printed ' & $iSuccessful & ' Files.' & _ @CRLF & 'Failed to Print ' & $iFailed & ' Files.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'To immediately print files in another directory, check the checkbox below to restart the wizard.' Global $sGUIFinishDescription2 = 'To complete this wizard, click Finish.' Global Const $cursor_WAIT = 15 Global Const $cursor_ARROW = 2 Global Const $GUIBkColor = 0xCCCCCC; Sets GUI background color to light gray #Region --- GUI 1 Creation Declares --- Global $hGUI, $hGUI1Dummy1, $sGUI1Description, $sGUI1Description2, $btnGUIHelp, $btnGUIBack, $btnGUINext, $btnGUICancel, $hGUI1Dummy2 #EndRegion --- GUI 1 Creation Declares --- #Region --- GUI 2 Creation Declares --- Global $hGUI2Dummy1, $lblGUI2Header, $lblGUI2HeaderMessage, $picGUI2HeaderPic, $sGUI2Note, $hGUI2Dummy2, $ibGUI2Directory1, $btnGUI2Directory1Browse, $ibGUI2Directory2, $btnGUI2Directory2Browse, $ibGUI2Directory3, $btnGUI2Directory3Browse, $ibGUI2Directory4, $btnGUI2Directory4Browse, $ibGUI2Directory5, $btnGUI2Directory5Browse #EndRegion --- GUI 2 Creation Declares --- #Region --- GUI 3 Creation Declares --- Global $hGUI3Dummy1, $lblGUI3Header, $lblGUI3HeaderMessage, $picGUI3HeaderPic, $lvFiles, $lblGUIMainText, $lblGUISubText, $cGUIProgressBar, $hGUI3Dummy2 #EndRegion --- GUI 3 Creation Declares --- #Region --- GUI Finish Creation Declares --- Global $hGUIFinishDummy1, $btnGUIFinish, $ckbGUIFinishRunAgain, $hGUIFinishDummy2 #EndRegion --- GUI Finish Creation Declares --- #EndRegion --- Globals, Variables, and Constants --- #Region --- Options --- #NoTrayIcon Opt('GUICoordMode', 1) ;1 = Absolute coordinates / 0 = Relative position to the start of the last control / 2 = Cell positionining relative to current cell Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ;1 = Enable Enables OnEvent functions notifications / 0 = Disable (Default) Disables OnEvent functions notifications Opt('MustDeclareVars', 0) ;1 = Variables must be pre-declared / 0 = Variables don't need to be pre-declared (Default) Opt('RunErrorsFatal', 0) ;1 = Fatal set / 0 = Silent set @error Opt('GUICloseOnESC', 0) ;1 = ESC closes / 0 = ESC won't close Opt('GUIResizeMode', 1) ;0 = No resizing / <1024 Special resizing Opt('OnExitFunc','OnAutoItExit');'OnAutoItExit' called Opt('TrayOnEventMode',1) Opt('TrayMenuMode',1) #EndRegion --- Options --- #Region --- GUI Preprocessing --- _CheckRunning('627452103', $sTitle) _CheckAdmin() _GUIPrep() ; _CreateINI() ; _ReadINI() ; TCPStartup() #EndRegion --- GUI Preprocessing --- #Region --- GUI Creation --- #Region --- GUI 1 --- $hGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, 500, 365) GUISetIcon('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print.ico') $hGUI1Dummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() $iGUI = 'GUI1' GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrint, 0, 0, 170, 318) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sTitle, 185, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 650) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUI1Description, 185, 35, 300, 295) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUI1Description2, 185, 295, 300, 20) $hGUI1Dummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -2, 312, 508, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group $btnGUIHelp = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Help', 10, 331, 75, 24) $btnGUIBack = GUICtrlCreateButton('< &Back', 254, 331, 75, 24) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) $btnGUINext = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Next >', 330, 331, 75, 24, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUINext, $GUI_FOCUS) $btnGUICancel = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Cancel', 415, 331, 75, 24) #EndRegion --- GUI 1 --- #Region --- GUI 2 --- $hGUI2Dummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 500, 62) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreateLabel('Choose the directories.', 10, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrintLogo, 436, 4, 60, 54) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -4, -8, 508, 70) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group $ibGUI2Directory1 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 80, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory1Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 80, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory2 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 110, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory2Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 110, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory3 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 140, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory3Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 140, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory4 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 170, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory4Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 170, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory5 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 200, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory5Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 200, 75, 23) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Note:', 50, 270, 30, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xFF0000) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUI2Note, 80, 270, 400, 20) $hGUI2Dummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() #EndRegion --- GUI 2 --- #Region --- GUI 3 --- $hGUI3Dummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 500, 62) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreateLabel('Print the files.', 10, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrintLogo, 436, 4, 60, 54) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -4, -8, 508, 70) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group $lvFiles = GUICtrlCreateListView('No.|Directory|File', 60, 80, 380, 140) GUICtrlSendMsg($lvFiles, $LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT) GUICtrlSendMsg($lvFiles, $LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($lvFiles, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($lvFiles, 1, 190) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($lvFiles, 2, 150) $hGUI3Dummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() #EndRegion --- GUI 3 --- #Region --- GUI Finish --- $hGUIFinishDummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrint, 0, 0, 170, 318) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sTitle, 185, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 650) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUIFinishDescription, 185, 35, 300, 100) $ckbGUIFinishRunAgain = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Run the wizard again', 185, 180, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUIFinishDescription2, 185, 295, 300, 20) $hGUIFinishDummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() #EndRegion --- GUI Finish --- ; #Region --- GUI Template --- ; $hGUICFDummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ; GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 500, 62) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1 , '0xFFFFFF') ; GUICtrlCreateLabel('Define custom settings.', 10, 10, 300, 30) ; GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 10, 600) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1 , '0xFFFFFF') ; GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrintLogo, 436, 4, 60, 54) ; GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -4, -8, 508, 70) ; GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group ; $hGUICFDummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ; #EndRegion --- GUI Template --- ; Set GUI Events GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUIHelp, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUIBack, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUINext, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUICancel, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory1Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory2Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory3Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory4Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory5Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_SysEventHandler', $hGUI) GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, '', '') GUIChangeItems($hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2, '', '') GUIChangeItems($hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2, '', '') GUISetState() #EndRegion --- --- GUI Creation --- While 1 Sleep(20) If $iGUI = 'GUI3' Then _Print() Endif Wend #Region --- Process Events --- Func _GUIEventHandler() Switch @GUI_CtrlId Case $btnGUICancel _TerminateWizard($hGUI) Case $btnGUIHelp If FileExists($sHelpFile) Then Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $sHelpFile, "", @SW_HIDE) Else Msgbox(48, $sTitle, "Unable To Locate Help File!") Endif Case $btnGUIBack If $iGUI = 'GUI1' Then Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI2' Then $iGUI = 'GUI1' GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, $hGUI1Dummy1, $hGUI1Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI3' Then $iGUI = 'GUI2' GUIChangeItems($hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2, $hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Elseif $iGUI = 'GUIFinish' Then ; $iGUI = 'GUI3' ; GUIChangeItems($hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2, $hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2) ; GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) Else Endif Case $btnGUINext If $iGUI = 'GUI1' Then $iGUI = 'GUI2' GUIChangeItems($hGUI1Dummy1, $hGUI1Dummy2, $hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_ENABLE) Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI2' Then $iGUI = 'GUI3' GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, $hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_ENABLE) Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI3' Then $iGUI = 'GUIFinish' GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, $hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUINext, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIFinish, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUICancel, $GUI_DISABLE) Else _TerminateApp() Endif Case $btnGUI2Directory1Browse $sF1Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF1Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory1, $sF1Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory2Browse $sF2Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF2Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory2, $sF2Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory3Browse $sF3Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF3Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory3, $sF3Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory4Browse $sF4Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF4Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory4, $sF4Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory5Browse $sF5Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF5Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory5, $sF5Destination) EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc; ==> _GUIEventHandler Func _SysEventHandler() Switch @GUI_CtrlId Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _TerminateWizard(@GUI_WinHandle) Case $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE Case $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE Case $GUI_EVENT_MAXIMIZE Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP Case $GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN Case $GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP Case $GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE Case $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED Case $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED EndSwitch EndFunc; ==> _SysEventHandler #EndRegion --- Process Events --- #Region --- Check Running --- Func _CheckRunning($sSemaphore, $sProgramName);_CheckRunning('123456789', $sTitle); Creates A Unique Value DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CreateSemaphore', 'int', 0, 'long', 1, 'long', 1, 'str', $sSemaphore) Local $lastError = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'GetLastError'), $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183 If $lastError[0] = $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Then Local $nRunning = MsgBox(16+4, $sProgramName, 'An instance of this program is already running! Would you like to open a new instance?') If $nRunning = 6 Then ; Do Nothing, Open New Instance Else _TerminateApp() Endif AutoItWinSetTitle($sProgramName) WinActivate($sProgramName) EndIf _ReleaseMemory() EndFunc; ==> _CheckRunning #EndRegion --- Check Running --- #Region --- Check Administrative Privileges --- Func _CheckAdmin() If Not IsAdmin() Then MsgBox(48, $sTitle, 'The current account does not have administrative privileges on this machine.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'This wizard will now exit.') _TerminateApp() Endif EndFunc; ==> _CheckAdmin #EndRegion --- Check Administrative Privileges --- #Region --- GUI Functions --- Func _GUIPrep() If Not FileExists(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print') Then DirCreate(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print.jpg', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print.jpg') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print Logo.jpg', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Logo.jpg') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Successful Print.ico', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Successful Print.ico') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Failed Print.ico', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Failed Print.ico') If @Compiled Then Sleep(1000) EndIf EndFunc; ==> _GUIPrep Func GUIChangeItems($StartHide, $EndHide, $StartShow, $EndShow) Local $iDX For $iDX = $StartHide To $EndHide GUICtrlSetState ($iDX, $GUI_HIDE) Next For $iDX = $StartShow To $EndShow GUICtrlSetState ($iDX, $GUI_SHOW) Next EndFunc Func _ReleaseMemory() Local $aiReturn = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) Return $aiReturn[0] EndFunc; ==> _ReleaseMemory Func _ProgressOn(ByRef $s_mainlabel, ByRef $s_sublabel, ByRef $s_control, $s_main, $s_sub, $x, $y, $fSmooth = 0) $s_mainlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_main, $x, $y, StringLen($s_main) * 10, 20) If $s_mainlabel = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf GUICtrlSetFont($s_mainlabel, 10, 600) If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then $prev = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties");, "int", 0) DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0) EndIf $s_control = GUICtrlCreateProgress($x, $y + 20, 380, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH) If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $prev[0]) EndIf If $s_control = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $s_sublabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_sub, $x, $y + 45) If $s_sublabel = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Dim $a_info[5] $a_info[0] = $s_control $a_info[1] = $s_mainlabel $a_info[2] = $s_sublabel $a_info[3] = $x $a_info[4] = $y Return $a_info EndFunc; ==> _ProgressOn Func _ProgressSet($a_info, $i_per, $s_sub = "", $s_main = "") If $s_main = "" Then $s_main = GUICtrlRead($a_info[1]) If $s_sub = "" Then $s_sub = GUICtrlRead($a_info[2]) $set1 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[0], $i_per) $set2 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[1], $s_main) $set3 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[2], $s_sub) GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[2], $a_info[3], $a_info[4]+45, StringLen($s_sub)*6) GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[1], $a_info[3], $a_info[4], StringLen($s_main)*10) If ($set1 = 0) Or ($set2 = 0) Or ($set3 = 0) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf If ($set1 = -1) Or ($set2 = -1) Or ($set3 = -1) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc; ==> _ProgressSet Func _ProgressOff($a_info) $del1 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[1]) $del2 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[2]) $del3 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[0]) If ($del1 = 0) Or ($del2 = 0) Or ($del3 = 0) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc; ==> _ProgressOff Func _GUICleanup() If @Compiled Then FileDelete(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print.jpg') FileDelete(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Logo.jpg') Sleep(1000) EndIf EndFunc; ==> _GUIPrep #EndRegion --- GUI Functions --- #Region --- Printing Functions --- Func _Print() _EnumerateFiles() $cGUIProgressBar = _ProgressOn($lblGUIMainText, $lblGUISubText, $cGUIProgressBar, 'Printing Files...', 'Total: ' & @LF & 'Completed: ' & @LF & 'Printing: ', 60, 222, 0) If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory1Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory1Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory2Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory2Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory3Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory3Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory4Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory4Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory5Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory5Data) Else Endif _ProgressOff($cGUIProgressBar) $iGUI = 'GUIFinish' GUIChangeItems($hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2, $hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($btnGUINext, '&Finish') GUICtrlSetState($btnGUINext, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUICancel, $GUI_DISABLE) _ReleaseMemory() EndFunc; ==> _Print Func _PrintFiles($sPath) Sleep(1000) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArray($sPath, "*", 1) If $aFileList[0] = 0 Then _ProgressOff($cGUIProgressBar) SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Local $iDirectorySize = Int(DirGetSize($sPath) / 1024), $iPrintedSize = 0, $fProgress = 0 Local $i, $sFileName, $iOutPut = 0, $sLost = '', $sError For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0] $sFileName = StringStripCR($aFileList[$i]) $sPrint = _FilePrint($sPath & "\" & $sFileName) If $sPrint Then $iSuccessful = $iSuccessful + 1 GUICtrlSetImage($lvFilesItem, $sSuccessfulIcon) ; MsgBox(0, $sTitle, "The file printed successfully.") Else $iFailed = $iFailed + 1 GUICtrlSetImage($lvFilesItem, $sFailedIcon) ; MsgBox(0, $sTitle, "Error: " & @error & @CRLF & "The file failed to print.") EndIf _ProgressSet($cGUIProgressBar, Int($fProgress * 100), 'Total: ' & $iDirectorySize & ' KB' & @LF & 'Completed: ' & $iPrintedSize & ' KB' & @LF & 'Printing: ' & $sFileName, 'Printing File: ' & $i & '/' &$aFileList[0] & ' [' & Round($fProgress * 100, 2) & ' %]') $iPrintedSize = $iPrintedSize + Int(FileGetSize($sPath & "\" & $sFileName) / 1024) $fProgress = $iPrintedSize / $iDirectorySize Sleep(1300) Next ; Return($iSuccessful & "|" & $iFailed); Fix the return of succesful/failed prints ; Print multiple directories EndFunc; ==> _PrintFiles Func _EnumerateFiles() If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory1Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory1Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory2Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory2Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory3Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory3Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory4Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory4Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory5Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory5Data) Else Endif Endfunc; ==> _EnumerateFiles Func _ListFiles($sPath) Local $aFileList, $i = 1 $aFileList = _FileListToArray($sPath, "*", 1) If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(48, $sTitle, "Path not found or invalid:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPath) Elseif @error = 4 Then; No File(s) Found MsgBox(48, $sTitle, "No files were found in the directory specified:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPath) Else ; MsgBox(48, $sTitle, "An unknown error has occured.") EndIf For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0] $lvFilesItem = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & "|" & $sPath & "|" & StringStripCR($aFileList[$i]), $lvFiles) If $lvEven Then $lvEven = 0 Else $lvEven = 1 GUICtrlSetBkColor($lvItem, $GUIBkColor) EndIf Next EndFunc; ==> _ListFiles #EndRegion --- Printing Functions --- #Region --- Restart Program --- Func _RestartProgram(); Thanks UP_NORTH If @Compiled = 1 Then Run(FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) Else Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & ' ' & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) EndIf Exit EndFunc; ==> _RestartProgram #EndRegion --- Restart Program --- #Region --- Terminate Application --- Func _TerminateWizard($hGUI) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hGUI) Local $cExitBox = MsgBox(32+4, 'Exit Wizard', 'Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?') If $cExitBox = 6 Then _TerminateApp() ElseIf $cExitBox = 7 Then GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hGUI) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) WinActivate($hGUI) EndIf EndFunc; ==> _TerminateWizard Func _TerminateApp() If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($ckbGUIFinishRunAgain), $GUI_CHECKED) Then _GUICleanup() _RestartProgram() Else _GUICleanup() Exit Endif EndFunc; ==> _TerminateApp #EndRegion --- Terminate Application --- Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
November Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Missing any include??? Old Scriptology Visual Ping 1.8 - Mass Ping Program with export to txt delimited. Desktop 2 RGB and YMCK - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB and YMCK code. Desktop 2 RGB - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB code. ShootIT 1.0 - Screen Capture full and partial screen [font="'Arial Black';"]Remember Remember The Fifth of November.[/font]
November Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 (edited) I ran and no problems with that... ... but :S after selecting a folder, it starts to printing and crashes with this error : >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script.au3(555,45) : WARNING: $lvFilesItem: possibly used before declaration. GUICtrlSetImage($lvFilesItem, An by the way, try to run in a lower tree in your harddrive... i.e : C:\ Cheers Edited May 16, 2007 by november Old Scriptology Visual Ping 1.8 - Mass Ping Program with export to txt delimited. Desktop 2 RGB and YMCK - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB and YMCK code. Desktop 2 RGB - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB code. ShootIT 1.0 - Screen Capture full and partial screen [font="'Arial Black';"]Remember Remember The Fifth of November.[/font]
RagnaroktA Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 Missing any include???Not that I know of. As far as I know, $GUI_DISABLE is a part of the GuiConstants. Also, if it were missing an include, it would error when I run it before compiling. I just dont get it. Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
RagnaroktA Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 I ran and no problems with that... ... but :S after selecting a folder, it starts to printing and crashes with this error : >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script.au3(555,45) : WARNING: $lvFilesItem: possibly used before declaration. GUICtrlSetImage($lvFilesItem, An by the way, try to run in a lower tree in your harddrive... i.e : C:\ Cheers That error is expected. I havent implimented that part of it yet. (it's going to set the icons as it prints/fails to print documents.) It's not the tree that's the problem... it wouldnt compile if it was. I'm really not sure what's going on, but it's irritating. Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
November Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Really anoying indeed... had a problem short time ago! The new version helped me! Witch version of AutoIT are you running? Cheers! Old Scriptology Visual Ping 1.8 - Mass Ping Program with export to txt delimited. Desktop 2 RGB and YMCK - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB and YMCK code. Desktop 2 RGB - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB code. ShootIT 1.0 - Screen Capture full and partial screen [font="'Arial Black';"]Remember Remember The Fifth of November.[/font]
RagnaroktA Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 Really anoying indeed... had a problem short time ago!The new version helped me!Witch version of AutoIT are you running?Cheers!I'm running:Beta v3.2.3.14RC2 v3.2.4.0http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/ Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
November Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Take a look on this : AutoIT m8...Keep me posted Old Scriptology Visual Ping 1.8 - Mass Ping Program with export to txt delimited. Desktop 2 RGB and YMCK - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB and YMCK code. Desktop 2 RGB - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB code. ShootIT 1.0 - Screen Capture full and partial screen [font="'Arial Black';"]Remember Remember The Fifth of November.[/font]
RagnaroktA Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 Take a look on this : AutoIT m8...Keep me posted Actually, when you posted last, it dawned on me that I might be a few releases behind. I checked, just installed the latest stable release, same issue. Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
November Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Odd... No problem with me... Try this... copy all your code in a new autoit file and save! There are some issues with the file type... ascii, hex and stuff like that! Man.. i just trying to help in those stupid errors :S its hard to have some logic!!! Old Scriptology Visual Ping 1.8 - Mass Ping Program with export to txt delimited. Desktop 2 RGB and YMCK - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB and YMCK code. Desktop 2 RGB - Pick a color in the desktop and get the RGB code. ShootIT 1.0 - Screen Capture full and partial screen [font="'Arial Black';"]Remember Remember The Fifth of November.[/font]
RagnaroktA Posted May 16, 2007 Author Posted May 16, 2007 Odd...No problem with me...Try this... copy all your code in a new autoit file and save!There are some issues with the file type... ascii, hex and stuff like that!Man.. i just trying to help in those stupid errors :S its hard to have some logic!!!Tried copying the code out, same problem. I'm all out of ideas. Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
Toady Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Okay so I'm a bit confused... The imbedded script works just fine when running from my Scripting IDE, or running without compiling. As soon as I compile (using either beta, or latest release) when I run the script I get the following: What? expandcollapse popup#Region --- Header --- #comments-start Title: Batch Print Wizard Filename: Batch Print.au3 Description: Tool to aid in the batch printing of files. Author(s): Scott Forehand (RagnaroktA) stforehand@gmail.com Version: 2.0 Last Update: 5/15/2007 Requirements: AutoIt v3.2 +, Developed/Tested on WindowsXP Professional Service Pack 2 Notes: #comments-end #EndRegion --- Header --- #Region --- Compiler Directives --- ;** This is a list of compiler directives used by CompileAU3.exe. ;** comment the lines you don't need or else it will override the default settings ; #Compiler_Prompt=y ; y=show compile menu ;** AUT2EXE settings ; #Compiler_AUT2EXE= #Compiler_Icon="""F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print.ico""" ; Filename of the Ico file to use ; #Compiler_OutFile= ; Target exe filename. ; #Compiler_OutFile_Type= ; a3x=small AitoIt3 file; exe=Standalone executable(Default) #Compiler_Compression=4 ; Compression parameter 0-4 0=Low 2=normal 4=High #Compiler_Allow_Decompile=y ; y=allow decompile ; #Compiler_PassPhrase= ; Password to use for compilation ;** Target program Resource info #Compiler_Res_Comment=Tool to aid in the batch printing of files. #Compiler_Res_Description= #Compiler_Res_Fileversion=2.0 ; #Compiler_Res_LegalCopyright= ; Free form resource fields ... max 15 ; #Compiler_Res_Field=Email| ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue (custompcs@charter.net) #Compiler_Res_Field=Release Date|1/11/2007 ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue #Compiler_Res_Field=Update Date|5/15/2007 ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue #Compiler_Res_Field=Internal Name|Batch Print.exe ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue #Compiler_Res_Field=Status| ; Free format fieldname|fieldvalue ; AU3CHECK settings #Compiler_Run_AU3Check=y ; Run au3check before compilation #Compiler_AU3Check_Dat= ; Override the default au3check definition ; RUN BEFORE AND AFTER definitions ; The following directives can contain: ; %in% , %out%, %icon% which will be replaced by the fullpath\filename. ; %scriptdir% same as @ScriptDir and %scriptfile% = filename without extension. #Compiler_Run_Before= ; Process to run before compilation - you can have multiple records that will be processed in sequence ; #Compiler_Run_After=move '%out%' '%scriptdir%' ; Process to run after compilation - you can have multiple records that will be processed in sequence #Compiler_Run_After=move """F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Batch Print.exe""" """F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Compiled"""; process to run after compilation - you can have multiple records that will be processed in sequence #EndRegion --- Compiler Directives End --- #Region --- Includes --- ;----- Standard Includes ----- #include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Inet.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <Array.au3> ;----- Non-Standard Includes ----- #EndRegion --- Includes --- #Region --- Globals, Variables, and Constants --- Global $G_MY_FIRSTCTRLID = 5000 Global $G_MY_LASTCTRLID = 6000 Global $G_MY_CTRLID = $G_MY_FIRSTCTRLID Global $sTitle = 'Batch Print Wizard' Global $sVersion = '2.0' Global $sBuild = '' Global $sHelpFile = FileGetShortName(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Help.chm') Global $iGUI, $sF1Destination, $sF2Destination, $sF3Destination, $sF4Destination, $sF5Destination, $cGUIProgressBar, $iSuccessful, $iFailed, $lvEven = 1 Global $picBatchPrint = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print.jpg' Global $picBatchPrintLogo = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Logo.jpg' Global $sSuccessfulIcon = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Successful Print.ico' Global $sFailedIcon = @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Failed Print.ico' Global $sGUI1Description = 'This wizard helps you batch print all of the files in the directory specified. The files will print to your Default Printer.' Global $sGUI1Description2 = 'To continue, click Next.' Global $sGUI2Note = 'You may batch print files from one or more directories.' Global $sGUI3Note = '' Global $sGUIFinishDescription = 'You have successfully completed the ' & $sTitle & '. ' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Successfully Printed ' & $iSuccessful & ' Files.' & _ @CRLF & 'Failed to Print ' & $iFailed & ' Files.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'To immediately print files in another directory, check the checkbox below to restart the wizard.' Global $sGUIFinishDescription2 = 'To complete this wizard, click Finish.' Global Const $cursor_WAIT = 15 Global Const $cursor_ARROW = 2 Global Const $GUIBkColor = 0xCCCCCC; Sets GUI background color to light gray #Region --- GUI 1 Creation Declares --- Global $hGUI, $hGUI1Dummy1, $sGUI1Description, $sGUI1Description2, $btnGUIHelp, $btnGUIBack, $btnGUINext, $btnGUICancel, $hGUI1Dummy2 #EndRegion --- GUI 1 Creation Declares --- #Region --- GUI 2 Creation Declares --- Global $hGUI2Dummy1, $lblGUI2Header, $lblGUI2HeaderMessage, $picGUI2HeaderPic, $sGUI2Note, $hGUI2Dummy2, $ibGUI2Directory1, $btnGUI2Directory1Browse, $ibGUI2Directory2, $btnGUI2Directory2Browse, $ibGUI2Directory3, $btnGUI2Directory3Browse, $ibGUI2Directory4, $btnGUI2Directory4Browse, $ibGUI2Directory5, $btnGUI2Directory5Browse #EndRegion --- GUI 2 Creation Declares --- #Region --- GUI 3 Creation Declares --- Global $hGUI3Dummy1, $lblGUI3Header, $lblGUI3HeaderMessage, $picGUI3HeaderPic, $lvFiles, $lblGUIMainText, $lblGUISubText, $cGUIProgressBar, $hGUI3Dummy2 #EndRegion --- GUI 3 Creation Declares --- #Region --- GUI Finish Creation Declares --- Global $hGUIFinishDummy1, $btnGUIFinish, $ckbGUIFinishRunAgain, $hGUIFinishDummy2 #EndRegion --- GUI Finish Creation Declares --- #EndRegion --- Globals, Variables, and Constants --- #Region --- Options --- #NoTrayIcon Opt('GUICoordMode', 1) ;1 = Absolute coordinates / 0 = Relative position to the start of the last control / 2 = Cell positionining relative to current cell Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ;1 = Enable Enables OnEvent functions notifications / 0 = Disable (Default) Disables OnEvent functions notifications Opt('MustDeclareVars', 0) ;1 = Variables must be pre-declared / 0 = Variables don't need to be pre-declared (Default) Opt('RunErrorsFatal', 0) ;1 = Fatal set / 0 = Silent set @error Opt('GUICloseOnESC', 0) ;1 = ESC closes / 0 = ESC won't close Opt('GUIResizeMode', 1) ;0 = No resizing / <1024 Special resizing Opt('OnExitFunc','OnAutoItExit');'OnAutoItExit' called Opt('TrayOnEventMode',1) Opt('TrayMenuMode',1) #EndRegion --- Options --- #Region --- GUI Preprocessing --- _CheckRunning('627452103', $sTitle) _CheckAdmin() _GUIPrep() ; _CreateINI() ; _ReadINI() ; TCPStartup() #EndRegion --- GUI Preprocessing --- #Region --- GUI Creation --- #Region --- GUI 1 --- $hGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, 500, 365) GUISetIcon('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print.ico') $hGUI1Dummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() $iGUI = 'GUI1' GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrint, 0, 0, 170, 318) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sTitle, 185, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 650) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUI1Description, 185, 35, 300, 295) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUI1Description2, 185, 295, 300, 20) $hGUI1Dummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -2, 312, 508, 100) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group $btnGUIHelp = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Help', 10, 331, 75, 24) $btnGUIBack = GUICtrlCreateButton('< &Back', 254, 331, 75, 24) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) $btnGUINext = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Next >', 330, 331, 75, 24, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUINext, $GUI_FOCUS) $btnGUICancel = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Cancel', 415, 331, 75, 24) #EndRegion --- GUI 1 --- #Region --- GUI 2 --- $hGUI2Dummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 500, 62) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreateLabel('Choose the directories.', 10, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrintLogo, 436, 4, 60, 54) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -4, -8, 508, 70) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group $ibGUI2Directory1 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 80, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory1Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 80, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory2 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 110, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory2Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 110, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory3 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 140, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory3Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 140, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory4 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 170, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory4Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 170, 75, 23) $ibGUI2Directory5 = GUICtrlCreateInput('', 60, 200, 300, 23) $btnGUI2Directory5Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton('Bro&wse...', 365, 200, 75, 23) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Note:', 50, 270, 30, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xFF0000) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUI2Note, 80, 270, 400, 20) $hGUI2Dummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() #EndRegion --- GUI 2 --- #Region --- GUI 3 --- $hGUI3Dummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 500, 62) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreateLabel('Print the files.', 10, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, '0xFFFFFF') GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrintLogo, 436, 4, 60, 54) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -4, -8, 508, 70) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group $lvFiles = GUICtrlCreateListView('No.|Directory|File', 60, 80, 380, 140) GUICtrlSendMsg($lvFiles, $LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT) GUICtrlSendMsg($lvFiles, $LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($lvFiles, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($lvFiles, 1, 190) _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnWidth ($lvFiles, 2, 150) $hGUI3Dummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() #EndRegion --- GUI 3 --- #Region --- GUI Finish --- $hGUIFinishDummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrint, 0, 0, 170, 318) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sTitle, 185, 10, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 650) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUIFinishDescription, 185, 35, 300, 100) $ckbGUIFinishRunAgain = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Run the wizard again', 185, 180, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sGUIFinishDescription2, 185, 295, 300, 20) $hGUIFinishDummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() #EndRegion --- GUI Finish --- ; #Region --- GUI Template --- ; $hGUICFDummy1 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ; GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 500, 62) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1 , '0xFFFFFF') ; GUICtrlCreateLabel('Define custom settings.', 10, 10, 300, 30) ; GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 10, 600) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1 , '0xFFFFFF') ; GUICtrlCreatePic($picBatchPrintLogo, 436, 4, 60, 54) ; GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -4, -8, 508, 70) ; GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1); Close Group ; $hGUICFDummy2 = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ; #EndRegion --- GUI Template --- ; Set GUI Events GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUIHelp, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUIBack, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUINext, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUICancel, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory1Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory2Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory3Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory4Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnGUI2Directory5Browse, '_GUIEventHandler') GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_SysEventHandler', $hGUI) GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, '', '') GUIChangeItems($hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2, '', '') GUIChangeItems($hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2, '', '') GUISetState() #EndRegion --- --- GUI Creation --- While 1 Sleep(20) If $iGUI = 'GUI3' Then _Print() Endif Wend #Region --- Process Events --- Func _GUIEventHandler() Switch @GUI_CtrlId Case $btnGUICancel _TerminateWizard($hGUI) Case $btnGUIHelp If FileExists($sHelpFile) Then Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $sHelpFile, "", @SW_HIDE) Else Msgbox(48, $sTitle, "Unable To Locate Help File!") Endif Case $btnGUIBack If $iGUI = 'GUI1' Then Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI2' Then $iGUI = 'GUI1' GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, $hGUI1Dummy1, $hGUI1Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI3' Then $iGUI = 'GUI2' GUIChangeItems($hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2, $hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Elseif $iGUI = 'GUIFinish' Then ; $iGUI = 'GUI3' ; GUIChangeItems($hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2, $hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2) ; GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) Else Endif Case $btnGUINext If $iGUI = 'GUI1' Then $iGUI = 'GUI2' GUIChangeItems($hGUI1Dummy1, $hGUI1Dummy2, $hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_ENABLE) Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI2' Then $iGUI = 'GUI3' GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, $hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_ENABLE) Elseif $iGUI = 'GUI3' Then $iGUI = 'GUIFinish' GUIChangeItems($hGUI2Dummy1, $hGUI2Dummy2, $hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUINext, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIFinish, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUICancel, $GUI_DISABLE) Else _TerminateApp() Endif Case $btnGUI2Directory1Browse $sF1Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF1Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory1, $sF1Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory2Browse $sF2Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF2Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory2, $sF2Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory3Browse $sF3Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF3Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory3, $sF3Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory4Browse $sF4Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF4Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory4, $sF4Destination) EndIf Case $btnGUI2Directory5Browse $sF5Destination = FileSelectFolder('Select print location...', @DesktopDir, 1+2) If $sF5Destination <> '' Then GUICtrlSetData($ibGUI2Directory5, $sF5Destination) EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc; ==> _GUIEventHandler Func _SysEventHandler() Switch @GUI_CtrlId Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _TerminateWizard(@GUI_WinHandle) Case $GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE Case $GUI_EVENT_RESTORE Case $GUI_EVENT_MAXIMIZE Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP Case $GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN Case $GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP Case $GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE Case $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED Case $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED EndSwitch EndFunc; ==> _SysEventHandler #EndRegion --- Process Events --- #Region --- Check Running --- Func _CheckRunning($sSemaphore, $sProgramName);_CheckRunning('123456789', $sTitle); Creates A Unique Value DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'CreateSemaphore', 'int', 0, 'long', 1, 'long', 1, 'str', $sSemaphore) Local $lastError = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'GetLastError'), $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183 If $lastError[0] = $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Then Local $nRunning = MsgBox(16+4, $sProgramName, 'An instance of this program is already running! Would you like to open a new instance?') If $nRunning = 6 Then ; Do Nothing, Open New Instance Else _TerminateApp() Endif AutoItWinSetTitle($sProgramName) WinActivate($sProgramName) EndIf _ReleaseMemory() EndFunc; ==> _CheckRunning #EndRegion --- Check Running --- #Region --- Check Administrative Privileges --- Func _CheckAdmin() If Not IsAdmin() Then MsgBox(48, $sTitle, 'The current account does not have administrative privileges on this machine.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'This wizard will now exit.') _TerminateApp() Endif EndFunc; ==> _CheckAdmin #EndRegion --- Check Administrative Privileges --- #Region --- GUI Functions --- Func _GUIPrep() If Not FileExists(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print') Then DirCreate(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print.jpg', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print.jpg') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Batch Print Logo.jpg', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Logo.jpg') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Successful Print.ico', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Successful Print.ico') FileInstall('F:\Development Library\AutoIt\Projects\Batch Print\Decompiled\Bin\Failed Print.ico', @UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Failed Print.ico') If @Compiled Then Sleep(1000) EndIf EndFunc; ==> _GUIPrep Func GUIChangeItems($StartHide, $EndHide, $StartShow, $EndShow) Local $iDX For $iDX = $StartHide To $EndHide GUICtrlSetState ($iDX, $GUI_HIDE) Next For $iDX = $StartShow To $EndShow GUICtrlSetState ($iDX, $GUI_SHOW) Next EndFunc Func _ReleaseMemory() Local $aiReturn = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) Return $aiReturn[0] EndFunc; ==> _ReleaseMemory Func _ProgressOn(ByRef $s_mainlabel, ByRef $s_sublabel, ByRef $s_control, $s_main, $s_sub, $x, $y, $fSmooth = 0) $s_mainlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_main, $x, $y, StringLen($s_main) * 10, 20) If $s_mainlabel = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf GUICtrlSetFont($s_mainlabel, 10, 600) If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then $prev = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties");, "int", 0) DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0) EndIf $s_control = GUICtrlCreateProgress($x, $y + 20, 380, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH) If StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And $fSmooth = 1 Then DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $prev[0]) EndIf If $s_control = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $s_sublabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_sub, $x, $y + 45) If $s_sublabel = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Dim $a_info[5] $a_info[0] = $s_control $a_info[1] = $s_mainlabel $a_info[2] = $s_sublabel $a_info[3] = $x $a_info[4] = $y Return $a_info EndFunc; ==> _ProgressOn Func _ProgressSet($a_info, $i_per, $s_sub = "", $s_main = "") If $s_main = "" Then $s_main = GUICtrlRead($a_info[1]) If $s_sub = "" Then $s_sub = GUICtrlRead($a_info[2]) $set1 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[0], $i_per) $set2 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[1], $s_main) $set3 = GUICtrlSetData($a_info[2], $s_sub) GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[2], $a_info[3], $a_info[4]+45, StringLen($s_sub)*6) GUICtrlSetPos($a_info[1], $a_info[3], $a_info[4], StringLen($s_main)*10) If ($set1 = 0) Or ($set2 = 0) Or ($set3 = 0) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf If ($set1 = -1) Or ($set2 = -1) Or ($set3 = -1) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc; ==> _ProgressSet Func _ProgressOff($a_info) $del1 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[1]) $del2 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[2]) $del3 = GUICtrlDelete($a_info[0]) If ($del1 = 0) Or ($del2 = 0) Or ($del3 = 0) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc; ==> _ProgressOff Func _GUICleanup() If @Compiled Then FileDelete(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print.jpg') FileDelete(@UserProfileDir & '\Application Data\Batch Print\Batch Print Logo.jpg') Sleep(1000) EndIf EndFunc; ==> _GUIPrep #EndRegion --- GUI Functions --- #Region --- Printing Functions --- Func _Print() _EnumerateFiles() $cGUIProgressBar = _ProgressOn($lblGUIMainText, $lblGUISubText, $cGUIProgressBar, 'Printing Files...', 'Total: ' & @LF & 'Completed: ' & @LF & 'Printing: ', 60, 222, 0) If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory1Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory1Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory2Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory2Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory3Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory3Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory4Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory4Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory5Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) _PrintFiles($ibGUI2Directory5Data) Else Endif _ProgressOff($cGUIProgressBar) $iGUI = 'GUIFinish' GUIChangeItems($hGUI3Dummy1, $hGUI3Dummy2, $hGUIFinishDummy1, $hGUIFinishDummy2) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUIBack, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($btnGUINext, '&Finish') GUICtrlSetState($btnGUINext, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($btnGUICancel, $GUI_DISABLE) _ReleaseMemory() EndFunc; ==> _Print Func _PrintFiles($sPath) Sleep(1000) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArray($sPath, "*", 1) If $aFileList[0] = 0 Then _ProgressOff($cGUIProgressBar) SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Local $iDirectorySize = Int(DirGetSize($sPath) / 1024), $iPrintedSize = 0, $fProgress = 0 Local $i, $sFileName, $iOutPut = 0, $sLost = '', $sError For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0] $sFileName = StringStripCR($aFileList[$i]) $sPrint = _FilePrint($sPath & "\" & $sFileName) If $sPrint Then $iSuccessful = $iSuccessful + 1 GUICtrlSetImage($lvFilesItem, $sSuccessfulIcon) ; MsgBox(0, $sTitle, "The file printed successfully.") Else $iFailed = $iFailed + 1 GUICtrlSetImage($lvFilesItem, $sFailedIcon) ; MsgBox(0, $sTitle, "Error: " & @error & @CRLF & "The file failed to print.") EndIf _ProgressSet($cGUIProgressBar, Int($fProgress * 100), 'Total: ' & $iDirectorySize & ' KB' & @LF & 'Completed: ' & $iPrintedSize & ' KB' & @LF & 'Printing: ' & $sFileName, 'Printing File: ' & $i & '/' &$aFileList[0] & ' [' & Round($fProgress * 100, 2) & ' %]') $iPrintedSize = $iPrintedSize + Int(FileGetSize($sPath & "\" & $sFileName) / 1024) $fProgress = $iPrintedSize / $iDirectorySize Sleep(1300) Next ; Return($iSuccessful & "|" & $iFailed); Fix the return of succesful/failed prints ; Print multiple directories EndFunc; ==> _PrintFiles Func _EnumerateFiles() If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory1Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory1) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory1Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory2Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory2) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory2Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory3Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory3) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory3Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory4Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory4) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory4Data) Else Endif If GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) <> "" Then $ibGUI2Directory5Data = GUICtrlRead($ibGUI2Directory5) _ListFiles($ibGUI2Directory5Data) Else Endif Endfunc; ==> _EnumerateFiles Func _ListFiles($sPath) Local $aFileList, $i = 1 $aFileList = _FileListToArray($sPath, "*", 1) If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(48, $sTitle, "Path not found or invalid:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPath) Elseif @error = 4 Then; No File(s) Found MsgBox(48, $sTitle, "No files were found in the directory specified:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPath) Else ; MsgBox(48, $sTitle, "An unknown error has occured.") EndIf For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0] $lvFilesItem = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & "|" & $sPath & "|" & StringStripCR($aFileList[$i]), $lvFiles) If $lvEven Then $lvEven = 0 Else $lvEven = 1 GUICtrlSetBkColor($lvItem, $GUIBkColor) EndIf Next EndFunc; ==> _ListFiles #EndRegion --- Printing Functions --- #Region --- Restart Program --- Func _RestartProgram(); Thanks UP_NORTH If @Compiled = 1 Then Run(FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) Else Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & ' ' & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) EndIf Exit EndFunc; ==> _RestartProgram #EndRegion --- Restart Program --- #Region --- Terminate Application --- Func _TerminateWizard($hGUI) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hGUI) Local $cExitBox = MsgBox(32+4, 'Exit Wizard', 'Are you sure you want to exit the wizard?') If $cExitBox = 6 Then _TerminateApp() ElseIf $cExitBox = 7 Then GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hGUI) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) WinActivate($hGUI) EndIf EndFunc; ==> _TerminateWizard Func _TerminateApp() If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($ckbGUIFinishRunAgain), $GUI_CHECKED) Then _GUICleanup() _RestartProgram() Else _GUICleanup() Exit Endif EndFunc; ==> _TerminateApp #EndRegion --- Terminate Application --- hmm.. odd www.itoady.com A* (A-star) Searching Algorithm - A.I. Artificial Intelligence bot path finding
RagnaroktA Posted May 17, 2007 Author Posted May 17, 2007 hmm.. oddYep. Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
RagnaroktA Posted May 17, 2007 Author Posted May 17, 2007 Okay, so it seems to be every single style variable. $GUI_DISABLE, $GUI_FOCUS, etc etc. If I pop into the includes and pull out the variables from there and hard code them into the main script, that variable will pass, and work fine. Did something change that I'm not aware of? Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
Skruge Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 $GUI_DISABLE is defined in GUIConstantsEx.au3.. (Included by GUIConstants.au3)A few things to try:Use SciTE's OpenInclude feature to make sure the included file paths are correctCheck to make sure GUIConstants.au3 and GUIConstantsEx.au3 exist in your include directory, and contain the necessary entriesChange #include <GUIConstants.au3> to #include "C:\path_to_includes\GUIConstants.au3"If you have a beta installed, make sure you're using the right compiler [font="Tahoma"]"Tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties"[/font]
RagnaroktA Posted May 22, 2007 Author Posted May 22, 2007 $GUI_DISABLE is defined in GUIConstantsEx.au3.. (Included by GUIConstants.au3)A few things to try:Use SciTE's OpenInclude feature to make sure the included file paths are correctCheck to make sure GUIConstants.au3 and GUIConstantsEx.au3 exist in your include directory, and contain the necessary entriesChange #include <GUIConstants.au3> to #include "C:\path_to_includes\GUIConstants.au3"If you have a beta installed, make sure you're using the right compilerI dont use SciTE, I use PrimalScript, so I didnt try that one.Both files are there, I also changed the path. I also installed a fresh install on a computer that has never had autoit installed, same issue on that computer.Anyone? Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
RagnaroktA Posted May 23, 2007 Author Posted May 23, 2007 Any help is appreciated. I cant compile any of my scripts Is no one else having this problem? Can anyone try compiling the script enclosed with the latest version of AutoIt and see if it works? Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
Ace256 Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 i have had the same problem, but i am new to this. i followed the include and hard coded the global constants, and the program will run once built into an ".EXE". but before i had the "include <GUIConstants.au3>" in there and the run and compile would work fine, but running the exe gave me a very similar error to yours. is the compilation process supposed to add all of the code from the included files to the code?, as it seems it is not, or is it adding it in the wrong order? very odd, but i have never done this before, but i assumed it would work as ".EXE" if it worked under the run command. please someone look into this, becuase i have had to add 750+ lines to the top of my code.......
RagnaroktA Posted May 31, 2007 Author Posted May 31, 2007 i have had the same problem, but i am new to this. i followed the include and hard coded the global constants, and the program will run once built into an ".EXE". but before i had the "include <GUIConstants.au3>" in there and the run and compile would work fine, but running the exe gave me a very similar error to yours. is the compilation process supposed to add all of the code from the included files to the code?, as it seems it is not, or is it adding it in the wrong order? very odd, but i have never done this before, but i assumed it would work as ".EXE" if it worked under the run command. please someone look into this, becuase i have had to add 750+ lines to the top of my code.......Thank God it's not just me... Could someone look into this? Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
Developers Jos Posted May 31, 2007 Developers Posted May 31, 2007 (edited) do you have any Spaces or Tabs infront of the #incude<> statement ?If so remove it and try it agian.....EDIT: This answer was given already in your BUG report ... right ? http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=344410 Edited May 31, 2007 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page  - Beta files    Read before posting   How to post scriptsource   Forum etiquette Forum Rules  Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.Â
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