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Posted (edited)

For those still looking for the website, here it is: http://crimsonfan.altervista.org/

ezze, You have done good. Don't give up on me now. I need to be able to resize the bar horizontally. I know it is possible. I will leave it up to you to do it.

To resize the right border, change htcaption to 11 instead of 2:

dllcall("user32.dll","int","SendMessage","hWnd", $guihndl,"int",$WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN,"int", 11,"int", 0)

You can call this on a mousedown on an object on the right border. You will still have to have releasecapture before you call that api.

Here is the list of all the possibilities of htcaption and their uses:


Edited by this-is-me
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So you did like the !commands for hotkeys and the moveable bar? I am happy, about the horizontal resizing Run! should be already of a 'right' size calculated from orizontal desktop res, but I'll see what can I do with your code.

(Did you see that there is snapping in Winamp style?) ;)

Thanks for link, but I still not understand well Dllcall, so I think I can't do much even if there is interesting stuff :)

(When I asked for help someone answered that this is not the right place, grrr HATE... :) )

In the worst case I'll add a !settings option where set the size in pixel.


I added a option in the !settings GUI, I am sorry, but using the dllcall had strange effects with controls.

I am going to update the page. :)

Posted (edited)

I do see the snap. Pretty neat. Sorry, but the settings dialog doesn't seem to work for smaller sizes, only larger ones. I need the box smaller, not larger. The strange effects you see are the resize mode. Here is the code to change to get the buttons to do right:

$iCtrInput = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 42, 0, $iSetOrizSize - 62, 200, -1, $hexInputStyleEx)
GUICtrlSetState($iCtrInput, $GUI_ACCEPTFILES)

$iCtrRun = GUICtrlCreateButton('&R!', $iSetOrizSize - 20, 1, 20, 19, $hexButtonStyle, -1)
GUICtrlSetState($iCtrRun, $GUI_DEFBUTTON)
$iCtrOpen = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Open', 1, 1, 40, 19, $hexButtonStyle, $hexButtonStyleEx)
GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL)
Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?

Well, don't worry. Now you can set the size from 290 pixels to @desktopwidth - 90 pixels. :)

I know I am asking much, but what about making a icon as the current Run! one (the A with behind green, red, orange, blue or any other color, I like to change version to version..) but with instead a R?

It would be possible?

Posted (edited)

Above edited.. pls read. Will look into the icon. EDIT: The best I can do for the icon is to make one icon for Run!. I can't make all those others. What would be the color you would want in a single icon?

Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

Ok, I knew that I had the change setting of the controls. The real problem was that I could not get the resize work to make the window smaller, as you said. So I didnt even bothered. I'll try again, anyway.

Edited by ezzetabi

Resizing goes by the window style. The original guicreate line must be changed to the smallest available size. In other words, $iSetOrizSize should be changed to the smallest resizable size, and then maybe resize the window with winmove or something?

Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

Yeah, this is an idea.

(Deleted the old post, your code actually works I forgot a thing :) )


I'll change the !settings option in something like, Set the initial/minimal dimension of Run! and implement your code. What about this?

Edited by ezzetabi
Posted (edited)

My favourite is the orange one, but as I said I like to select a color depending on my mood when I compile... :">

So, if it is a problem orange it is the best. If it is not I'd like having more choice, like orange, red, blue, green or purple. :)

About implementing, it works. I have still to change the label in setting, but I set that clicking and dragging near the combo 'open list button' resize, while drag else where moves. It works pretty well.

Edit: Also I have change the minimal size from 290 to 200.

In code


$vAlpha = WinGetPos($sGUITitle)
Dllcall ("user32.dll", "int", "ReleaseCapture")
If $iMSG[3] > $vAlpha[2] - 60 Then
   Dllcall ("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hWnd", $iMainGuiHandle, "int", 0xA1, "int", 11, "int", 0)
   Dllcall ("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hWnd", $iMainGuiHandle, "int", 0xA1, "int", 2, "int", 0)


Edited by ezzetabi

New version, popup and hide hotkeys are now settable freely.

this-is-me? Do you asked for a Win+x combo? Now you can have it. :">

Posted (edited)

Thank you. Now I can post the icon. .: :) :.

I still want run not as wide. Can you do 100 as minimum size? If I use the settings, it won't go to 100. Yes. I'm picky.


Edited by this-is-me
Who else would I be?

The min was 210. Do you want 100?

I'll do as you ask, but the problem is that already an address like

c:\documents and settings\ wont enter in a 200 pixel run...

Well. If you ask so.

Thanks for the icon! It is very nice.

I have to change how to manage resize and move, atm it is impossible the select text in Run! :)

Posted (edited)

100 pixel is crazy, there is not space for commands at all!

I set the min to 150.

To avoid problems with selecting/resizing now to move or resize you have to press ALT just before dragging.

Added !rtra a command that allow you making Run1 window traslucent.

Fixed a bug that made ALT-x combos not working anymore.

(For dragging/moving I had to change the GUImsg in the advanced mode and the check of the Alt-x controls was still with the old integer...)

Still there? Go in the Run! homepage!

(the link is in my signature...)

Edited by ezzetabi

Yes, I'm here, but I wasn't here. :)

I don't mind 150 pixel.

I like the alt idea on resizing.

I love the translucent idea. Thanks a lot.

Who else would I be?

New version, removed a stupid bug using ///rec, the interpreter removed from the cmd line //rec... Uff.

About the icon, I think there is a small bug!

Check the screenshot, do you see that strange white lines in the botton and in the right? ;)

Nothing to worry too much, but it is not nice to see. :D

And what about other colors? :"> :)

:)Purple! Purple!


Sorry, don't have enough room to post fixed icon here.

Will try to pm you later.

As for colors, I don't have time enough to do any more colors right now. Maybe after life gets a little less hectic.

On the _PopUp function, you need to show the gui and focus the edit control instead of hiding and then re-showing the gui:

    ControlFocus($iMainGuiHandle, "", "Edit1")
Who else would I be?
Posted (edited)

No.... It seems that Run! does not take the focus correcly if you remove the hide/display lines.. Strange, the control appear with the cursor in it, but writed letters are toke from the window that had the focus. Strange.

Still, giving the focus directly to the inpub box is a nice idea. So thanks.

Edited by ezzetabi

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