AmphetaMarinE Posted December 11, 2007 Author Posted December 11, 2007 Must be something up in my end... I will retry. Thank you tho picaxe for the work you put in. I could never have come up with this..
AmphetaMarinE Posted December 23, 2007 Author Posted December 23, 2007 (edited) Well picaxe... I am unsure what was causing that behaviour, but I rewrote my backup app, still basing off your code, and all worked perfectly. Thanks you so much for your help. Edited December 23, 2007 by AmphetaMarinE
picaxe Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 Thats great, AmphetaMarinE. Thanks for the update
randallc Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 (edited) Hi, It seems easier to use _FileListToArrayNew (as in my sig..) (also allows filtering) [i modified this 10 mins after posting; check you have working version if you got it quickly] Virtually the same speed.. expandcollapse popup; _GetNewestFileOrig.au3 #include<_FileListToArrayFaster1f.au3> Local $timerstamp1 = TimerInit(), $path = @ScriptDir, $Recurse1 = 1;,$Recurse1=0 $Oldestfile = _GetNewestFile1($path, 0, $Recurse1, 1) ; oldest Local $c = ConsoleWrite("_FileListToArray3 $Oldestfile= " & Round(TimerDiff($timerstamp1)) & "" & @TAB & " msec" & @LF),$timerstamp4 = TimerInit() $Newestfile = _GetNewestFile1($path, 0, $Recurse1) ; newest Local $c = ConsoleWrite("_FileListToArray3 $Newestfile= " & Round(TimerDiff($timerstamp4)) & "" & @TAB & " msec" & @LF) If Not @error Then Local $c = ConsoleWrite("_GetNewestFile $Oldestfile= " & $Oldestfile & @LF) Local $c = ConsoleWrite("_GetNewestFile $Newestfile= " & $Newestfile & @LF) Else MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _ "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ "@extended = " & @extended) EndIf ; --------------------------------------- ; Function _GetNewestFile1() ; Call with: _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse] [, $Oldest]) ; Where: $DirPath is the directory to search ; $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]: ; 0 = Modified (default) ; 1 = Created ; 2 = Accessed ; $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive. ; $Oldest (Optional): If non-zero find oldest file ; On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory. ; On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below). ; --------------------------------------- Func _GetNewestFile1($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0, $Oldest = 0, $Filter = '*.*') Local $ar_Array = _FileListToArray3 ($path,$Filter, 1, $Recurse), $iTimeStamp = FileGetTime($ar_Array[1], $DateType, 1), $sNewest = $ar_Array[1] If $Oldest Then For $i = 2 To UBound($ar_Array) - 1 If FileGetTime($ar_Array[$i], $DateType, 1) < $iTimeStamp Then; noldest $iTimeStamp = FileGetTime($ar_Array[$i], 0, 1) $sNewest = $ar_Array[$i] EndIf Next Else For $i = 2 To UBound($ar_Array) - 1; newest If FileGetTime($ar_Array[$i], $DateType, 1) > $iTimeStamp Then $iTimeStamp = FileGetTime($ar_Array[$i], 0, 1) $sNewest = $ar_Array[$i] EndIf Next EndIf If $iTimeStamp= 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Else Return $sNewest EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetNewestFile1Best, Randall Edited December 24, 2007 by randallc ExcelCOM... AccessCom.. Word2... FileListToArrayNew...SearchMiner... Regexps...SQL...Explorer...Array2D.. _GUIListView...array problem...APITailRW
gcue Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 (edited) great script!! how can i change it so that it just looks for a certain type of file (ie: *.zip) i changed the *.* to *.zip but that didnt work thanks! Got interested in that function and made a few... um, modifications: expandcollapse popup$path = 'C:\Temp' $file = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1) If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, 'Newest file', $file) Else MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _ "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ "@extended = " & @extended) EndIf ; --------------------------------------- ; Function _GetNewestFile() ; Call with: _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse]]) ; Where: $DirPath is the directory to search ; $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]: ; 0 = Modified (default) ; 1 = Created ; 2 = Accessed ; $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive. ; On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory. ; On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below). ; --------------------------------------- Func _GetNewestFile($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0) Local $Found, $FoundRecurse, $FileTime Local $avNewest[2] = [0, ""]; [0] = time, [1] = file If StringRight($DirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $DirPath &= '\' If Not FileExists($DirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $First = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath & '*.*') If $First = -1 Or @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) While 1 $Found = FileFindNextFile($First) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DirPath & $Found), 'D') Then If $Recurse Then $FoundRecurse = _GetNewestFile($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop Else $Found = StringReplace($FoundRecurse, $DirPath, "") EndIf Else ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf $FileTime = FileGetTime($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1) If $FileTime > $avNewest[0] Then $avNewest[0] = $FileTime $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found EndIf WEnd If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Else Return $avNewest[1] EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GetNewestFile Works for me in minimal testing. It now has error handling, can use any of the three timestamps from FileGetTime, and can search recursively through subdirectories. Be carefull with that Recurse option, it can take a long time to search recursively through something like the Windows directory. Cheers! P.S. Actually, after some more testing, I can't make it take more than about 3 sec to do the Windows directory, or about 90 sec to do the whole C: drive. Seems to do OK for speed. Edited June 5, 2008 by gcue
PsaltyDS Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 great script!! how can i change it so that it just looks for a certain type of file (ie: *.zip) i changed the *.* to *.zip but that didnt work thanks! That's because the recursion would then only use subdirectories that also matched *.zip. I needed to do something like this myself, and it required a different function. Here is _GetNewestFile() rewritten as _FileGetNewest(). There are several changes: 1. Second parameter can be set to return the oldest vice newest (previous value -3) 2. 4th parameter is an optional mask suitable for FileFindFirstFile(): '*.*' by default. 3. Returned value is now an array where [0] = full path to found file, and [1] = time stamp of found file Enjoy: expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3>; Only for _ArrayDisplay() ; Find the newest zip file by date created $avRET = _FileGetNewest("C:\Downloads", 1, 1, "*.zip") If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "@error = " & @error) Else _ArrayDisplay($avRET, "Results") EndIf ; Find the oldest zip file by date created $avRET = _FileGetNewest("C:\Downloads", 1 - 3, 1, "*.zip") If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "@error = " & @error) Else _ArrayDisplay($avRET, "Results") EndIf ; --------------------------------------- ; Function _FileGetNewest() ; Call with: _FileGetNewest($sDirPath [, $iDateType [, $iRecurse [, $sPattern]]]) ; Where: $sDirPath is the directory to search ; $iDateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use: ; -3 = (oldest) Modified ; -2 = (oldest) Created ; -1 = (oldest) Accessed ; 0 = Newest Modified (default) ; 1 = Newest Created ; 2 = Newest Accessed ; $iRecurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive. ; $sPattern (Optional): Wildcard pattern for matching ; On success returns a 2-element array where: ; [0] = the full path to the newest file found ; [1] = the date/time stamp of the file "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" [from FileGetTime()] ; On failure returns 0, sets @error and @extended (see code below). ; Author: PsaltyDS ; --------------------------------------- Func _FileGetNewest($sDirPath, $iDateType = 0, $iRecurse = 0, $sPattern = '*.*') Local $avNewest[2] = ["", 0]; [0] = file path, [1] = time stamp Local $flagNewest = True, $iModDateType = $iDateType Local $hFirst, $sFound, $iFileTime Local $hSubDirs, $sSubdir, $avFoundRecurse If StringRight($sDirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $sDirPath &= '\' If Not FileExists($sDirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $iDateType < -3 Or $iDateType > 2 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) If $iDateType < 0 Then $iModDateType = $iDateType + 3 $flagNewest = False EndIf ; Start search for files in this dir $hFirst = FileFindFirstFile($sDirPath & $sPattern) If ($hFirst <> -1) And (@error = 0) Then While 1 $sFound = FileFindNextFile($hFirst) If @error Then ExitLoop $iFileTime = FileGetTime($sDirPath & $sFound, $iDateType, 1) If ($avNewest[1] = 0) Or _ (($flagNewest = True) And ($iFileTime > $avNewest[1])) Or _ (($flagNewest = False) And ($iFileTime < $avNewest[1])) Then $avNewest[0] = $sDirPath & $sFound $avNewest[1] = $iFileTime EndIf WEnd EndIf FileClose($hFirst) ; Search subdirectories, if $iRecurse is set If $iRecurse Then $hSubDirs = FileFindFirstFile($sDirPath & '*.*') If ($hSubDirs <> -1) And (@error = 0) Then While 1 ; Start search for subdirectories $sSubdir = FileFindNextFile($hSubDirs) If @error = 0 Then ; Only recurse to directories If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sDirPath & $sSubdir), "D") Then ; Search a subdirectory $avFoundRecurse = _FileGetNewest($sDirPath & $sSubdir, $iDateType, $iRecurse, $sPattern) If @error Then ; Nothing found ContinueLoop Else ; Check if newest If $avFoundRecurse[1] > $avNewest[1] Then $avNewest = $avFoundRecurse If ($avNewest[1] = 0) Or _ (($flagNewest = True) And ($avFoundRecurse[1] > $avNewest[1])) Or _ (($flagNewest = False) And ($avFoundRecurse[1] < $avNewest[1])) Then $avNewest = $avFoundRecurse EndIf EndIf EndIf Else ; Done looking for subdirs ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf EndIf If $avNewest[1] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0); None found Else Return $avNewest EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileGetNewest Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
gcue Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 my gosh... it works beeeeauuutifully!!! i also noticed that the script before just looked at date created... now its looking at date modified.. gorgeous thank you soo much
Wouter Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 @PsaltyDS: Thank you for the _FileGetNewest() function. It does exactly what I needed for my script and saved me a lot of time. You are and I want to !
Tigerweld Posted June 17, 2010 Posted June 17, 2010 How would I use this to assign the oldest file to a variable? I want to run this in a schedule task to delete the oldest file daily.
PsaltyDS Posted June 17, 2010 Posted June 17, 2010 How would I use this to assign the oldest file to a variable? I want to run this in a schedule task to delete the oldest file daily.No interest in post #26?There are several changes:1. Second parameter can be set to return the oldest vice newest (previous value -3) Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Tigerweld Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Yes I saw that and that is the code I was using, however it returns it in an array. How can I assign it to a varible?
Tigerweld Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Let me clarify. I tried using a msgbox to display the oldest (or newest) file, but the message box is blank. Is this a bug?
PsaltyDS Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Let me clarify. I tried using a msgbox to display the oldest (or newest) file, but the message box is blank. Is this a bug? As you said, it's an array, and arrays can't be displayed by MsgBox(). Use _ArrayDisplay(), but check @error to ensure it succeeded first. Note how the demo does it: #include <Array.au3>; Only for _ArrayDisplay() ; Find the newest zip file by date created $avRET = _FileGetNewest("C:\Downloads", 1, 1, "*.zip") If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "@error = " & @error) Else _ArrayDisplay($avRET, "Results") EndIf ; Find the oldest zip file by date created $avRET = _FileGetNewest("C:\Downloads", 1 - 3, 1, "*.zip") If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "@error = " & @error) Else _ArrayDisplay($avRET, "Results") EndIf See? Checks @error then displays the result with _ArrayDisplay. If you want the file name by itself, follow it with: $sFile = $avRET[0] Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Tigerweld Posted June 22, 2010 Posted June 22, 2010 BINGO! That is what I'm looking for. I was leaving off the [0]. Thank you very much!
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