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Not sure where this goes dont flame me please.

Ok i need an auto it script

that launches firefox which is under c:/program files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe goes to kproxy.com goes to website sublegit.com logins as autoit///autoit clicks on vote for sublegit link [in forum section] and clicks vote for sublegit. exits firefox then repeats like 100 times. thanks i will try to reward you in paypal money when my account gets unlocked. thnx.


There is no right place for requests.


i need the following...

the coordinates( x & y) of your address bar(in your FireFox)

the coordinates of the thing where you type the address in kproxy

coordinates of the vote for sublegit link

the title of the window of every link used(kproxy sublegit etc)

the coordinates for the stop button(in FireFox)

the title of the window when you press stop

title of your homepage(need it to make the clicking work)

and can you email them to this address

note:do not make any spelling errors in the titles of the window

note:i will only be using basic stuff(but it works!)


so, you wanna vote 100 times. I think that you can vote only one time, and then: You already have voted!

thats why he was using a proxy...

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