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Posted (edited)

If Not WinActive("Diablo II","") Then WinActivate("Diablo II","")
WinWaitActive("Diablo II", "")

$state = WinGetState("Diablo II")
If BitAnd($state, 32) Then
    MsgBox(0, "Example", "Window is maximized")
    MsgBox(0, "Example", "um...")

ALWAYS returns "um..." even when its fullscreen.

I'm starting to think its Diablo II's fault.

And another question:

Is there anything that could emulate WinGetSize?

Since I think that would work better than WinGetState for this cause...


Edited by Shonnie

Fullscreen and maximized are two different things

Maximized means that you have well.. maximized that window (middle button in window title bar)

Having detect fullscreen is a bit more complicated tho.

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Fullscreen and maximized are two different things

Maximized means that you have well.. maximized that window (middle button in window title bar)

Having detect fullscreen is a bit more complicated tho.

Is there a way i can tell if its maxinized vs. restored?

And what about detecting client size?

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