Kivin Posted May 6, 2007 Posted May 6, 2007 (edited) Hi! Here is my script: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> FileInstall ( "Samsung.ini","Samsung.ini",1) FileInstall ( "Hynix.ini","Hynix.ini",1) Global $MainWindow = GUICreate ("Title of program",450,150) Global $Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Select your flash memory chip:",10,10,380) Global $MainCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("Hynix", 10,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Samsung","Hynix") Global $NextButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Next", 290,100,100,25) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) Func _Select () Global $Type = GUICtrlRead ($MainCombo) Select Case $Type = "Hynix" Hynix() Case $Type = "Samsung" Samsung() EndSelect EndFunc Func Hynix() Global $Window = GUICreate ("Title of program",450,150) Global $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("HY", 10,50,50) Global $Combo2 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("27", 60,50,50) Global $Combo3 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("U", 110,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"L|S","U") Global $Combo4 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("A", 160,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"A|B|F|G|H|S|T|U|V","A") Global $Combo5 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("08", 210,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"16|32","08") Global $Combo6 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("12", 260,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"28|56|64|1G|2G|4G|8G|AG|BG|CG|DG","12") Global $Combo7 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("1", 310,50,50) GUICtrlSetData($Combo7,"2|4|5|6|7|8|D","1") Global $Combo8 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("1", 360,50,50) GUICtrlSetData($Combo8,"2|A|B|C|M","1") Global $NextButtonHynix = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Next", 290,100,100,25) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW,$Window) GUISetState (@SW_HIDE,$MainWindow) GUIDelete ($MainWindow) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $NextButtonHynix Then CountHynix () If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit WEnd EndFunc Func CountHynix() Global $Count1 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo1) Global $1 = "Memory:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","1", $Count1, "Error") Global $Count2 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo2) Global $2 = "Component Group:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","2", $Count2, "Error") Global $Count3 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo3) Global $3 = "Power Supply:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","3", $Count3, "Error") Global $Count4 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo4) Global $4 = "Classification:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","4", $Count4, "Error") Global $Count5 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo5) Global $5 = "Bit Organization:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","5", $Count5, "Error") Global $Count6 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo6) Global $6 = "Density:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","6", $Count6, "Error") Global $Count7 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo7) Global $7 = "Mode:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","7", $Count7, "Error") Global $Count8 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo8) Global $8 = "Version:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Hynix.ini","8", $Count8, "Error") Global $Title = "Hynix " & $Count1 & $Count2 & $Count3 & $Count4 & $Count5 & $Count6 & $Count7 & $Count8 Global $Text = $1 & @CRLF & $2 & @CRLF & $3 & @CRLF & $4 & @CRLF & $5 & @CRLF & $6 & @CRLF & $7 & @CRLF & $8 GUISetState (@SW_HIDE,$Window) MsgBox ( 64, $Title, $Text) Exit EndFunc Func Samsung() Global $Window = GUICreate ("Title of program",450,150) Global $Combo12 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("K9", 10,50,50) Global $Combo3 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("1", 60,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"2|4|A|B|D|E|F|G|H|J|K|L|M|N|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W","1") Global $Combo45 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("00", 110,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"12|16|28|32|40|56|64|80|1G|2G|4G|8G|AG|BG|CG","00") Global $Combo67 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("00", 160,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"08|16","00") Global $Combo8 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("A", 210,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"B|C|D|E|R|Q|T|U|V|W|0","A") Global $Combo9 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("0", 260,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"1|4|5|9|A|L","0") Global $Combo10 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("A", 310,50,50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"B|C|D|M|Y|Z","A") Global $NextButtonSamsung = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Next", 290,100,100,25) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW,$Window) GUISetState (@SW_HIDE,$MainWindow) GUIDelete ($MainWindow) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $NextButtonSamsung Then CountSamsung () If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit WEnd EndFunc Func CountSamsung() Global $Count12 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo12) Global $12 = "Memory:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","12", $Count12, "Error") Global $Count3 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo3) Global $3 = "Small Classification:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","3", $Count3, "Error") Global $Count45 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo45) Global $45 = "Density:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","45", $Count45, "Error") Global $Count67 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo67) Global $67 = "Organization:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","67", $Count67, "Error") Global $Count8 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo8) Global $8 = "Vcc:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","8", $Count8, "Error") Global $Count9 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo9) Global $9 = "Mode:" & @TAB & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","9", $Count9, "Error") Global $Count10 = GUICtrlRead ($Combo10) Global $10 = "Generation:" & @TAB & IniRead ("Samsung.ini","10", $Count10, "Error") Global $Title = "Samsung " & $Count12 & $Count3 & $Count45 & $Count67 & $Count8 & $Count9 & $Count10 Global $Text = $12 & @CRLF & $3 & @CRLF & $45 & @CRLF & $67 & @CRLF & $8 & @CRLF & $9 & @CRLF & $10 GUISetState (@SW_HIDE,$Window) MsgBox ( 64, $Title, $Text) Exit EndFunc While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop If $msg = $NextButton Then _Select () Wend Short information: you select memory your chip, specify number & get indformation about it. I include ini files. Everything work fine, but on other PC there is an error CODE--------------------------- 16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem --------------------------- C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\Desktop\Memory.exe The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction. CS:0344 IP:0361 OP:ff d9 19 04 00 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. --------------------------- Close Ignore --------------------------- Samsung.ini CODE[12] K9=Memory NAND Flash 9 [3] 1 = SLC 1 Chip XD Card 2 = SLC 2 Chip XD Card 4 = SLC 4 Chip XD Card A = SLC + Muxed I/ F Chip B = Muxed I/ F Chip D = SLC Dual SM E = SLC DUAL (S/ F = SLC Normal G = MLC Normal H = MLC QDP J = Non-Muxed One Nand K = SLC Die Stack L = MLC DDP M = MLC DSP N = SLC DSP Q = 4CHIP SM R = SLC 4DIE STACK (S/ S = SLC Single SM T = SLC SINGLE (S/ U = 2 STACK MSP V = 4 STACK MSP W = SLC 4 Die Stack [45] 12 = 64 Mb 16 = 2 Mb 28 = 16 Mb 32 = 4 Mb 40 = 0.5 Mb 56 = 32 Mb 64 = 8 Mb 80 = 1 Mb 1G = 128 Mb 2G = 256 Mb 4G = 512 Mb 8G = 1 Gb AG = 2 Gb BG = 4 Gb CG = 8 Gb DG = 16 Gb 00 = NONE [67] 00 = NONE 08 = x8 16 = x16 [8] A = 1.65V~3.6V B = 2.7V(2.5V~2.9V) C = 5.0V(4.5V~5.5V) D = 2.65V(2.4V ~ 2.9V) E = 2.3V~3.6V R = 1.8V(1.65V~1.95V) Q = 1.8V(1.7V ~ 1.95V) T = 2.4V~3.0V U = 2.7V~3.6V V = 3.3V(3.0V~3.6V) W = 2.7V~5.5V, 3.0V~5.5V 0 = NONE [9] 0 = Normal 1 = Dual nCE & Dual R/ nB 4 = Quad nCE & Single R/ nB 5 = Quad nCE & Quad R/ nB 9 = 1st block OTP A = Mask Option 1 L = Low grade [10] M = 1st Generation A = 2nd Generation B = 3rd Generation C = 4th Generation D = 5th Generation Y = Partial NAND((2nd) Z = Partial NAND(1st) Hynix.ini CODE[1] HY = HYNIX MEMORY [2] 27 = NAND Flash [3] U = 2.7V~3.6V L = 2.7V S = 1.8V [4] S = SLC + Single Die + S/B A = SLC + Double Die + S/B B = SLC + Quadruple Die + S/B F = SLC + Single Die + L/B G = SLC + Double Die + L/B H = SLC + Quadruple Die + L/B T = MLC + Single Die + L/B U = MLC + Double Die + L/B V = MLC + Quadruple Die + L/B [5] 08 = x8 16 = x16 32 = x32 [6] 64 = 8 Mb 56 = 32 Mb 1G = 128 Mb 4G = 512 Mb AG = 2 Gb CG = 8 Gb 28 = 16 Mb 12 = 64 Mb 2G = 256 Mb 8G = 1 Gb BG = 4 Gb DG = 16 Gb [7] 1 = 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable 2 = 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable 4 = 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable 5 = 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable 6 = 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable & Auto Read Page 0 7 = 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Enable & Auto Read Page 0 8 = 1 nCE & 1 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable & Auto Read Page 0 9 = 2 nCE & 2 R/nB; Sequential Row Read Disable & Auto Read Page 0 D = Dual Interface; Sequential Row Read Disable [8] M = 1st Gen. A = 2nd Gen. B = 3rd Gen. C = 4th Gen. 1 = Down Density(1st) 2 = Down Density(2nd) [9] T = TSOP1 V = WSOP S = USOP F = FBGA(63ball) B = FBGA(107ball) G = FBGA(149ball) H = TBGA L = LGA U = ULGA M = TLGA W = Wafer C = Chip K = KGD Please test this script on you PC. Do you have the same error? Thanks Edited May 6, 2007 by Kivin
Kivin Posted May 6, 2007 Author Posted May 6, 2007 I find error. Everything work, when you delete FileInstall ( "Samsung.ini","Samsung.ini",1) FileInstall ( "Hynix.ini","Hynix.ini",1) Thanks!
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