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I am working on redesigning the way I do software setups. Prior I had used an HTML page but the users complained they had to click too many times. So I am making a 3 tabbed window with Autoit. I am using code parts from other posted applications, as well as stuff from the help files. I am guessing I am not putting some code in properly. One is the Application Installer that was done, but using radio buttons and some controls removed.

To start out with, I am going to just make it so that the app launches a messagebox for testing. Once I get each option to launch a messagebox, then I will put the actual paths in there. Also note that the messageboxes have all junk titles for now. I know that some variables were declared but not used. The problems are on the first tab. The install button does nothing.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

dim $RUN
dim $i
dim $APP_RADIO[1]
dim $mem
dim $pmem
dim $resolution
dim $depth
dim $cpu
dim $Exit
dim $Button_1

$mem = MemGetStats()
$pmem = ( Round ($mem[1] / 1024000, 3) & " GB" )
$resolution = @DesktopWidth & "x" & @DesktopHeight
$depth = @DesktopDepth & " bit color"
$cpu = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor","ProcessorNameString")

$mainwindow = GuiCreate("Software Setup", 640, 480)
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10,20,640,480,$TCS_MULTILINE)

$tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Pre-Image")
$mbLabel1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Your Motherboard",20,50,120,20)
$app_radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 101GGCL",20,70,120)
$app_radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 102GG2C",20,90,120)
$app_radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 915",20,110,120)
$app_radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 945",20,130,120)
$app_radio5 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 965",20,150,120)
$app_radio6 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI 945GM2",20,170,120)
$app_radio7 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI 945GM3-F",20,190,120)
$app_radio8 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K8MM-V",20,210,120)
$app_radio9 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K8N NEO",20,230,120)
$app_radio10 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K9N NEO",20,250,120)
$app_radio11 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K9N PLATINUM",20,270,120)
$app_radio12 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K9VGM",20,290,120)
$app_radio13 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI PM8M3-V",20,310,120)
$app_radio14 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI PM8MP-V",20,330,120)
$EXIT = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit",450,350,120,20) ;This causes the application to exit
$RUN = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install",450,330,120,20) ;This in the Run button

IF GUICtrlread($app_radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_1")
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_2")
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_3")
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_4")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_5")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio6) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_6")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio7) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_7")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio8) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_8")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio9) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_9")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio10) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_10")    
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio11) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_11")
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio12) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_12")
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio13) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_13")
IF GUICtrlread($app_radio14) = $GUI_CHECKED then call ("PREAPP_14")

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Post-Image")

$tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("QC Process")
$Label_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("OS Version:", 20, 50, 80, 20)
$Label_4 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@OSVersion, 130, 50, 90, 20)
$Label_5 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack:", 20, 70, 80, 20)
$Label_6 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@OSServicePack, 130, 70, 110, 20)
$Label_7 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name:", 20, 90, 80, 20)
$Label_8 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel(@ComputerName, 130, 90, 120, 20)
$Label_9 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Screen Resolution:", 20, 120, 90, 20)
$Label_10 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($resolution, 130, 120, 80, 20)
$Label_13 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Color Depth:", 20, 140, 90, 20)
$Label_14 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($depth, 130, 140, 100, 20)
$Label_15 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Physical Memory:", 20, 160)
$Label_16 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($pmem, 130, 160)
$Label_17 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Processor:", 20, 180)
$Label_18 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($cpu, 90, 180)


While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
 Case $Exit

Func PREAPP_1()
    MsgBox(4096,"101GGCL","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_2()
    MsgBox(4096,"2L","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_3()
    MsgBox(4096,"13L","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_4()
    MsgBox(4096,"14","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_5()
    MsgBox(4096,"5","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_6()
    MsgBox(4096,"6","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_7()
    MsgBox(4096,"7","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_8()
    MsgBox(4096,"8","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_9()
    MsgBox(4096,"9","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_10()
    MsgBox(4096,"10","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_11()
    MsgBox(4096,"11","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_12()
    MsgBox(4096,"12","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_13()
    MsgBox(4096,"13","Setup has run")

Func PREAPP_14()
    MsgBox(4096,"14","Setup has run")


#include <GuiConstants.au3>

Dim $RUN
Dim $i
Dim $mem
Dim $pmem
Dim $resolution
Dim $depth
Dim $cpu
Dim $Exit
Dim $Button_1

Dim $APP_RADIO[15]

$mem = MemGetStats()
$pmem = (Round($mem[1] / 1024000, 3) & " GB")
$resolution = @DesktopWidth & "x" & @DesktopHeight
$depth = @DesktopDepth & " bit color"
$cpu = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor", "ProcessorNameString")

$mainwindow = GUICreate("Software Setup", 640, 480)
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 20, 640, 480, $TCS_MULTILINE)

$tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Pre-Image")
$mbLabel1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Your Motherboard", 20, 50, 120, 20)
$APP_RADIO[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 101GGCL", 20, 70, 120)
$APP_RADIO[2] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 102GG2C", 20, 90, 120)
$APP_RADIO[3] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 915", 20, 110, 120)
$APP_RADIO[4] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 945", 20, 130, 120)
$APP_RADIO[5] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Intel 965", 20, 150, 120)
$APP_RADIO[6] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI 945GM2", 20, 170, 120)
$APP_RADIO[7] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI 945GM3-F", 20, 190, 120)
$APP_RADIO[8] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K8MM-V", 20, 210, 120)
$APP_RADIO[9] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K8N NEO", 20, 230, 120)
$APP_RADIO[10] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K9N NEO", 20, 250, 120)
$APP_RADIO[11] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K9N PLATINUM", 20, 270, 120)
$APP_RADIO[12] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI K9VGM", 20, 290, 120)
$APP_RADIO[13] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI PM8M3-V", 20, 310, 120)
$APP_RADIO[14] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MSI PM8MP-V", 20, 330, 120)
$Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 450, 350, 120, 20) ;This causes the application to exit
$RUN = GUICtrlCreateButton("Read Radios", 450, 330, 120, 20) ;This in the Run button

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Post-Image")

$tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("QC Process")
$Label_3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OS Version:", 20, 50, 80, 20)
$Label_4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(@OSVersion, 130, 50, 90, 20)
$Label_5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack:", 20, 70, 80, 20)
$Label_6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(@OSServicePack, 130, 70, 110, 20)
$Label_7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name:", 20, 90, 80, 20)
$Label_8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(@ComputerName, 130, 90, 120, 20)
$Label_9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Screen Resolution:", 20, 120, 90, 20)
$Label_10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($resolution, 130, 120, 80, 20)
$Label_13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Color Depth:", 20, 140, 90, 20)
$Label_14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($depth, 130, 140, 100, 20)
$Label_15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Physical Memory:", 20, 160)
$Label_16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($pmem, 130, 160)
$Label_17 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Processor:", 20, 180)
$Label_18 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($cpu, 90, 180)


While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $RUN
            for $x = 1 to UBound($app_radio) -1
                If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($app_radio[$x]),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then PREAPP($x)
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Exit

Func PREAPP($num)
    MsgBox(4096, "Installing", GUICtrlRead($app_radio[$num], 1) & "    " )
EndFunc   ;==>PREAPP_1



Posted (edited)

And to create the buttons, getting rid of redundant DIM's for $APP_Radio:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

Dim $RUN, $i, $mem, $pmem, $resolution, $depth, $cpu, $Exit, $Button_1

$mem = MemGetStats()
$pmem = (Round($mem[1] / 1024000, 3) & " GB")
$resolution = @DesktopWidth & "x" & @DesktopHeight
$depth = @DesktopDepth & " bit color"
$cpu = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor", "ProcessorNameString")

$mainwindow = GUICreate("Software Setup", 640, 480)
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 20, 640, 480, $TCS_MULTILINE)

$tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Pre-Image")
$mbLabel1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Your Motherboard", 20, 50, 120, 20)

Dim $APP_RADIO[15] = ["", "Intel 101GGCL", "Intel 102GG2C", "Intel 915", "Intel 945", "Intel 965", _
        "MSI 945GM2", "MSI 945GM3-F", "MSI K8MM-V", "MSI K8N NEO", "MSI K9N NEO", "MSI K9N PLATINUM", _
        "MSI K9VGM", "MSI PM8M3-V", "MSI PM8MP-V")
For $n = 1 To 15
    $APP_RADIO[$n] = GUICtrlCreateRadio($APP_RADIO[$n], 20, 50 + ($n * 20), 120)

$Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 450, 350, 120, 20) ;This causes the application to exit
$RUN = GUICtrlCreateButton("Read Radios", 450, 330, 120, 20) ;This in the Run button

$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Post-Image")

$tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("QC Process")
$Label_3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OS Version:", 20, 50, 80, 20)
$Label_4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(@OSVersion, 130, 50, 90, 20)
$Label_5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack:", 20, 70, 80, 20)
$Label_6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(@OSServicePack, 130, 70, 110, 20)
$Label_7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name:", 20, 90, 80, 20)
$Label_8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(@ComputerName, 130, 90, 120, 20)
$Label_9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Screen Resolution:", 20, 120, 90, 20)
$Label_10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($resolution, 130, 120, 80, 20)
$Label_13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Color Depth:", 20, 140, 90, 20)
$Label_14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($depth, 130, 140, 100, 20)
$Label_15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Physical Memory:", 20, 160)
$Label_16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($pmem, 130, 160)
$Label_17 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Processor:", 20, 180)
$Label_18 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($cpu, 90, 180)


While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $RUN
            for $x = 1 to UBound($app_radio) -1
                If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($app_radio[$x]),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then PREAPP($x)
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Exit

Func PREAPP($num)
    MsgBox(4096, "Installing", GUICtrlRead($app_radio[$num], 1) & "    " )
EndFunc   ;==>PREAPP_1


Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

Error: Unbalanced Brackets in Expression.

Dim $APP_RADIO[15] = ["", "Intel 101GGCL", "Intel 102GG2C", "Intel 915", "Intel 945", "Intel 965", _
        "MSI 945GM2", "MSI 945GM3-F", "MSI K8MM-V", "MSI K8N NEO", "MSI K9N NEO", "MSI K9N PLATINUM", _
        "MSI K9VGM", "MSI PM8M3-V", "MSI PM8MP-V")oÝ÷ Ø(Z¶ayú%"«®ÌË"®nÇ+Cg§²*'²)êº]j®¢Û-jצz{ZºÚ"µÍ[H  ÌÍÐTÔQSÖÌMWHH
    ][ÝÉ][ÝË    ][ÝÒ[[LQÑÐÓ    ][ÝË  ][ÝÒ[[LÑÌÉ][ÝË   ][ÝÒ[[LMI][ÝË   ][ÝÒ[[M
QÓLËQ][ÝË   ][ÝÓTÒHÎSKU][ÝË   ][ÝÓTÒHÎSÉ][ÝË   ][ÝÓTÒHÎSSÉ][ÝË  ][ÝÓTÒHÎSUSSI][ÝË   ][ÝÓTÒHÎUÓI][ÝË  ][ÝÓTÒHNLËU][ÝË   ][ÝÓTÒHNTU][ÝÊoÝ÷ Ø(Z¶ayú%"«®À®¶²½ªâi¹^«"Ê+­ç-ézº²æìr¸©¶Ê+²æìr¸©µØ¦z{"¢zÚÅÇuçZºÚ"µÍ[H ÌÍÐTÔQSÖÌMWHHÉ][ÝÉ][ÝË   ][ÝÒ[[LQÑÐÓ    ][ÝË  ][ÝÒ[[LÑÌÉ][ÝË   ][ÝÒ[[LMI][ÝË   ][ÝÒ[[M


But I am wondering, why is APP_RADIO set to 15 when there are only 14 choices?

I left all the funcs down on the bottom, is that fine? Each option will not run a set command. Some options (such as the 965) will run 4 apps, while others such as the K9N NEO will run 2 apps.


Ah, he was just trying to show off....LOL!!! :)

$APP_RADIO[15] = ["", "Intel 101GG....

The 15th choice is $APP_RADIO[0] and according to the above statement = ""

if you put in $APP_RADIO[15] = ["Dave", "Intel 101GG....

Then.... $APP_RADIO[0] = "Dave"

"I left all the funcs down on the bottom, is that fine? Each option will not run a set command. "

Yes, there are ways to put those in arrays also, but each one having a function is fine too




Yeah, I had a close Paren instead of close bracket. When you fixed that for me, your original script only had 14 radio buttons and I left them as 1 thru 14, the way you had it. But as Valuater said, every array is zero based, so if you want 1 thru 14 you have to declare with 15 elements and ignore [0].


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
Posted (edited)

I hah, I finally managed to take care of it. When you added the 15th option, I had no function for it, so it gave me the error. I also noticed I couldn't check the first option but the first radio button was placed overtop of a label. Moved that down and it works. If and when I have further problems with this application I am making, I will put something in this thread. Here is the current status of the app:

Dim $APP_RADIO[14] = ["Intel 101GGCL", "Intel 102GG2C", "Intel 915", "Intel 945", "Intel 965", _
        "MSI 945GM2", "MSI 945GM3-F", "MSI K8MM-V", "MSI K8N NEO", "MSI K9N NEO", "MSI K9N PLATINUM", _
        "MSI K9VGM", "MSI PM8M3-V", "MSI PM8MP-V"]
For $n = 0 To 13
    $APP_RADIO[$n] = GUICtrlCreateRadio($APP_RADIO[$n], 20, 70 + ($n * 20), 120)
NextoÝ÷ Ù«­¢+ÙÕ¹AIA@ ÀÌØí¹Õ´¤(5Í  ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½Ðí%¹Íѱ±¥¹ÅÕ½Ðì°U%
ÑɱI ÀÌØíÁÁ}É¥½lÀÌØí¹Õµt°Ä¤µÀìÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì¤)¹Õ¹()Õ¹AIAA|À ¤(%5Í   ½à ÐÀäØ°ÅÕ½ÐìÄÀÅ
0ÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½ÐíMÑÕÀ¡ÌÉÕ¸ÅÕ½Ðì¤)¹Õ¹oÝ÷ Ø­!©°¢w^®)àjr zØ­¶ÞiÛayû§rÂ%yûZ¶Ø^nm¢ah®Øb²Ç¶*'ÂÊ'¶º%Ëaz»§)à¡ûazmìjëh×6        Case $RUN
            for $x = 1 to UBound($app_radio) -1
                If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($app_radio[$x]),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then PREAPP($x)
            NextoÝ÷ ØpYg¢Úîû§rبôDóô×hzÉ趧Èr§ëayû§rبv¦y¶ÚD@?+Þ²gê뢲!ÈZ­à±ëh=
Edited by Tripredacus
Posted (edited)

After some annoying testing, and taking a break to write a script for a client, I came back with a new idea. I re-wrote the functions like this:

    If $x = 0 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"101GGCL","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 1 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"1L","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 2 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"12L","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 3 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"3","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 4 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"4","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 5 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"5","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 6 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"6","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 7 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"7","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 8 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"8","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 9 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"9","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 10 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"10","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 11 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"11","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 12 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"12","Setup has run")
    ElseIf $x = 13 Then
        MsgBox(4096,"13","Setup has run")

The only issue is that Radio Button 0 does not do anything. No MsgBox or error. The other options open a messagebox as it is supposed to.

Edited by Tripredacus

As far as I can tell, you simply skipped $x = 0 in your For/Next loop. Just start at 0:

Case $RUN
    For $x = 0 To UBound($app_radio) - 1
        If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($app_radio[$x]), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then PREAPP($x)


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

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