dakishman Posted April 29, 2007 Posted April 29, 2007 (edited) Here is the problem: In my single note window I have A text box that I want to be tested to make sure it is binary! This is the Binary test I put in: If $WordArray[$ArrayNum] <> 1 Or $WordArray[$ArrayNum] <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIf Seems like it should work! I checked the $WordArray to ensure that there where only 1s and 0s are being processed, and I still get the error. What happens: When you enter in a different binary word into the Text Box you still get the error EVEN if the word is only 1s and 0s. How to test the program: When running select the "Create a Single Tone" Ratio and click "OK". A new window will appear asking for a 15 bit binary word. This is where I am having errors in checking for a Binary word. I have done a few simple methods to eliminate from entering more than 15 characters to make it much simpler when testing. You will see what I mean if you test it. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> ;Var Definitions Dim $Word,$Step,$var,$Length,$Frequancy,$msg2,$Songnames,$StartStopButton,$Length,$i,$ArrayNum,$Ran,$TestBinary = 0 $Songinc = 1 $Ran = 0 $PassSecond =0 $fif = "" ;Splash Screen (Needs to be addede) $SingleFrequancy = "None" $SingleLength = "None" ;=================================================Create Main Window============================================================================================== == $mainwindow = GUICreate("D/A Converter", 200, 140) GUICtrlCreateLabel("What would you like to do?", 30, 10) ;Gui controls in main window ;Ratio Button Group GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Choose One", 10, 30, 180, 90) $ReadFromFile = GUICtrlCreateRadio ( "Read Tones from File",15,50) $SingleNote = GUICtrlCreateRadio ( "Create a Single Tone",15,70) ;Set the $readfromfile state to checked GUICtrlSetState($ReadFromFile, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateGroup ("",-99,-99,1,1) ;Buttons $okbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 70, 100, 60) ;Switch to main window and display GUISwitch($mainwindow) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Gui Scan Start While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) Select ;If the X is pressed on the main window, then exit program Case $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE And $msg[1] = $mainwindow Exit ;Load Digital File Option Case $msg[0] = $okbutton And BitAND(GUICtrlRead($ReadFromFile), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED $FilePath = FileOpenDialog("Choose your digital file...", @DesktopDir & "\", "Brandon Kish's Digital Files (*.BKDF)", 1) ;Definne and set up $songnames with the list of notes from the file $Songnames = FileRead($FilePath) $Songnames = StringSplit($Songnames,";",1) ;Hide the main window GUISwitch($mainwindow) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;Make and show window (Digital File Converter) $FileWindow = GUICreate("Digital File Converter (" & $Songnames[1] & ")", 400, 250) GUISwitch($FileWindow) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Controls ;Top and Progression Bar (needs to be added) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Brandon Kish's Digital Decoder",10,10) GUICtrlCreateLabel("File Progression",10,40) $progressbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress (10,61,380,20) ;Line being decoded GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Digital Line Being Decoded:", 10, 90, 380, 35) $ShowWord = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Songnames[$Songinc],25,105,100) GUICtrlCreateGroup ("",-99,-99,1,1);close group?? Mabye beacuse it starts another that is a Dummy Group? so the other one finishes? ;Word Decoded Information GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Word Decoded Information", 10,135, 380, 35) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Length:",25,150) $ShowLength = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Length,70,150,50) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Frequancy:",180,150) $ShowFrequancy = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Frequancy,250,150,50) GUICtrlCreateGroup ("",-99,-99,1,1);close group?? Mabye beacuse it starts another that is a Dummy Group? so the other one finishes? ;Buttons $StartStopButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Decode", 10, 170,60) $ExitButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Exit", 80, 170,60) ;Set Step to 1 to go to the Read from a file command $Step = 1 ;Exit this loop and continue the code ExitLoop ;Create a single note Case $msg[0] = $okbutton And BitAND(GUICtrlRead($SingleNote), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED $Step = 4 ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd ;End of main window While 4 ;If ratio $Readfromfile is selected above, Step will be equal to 1, and excecute the following commands... If $Step = 1 Then ;================================================Create File Control Window========================================================================================= ;Gui Scan GUISwitch($FileWindow) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) ;Start GUI Search Select ;When the X is clicked on the file window ($FileWindow) window, exit program Case $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE And $msg[1] = $FileWindow Exit ;When the start button is pressed, set button to stop, and set ($step) to 3 Case $msg[0] = $StartStopButton ;Disables the Start Button During playback GUICtrlSetData($StartStopButton,"Decoding") GUICtrlSetState($StartStopButton, $GUI_DISABLE) $Step = 3 ExitLoop ;Create a single note Case $msg[0] = $ExitButton Exit ;If no Ratio Button is selected, bring up error message. Case $msg[0] = $okbutton MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please select an option...", 3) EndSelect WEnd EndIf ;End of First window ;$songinc is used to incrament the array number to use to take the $songnames array and section out each note. If $Step = 3 Then ;Set $Notes as the number of notes in the song $Notes = $Songnames[0] - 1 $Ran = 0 $ArrayNum = 0 $Songinc = 1 Do $Frequancy = 0 $Length = 0 $Songinc = $Songinc + 1 $Array = StringSplit(StringStripWS(StringStripCR ( $Songnames[$Songinc] ),8), '') ;Manipulate the "Word" Pulled out of the $songname array [Turnicates name of song, Reverses the order as to be decoded correctly] _ArrayDelete($Array, 0) ;This command deletes a single block that is specified out of the Array, in this case $Array[0] is deleted as it is no longer needed. _ArrayReverse($Array) ;Frequencey Decoder [$Array 0-10] $i = 0 GUICtrlSetData ($ShowWord, $Songnames[$Songinc]) $ArrayNum = 0 For $i = 0 to 10 $Frequancy = $Array[$ArrayNum] * 2 ^ $ArrayNum + $Frequancy;Converts the 1 bit from the $Array into a Decimal form of the binary $ArrayNum = $ArrayNum + 1 Next ;Length Decoder [$Array 13-18] $i = 8 $ArrayNum = 11 $Count = 0 For $i = 1 to 3 $Length = $Array[$ArrayNum] * 2 ^ $Count + $Length $ArrayNum = $ArrayNum + 1 $Count = $Count + 1 Next ;Multiply the Langht by 1000 beacuse Beep is based of Miliseconds. $Length = $Length * 100 GUICtrlSetData ($ShowFrequancy, $Frequancy) GUICtrlSetData ($ShowLength, $Length) ;Create the Official Beep according to the specified Freaquancy, and Length. Beep($Frequancy, $Length) $Ran = $Ran + 1 Until $Ran >= $Notes GUICtrlSetData($StartStopButton,"Start") GUICtrlSetState($StartStopButton, $GUI_ENABLE) $Step = 1 EndIf ;======================================================================Single Note Window=============================================================================== If $Step = 4 Then ;First select the main window then hide the main window GUISwitch($mainwindow) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;Create the single note window, switch to it, and show it. $Singlenote = GUICreate("Single Note",400, 100) GUISwitch($Singlenote) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Controls GUICtrlCreateGroup ("15 Digit Binary Number:", 10, 10, 220, 40) $BinaryWord = GUICtrlCreateInput (" ",20, 25, 200, 20) GUICtrlCreateGroup ("",-99,-99,1,1) GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Decoded Information:", 10, 50, 380, 35) $SingleLengthDisplay = GUICtrlCreateLabel($SingleLength,300,65,50) $SingleFreqancyDisplay = GUICtrlCreateLabel($SingleFrequancy,75,65,50) $Decode = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Decode", 240, 22,60) $Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Exit", 310, 22,60) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Frequancy:",10,65) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Length:",250,65) ;Start GUI Search While 1 $msg3 = GUIGetMsg(1) Select ;When the X is clicked on the file window ($FileWindow) window, exit program Case $msg3[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE And $msg3[1] = $Singlenote Or $msg3[0] = $Exit Exit Case $msg3[0] = $Decode And $msg3[1] = $Singlenote Beep($SingleFrequancy,$SingleLength) ContinueLoop EndSelect $ArrayNum = 0 $BinaryRead = GUICtrlRead ($BinaryWord) $WordArray = StringSplit(StringStripWS(StringStripCR ( $BinaryRead ),8), '') ;Only when a full word has been entered. If $WordArray[0] = 15 And $BinaryRead <> $TestBinary Then ;Turnicate Word and flip _ArrayDelete($WordArray, 0) ;This command deletes a single block that is specified out of the Array, in this case $Array[0] is deleted as it is no longer needed. _ArrayReverse($WordArray) $TestBinary = $BinaryRead ;Decode First 10 of word $SingleFrequancy = 0 _ArrayDisplay($WordArray, "array") For $1 = 0 to 10 $SingleFrequancy = $WordArray[$ArrayNum] * 2 ^ $ArrayNum + $SingleFrequancy;Converts the 1 bit from the $Array into a Decimal form of the bina ;ERROR STARTS HERE!!!! If $WordArray[$ArrayNum] <> 1 Or $WordArray[$ArrayNum] <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIf ;THIS IS END OF THE STATEMENT!!!! $ArrayNum = $ArrayNum + 1 Next ;Decode Length $i = 1 $ArrayNum = 11 $Count = 0 For $i = 1 to 3 $SingleLength = $WordArray[$ArrayNum] * 2 ^ $Count + $Length ;ERROR STARTS HERE!!!! If $WordArray[$ArrayNum] <> 1 Or $WordArray[$ArrayNum] <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIf ;THIS IS END OF THE STATEMENT!!!! $ArrayNum = $ArrayNum + 1 $Count = $Count + 1 Next ;Multiply the Langht by 1000 beacuse Beep is based of Miliseconds. $SingleLength = $SingleLength * 100 GUICtrlSetData ($SingleFreqancyDisplay, $SingleFrequancy) GUICtrlSetData ($SingleLengthDisplay, $SingleLength) ElseIf $WordArray[0] = 15 Then $fif = $BinaryRead ElseIf $WordArray[0] > 15 Then GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, $fif) EndIf WEnd ;Stop Loop $Step = 100 EndIf WEnd Sorry I know the last part is a bit of a mess, usualy I go back after the code I am working on is completed and note it. Edited April 29, 2007 by dakishman I love AutoIT! It doesn't talk back, it doesn't complain that ur on the computer, it loves to be ran over and over and over... but IT STILL DOESN'T DO THE DISHES... Gatta keep da pimp hand strong...
martin Posted April 29, 2007 Posted April 29, 2007 Your logic is wrong! instead of saying <> 1 or <> 0 you should say <> 1 and <> 0 shouldn't you? Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
dakishman Posted April 29, 2007 Author Posted April 29, 2007 Your logic is wrong!instead of saying <> 1 or <> 0you should say <> 1 and <> 0shouldn't you?I had the exsact same thought and had tried it. But it then stopped the loop for some odd reason. So, no, this does not fix it. I love AutoIT! It doesn't talk back, it doesn't complain that ur on the computer, it loves to be ran over and over and over... but IT STILL DOESN'T DO THE DISHES... Gatta keep da pimp hand strong...
dakishman Posted April 30, 2007 Author Posted April 30, 2007 Bump! Really need help with this guys! I love AutoIT! It doesn't talk back, it doesn't complain that ur on the computer, it loves to be ran over and over and over... but IT STILL DOESN'T DO THE DISHES... Gatta keep da pimp hand strong...
PsaltyDS Posted April 30, 2007 Posted April 30, 2007 (edited) What's wrong with IsBinary()? If Not IsBinary($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIfoÝ÷ Øô®ç«®æzËë^ÆÖ¢÷¢¶Z(Éb쨹ªÞëmx-éî·«~º&jx§¦ë[£,¶¸§«¨·J®¢Ú+ªê-Ö«¨µúè©ânp¢}ýµ·n)Ú¯+r¥ç¢¶«!øƬ¶¸§)éºÜ¨ºf²Á©í¶^²ÛajØƬ¶¸§Ú)íz«~*ì·+kx°í¶§rïz»b¶Úéz¼"¶n·«Nv«ÊÜ©z+$wh~Ê^r&¥jwg{hëh"Ö§vf²[{Z·*.æ¥,×jëh×6If Not StringIsInt($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Or If Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) < 0 Or Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) > 1 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIf P.P.S Hey! The AutoIt box is broke! Those first two lines are supposed to be one. The editor shouldn't be wrapping code lines! P.P.S. Hey! Somebody fixed it! Edited April 30, 2007 by PsaltyDS Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
dakishman Posted April 30, 2007 Author Posted April 30, 2007 (edited) What's wrong with IsBinary()? If Not IsBinary($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIfoÝ÷ Øô®ç«®æzËë^ÆÖ¢÷¢¶Z(Éb쨹ªÞëmx-éî·«~º&jx§¦ë[£,¶¸§«¨·J®¢Ú+ªê-Ö«¨µúè©ânp¢}ýµ·n)Ú¯+r¥ç¢¶«!øƬ¶¸§)éºÜ¨ºf²Á©í¶^²ÛajØƬ¶¸§Ú)íz«~*ì·+kx°í¶§rïz»b¶Úéz¼"¶n·«Nv«ÊÜ©z+$wh~Ê^r&¥jwg{hëh"Ö§vf²[{Z·*.æ¥,×jëh×6If Not StringIsInt($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Or If Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) < 0 Or Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) > 1 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIf P.P.S Hey! The AutoIt box is broke! Those first two lines are supposed to be one. The editor shouldn't be wrapping code lines! Thanks soooo much man. I'm gunna try it out now. Didn't know that there was a IsBinary() command. Also, what two lines are u talking about? Edited April 30, 2007 by dakishman I love AutoIT! It doesn't talk back, it doesn't complain that ur on the computer, it loves to be ran over and over and over... but IT STILL DOESN'T DO THE DISHES... Gatta keep da pimp hand strong...
PsaltyDS Posted April 30, 2007 Posted April 30, 2007 (edited) Thanks soooo much man. I'm gunna try it out now. Didn't know that there was a IsBinary() command. Also, what two lines are u talking about?You're welcome. The binary functions are new to AutoIT, so make sure you have the latest version.When I posted my first reply the first line of my code inside the {autoit} box were line-wrapping into two lines. It's back to normal now.Cheers! Edited April 30, 2007 by PsaltyDS Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
dakishman Posted April 30, 2007 Author Posted April 30, 2007 I just got done trying it. Did you mean IsBinaryString()? This is the code I have so far: If Not IsBinaryString($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!",3) GUICtrlSetData ($BinaryWord, "") ExitLoop (1) EndIf This still doesn't work. I tried using all ones and zeros and it still gives me the same error. with the binary command. Any suggetions? I also tried converting it into a string using "String ()" but that didnt seem to work. Seems it is all or nothing. If any charactor is entered, it says it is not binary... I love AutoIT! It doesn't talk back, it doesn't complain that ur on the computer, it loves to be ran over and over and over... but IT STILL DOESN'T DO THE DISHES... Gatta keep da pimp hand strong...
PsaltyDS Posted April 30, 2007 Posted April 30, 2007 You have to be using the latest Beta (this was tested on for the current binary support. This is tested, and works: ; Simulate values for array Dim $WordArray[5], $ArrayNum = 2 While 1 $WordArray[$ArrayNum] = InputBox("Test Binary Input", "Enter 0 or 1: ") If @error Then Exit If Not StringIsInt($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Or Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) < 0 Or Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) > 1 Then MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "Please input only 1 or 0!", 3) Else $WordArray[$ArrayNum] = Binary(Number($WordArray[$ArrayNum])) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd If IsBinary($WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Then MsgBox(64, "Success!", "We got binary: " & $WordArray[$ArrayNum]) Else MsgBox(16, "Failure!", "Not binary: " & $WordArray[$ArrayNum]) EndIf Cheers! Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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