Administrators Jon Posted September 23, 2004 Author Administrators Posted September 23, 2004 OK, I'm going to attempt the jump to light wait enough star wars...the multiple GUI thing now. The plan is to keep the current syntax as is but to add a GuiSwitch() function that tells all the subsequent functions which window to work with. So if you do GuiSwitch(2) then create controls they will be created on Gui #2. This will avoid adding a "gui number" parameter to every single other function - not pretty. For that to work, and to be able to react correctly to messages returned from GuiMsg() I'll have to ensure that every control created has a unique ID - even across all the various GUIs - so the message loop can stay the same. I think the only functions I'll have to alter are GuiCreate and GuiDelete, well appart from the gigantic internal changes of course. Sound reasonable? Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
CyberSlug Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 (edited) For that to work, and to be able to react correctly to messages returned from GuiMsg() I'll have to ensure that every control created has a unique ID - even across all the various GUIs - so the message loop can stay the same.Um, this won't break the Aug 5 change allowing ControlCommand(...., "Control ID", ....) will it?EDIT: We might be okay ifControlID = (GUI_INSTANCE - 1 ) * MAX_NUM_CTRLS_PER_GUI + 11st GUI goes from 1 to whatever2nd GUI 513 to whatever3rd GUI goes from 1025 to whateveretc... Edited September 23, 2004 by CyberSlug Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
Administrators Jon Posted September 23, 2004 Author Administrators Posted September 23, 2004 Um, this won't break the Aug 5 change allowing ControlCommand(...., "Control ID", ....) will it? Don't see why. Having browsed the source for a while the mult gui thing is looking very tricky... things I hadn;t considered are the tray icon gui stuff, and returning things like -3 for gui closed (which gui closed?). I think I'll start by creating a test version that has all the functions removed except GuiCreate/Delete/GetMsg and try and get it to compile in a multi mode. Arrgh. Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
Administrators Jon Posted September 23, 2004 Author Administrators Posted September 23, 2004 (edited) 1st GUI goes from 1 to whatever2nd GUI 513 to whatever3rd GUI goes from 1025 to whateverThat's the formula I was going to use Edited September 23, 2004 by Jon Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
jpm Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 I initially thought that this was a bad idea as if you had a simple gui with 10 buttons and you wanted any of them to close the gui it would involve more code in the messageloop part. But then I realized that even if the notify/close mode made it easier to do the message loop you would _still_ have to do a Guiread() afterwards to work out which button was pressed and then you would have to have a big if/select statement anyway. So yeah, unless anyone can think of a reason to keep the notify mode then I'll remove it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The notify was coming from AU3GUI from Larry. I think every thing will be much easier if we implement the GUICtrlSetCallback
SlimShady Posted September 24, 2004 Posted September 24, 2004 I created this test script without looking once in the helpfile. It's that easy. Opt("GUINotifyMode", 1) GUICreate("Test", 250, 200, -1, -1) $edit_1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 25, 25, 200, 130) $OK_btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 50, 170, 70, 20) $cancel_btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 130, 170, 70, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $msg = 0 While 1 Sleep(100) $msg = GUIPeekMsg() If $msg = $cancel_btn OR $msg = -3 Then GUIDelete() Exit EndIf WEnd
Josbe Posted September 25, 2004 Posted September 25, 2004 (edited) Maybe a small bug:GUICtrlSetBk function don't update the color in a control. Really, the color it's changed, but don't display correctly.Here a example:I update the label's color by "Red".When I put any window over(or Minimize & Mazimize the Window), the red it's visible.!Josbe/_misc/4forum/sshot_guictrlsetbk.png Edited September 25, 2004 by josbe AUTOIT > AutoIt docs / Beta folder - AutoIt latest beta
Josbe Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 At the moment, I use the old trick for "re-paint" over the window: $wpos = WinGetPos($wintit, "") SplashTextOn("", "", $wpos[2], $wpos[3], $wpos[0], $wpos[1], 15) SplashOff() But, what about this? Maybe a small bug: GUICtrlSetBk function don't update the color in a control. Really, the color it's changed, but don't display correctly. ...!Josbe/_misc/4forum/sshot_guictrlsetbk.png <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AUTOIT > AutoIt docs / Beta folder - AutoIt latest beta
Administrators Jon Posted September 27, 2004 Author Administrators Posted September 27, 2004 At the moment, I use the old trick for "re-paint" over the window: $wpos = WinGetPos($wintit, "") SplashTextOn("", "", $wpos[2], $wpos[3], $wpos[0], $wpos[1], 15) SplashOff() But, what about this? From the screenshot I don't understand what is the problem :"> Do you have some code and instructions that I can run that is more clear? Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
Holger Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 (edited) @Jon: yeah, the problem exists.Here is a small example:GUICreate("colortest") $label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Sample Color",10,10,150,20) GUICtrlSetBKColor(-1,0xFF00D0) $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("change",50,70,70,20) GUICtrlSetNotify() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() IF $msg = -3 Then ExitLoop If $msg = $button Then GUICtrlSetBKColor($label1,0xFF0000) WEnd GUIDelete() ExitMaybe this could be a solution://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CtrlSetBkColor() // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CGuiBox::CtrlSetBkColor(int nColor) { HWND A = GetControlHWND(m_iLastDefined); BYTE cType = GUICtrl[m_iLastDefined].cType; if (m_bColorModeBGR == false) Util_RGBtoBGR(nColor); switch (cType) { case AUT_GUI_PROGRESS: SendMessage(A,(UINT)PBM_SETBKCOLOR,(WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)nColor); break; case AUT_GUI_TREEVIEW: SendMessage(A,(UINT)TVM_SETBKCOLOR,(WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)nColor); break; case AUT_GUI_CHECKBOX: case AUT_GUI_GROUP: case AUT_GUI_LABEL: case AUT_GUI_RADIO: ChangeColor(GUICtrl[m_iLastDefined].nBackColor, nColor); GUICtrl[m_iLastDefined].nBackColor = nColor; InvalidateRect(A,NULL,true); break; } return m_iLastDefined; } // CtrlSetBkColor()Edit: sorry, rect is no needed Regards Holger Edited September 27, 2004 by Holger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
Josbe Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 (edited) Sorry. :"> I cut a piece of my code for show you.expandcollapse popupOpt("GUINotifyMode", "1") #include "GUIConstants.au3" _testwin() GUIDelete() Exit Func _testwin() ;// Colours Global $_colorList = "White.FFFFFF|Blue.C9EFFC|Green.9BFFCD|Red.FF8080|Yellow.FFFFE6|Magenta.F5C6FF" If Not IsDeclared("_WinColor") Then Global $_WinColor = 0 Global $_fcolor = Dec($_WinColor) $wintit = "TEST Window - Colors" GUICreate($wintit, 340, 130, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, $WS_GROUP, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU)) Global $CTRL_colorGroup = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Color", 140, 5, 180, 95) Global $CTRL_repaintChk = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Use the "re-paint trick"', 150, 25, 160, 18) ;// Working with Color List $arrColors = StringSplit($_colorList, "|") $listNColors = "" $_lcolorw = "" For $y = 1 To $arrColors[ 0 ] $cname = StringTrimRight($arrColors[ $y ], 7) $ccode = StringRight($arrColors[ $y ], 6) If $_WinColor = $ccode Then $_lcolorw = $cname $listNColors = $listNColors & "|" & $cname Next $listNColors = StringTrimLeft($listNColors, 1) Global $CTRL_colorList = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 150, 45, 115, 100, $CBS_SORT + $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST + $LBS_STANDARD) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $listNColors, $_lcolorw) Global $CTRL_colorLblSample = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Sample color", 150, 70, 115, 25, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $_fcolor) $btnClose= GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 130, 105, 70, 20) GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = -3 Or $msg = -1 Or $msg = $btnClose ExitLoop Case $msg = $CTRL_colorList $_mColorw = GUIRead($CTRL_colorList) For $y = 1 To $arrColors[ 0 ] $cname = StringTrimRight($arrColors[ $y ], 7) $ccode = StringRight($arrColors[ $y ], 6) If $_mColorw = $cname Then Global $_WinColor = $ccode ExitLoop EndIf Next ;// Updating color GUICtrlSetBkColor($CTRL_colorLblSample, Dec($_WinColor)) If GUIRead($CTRL_repaintChk) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;// Re-paint trick $wpos = WinGetPos($wintit, "") SplashTextOn("", "", $wpos[2], $wpos[3], $wpos[0], $wpos[1], 15) SplashOff() EndIf EndSelect Wend EndFuncEDIT: oops! thxs holger.... Edited September 27, 2004 by josbe AUTOIT > AutoIt docs / Beta folder - AutoIt latest beta
Administrators Jon Posted September 27, 2004 Author Administrators Posted September 27, 2004 Ah, thanks Holger and Josbe. Fixed at this end (H, The ChangeColor is no longer required at that point as it automagically allocates brushes during the paint process now) Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
Holger Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 (edited) @Jon: the same problem at "CtrlSetColor" Here is one more extended sample. The problem is in the "AboutGUI": expandcollapse popup#include "GUIConstants.au3" $maingui = GUICreate("Main",400,300) $generalmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("General") $preferencemenuitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Preferences...",$generalmenu) $helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("?") $helpmenuitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Help",$helpmenu) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$helpmenu) $aboutmenuitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About...",$helpmenu) $aboutgui = GUICreate("About",340,120,-1,-1,BitOr($WS_POPUP,$WS_CAPTION,$WS_SYSMENU),-1,$maingui) $urlx = 140 $urly = 40 $urlw = 63 $urlh = 16 $gotourl = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Homepage",$urlx,$urly,$urlw,$urlh) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,-1,-1,4) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x0020FF) $aboutok = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK",250,85,70,20) $preferencegui = GUICreate("Options",340,190,-1,-1,BitOr($WS_POPUP,$WS_CAPTION,$WS_SYSMENU),-1,$maingui) $prefstree = GuiCtrlCreateTreeView(10,10,320,140,BitOr($TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $pref1 = GuiCtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Pref 1",$prefstree) $pref2 = GuiCtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Pref 2",$prefstree) $pref3 = GuiCtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Pref 3",$prefstree) $pref4 = GuiCtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Pref 4",$prefstree) $pref5 = GuiCtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Pref 5",$prefstree) $prefok = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK",135,160,70,20) GUISwitch($maingui) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) $urlset = 0 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) ;Msgbox(0,"",$msg[0] & @LF & $msg[1] & @LF & $msg[2] & @LF & $msg[3] & @LF & $msg[4]) $ctrlmsg = $msg[0] $win = $msg[1] $posx = $msg[3] $posy = $msg[4] Select Case $ctrlmsg = -3 And $win = $maingui ExitLoop Case $ctrlmsg = $preferencemenuitem GUISwitch($preferencegui) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) Case $ctrlmsg = $prefok Or ($ctrlmsg = -3 And $win = $preferencegui) GUISwitch($preferencegui) GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE) Case $ctrlmsg = $aboutmenuitem GUISwitch($aboutgui) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) Case $ctrlmsg = $aboutok Or ($ctrlmsg = -3 And $win = $aboutgui) GUISwitch($aboutgui) GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE) Case ($ctrlmsg = $GUI_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE Or $ctrlmsg = $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN) And $win = $aboutgui If $posx >= $urlx And $posx <= $urlx + $urlw And $posy >= $urly And $posy <= $urly + $urlh Then If $urlset = 0 Then GUICtrlSetColor($gotourl,0x20C020) GUISetCursor(0) $urlset = 1 EndIf If $ctrlmsg = $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN Then Run(RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command","") & "") Else If $urlset = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($gotourl,0x0020FF) GUISetCursor(-1) $urlset = 0 EndIf EndIf EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() Exit Regards Holger Edited September 28, 2004 by Holger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
Administrators Jon Posted September 28, 2004 Author Administrators Posted September 28, 2004 Thanks. Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
kalayaan Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 Wow! the new gui capabilities are wonderful. Thanks to all those who are responsible... If it isn't too late, maybe syslistview can also be added? similar to windows explorer's right pane where items can be sorted by column...
SlimShady Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 Wow! the new gui capabilities are wonderful. Thanks to all those who are responsible...If it isn't too late, maybe syslistview can also be added? similar to windows explorer's right pane where items can be sorted by column... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Another great idea
jpm Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 rereading the doc about menu API I am not sur there is not some missing DestroyMenu() to release resources to menu created not associated with a window. That could be the case of ContextMenu creation. :">
SlimShady Posted October 7, 2004 Posted October 7, 2004 Wow! the new gui capabilities are wonderful. Thanks to all those who are responsible...If it isn't too late, maybe syslistview can also be added? similar to windows explorer's right pane where items can be sorted by column... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Come'on, please add this.I found some sites:
therks Posted October 10, 2004 Posted October 10, 2004 How about adding a slider control? Like the ones used in the windows volume dialog, sndvol32.exe? My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
Lazycat Posted October 10, 2004 Posted October 10, 2004 Yes, slider will be very usefull (operating with it much faster than updown control) and I don't think it's very hard to implement Koda homepage ([s]Outdated Koda homepage[/s]) (Bug Tracker)My Autoit script page ([s]Outdated mirror[/s])
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