PantZ4 Posted June 16, 2007 Posted June 16, 2007 (edited) Thanks! I don't know about the CPU usage. I'm getting an average of 12% with a 3.0 Ghz, but I don't think it would be that much of a difference... Are other people getting 100% CPU usage?Yeah I do.Screenshot:EDIT:Possible to remove the processbar while change desktop?Kind of ugly Edited June 16, 2007 by Mr. Zero
Achilles Posted June 17, 2007 Author Posted June 17, 2007 Yeah I do.Screenshot:EDIT:Possible to remove the processbar while change desktop?Kind of ugly Hmm, that's really weird... However, I have changed this project a lot and maybe I fixed that somewhere (I'm still getting "00" cpu usage for this individual program). As to the process bar, that's all covered I've made a GUI for it and it has all these options, among those options is the possibility of disabling the progress meter.(You can also choose from between 10 entrance animations and 10 exit animations and any color you want and about 10 different speed options ) My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
RAMMRODD Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 ok, this does work great.........but I dont need it and cant get my original desktop back. I cant find the directory please help my noob @ss out
RAMMRODD Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 ok, this does work great.........but I dont need it and cant get my original desktop back. I cant find the directory please help my noob @ss out
smstroble Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) all desktop items and information is stored in: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Desktops I have also updated the script to be compliant with the current prod version of AutoIt and the current version of Auto3Lib, ClipPutFile.au3 is no longer required as it is included in the micl.au3 which is included with one of the other includes. expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #Include <Array.au3> ;#include "ClipPutFile.au3" #include <A3LListView.au3> #include <A3LGDIPlus.au3> #include <A3LScreenCap.au3> #NoTrayIcon Global $progress, $copyFromDesktop, $XS_n $currentClip = -14 & 'asdf""' ;Random text so that it will run through a loop later $oldWallPaperSyle = RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'WallpaperStyle') $oldTileWallPaper = RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'TileWallpaper') $oldWallPaper = RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper') Opt('TrayOnEventMode',1) Opt('TrayMenuMode',1) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) Opt('OnExitFunc','_Exit') Dim $desktops[30][2] If DirGetSize(@MyDocumentsDir & '\My Pictures') > 0 then $dir = @MyDocumentsDir & '\My Pictures' Else $dir = @MyDocumentsDir EndIf $open = TrayCreateMenu('Open...') $changePictures = TrayCreateItem('Change wallpaper') TrayItemSetOnEvent($changePictures, '_ChangePicture') TrayCreateItem('') $create = TrayCreateItem('Create New Desktop') TrayItemSetOnEvent($create, '_NewDesktop') TrayItemSetState($create, 512) $delete = TrayCreateItem('Delete a Desktop') TrayItemSetOnEvent($delete, '_Delete') TrayCreateItem('') $animationItem = TrayCreateItem('Use animation') TrayItemSetOnEvent($animationItem, '_Animation') TrayItemSetState($animationItem, 1) TrayCreateItem('') $exit = TrayCreateItem('Exit') TrayItemSetOnEvent($exit, '_Exit') $desktopsDir = @AppDataDir & '\Desktops' If DirGetSize($desktopsDir, 1) < 1 then DirCreate($desktopsDir & '\Default') $currentDesktop = IniRead($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Startup Info', 'Last used desktop', '') If $currentDesktop = '' then IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Startup Info', 'Last used desktop', 'Default') $currentDesktop = 'Default' EndIf If IniRead($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Background', $currentDesktop, '') = '' then IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Background', $currentDesktop, RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper')) EndIf $animation = IniRead($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Animation', 'Activated', '') If $animation = '' Then IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Animation', 'Activated', 'True') $animation = True EndIf $priorDesktops = _FileListToArray($desktopsDir, '**', 2) $count = 1 If IsArray($priorDesktops) then If $priorDesktops[0] > 0 then For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] $desktops[$a][0] = TrayCreateItem($priorDesktops[$a], $open) TrayItemSetOnEvent($desktops[$a][0], '_SwitchDesktop') $desktops[$a][1] = $priorDesktops[$a] If $priorDesktops[$a] = $currentDesktop then TrayItemSetState($desktops[$a][0], 1) $currentIndex = $a EndIf $count += 1 Next EndIf Else $desktops[1][0] = TrayCreateItem('Default', $open) TrayItemSetState($desktops[1][0], 1) TrayItemSetOnEvent($desktops[1][0], '_SwitchDesktop') $desktops[1][1] = 'Default' $count = 2 $currentIndex = 1 EndIf TraySetState() While 1 If ClipGet() <> $currentClip then $clipSplit = StringSplit(ClipGet(), '\') If IsArray($clipSplit) then If $clipSplit[0] > 4 then If $clipSplit[1] & '\' & $clipSplit[2] & '\' & $clipSplit[3] & '\' & $clipSplit[4] = @UserProfileDir & '\Desktop' then $copyFromDesktop = True ConSoleWrite('Copy from desktop = True') Else ConSoleWrite('Copy from desktop = False') $copyFromDesktop = False EndIf Else ConSoleWrite('Copy from desktop = False') $copyFromDesktop = False EndIf Else ConSoleWrite('Copy from desktop = False') $copyFromDesktop = False EndIf $currentClip = ClipGet() Sleep(200) EndIf Wend Func _Animation() $animation = Not $animation IniWrite($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", '_Animation', 'Activated', $animation) EndFunc Func _SwitchDesktop() If $animation = True then $gui = GuiCreate('', @DesktopWidth , @DesktopHeight, 0, 0, BitOR($WS_SYSMENU, $WS_POPUP), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GuiSetBkColor(0) XPStyle(1) $progress = GuiCtrlCreateProgress(@DesktopWidth / 2 - 200, @DesktopHeight /2 - 20, 400, 40, $PBS_SMOOTH) WinSetTrans($gui, '', 0) GUISetState(@SW_Show) _WinFade($gui, 0, 255, 20, 1, 0) XPStyle(0) EndIf $files = _FileListToArray(@DesktopDir, "*.*", 1) If $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 5) _StoreDesktop('','') If $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 10) TrayItemSetState($desktops[$currentIndex][0], 4) If $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 15) $lastCurrentDesktop = $currentDesktop For $a = 1 to $count If @Tray_ID = $desktops[$a][0] then $currentDesktop = $desktops[$a][1] $currentIndex = $a EndIf Next If $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 20) TrayItemSetState($desktops[$currentIndex][0], 1) If $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 25) _StoreDesktop(@DesktopDir, $desktopsDir & '\' & $currentDesktop, 0) If $copyFromDesktop = True Then $toClip = '' $split = StringSplit(ClipGet(), @LF) If IsArray($split) then For $a = 1 to $split[0] $nameSplit = StringSplit(ClipGet(), '\') $last = $nameSplit[0] $toClip &= @AppDataDir & '\Desktops\' & $lastCurrentDesktop & '\' & $nameSplit[$last] & '|' Next $toClip = StringTrimRight($toClip, 1) _ClipPutFile($toClip) EndIf EndIf $newWallpaper = IniRead($desktopsDir &'\DesktopInfo.ini' , '_Background', $currentDesktop, '') If $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 95) If $newWallpaper <> '' then _ChangeDesktopBackground($newWallpaper) If $animation = True then GuiCtrlDelete($progress) _WinFade($gui, 255, 0, 20, 1, 1) GuiDelete($gui) EndIf EndFunc Func _StoreDesktop($to, $from, $type = 1) If $from = '' then $from = @DesktopDir If $to = '' then $to = $desktopsDir & '\' & $currentDesktop If $type = 1 then $original = @DesktopDir Else $original = $from EndIf If $type = 1 then $handle = ControlGetHandle("Program Manager", "", "SysListView321") IniDelete($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop) $go = _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) For $i = 0 to _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) $pos = _ListView_GetItemPosition($handle, $i) $name = _ListView_GetItemText($handle, $i) If $pos[0] = True Then IniWrite($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "x", $pos[0]) IniWrite($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "y", $pos[1]) EndIf Next EndIf If $type = 0 and $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 35) $files = _FileListToArray($original, "*.*", 1) If IsArray($files) then For $a = 1 to $files[0] FileMove($from & '\' & $files[$a], $to, 1) Next EndIf If $type = 0 and $animation = True Then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 50) $files = _FileListToArray($original, "**", 2) If IsArray($files) then For $a = 1 to $files[0] DirMove($from & '\' & $files[$a], $to, 1) Next EndIf If $type = 0 and $animation = True then GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 70) $hWnd = WinGetHandle("classname=Progman") DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", 0x111, "int", 28931, "int", 0) If $type = 0 then If $animation = True then $handle = ControlGetHandle("Program Manager", "", "SysListView321") _ListView_BeginUpdate($handle) GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 80) $currentProgress = 70 $step = 20 / _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) For $i = 0 to _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) $name = _ListView_GetItemText($handle, $i) $x = IniRead($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "x", "Unknown") $y = IniRead($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "y", "Unknown") If $x <> "Unknown" Then _ListView_SetItemPosition32($handle, $i, $x, $y) GuiCtrlSetData($progress, $currentProgress + $step) $currentProgress += $step Next GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 90) _ListView_EndUpdate($handle) Else $handle = ControlGetHandle("Program Manager", "", "SysListView321") _ListView_BeginUpdate($handle) GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 80) For $i = 0 to _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) $name = _ListView_GetItemText($handle, $i) $x = IniRead($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "x", "Unknown") $y = IniRead($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "y", "Unknown") If $x <> "Unknown" Then _ListView_SetItemPosition32($handle, $i, $x, $y) Next GuiCtrlSetData($progress, 90) _ListView_EndUpdate($handle) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _Delete() $desktopDelete = Inputbox('Desktop Delete', 'Type the name of the desktop you would like to delete...' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'All files currently in that desktop will also be deleted!', '', '', 350, 150) If $desktopDelete = '' then Return If $desktopDelete = 'Default' then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'You can not delete the default desktop') Return EndIf If $currentDesktop = $desktopDelete then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'You can not delete a desktop if it is currently active.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'Please load a new desktop and try again.') Return EndIf DirRemove($desktopsDir & '\' & $desktopDelete) For $a = 1 to $count If $desktops[$a][1] = $desktopDelete then TrayItemDelete($desktops[$a][0]) Next EndFunc Func _NewDesktop() GuiCreate('Create a New Desktop', 416, 456) GuiCtrlCreateGroup('Desktop Name', 8, 8, 400, 40) $newName = GuiCtrlCreateInput('', 18, 23, 383, 20) GuiCtrlCreateGroup('Desktop Background', 10, 52, 400, 360) $picDir = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop", "Wallpaper") $currentDesktopPic = GuiCtrlCreatePic($picDir, 18, 67, 383, 306) $change = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Change Picture', 18, 380, 383, 25) $cancel = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Cancel', 118, 418, 100, 30) $ok = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Ok', 238, 418, 100, 30) GuiSetState() While 1 Switch GuiGetMsg() Case -3 GuiDelete() Return 0 Case $cancel GuiDelete() Return 0 Case $change $tempDir = FileOpenDialog('Chose a new background...', $dir, '(*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.png)', 2) If Not @Error then GuiCtrlSetImage($currentDesktopPic, $tempDir) $picDir = $tempDir EndIf Case $ok $pass = True $priorDesktops = _FileListToArray($desktopsDir, '**', 2) $newNameText = StringStripWS (GuiCtrlRead($newName), 3) If $newNameText = '' then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'Please insert a name for the new desktop') Else If IsArray($priorDesktops) then For $a = 1 to $priorDesktops[0] If $priorDesktops[$a] = $newNameText then $pass = False Next EndIf If $pass = False Then Msgbox(48, 'Error', 'There is alreay a desktop with that name or the name you specified can not be used.') Else DirCreate($desktopsDir & '\' & $newNameText) _StoreDesktop('','') $desktops[$count][1] = $newNameText $desktops[$count][0] = TrayCreateItem($newNameText, $open) TrayItemSetOnEvent($desktops[$count][0], '_SwitchDesktop') TrayItemSetState($desktops[$count][0], 1) TrayItemSetState($desktops[$currentIndex][0], 4) $currentDesktop = $newNameText $currentIndex = $count _ChangeDesktopBackground($picDir) IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Background', $currentDesktop, $picDir) GuiDelete() $count += 1 $hWnd = WinGetHandle("classname=Progman") DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", 0x111, "int", 28931, "int", 0) Return EndIf EndIf EndSwitch Wend EndFunc Func _Exit() #NoTrayIcon IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Startup Info', 'Last used desktop', $currentDesktop) $handle = ControlGetHandle("Program Manager", "", "SysListView321") IniDelete($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop) $go = _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) For $i = 0 to _ListView_GetItemCount($handle) $pos = _ListView_GetItemPosition($handle, $i) $name = _ListView_GetItemText($handle, $i) If $pos[0] = True Then IniWrite($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "x", $pos[0]) IniWrite($desktopsDir & "\Desktopinfo.ini", $currentDesktop, $name & "y", $pos[1]) EndIf Next RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'WallpaperStyle', 'REG_SZ', $oldWallPaperSyle) RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'TileWallpaper', 'REG_SZ', $oldTileWallPaper) RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper', 'Reg_SZ', $oldWallpaper) _ChangeDesktopBackGround($oldWallPaper, 0) Exit EndFunc Func _ChangePicture() GuiCreate('Change Wallpaper', 416, 414) GuiCtrlCreateGroup('Desktop Background', 10, 8, 400, 360) $picDir = RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper') $currentDesktopPic = GuiCtrlCreatePic($picDir, 18, 25, 383, 306) $change = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Change Picture', 18, 338, 383, 25) $cancel = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Cancel', 118, 376, 100, 30) $ok = GuiCtrlCreateButton('Ok', 238, 376, 100, 30) GuiSetState() While 1 Switch GuiGetMsg() Case -3 Guidelete() Return Case $cancel GuiDelete() Return Case $change $tempDir = FileOpenDialog('Chose a new background...', $dir, '(*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.png)', 2) If Not @Error then GuiCtrlSetImage($currentDesktopPic, $tempDir) $picDir = $tempDir EndIf Case $ok _ChangeDesktopBackground($picDir) IniWrite($desktopsDir & '\DesktopInfo.ini', '_Background', $currentDesktop, $picDir) GuiDelete() Return EndSwitch Wend EndFunc Func _ChangeDesktopBackground($path, $type = 1) _GDIP_StartUp() $hImage = _GDIP_ImageLoadFromFile($path) $file = StringSplit($path, '.') ;$sCLSID = _GDIP_EncodersGetCLSID("BMP") _GDIP_ImageSaveToFile($hImage, @WindowsDir & '\xwall.bmp');, $sCLSID) ;$file[1] & '.bmp' _GDIP_ShutDown() If $type = 1 then RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'WallpaperStyle', 'REG_SZ', 2) RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'TileWallpaper', 'REG_SZ', 0) RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop', 'Wallpaper', 'Reg_SZ', $path) EndIf Sleep(250) DllCall('User32.dll', 'int', 'SystemParametersInfo', 'int', 20, 'int', 0, 'string', @WindowsDir & '\xwall.bmp', 'int', 0) EndFunc Func _WinFade($hWnd, $iStart, $iEnd, $iStep = 3, $iSleep = 1, $iFade = 1); $iFade: 1 = Fade Out - 0 = Fade In If $iFade Then For $iCount = $iStart To $iEnd Step - $iStep WinSetTrans($hWnd, '', $iCount) Sleep($iSleep) Next Return 1 ElseIf Not $iFade Then For $iCount = $iStart To $iEnd Step $iStep WinSetTrans($hWnd, '', $iCount) Sleep($iSleep) Next Return 1 EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc Func XPStyle($OnOff = 1) If $OnOff And StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") Then $XS_n = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties") DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0) Return 1 ElseIf StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And IsArray($XS_n) Then DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $XS_n[0]) $XS_n = "" Return 1 EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>XPStyle @Piano_Man if you don't mind I could add "Hide processes unless the user adds the window to the "no-hide" list " to this, as I have allready done this in my old desktop switcher it would be easy for me and its a feature i would really like to see in your desktop switcher. Edited July 16, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
Mackenzie Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I am using Windows Vista Home Premium. I have downloaded and tested out the winspaces feature by opening an ftp program and positioning it where I want it and also outlook and internet explorer. On various load attempts only 2 out of the 3 windows will load, usually the one that won't load is internet explorer, but not always. My last attempt before this post loaded Outlook and IE, but not the FTP program. I have a few questions (and btw, am a total ignorant person when it comes to modifying these scripts): 1. Are you designing your script based on XP, or Vista? or is it a thing that should work on both? 2. Will this script help someone that is using an external monitor on a laptop in order to have dual monitors? Regarding question #2: The problem I need to resolve deals with running dual monitors with the 2nd monitor being an external flat scree and the primary being the laptop screen. When the laptop is unplugged and taken away for business and then plugged back in, Vista requires that we redesignate the primary and secondary monitors and also reassemble all the programs and windows where they should be. Will this program work to solve my dual monitor situation? Thanks in advance, and great job on this script.
smstroble Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) I am using Windows Vista Home Premium.I have downloaded and tested out the winspaces feature by opening an ftp program and positioning it where I want it and also outlook and internet explorer. On various load attempts only 2 out of the 3 windows will load, usually the one that won't load is internet explorer, but not always. My last attempt before this post loaded Outlook and IE, but not the FTP program.I have a few questions (and btw, am a total ignorant person when it comes to modifying these scripts):1. Are you designing your script based on XP, or Vista? or is it a thing that should work on both?2. Will this script help someone that is using an external monitor on a laptop in order to have dual monitors?Regarding question #2: The problem I need to resolve deals with running dual monitors with the 2nd monitor being an external flat scree and the primary being the laptop screen. When the laptop is unplugged and taken away for business and then plugged back in, Vista requires that we redesignate the primary and secondary monitors and also reassemble all the programs and windows where they should be. Will this program work to solve my dual monitor situation?Thanks in advance, and great job on this script.Umm, are you shure this is the thread you are trying to post in? "winspaces feature," I dont think that is a feature of the script in this thread. The purpose of the script in this thread is to create "multiple desktops." For example you can have several "Dekstops" which each have their own desktop icons and background, currently this script does not deal with windows at all, and would work fine reguardless of the number and priority of monitors. Edited July 16, 2007 by smstroble MUHAHAHAHAHA
Mackenzie Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Umm, are you shure this is the thread you are trying to post in? "winspaces feature," I dont think that is a feature of the script in this thread. The purpose of the script in this thread is to create "multiple desktops." For example you can have several "Dekstops" which each have their own desktop icons and background, currently this script does not deal with windows at all, and would work fine reguardless of the number and priority of monitors.I run the program and there is something in there called winspaces, have you used the program?
Achilles Posted July 16, 2007 Author Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) ok, this does work great.........but I dont need it and cant get my original desktop back. I cant find the directory please help my noob @ss outShould be: @AppDataDir & '\Desktops'Should be a folder called "Default" that stores everything that was on your desktop when the program started. @smstroble I have also updated the script to be compliant with the current prod version of AutoIt and the current version of Auto3Lib, ClipPutFile.au3 is no longer required as it is included in the micl.au3 which is included with one of the other includes.The misc.au3 causes problem with my copying files details. In case you didn't notice (I think this how this version of desktops is) when you copy a file, and it's on the desktop it will automatically change the directory when you switch the desktop. That wasn't working right with the standard _Clipputofile() so I took out "$sSeperator" in line 254 of the misc.au3 and made that my ClipPutFile.au3... I am planning on playing around with this for a while to see if I can get to be more consistent. @Piano_Man if you don't mind I could add "Hide processes unless the user adds the window to the "no-hide" list " to this, as I have allready done this in my old desktop switcher it would be easy for me and its a feature i would really like to see in your desktop switcher.Hmm, I've made all the GUI (where you add the windows you want to be hidden) but I haven't integrated with the desktops program yet. It would probably be easier for me to write it myself, but thanks a lot for offering! @Mackenzie 1. Are you designing your script based on XP, or Vista? or is it a thing that should work on both?I haven't tested this with Vista (I use XP still) and I don't know if anyone has 2. Will this script help someone that is using an external monitor on a laptop in order to have dual monitors?I think you have misunderstood the purpose of this program. It's not designed to have two visible desktops at the same time, rather several possible desktops, each of which can be shown by using the tray icon(but only one at a time). I'm guessing that with two monitors the program would work just as it would with a single monitor desktop. Please let me know if I didn't answer your question adequately! EDIT: look what smstroble said too... ANOTHER EDIT: I am 100% sure that the word "winspaces" is not mentioned in my code! Edited July 16, 2007 by Piano_Man My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
Mackenzie Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Should be: @AppDataDir & '\Desktops'Should be a folder called "Default" that stores everything that was on your desktop when the program started. @smstroble The misc.au3 causes problem with my copying files details. In case you didn't notice (I think this how this version of desktops is) when you copy a file, and it's on the desktop it will automatically change the directory when you switch the desktop. That wasn't working right with the standard _Clipputofile() so I took out "$sSeperator" in line 254 of the misc.au3 and made that my ClipPutFile.au3... I am planning on playing around with this for a while to see if I can get to be more consistent. Hmm, I've made all the GUI (where you add the windows you want to be hidden) but I haven't integrated with the desktops program yet. It would probably be easier for me to write it myself, but thanks a lot for offering! @Mackenzie I haven't tested this with Vista (I use XP still) and I don't know if anyone has I think you have misunderstood the purpose of this program. It's not designed to have two visible desktops at the same time, rather several possible desktops, each of which can be shown by using the tray icon(but only one at a time). I'm guessing that with two monitors the program would work just as it would with a single monitor desktop. Please let me know if I didn't answer your question adequately! EDIT: look what smstroble said too... ANOTHER EDIT: I am 100% sure that the word "winspaces" is not mentioned in my code! Okay, thanks for the reply. It appears I did misunderstand your initial use, but it may play to my purposes. FYI though, when I run _SplitMon_v3.0.0.au3 I have winspaces as an option. This may be due to some other stuff I've download possibly, but it's there.
smstroble Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 @Piano_Maninteresting i ran the copy of that i posted with no problems at all but maybe something was not working that I did not notice. Also I have already added to the copy on my computer some code that will notice if a file on your desktop is locked and prompt you to Abort, Retry, or Ignore the problem if you are interested in the code ill give it to ya but if not then another idea for you to implement .@Mackenzie_SplitMon_v3.0.0.au3 ? You are in the wrong thread altogether. Go here and post your question;hl=SplitMon MUHAHAHAHAHA
RAMMRODD Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 at C/Documents and settings/ all I have is owner, computer, all users, alluserswindow and none of application data
smstroble Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\DesktopsThe username is your case is most likely owner (its based on the name you log into windows with) so C:\Documents and Settings\owner\Application Data\Desktopsif not owner than it would be C:\Documents and Settings\computer\Application Data\Desktopsit wont be in all users. MUHAHAHAHAHA
Pakku Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 You scared the hell out of me, i lost about 3 gig of my life in just a few seconds. i quit your program and it was all gone! after all i found it back, but it scared me. ain't it a good idea by exiting your program to restore all the desktops in the 'main' (real) desktop?! p.s. don't take it too personely How can someone use Windows without using AutoIt?That one would properly don't know how to handle a computer!My scripts:Send files over internetKind of RSS reader3Draw ProUDF: convert a character string to a binary one and backCalculate PiCommand line downloader (Youtube/Google video)Set the transparency of a window just by hitting a key!Secure your pcOther things:My filemanMy profilePM me
ChrisL Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Hey this is really cool, I have a suggestion though there was another multiple desktop program which instead of moving destop icons it moved applications around, I think if the 2 were combined it would be even better, so a new desktop has no previous apps visibleOther one is here [u]Scripts[/u]Minimize gui to systray _ Fail safe source recoveryMsgbox UDF _ _procwatch() Stop your app from being closedLicensed/Trial software system _ Buffering Hotkeys_SQL.au3 ADODB.Connection _ Search 2d Arrays_SplashTextWithGraphicOn() _ Adjust Screen GammaTransparent Controls _ Eventlogs without the crap_GuiCtrlCreateFlash() _ Simple Interscript communication[u]Websites[/u]Curious Campers VW Hightops Lambert Plant Hire
Achilles Posted July 17, 2007 Author Posted July 17, 2007 (edited) Hey this is really cool, I have a suggestion though there was another multiple desktop program which instead of moving destop icons it moved applications around, I think if the 2 were combined it would be even better, so a new desktop has no previous apps visibleOther one is here am doing something similar to that... I will have list where the user can add processes that they want to be "Desktop specific"... For example, I have an autoit desktop, I will add the autoit helpfile and scite to the "Exclude list" and they will only be shown when the autoit desktop is active. Would it be better if I were to automatically make all windows desktop specific and then had an exclude list of ones that were for all desktops?EDIT: For all those that interested I have resolved to finish this as soon as possible!!! (Hopefully a few days, I'm working full time ) Edited July 17, 2007 by Piano_Man My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
AMD Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 (edited) Well, I really like this, with this I will finally be able to have a clean regular destop and have one for each project that I am working on to keep the loads of icons I currently have on my only desktop. One thing while tring this at work, is that it doesn't remember the desktop backround sizing, ie...stretch or centered. Could it also remember these as well.. Thanks, Edit: Also, why does it need to be overly active while not doing anything? It is taking like 88-91% of CPU usage... Edited July 19, 2007 by AMD
smstroble Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 I am doing something similar to that... I will have list where the user can add processes that they want to be "Desktop specific"... For example, I have an autoit desktop, I will add the autoit helpfile and scite to the "Exclude list" and they will only be shown when the autoit desktop is active. Would it be better if I were to automatically make all windows desktop specific and then had an exclude list of ones that were for all desktops?EDIT: For all those that interested I have resolved to finish this as soon as possible!!! (Hopefully a few days, I'm working full time )Personally I prefer making all windows desktop specific with just a couple exclusions. But perhaps you could make an option to toggle between the two modes. MUHAHAHAHAHA
Achilles Posted July 22, 2007 Author Posted July 22, 2007 Well, I really like this, with this I will finally be able to have a clean regular destop and have one for each project that I am working on to keep the loads of icons I currently have on my only desktop.One thing while tring this at work, is that it doesn't remember the desktop backround sizing, ie...stretch or centered. Could it also remember these as well..Thanks,Edit: Also, why does it need to be overly active while not doing anything? It is taking like 88-91% of CPU usage...Desktop sizing is all supported in the version I'm working on so that will solve that. I don't know why the CPU usage is so big but for me it never exceeds 7%... Wait until I release the new version of this program and see if that solves the problem. If it doesn't I'll try to fix it @smstroble: I think I'll make the option to toggle between... That will let everyone be satisfied (hopefully) My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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