onestcoder Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 You are asking for magic here since this script contains invalid syntax.. have you run au3check on this and seen the errors ?OH CRAP - Lines break wrong Thank You JdeB, Sorry I wasted your valued timeI love your work!!!!!!!! Need a website:
Developers Jos Posted June 4, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 4, 2007 Next version will have a fix for the crash and a more descriptive error message reporting what is wrong... SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
MadBoy Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 Next version will have a fix for the crash and a more descriptive error message reporting what is wrong... You're too good for this world My little company: Evotec (PL version: Evotec)
Developers Jos Posted June 4, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 4, 2007 You're too good for this world Don't think it should "Hard Crash" what ever people run through it .. SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
markloman Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Obfuscate doesn't work with SQLite.au3 - weird things happen (compiled program generates error while non-compiled is working fine). Anyone else having similar problem?
Developers Jos Posted June 26, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 26, 2007 Obfuscate doesn't work with SQLite.au3 - weird things happen (compiled program generates error while non-compiled is working fine). Anyone else having similar problem? I get a hardcrash when Obfuscating the below example from the helpfile and will look at that when time permits: #include <SQLite.au3> #include <SQLite.dll.au3> Local $hQuery, $aRow, $sMsg _SQLite_Startup () _SQLite_Open (); open :memory: Database _SQLite_Exec (-1, "CREATE TABLE aTest (a,b,c);"); CREATE a Table _SQLite_Exec (-1, "INSERT INTO aTest(a,b,c) VALUES ('c','2','World');"); INSERT Data _SQLite_Exec (-1, "INSERT INTO aTest(a,b,c) VALUES ('b','3',' ');"); INSERT Data _SQLite_Exec (-1, "INSERT INTO aTest(a,b,c) VALUES ('a','1','Hello');"); INSERT Data _SQlite_Query (-1, "SELECT c FROM aTest ORDER BY a;", $hQuery); the query While _SQLite_FetchData ($hQuery, $aRow) = $SQLITE_OK $sMsg &= $aRow[0] WEnd _SQLite_Exec (-1, "DROP TABLE aTest;"); Remove the table MsgBox(0,"SQLite","Get Data using a Query : " & $sMsg ) _SQLite_Close() _SQLite_Shutdown() ..but when i comment the DLL include, it obfuscates fine and the obfuscated script doesn't give any errors with au3check. Do you have an example script of your problem ? SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
sc4ry Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 Hi, i wanted to use your obfuscator-script (which i found very nice, when th.megr told me), but till now, it does not work, as it should =) here is the error msg i get: --------------------------- AutoIt Error --------------------------- Line 0 (File "...Obfuscated.exe"): If _Singleton(Execute($SA6021201800), Number($SA6121304B44)) = Number($SA1A21404E5B) Then If ^ ERROR Error: Unknown function name. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- the script works 100% when it is not obfuscated. here is the original code: #include <Misc.au3> .... ;wenn instanz bereits läuft, beende scriptRYÔÚ[Û]ÛØÜ[YK HH[^]NÜØÚYwÙH]Y[2ÇFW267&@ bõ6ævÆWFöâ67&DæÖRÂÒFVà Fð b33cµBÒɽÍÍá¥ÍÑÌ¡MÉ¥ÁÑ9µ¤($$%%ÀÌØíA%ôÕѽ%ÑA%Q¡¸ ½¹Ñ¥¹Õ1½½À($$ProcessClose($PID) Until ($PID <> 0) EndIf .... anything i can do to solve the problem?
Moderators SmOke_N Posted June 26, 2007 Moderators Posted June 26, 2007 This is not the obfuscation processing fault, if you did an Au3Check you would see the same error. You have to put #include <Misc.au3> at the top of your script so that the function _SingleTon() is added. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
sc4ry Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 its included in the normal script. does the obfuscator not include this scripts? i think it does global $SA3500805B5F=A1500000223("38"),$SA5300C0482D=A1LÊ ][ÝÍLÌMMMLMLMMM LML][ÝÊK ÌÍÔÐML PÍPLML##2gV÷C³$CS3cSsCsCcdScss3$ScdScgV÷C²Âb33cµ443cÔS##2ÅÕ½ÐìÐÀÔÔÜÌØÔÜÈÑØÄÙØÔÅÕ½Ð줰ÀÌØíMÔÐÄÀÄÀÍÔÄõÄÔÀÀÀÀÀÈÈÌ ÅÕ½ÐìÐÀÐÌÙD70757465724E616D65"),$SA231020065C=A1500000223("40536372697 Í MÌ][ÝÊK ÌÍÔÐLLLÌPLÑPLMLÊ ][ÝÍ ML M ÌMÌÍÌÌÌgV÷C²Âb33cµ443Cc$ÔS##2gV÷C³CDcS3C#sScd3cBgV÷C²Âb33cµÈÔÄÀÔÀÌÄÕõÄÔÀÀÀÀÀÈÈÌ ÅÕ½ÐìÌÀÅÕ½Ð줰ÀÌØíMÐÄÄÀØÀÁÐØõÄÔÀÀÀÀÀÈÈÌ ÅÕ½;30"),$SA0410704F3C=A1500000223("40736372697074646972") ÌÍÔÐLLÌMPLMLÊ ][ÝÍPÉ][ÝÊ but when i include all scripts, which are in my normal script, after obfuscating it, another error occur --------------------------- AutoIt Error --------------------------- Line 0 (File "E:\AutoScrIpTs\Henkel\S.T.A.R.T.E.R_V3_Obfuscated.exe"): $A0F9150533E = GUICreate($A5800B01047 & $SA4D91605C53, Number($SA0D91704F08), Number($SA3291800E55), -Number($SA0B9190424D), -Number($SA3991A03526), -Number($SA0391B0421B), $A4B91C05459) $A0F9150533E = GUICreate($A5800B01047 & $SA4D91605C53, Number($SA0D91704F08), Number($SA3291800E55), -Number($SA0B9190424D), -Number($SA3991A03526), -Number($SA0391B0421B), ^ ERROR Error: Variable used without being declared. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
Moderators SmOke_N Posted June 26, 2007 Moderators Posted June 26, 2007 Again, these are mistakes within your script itself. Have you bothered to run Au3Check on your script before posting here? If so, no one can help you at all unless you post a recreation script, I'm sure that makes sense to you. Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
sc4ry Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 (edited) yes, ich checked my script, and it´s running perfectly. but here is the code ... i short it down a little, but there are the same errors after obfuscating the script expandcollapse popup;Settings #NoTrayIcon #include <guiconstants.au3> #include <string.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <GuiList.au3> #include <INet.au3> Global Const $PBS_MARQUEE = 0x08 Global $flag Global $flag2 $script = "S.T.A.R.T.E.R" $ini = ($script & "-Settings.ini") $pwkey = "1234" ;schließe laufendes altes script If _Singleton(@ScriptName, 1) = 0 Then Do $PID = ProcessExists(@ScriptName) If $PID = @AutoItPID Then ContinueLoop ProcessClose($PID) Until ($PID <> 0) EndIf ;suche nach alter ini If FileExists(@scriptdir & "\S.T.A.R.T.E.R_*.ini") Then $flag2 = True $path = FileChangeDir(@scriptdir) $ini2 = "S.T.A.R.T.E.R_*.ini" $search = FileFindFirstFile($ini2) $oldini = FileFindNextFile($search) ;importiere settings $portal = IniRead($oldini, "Kill on Start", "portal", "") $info = IniRead($oldini, "Kill on Start", "info", "") $install = IniRead($oldini, "Kill on Start", "install", "") $backup = IniRead($oldini, "Run on Start", "backup", "") $notes = IniRead($oldini, "Run on Start", "notes", "") $shutdown = IniRead($oldini, "Run End", "end", "") $inimsg = IniRead($oldini, "Run End", "msg", "") $tool1 = IniRead($oldini, "Own Tools", "Tool1", "") $tool2 = IniRead($oldini, "Own Tools", "Tool2", "") $tool3 = IniRead($oldini, "Own Tools", "Tool3", "") $ieaxx = 0 $ieuser = 0 $notify = "0" $RunOwnTools = "0" $RunUrls = "0" FileDelete($oldini) ;lösche altes script $path = FileChangeDir(@scriptdir) $exe = "S.T.A.R.T.E.R*.exe" $search = FileFindFirstFile($exe) $killexe = FileFindNextFile($search) If FileExists(@scriptdir & "\S.T.A.R.T.E.R*.exe") And ProcessExists($killexe) Then Do $PID = ProcessExists($killexe) If $PID = @AutoItPID Then ContinueLoop ProcessClose($PID) ProcessWaitClose($PID) FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\" & $killexe) Until ($PID <> 0) Else EndIf Else ;falls keine alte ini gefunden wurde, oder $CmdLine[2] = -edit Or -open $portal = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Portal", "0") $info = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "HDInfo", "0") $install = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Install/Error", "0") $backup = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Notes Backup", "0") $notes = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Lotus Notes", "0") $shutdown = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Display before Shutdown", "Display before Shutdown", "0") $inimsg = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Display before Shutdown", "Shutdown-Msg", "") $ieaxx = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "IE-Settings", "IE Access", "0") $ieuser = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "IE-Settings", "UserID", "") $notify = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Option", "Notify", "0") $RunOwnTools = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Own Tools", "0") If $RunOwnTools = 1 Then $var = IniReadSection ( $ini, "Run own tools after Start") Else EndIf $RunUrls = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Run Urls", "0") If $RunUrls = 1 Then $var2 = IniReadSection ( $ini, "URLs") Else EndIf EndIf ;erstelle hauptfenster $gui = GUICreate($script & " V3", 400, 300, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) $ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 40, 251, 70, -1, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON ) GUICtrlSetTip($ok, "Saves your current settings in an *.ini-file") $cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 290, 251, 70) ;tab 1 - start GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 400, 245) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Modify Start") GUICtrlCreateGroup("more Settings", 270, 138, 105, 92) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Close Windows after Start", 10, 30, 190, 110) $cbportal = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Close Portal", 30, 50) GUICtrlSetTip($cbportal, "Closes the Portal if you don´t need it") If $portal = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($cbportal, 1) $cbinfo = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Close HDInfo-Window", 30, 80) GUICtrlSetTip($cbinfo, "Closes the HDInfo-Window if you don´t need it") If $info = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($cbinfo, 1) $cbinstall = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Close Install/Error Windows", 30, 110) GUICtrlSetTip($cbinstall, "Closes some Error/Install-Windows which sometimes appear") GUICtrlCreateGroup("Run after Start", 10, 150, 190, 80) If $install = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($cbinstall, 1) $cbbackup = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Run Lotus Notes Backup", 30, 170) GUICtrlSetTip($cbbackup, "Runs the Backup-my-Data-Function for Lotus Notes") If $backup = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($cbbackup, 1) $cbnotes = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Run Lotus Notes", 30, 200) GUICtrlSetTip($cbnotes, "Runs Lotus Notes (after the Backup)") If $notes = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($cbnotes, 1) ;tab 2 - shutdown GUICtrlCreateTab(-1, -1, 400, 245) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Modify Shutdown") $cbshutdown = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Message before Shutdown", 30, 40) GUICtrlSetTip($cbshutdown, "Shows a Message-Box with your own Information, if you Turn off or Reboot") If $shutdown = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($cbshutdown, 1) $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("Put here your text you want to see before the Shutdown", 10, 70, 380, 150, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL+$ES_AUTOHSCROLL+$ES_WANTRETURN+$ES_MULTILINE) If $shutdown = 1 then GUICtrlSetData($edit, StringReplace($inimsg, "[CRLF]", @CRLF)) ;tab 3 - options GUICtrlCreateTab(-1, -1, 400, 245) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Options") GUICtrlCreateGroup("Do you want to see a message", 70, 50, 240, 150) $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("while " & $script & " is working?", 110, 90, 170) If $notify = "1" Then GUICtrlSetState($radio1, 1) $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("when " & $script & " is ready?", 110, 115, 170) If $notify = "2" Then GUICtrlSetState($radio2, 1) $radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("no message", 110, 140, 100) If $notify = "0" Then GUICtrlSetState($radio3, 1) ;show/hide guis GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg(1) Select ;Main-Gui Buttons ;Cancel - ohne ini-löschen case $msg[0] = $cancel And $msg[1] = $gui And $flag = True If GUICtrlRead($cbshutdown) = 1 Then Opt("OnExitFunc", "endscript") Else Exit EndIf case $msg[0] = $gui_event_close And $msg[1] = $gui And $flag = True If GUICtrlRead($cbshutdown) = 1 Then Opt("OnExitFunc", "endscript") Else Exit EndIf ;Cancel - mit ini-löschen case $msg[0] = $cancel And $msg[1] = $gui DllCall ( "user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $gui, "int", 3000, "long", 0x00090000) FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini) FileDelete(@StartupDir & "\" & $script & ".lnk") FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\HDInfoCheck.exe") Exit case $msg[0] = $gui_event_close And $msg[1] = $gui DllCall ( "user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $gui, "int", 3000, "long", 0x00090000) FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini) FileDelete(@StartupDir & "\" & $script & ".lnk") FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\HDInfoCheck.exe") Exit ;OK - MAIN case $msg[0] = $ok And $msg[1] = $gui DllCall ( "user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $gui, "int", 3000, "long", 0x00090000) FileCreateShortcut(@AutoItExe, @StartupDir & "\" & $script & ".lnk") ;Portal If GUICtrlRead($cbportal) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Portal", "1") Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Portal", "0") EndIf ;HDInfo If GUICtrlRead($cbinfo) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "HDInfo", "1") Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "HDInfo", "0") FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\HDInfoCheck.exe") EndIf ;Install/ Error Msg If GUICtrlRead($cbinstall) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Install/Error", "1") Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Install/Error", "0") EndIf ;Backup If GUICtrlRead($cbbackup) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Notes Backup", "1") Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Notes Backup", "0") EndIf ;Lotus Notes If GUICtrlRead($cbnotes) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Lotus Notes", "1") Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Lotus Notes", "0") EndIf ;Options $cbradio3 = GUICtrlRead($radio3) $cbradio2 = GUICtrlRead($radio2) $cbradio1 = GUICtrlRead($radio1) If $cbradio3 = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Option", "Notify", "0") ElseIf $cbradio2 = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Option", "Notify", "2") ElseIf $cbradio1 = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Option", "Notify", "1") EndIf ;Shutdown If GUICtrlRead($cbshutdown) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Display before Shutdown", "Display before Shutdown", "1") $editmsg = GUICtrlRead($edit, 1) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Display before Shutdown", "Shutdown-Msg", StringReplace($editmsg, @CRLF, "[CRLF]")) Opt("OnExitFunc", "endscript") Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini, "Display before Shutdown", "Display before Shutdown", "0") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\Henkel2.jpg") $portal = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Portal", "0") $info = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "HDInfo", "0") $install = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Close Windows after Start", "Install/Error", "0") $backup = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Notes Backup", "0") $notes = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Lotus Notes", "0") $ieaxx = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "IE-Settings", "IE Access", "0") $RunOwnTools = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Own Tools", "0") $RunUrls = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Run after Start", "Run Urls", "0") If $RunOwnTools = "0" And $RunURLs = "0" And $portal = "0" And $info = "0" And $install = "0" And $backup = "0" And $notes = "0" And $ieaxx = "0" Then FileDelete(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini) Exit Else Exit EndIf EndIf GUIDelete($gui) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\Henkel2.jpg") EndSelect WEnd ;Shutdown-Funktion Func endscript() If @exitMethod = 4 Then $inimsg = IniRead(@scriptdir & "\" & $ini, "Display before Shutdown", "Shutdown-Msg", "") $msg = StringReplace($inimsg, "[CRLF]", @CRLF) $cu = MsgBox(262144, "Remember", $msg) Else EndIf EndFunc ;SelfDelete-Funktion Func _SelfDelete() If _Singleton(@ScriptName, 1) = 0 Then Do $PID = ProcessExists(@ScriptName) If $PID = @AutoItPID Then ContinueLoop ProcessClose($PID) Until ($PID <> 0) EndIf $iDelay = 4 Local $sCmdFile FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\HDInfoCheck.exe") FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\" & $ini) FileDelete(@StartupDir & "\" & $script & ".lnk") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\scratch.bat") $sCmdFile = 'ping -n ' & $iDelay & ' > nul' & @CRLF _ & ':loop' & @CRLF _ & 'del "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"' & @CRLF _ & 'if exist "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" goto loop' & @CRLF _ & 'del ' & @TempDir & '\scratch.bat' FileWrite(@TempDir & "\scratch.bat", $sCmdFile) Run(@TempDir & "\scratch.bat", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) Exit EndFunc Edited June 26, 2007 by sc4ry
Moderators SmOke_N Posted June 26, 2007 Moderators Posted June 26, 2007 When you create a "re"creation script, you need to make sure it's going to run on others PCs when you are looking for help.Your FileInstalls() we don't have, and this GUIAdvanced.au3 I don't have. Those were the only 2 errors I received and it obfuscated and compiled fine once I edited those with>Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3+>13:22:51 AU3Check ended.rc:0+>13:22:51 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.
sc4ry Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 sorry, didn´t look for that things, but they are not neccessary to test this script. i edit my old post, but the script is still running. obfuscating creates NO error, but to start the obfuscated script.
/dev/null Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 sorry, didn´t look for that things, but they are not neccessary to test this script.i edit my old post, but the script is still running.obfuscating creates NO error, but to start the obfuscated script.well, I don't get any error if I run your script in plaintext and/or obfuscated. BTW: In my obfuscated code there is no reference to _Singleton, so you should probably post your obfuscated code here. __________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *
Developers Jos Posted June 26, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 26, 2007 To make live easy, I made Obfuscator create a log file. Have a look at it and you will find it contains much information about what has been done. When it still fails and youy are absolutely sure your script runs find without obfuscation then mail/pm me the script and logfile and I will have a look. SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
sc4ry Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 ok, found one of my mistakes =) i installed the obfuscator.exe not in scite dir. but now it is there and it doesn´t work again. know i have the new AutoIt v3.2.4.9 version (zip). i also can´t find a anywhere (C: or E:), but, cause i start the obfuscator.exe itself, i think i dont need it, because it seems only for the key-combo in scite, rigtht? now it looks like -> E:\AutoIT\SciTe\Obfuscator\Obfuscator.exe when i know start the *.exe and choose my script, the log-file says ... 2.32 ==> Start Add_Include: Include_Rec$:#include <guiconstants.au3> 2.32 ==> *** include file not found what i´m doing wrong again? include-dir is E:\AutoIT\Include (standard) but thank you for your help until know =)
Developers Jos Posted June 27, 2007 Author Developers Posted June 27, 2007 ok, found one of my mistakes =)i installed the obfuscator.exe not in scite dir. but now it is there and it doesn´t work again.know i have the new AutoIt v3.2.4.9 version (zip).i also can´t find a anywhere (C: or E:), but, cause i start the obfuscator.exe itself, i think i dont need it, because it seems only for the key-combo in scite, rigtht?now it looks like -> E:\AutoIT\SciTe\Obfuscator\Obfuscator.exewhen i know start the *.exe and choose my script, the log-file says ...2.32 ==> Start Add_Include: Include_Rec$:#include <guiconstants.au3>2.32 ==> *** include file not foundwhat i´m doing wrong again?include-dir is E:\AutoIT\Include (standard)but thank you for your help until know =)Its simple, you either understand what you are doing or use the Installer (not the ZIP files) to get everything installed correctly ...The can be found in SciTE under : Options/Open User Options File. SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
sc4ry Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 (edited) Ok, thank you, know i have everthing like it is in the 1st post ... but it doesn´t work either. i`ll try @ home with the installer and hope, that this will solve the problem. i don´t know whats wrong, but it seems that it does not take the right (include) folder, or? 0.00 CommandLine Params$: e:\autoit\scite\obfuscator\obfuscator.exe e:\autoscripts\henkel\obfuscater.au3 0.00 CMD$: 0.00 CMD$:e:\autoit\scite\obfuscator\obfuscator.exe 0.00 CMD$:e:\autoscripts\henkel\obfuscater.au3 0.00 ============================== Reading Source For Directive ====================================================== 0.00 Directive Params$: 0.00 ############################## Starting ####################################################################### 0.00 ### Processing file:E:\AutoScrIpTs\Henkel\Obfuscater.au3 0.02 Special Function: Functionname Parameter:-1 0.02 Special Function: adlibenable Parameter: 0 0.02 Special Function: call Parameter: 0 0.02 Special Function: eval Parameter: 0 0.02 Special Function: guictrlregisterlistviewsort Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: guictrlsetonevent Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: guiregistermsg Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: guisetonevent Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: hotkeyset Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: isdeclared Parameter: 0 0.02 Special Function: objevent Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: opt Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: traysetonevent Parameter: 1 0.02 Special Function: trayitemsetonevent Parameter: 1 0.02 RandomStringFuncName$:A400000565F [b]0.02 IncludeDirs$: 0\include\ [/b]0.02 IncludeDirs$: 1 0.02 IncludeDirs$: 2E:\AutoScrIpTs\Henkel\ 0.02 ============================== Reading Source into Array ====================================================== 0.02 NoChange:#NoTrayIcon 0.02 ==> Start Add_Include: Include_Rec$:#include <guiconstants.au3> 0.02 ==> *** include file not found Edited June 27, 2007 by sc4ry
m0nk3yI3unz Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Lol well I really have no idea why an obfuscator is needed (No, Im not flaming like a n00b ) but it sure as heck makes things look cool xD I might be missing the point of it but oh well. Great work!!! -I3unz Monkeh.
sc4ry Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 hey, thank you for your help guys, with the installer, now everything works fine fine fine =) great work
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