Developers Jos Posted April 7, 2007 Developers Posted April 7, 2007 (edited) Development and Support for Obfuscator has ended per direct! A new program will be supplied with the next SciTE4AutoIt3 installer called Au3Stripper which will contain the /StripOnly functionality with some extra options to limit the size of the output scriptfile. For clarity: This is not open for discussion. The source will not be available to anybody to continue development. It has been an interesting project in which I have spent much more time than ever anticipated, but it has been a learning experience. Cheers Jos Edited May 4, 2014 by Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
=sinister= Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 (edited) This is just fantastic! The thing I like about this is that you can obfuscate the code more than once without errors. Great Job! Edited January 5, 2009 by =sinister= Krankios 1
Paulie Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 My friend, you are a genius. And don't let anyone piss and moan about any minor problems, because this was obviously a ton of work, and works amazingly. Only solve problems that you want to solve. Congratulations. Krankios 1
Valuater Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 (edited) I tested this on a number of files and it worked great!!! thx however, I "tried" to make it error now while still in beta Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\ROBERT M\Desktop\Obfuscator\test2_Obfuscated.au3" C:\Documents and Settings\ROBERT M\Desktop\Obfuscator\test2_Obfuscated.au3 (642) : ==> Unknown function name.: If Not StringInStr(Execute(A2C255B1("BEB1ADAAA7AEBB")),A2C255B1("A9B7B0CDCCA1A9B7B0BAB1A9AD")) Then AdlibEnable(A2C255B1("A1AC9B9A8B9D9BB39B93918C87"), 500) ->23:52:56 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 +>23:52:57 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished >Exit code: 1 Time: 1.524 2.31 New:Dim $A53F05D2E43C33, $A2B4C461D5F20E52 = 0 2.31 Org:If Not StringInStr(@OSTYPE,"WIN32_WINDOWS") Then AdlibEnable("_ReduceMemory", 500) 2.31 New:If Not StringInStr(Execute(A2C255B1("BEB1ADAAA7AEBB")),A2C255B1("A9B7B0CDCCA1A9B7B0BAB1A9AD")) Then AdlibEnable(A2C255B1("A1AC9B9A8B9D9BB39B93918C87"), 500) 2.31 Org:$gui = GuiCreate(....... expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> Dim $XS_n, $x = 0 If Not StringInStr(@OSTYPE,"WIN32_WINDOWS") Then AdlibEnable("_ReduceMemory", 500) $gui = GuiCreate("MyGUI", 350, 42,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) XPStyle(1) $Pic_1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 10, 340, 20) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Pic_1,0xff0000) ;Red $Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 10, 340, 20) $Label_3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 13, 5, 15, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor( -1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT ) XPStyle(0) GuiSetState() do $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then ExitLoop $pos = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$Label_2) if $pos[0] < 340 then GUICtrlSetPos($Label_2,$pos[0]+((360/100)*1),10) GUICtrlSetPos($Label_3, 10, 13, $pos[0]+((360/100)*1),15) GUICtrlSetData( $Label_3, int($pos[0]+((360/100)*1)) & "%") EndIf Sleep(20) if $x = 0 then if $pos[0] > 339.9 then MsgBox(0,"test","Done!") $x = 1 EndIf EndIf $msg = GuiGetMsg() if $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then Exit until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Func XpStyle($OnOff = 1) If $OnOff And StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") Then $XS_n = DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "int", "GetThemeAppProperties") DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0) Return 1 ElseIf StringInStr(@OSTYPE, "WIN32_NT") And IsArray($XS_n) Then DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", $XS_n[0]) $XS_n = "" Return 1 EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>XPStyle Func _ReduceMemory() Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) If @error Then Return 1 Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ;==>_ReduceMemory the problem seems to be related to _ReduceMemory Thanks for taking this on JdeB 8) EDIT: nopper... removed the underline"_" and still got this error >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\ROBERT M\Desktop\Obfuscator\test3_Obfuscated.au3" C:\Documents and Settings\ROBERT M\Desktop\Obfuscator\test3_Obfuscated.au3 (642) : ==> Unknown function name.: If Not StringInStr(Execute(A2C255B1("BEB1ADAAA7AEBB")),A2C255B1("A9B7B0CDCCA1A9B7B0BAB1A9AD")) Then AdlibEnable(A2C255B1("AC9B9A8B9D9BB39B93918C87"), 500) ->00:16:37 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 +>00:16:38 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished >Exit code: 1 Time: 1.933 8) Edited April 8, 2007 by Valuater
Developers Jos Posted April 8, 2007 Author Developers Posted April 8, 2007 (edited) I tested this on a number of files and it worked great!!! thx however, I "tried" to make it error now while still in beta 2.31 New:Dim $A53F05D2E43C33, $A2B4C461D5F20E52 = 0 2.31 Org:If Not StringInStr(@OSTYPE,"WIN32_WINDOWS") Then AdlibEnable("_ReduceMemory", 500) 2.31 New:If Not StringInStr(Execute(A2C255B1("BEB1ADAAA7AEBB")),A2C255B1("A9B7B0CDCCA1A9B7B0BAB1A9AD")) Then AdlibEnable(A2C255B1("A1AC9B9A8B9D9BB39B93918C87"), 500) 2.31 Org:$gui = GuiCreate(....... All, thanks for the feedback. @Val thanks for the testing ... I was pretty sure I had missed items like so appreciate the testing! I have added adlibenable to check for a Func name in the first string parameter. Obfuscator is now checking in these for Func names in the listed Parameter: call 1 hotkeyset 2 guiregistermsg 2 adlibenable 1 Pls try the new version attached to the first post to see if that solves it for you .. Enjoy Edited April 8, 2007 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Thunder-man Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 Hi, cool Tool. I become this Error. -> ### Obfuscation Warning: Found Eval() statement which could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. -> ### current Func:_ArrayCreate E:\Programme\AutoIt3\include\Array.au3(101,1) Warning for line:$av_Array[$i_Index] = Eval("v_" & String($i_Index))
Developers Jos Posted April 8, 2007 Author Developers Posted April 8, 2007 Hi, cool Tool. I become this Error. -> ### Obfuscation Warning: Found Eval() statement which could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. -> ### current Func:_ArrayCreate E:\Programme\AutoIt3\include\Array.au3(101,1) Warning for line:$av_Array[$i_Index] = Eval("v_" & String($i_Index)) Yes, which tells you that Obfuscator has detected the use of Eval() and warns you about the possible problem with the obfuscated source. It is up to you to determine if this is an true issue or not ... Looking at the code I think it is and this source cannot be obfuscated since you work with Eval()... SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Thunder-man Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 Yes, which tells you that Obfuscator has detected the use of Eval() and warns you about the possible problem with the obfuscated source. It is up to you to determine if this is an true issue or not ... Looking at the code I think it is and this source cannot be obfuscated since you work with Eval()... Yes, but I use... If $CmdLine[1] = "yes" Then _1() If $CmdLine[2] = "beep" Then _2() and For $i = 1 To $WinPath_array[0] Not Eval() directly
Developers Jos Posted April 8, 2007 Author Developers Posted April 8, 2007 (edited) Yes, but I use... If $CmdLine[1] = "yes" Then _1() If $CmdLine[2] = "beep" Then _2() and For $i = 1 To $WinPath_array[0] Not Eval() directly See it now... this is only an issue when you use :_ArrayCreate() .... so nothing to worry about for you unless you really use _ArrayCreate(). This UDF is part of the Array.Au3 and this warning will show when you have #Include<array.au3> in your source . Edited April 8, 2007 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Thunder-man Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 See it now... this is only an issue when you use :_ArrayCreate() .... so nothing to worry about for you unless you really use _ArrayCreate(). This UDF is part of the Array.Au3 and this warning will show when you have #Include<array.au3> in your source .OkThanks
xwinterx Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 I get problems with the GUISetOnEvent and GUICtrlSetOnEvent. expandcollapse popup; Just some comments!!!!!! ; more comments! ; ; and even more!!! ; Global $some_var = 0 Global $var1,$var2 Global $some_var2 = $some_var + 1 Dim $some_array[2] Global $another_var = "MyGUI" Global $s_var Global $openedfile Global $file Global $file_1 Global $file_2 Global Const $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3 $var1 = 1 $var2 = 2 $file_1 = "test_1" $file_2 = "test_2" ;$CmdLine Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) FileInstall("test_file3.au3", "test_file1.au3") $openedfile = FileOpen("test_file1.au3", 0) HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "Test_Func") GuiCreate("MyGUI", 326, 132,-1, -1) $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Label1", 10, 20, 50, 20) $Input_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input2", 30, 70, 70, 20) $Button_3 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Button3", 150, 50, 70, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Test_Func") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Quit") GuiSetState() While 1 ;$msg = GuiGetMsg() ; ;Select ; Case $msg = -3 ; ExitLoop ; Case Else ; ;;; ;EndSelect Sleep(10) WEnd $some_var = 2 Test_Func($var1) Exit Func Quit() Exit EndFunc ; just a fake function Func Test_Func($s_var) Local $test_var = "I am Done!" Local $test_var3 = "Done" Local $test_var4 = "Gone" ;$test_var2 = StringRegExpReplace($test_var, $test_var3, $test_var4) StringRegExpReplace($test_var, $test_var3, $test_var4) MsgBox(4096, "Test", $test_var & " " & $s_var & @CRLF & @TempDir) EndFuncoÝ÷ Ú;¬µ©b¶Ù^¦º ©«ÞºÇ¶^²Ô"¶¡zr(mû¬q«^Ü"¶aȶêç²)í¡«¢+Ù±½°ÀÌØíÐÄÄÔÐäÍÐÈÈÜÄÀÐÄôÀ)±½°ÀÌØíÌÀÌàÔØÅÕÄÔØÔ°ÀÌØíÑÌÌÑÅÑÈäÑ)±½°ÀÌØí ÐÐÌÜÑÌäÌÜÅôÀÌØíÐÄÄÔÐäÍÐÈÈÜÄÀÐĬÄ)¥´ÀÌØíÉÑàÈÀÌäÌÄÍÑ lÉt)±½°ÀÌØíÕÈÐÉÌÐàÌÄÔÅôÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíÌàÝå ÜÅÕ½Ðì¤)±½°ÀÌØíÐØÀÕÄÔÐÉÈÙ)±½°ÀÌØíÔÜÄÀÈÄØÁÑÈØÔä)±½°ÀÌØíÌÕØÈÐÑÉÔÜÔä)±½°ÀÌØíÈØØÀÔÕÉÅÄàÔÈ)±½°ÀÌØíÉÄàÈÌÄÌÉÌÀÍÉ)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØíÕØÌÔÐàÉÐÔÅÉô´Ì(ÀÌØíÌÀÌàÔØÅÕÄÔØÔôÄ(ÀÌØíÑÌÌÑÅÑÈäÑôÈ(ÀÌØíÈØØÀÔÕÉÅÄàÔÈôÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐìáåááÅ ÅÕ½Ðì¤(ÀÌØíÉÄàÈÌÄÌÉÌÀÍÉôÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐìáåááÅ ÅÕ½Ðì¤)=ÁСÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½Ðíå ÝÄäÁ ààåäÀáÌäÄååÅÕ½Ð줰Ĥ)¥±%¹Íѱ° ÅÕ½ÐíÑÍÑ}¥±Ì¹ÔÌÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½ÐíÑÍÑ}¥±Ä¹ÔÌÅÕ½Ðì¤(ÀÌØíÔÜÄÀÈÄØÁÑÈØÔäô¥±=Á¸¡ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐìáåááÄäàäÜäÈå Àåá ÅÕ½Ð줰À¤)!½Ñ-åMСÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐìàÕ àÌÅÕ½Ð줰ÅÕ½ÐíÔÙÐÈÈÈÌÑÔÄÌàÅÕ½Ðì¤)Õ¥ ÉÑ¡ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíÌàÝå ÜÅÕ½Ð줰ÌÈØ°ÄÌÈ°´Ä°´Ä¤(ÀÌØíÔÈÔØÌÄàÅÄÜÌÔÐôÕ¥ Ñɱ ÉÑ1°¡ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíÈåååäÉ ÅÕ½Ð줰ÄÀ°ÈÀ°ÔÀ°ÈÀ¤(ÀÌØíÌÀØÀÈÔÑÍÐÔÑÌÔôÕ¥ Ñɱ ÉÑ%¹ÁÕСÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíÜäÀááá ÅÕ½Ð줰ÌÀ°ÜÀ°ÜÀ°ÈÀ¤(ÀÌØíÌØÐÔÉÔàÈÐÈÀÈÌôÕ¥ Ñɱ ÉÑ ÕÑѽ¸¡ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½Ðí áááäÄäÁ ÅÕ½Ð줰ÄÔÀ°ÔÀ°ÜÀ°ÌÀ¤)U% ÑɱMÑ=¹Ù¹Ð ´Ä°ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíåááÅàáäÀåÅÕ½Ð줤)U%MÑ=¹Ù¹Ð ÀÌØíÕØÌÔÐàÉÐÔÅÉ°ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíáäÜáÅÕ½Ð줤)Õ¥MÑMÑÑ ¤)]¡¥±Ä)M±À ÄÀ¤)]¹(ÀÌØíÐÄÄÔÐäÍÐÈÈÜÄÀÐÄôÈ)ÔÙÐÈÈÈÌÑÔÄÌà ÀÌØíÌÀÌàÔØÅÕÄÔØÔ¤)á¥Ð)Õ¹ÌÜÌÌØÐÌÀÐÈÉÌä ¤)á¥Ð)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÔÙÐÈÈÈÌÑÔÄÌà ÀÌØíÐØÀÕÄÔÐÉÈÙ¤)1½°ÀÌØíÉÑÈàÜÅÐôÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíÝåäÍ äÄäÀå ÅÕ½Ðì¤)1½°ÀÌØíÄÈØÈàÐÈÔáÈàÄÀôÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½Ðí äÄäÀåÅÕ½Ðì¤)1½°ÀÌØíÌÜÔÑÉÔÌÀÄÌÐäôÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíääÄäÀåÅÕ½Ðì¤)MÑÉ¥¹IáÁIÁ± ÀÌØíÉÑÈàÜÅаÀÌØíÄÈØÈàÐÈÔáÈàÄÀ°ÀÌØíÌÜÔÑÉÔÌÀÄÌÐä¤)5Í ½à ÐÀäØ°ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíåááÅÕ½Ð줰ÀÌØíÉÑÈàÜÅеÀìÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½ÐíÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÀÌØíÐØÀÕÄÔÐÉÈÙµÀìáÕÑ¡ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½Ðí ÉàÅÕ½Ð줤µÀìáÕÑ¡ÑÌÄÕÄ ÅÕ½Ðí åäÌá äÜáÅÕ½Ð줤¤)¹Õ¹()Õ¹ÉÈÈÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔĤ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÈÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÔÔÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔȤ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÔÔÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÑÌÄÕÄ ÀÌØíÑÌÄÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÑÌÄÕÄÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÑÌÄÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÑÌÄÕÄȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÑÌÄÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÑÌÄÕÄÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÈÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÄÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÔÉÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÐФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÔÔÉÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÌÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉÈ)¹Õ¹ errors about the unk function name when setting the events.
Developers Jos Posted April 8, 2007 Author Developers Posted April 8, 2007 I get problems with the GUISetOnEvent and GUICtrlSetOnEvent.Added those .... thanks SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Valuater Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 That worked Great!! tried a few more and they worked too!! so, I tried with Autoit 1-2-3 ( a large script ) and only found 1 error >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta\autoit3.exe "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Examples\Autoit-123\autoit-123-demo20_Obfuscated.au3" C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Examples\Autoit-123\autoit-123-demo20_Obfuscated.au3 (747) : ==> Unknown function name.: GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, A1C93873("BF8B8A91B78AA1969B928E")) ->08:51:31 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 +>08:51:33 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished >Exit code: 1 Time: 6.447 4.06 Org:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoIt_help") 4.06 New:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, A1C93873("BF8B8A91B78AA1969B928E")) ; and 4.11 Org:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoIt_help") 4.11 New:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, A1C93873("BF8B8A91B78AA1969B928E")) Script is too large to display... Thanks again! 8)
Developers Jos Posted April 8, 2007 Author Developers Posted April 8, 2007 That worked Great!! tried a few more and they worked too!! so, I tried with Autoit 1-2-3 ( a large script ) and only found 1 error 4.06 Org:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoIt_help") 4.06 New:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, A1C93873("BF8B8A91B78AA1969B928E")) ; and 4.11 Org:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "AutoIt_help") 4.11 New:GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, A1C93873("BF8B8A91B78AA1969B928E")) Script is too large to display... Thanks again! 8) Did you use the latest posted version which is supposed to have a fix for GUICtrlSetOnEvent() ? SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Valuater Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 (edited) Did you use the latest posted version which is supposed to have a fix for GUICtrlSetOnEvent() ?Yepper...0.00 AutoIt3 Source Obfuscator v0.0.0.23 Copyright © Jos van der Zande April 8, 2007I was thinking... Maybe because it has the word "Autoit" in the function name ???8) Edited April 8, 2007 by Valuater
Danny35d Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 JdeB thanks for you hard work, this obfuscator is great. The problem seems to be dealing with arrays. >"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\harddisklist_Obfuscated.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams +>12:13:13 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.1.7.6 >Running AU3Check ( params: from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 +>12:13:13 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\harddisklist_Obfuscated.au3" C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\harddisklist_Obfuscated.au3 (3) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: For $A1C52273D23122A28 = 1 To $A487D314115BB[0] For $A1C52273D23122A28 = 1 To $A487D314115BB^ ERROR +>12:13:14 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 +>12:13:15 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished >Exit code: 0 Time: 1.759expandcollapse popupLocal $Output $ret = _GetHardDiskLetter() For $x = 1 To $ret[0] $Output &= '[' & $x & '] = ' & $ret[$x] & @CRLF Next MsgBox(0, 'Drive List', $Output) Exit Func _GetHardDiskLetter() Local $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 Local $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 Local $sName Local $colItems = "" Local $strComputer = "localhost" Dim $sDrive[1] $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive", "WQL", _ $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($colItems) then For $objItem In $colItems If $objItem.InterfaceType <> 'usb' Then $sName = StringReplace($objItem.DeviceID, '\', '\\') $objPartition = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=""" & $sName & """} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition", "WQL", _ $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($objPartition) Then For $objPart In $objPartition $objLogicalDisk = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=""" & $objPart.DeviceID & _ """} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($objLogicalDisk) Then For $objDisk in $objLogicalDisk ReDim $sDrive[UBound($sDrive) + 1] $sDrive[UBound($sDrive) - 1] = $objDisk.Name Next EndIf Next EndIf EndIf Next $sDrive[0] = UBound($sDrive) - 1 If $sDrive[0] = 0 Then $sDrive = '' Else Msgbox(0,"WMI Output","No WMI Objects Found for class: " & "Win32_DiskDrive" ) Endif Return($sDrive) EndFunc oÝ÷ Ù«¢+Ù1½°ÀÌØíÔÌÌÔÄàÅÌÜÔÅ(ÀÌØíÐàÝÌÄÐÄÄÕ ôÄÐÈÔÑÌàÈÐÐÕÕ ¤)½ÈÀÌØíÅÔÈÈÜÍÈÌÄÈÉÈàôÄQ¼ÀÌØíÐàÝÌÄÐÄÄÕ lÁt(ÀÌØíÔÌÌÔÄàÅÌÜÔŵÀìôÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíÔÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÀÌØíÅÔÈÈÜÍÈÌÄÈÉÈàµÀìÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíÍÍÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÀÌØíÐàÝÌÄÐÄÄÕ lÀÌØíÅÔÈÈÜÍÈÌÄÈÉÈátµÀìáÕÑ¡ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí ÉàÅÕ½Ð줤)9áÐ)5Í ½à À°ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí áäÜààå ÈäÜááÅÕ½Ð줰ÀÌØíÔÌÌÔÄàÅÌÜÔŤ)á¥Ð)Õ¹ÄÐÈÔÑÌàÈÐÐÕÕ ¤)1½°ÀÌØíÄÀÈÄÜÄàÅÄØÉØôÁàÄÀ)1½°ÀÌØíÔÈØÑäÄÄÐÈÑØÌôÁàÈÀ)1½°ÀÌØíÑÉÍÉÌØÕÕÈÜ)1½°ÀÌØíÄÜÈääÄÔÐÈØÄÐÅôÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì)1½°ÀÌØíÌÈÌÐÄÔÔÄÐÉÄÐÌÈôÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐìäÈäÄååäÈäØäÄááÅÕ½Ðì¤)¥´ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌÝlÅt(ÀÌØíÐÔÍÈÑÌØØÄÕô=©Ð¡ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐìàääÜäÀäÌäääÌááÑÉÈÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÀÌØíÌÈÌÐÄÔÔÄÐÉÄÐÌȵÀìÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíÈáäÄäÄáÉ ÝÍá ÅÕ½Ð줤(ÀÌØíÄÜÈääÄÔÐÈØÄÐÅôÀÌØíÐÔÍÈÑÌØØÄÕ¹áEÕÉä¡ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí É Ñá ÅÍääÜäÁ Å äÜáäÕ áäÜààåÅÕ½Ð줰ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíåÈÅÕ½Ð줰|(ÀÌØíÄÀÈÄÜÄàÅÄØÉجÀÌØíÔÈØÑäÄÄÐÈÑØ̤)%%Í=¨ ÀÌØíÄÜÈääÄÔÐÈØÄÐŤѡ¸)½ÈÀÌØíÔØÌÅÌÐÄÐÄàÑÌÈ%¸ÀÌØíÄÜÈääÄÔÐÈØÄÐÅ)%ÀÌØíÔØÌÅÌÐÄÐÄàÑÌȹ%¹ÑÉQåÁ±ÐìÐìÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐìááåÅÕ½Ðì¤Q¡¸(ÀÌØíÑÉÍÉÌØÕÕÈÜôMÑÉ¥¹IÁ± ÀÌØíÔØÌÅÌÐÄÐÄàÑÌȹ٥%°ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíÈÅÕ½Ð줰ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíÉÈÅÕ½Ð줤(ÀÌØíÈÌÕÌÌÌÐÐàÉÕôÀÌØíÐÔÍÈÑÌØØÄÕ¹áEÕÉä¡ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí Å Ý Å ÅáàÕääÜäÁ Å äÜáäÕ áäÜààå Á åààäÜåå Ý Í ÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÀÌØíÑÉÍÉÌØÕÕÈܵÀìÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí àÍåÙ ááäÄå äÈåááÍääÜäÁ Å äÜáäÕ áäÜààå äÅ äÜáäÕåááäÜáäÜäÄäÀÅÕ½Ð줰ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíåÈÅÕ½Ð줰|(ÀÌØíÄÀÈÄÜÄàÅÄØÉجÀÌØíÔÈØÑäÄÄÐÈÑØ̤)%%Í=¨ ÀÌØíÈÌÕÌÌÌÐÐàÉÕ¤Q¡¸)½ÈÀÌØíÄäàÐäÌÐÐàÕÍÔ%¸ÀÌØíÈÌÕÌÌÌÐÐàÉÕ(ÀÌØíÑÌÀÄÈÈØÄØÌÀÕÕôÀÌØíÐÔÍÈÑÌØØÄÕ¹áEÕÉä¡ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí Å Ý Å ÅáàÕääÜäÁ Å äÜáäÕåááäÜáäÜäÄäÁÁ åààäÜåå Ý Í ÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÀÌØíÄäàÐäÌÐÐàÕÍÔ¹Ù¥%µÀì|)ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½Ðí àÍåÙ ááäÄå äÈåááÍääÜäÁ ÅÈäÄäääÜååäÉ äÜáäÕäÅåááäÜáäÜäÄäÀÅÕ½Ð줰ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíåÈÅÕ½Ð줰ÀÌØíÄÀÈÄÜÄàÅÄØÉجÀÌØíÔÈØÑäÄÄÐÈÑØ̤)%%Í=¨ ÀÌØíÑÌÀÄÈÈØÄØÌÀÕÕ¤Q¡¸)½ÈÀÌØíÌÜÔØÈÜÀÄÔØÌÉÔÄ¥¸ÀÌØíÑÌÀÄÈÈØÄØÌÀÕÕ)I¥´ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌÝmU ½Õ¹ ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌܤ¬Åt(ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌÝmU ½Õ¹ ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌܤ´ÅtôÀÌØíÌÜÔØÈÜÀÄÔØÌÉÔĹ9µ)9áÐ)¹%)9áÐ)¹%)¹%)9áÐ(ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌÝlÁtôU ½Õ¹ ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌܤ´Ä)%ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌÝlÁtôÀQ¡¸ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌÜôÌäìÌäì)±Í)5ͽà À±ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíåÍÝÄáááááÅÕ½Ð줱ÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíÀäÅåÍÝÄåäÐååááàäÄáäÀåäàäÄá åäÈåááÑÅÕ½Ð줵ÀìÅÐäÕÈ ÅÕ½ÐíääÜäÁ Å äÜáäÕ áäÜààåÅÕ½Ð줤)¹¥)IÑÕɸ ÀÌØíÌØÈÔÀÌåÉÌܤ)¹Õ¹()Õ¹ÉÈÈÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÈÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔĤ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÈÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÔÔÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÔÔÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔȤ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÔÔÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÅÐäÕÈ ÀÌØíÅÐäÕȤ)1½°ÀÌØíÅÐäÕÈÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÅÐäÕȤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÅÐäÕÈȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÅÐäÕÈ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÅÐäÕÈÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÈÕÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÄÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÈÕÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÔÉÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÈÐФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÉÈ)¹Õ¹)Õ¹ÉÈÔÔÔÉÄ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉĤ)1½°ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉÈ)½ÈÀÌØíàôÄѼMÑÉ¥¹1¸ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉĤÍÑÀÈ(ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉȵÀìô ¡È¡ ¥Ña=H¡¡MÑÉ¥¹5¥ ÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉÄ°ÀÌØíà°È¤¤°ÌÔФ¤)9áÐ)IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÈÔÔÔÉÈ)¹Õ¹( AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
Developers Jos Posted April 8, 2007 Author Developers Posted April 8, 2007 (edited) JdeB thanks for you hard work, this obfuscator is great. The problem seems to be dealing with arrays.Your problem comes from the issue that Strings were not converted correctly when it contains "" or '' which made your Query go wrong.Should be fix in v0.0.0.25 Edited April 8, 2007 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
GaryFrost Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 Your problem comes from the issue that Strings were not converted correctly when it contains "" or '' which made your Query go wrong.Should be fix in v0.0.0.25The latest is looking good SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Xenobiologist Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 Hi, first of all! Great! And great idea to include it in Scite! There is a problem with äüö in e.g. names of buttons. So long, Mega Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion) LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication) _RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...) Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc. MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times
PantZ4 Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 Hi,first of all! Great! And great idea to include it in Scite! There is a problem with äüö in e.g. names of buttons.So long,MegaAnd æøå.Besides that, perfect!
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