Paulie Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 My Current Code:_permutate("a","b","c") Func _Permutate($item1, $item2, $item3="",$item4="",$item5="",$item6="",$item7="",$item8="",$item9="",$item10="",);There are way more than 10 parameters here Local $b=0,$c=0 ;Gets items in parameters into an array. For $a = 1 to 250 If Not Eval("item"&$a) = "" Then $b+=1 EndIf Next Local $items[$b+1] $items[0] = $b For $a = 1 to 250 If Not Eval("item"&$a) = "" Then $c+=1 $items[$c] = String(Eval("item"&$a)) EndIf Next ;================================== ;Permutate ;..... EndFuncMy Problem:I need to figure out what to put at the end of this function that can take the items in array "$items[]" and arrange them in every possible order.Basically, I need the code above to return:(preferably in an array)CODEabcabacbabccacbabcacbbacbcacabcbaThis would normally just require some For...Next loops, however, it needs to also work with other thingsfor instance it would need to be able to do the same for "a"b"c"d"I've been at this for a while, and my brains going any ideas?
improbability_paradox Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Here is the beginnings of a solution that I just put together. It took me awhile to get it to work how I intended, and I believe that it could be optimized considerably (the code in the function is VERY sloppy at the moment...)expandcollapse popup$array=_Permutate("A|B|C",0,0,1) Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled") For $i = 0 to $array[0] Send($array[$i]) Send(@CRLF) Next Func _Permutate($PDInput, $POCount=0, $PMethod=0, $RPD=0) ;$PDInput: Structure containing data to be used for permutations ;$PDInput is a structure whose elements are separated by | ;$POCount: The number of objects in the final permutation ;$PMethod: 0=With Repetition, 1=Without Repetition, 2=Arrangements $PDInput=StringSplit($PDInput,"|") If $PDInput[0]=1 Then Return 0 $POCount=Int($POCount) If $POCount<1 Then $POCount=$PDInput[0] $PMethod=Int($PMethod) If $PMethod>2 or $PMethod<0 Then $PMethod=0 If $POCount>$PDInput[0] and $PMethod>0 Then $POCount=$PDInput[0] Local $PData Switch $PMethod Case 0 ;n^r $PData=($PDInput[0]^$POCount) If $RPD=0 Then Return $PData Local $PDataA[$PData+1] $PDataA[0]=1 Local $R[$POCount+1] $R[0]=1 Local $NPos[$POCount+1] For $NPCount = 1 to $POCount $NPos[$NPCount]=1 Next $NPos[0]=0 While 1 If $NPos[$R[0]] > $PDInput[0] Then If $R[0]=1 Then ExitLoop $NPos[$R[0]] = 1 $R[0] -= 1 ContinueLoop EndIf $R[$R[0]] = $PDInput[$NPos[$R[0]]] If $R[0]=$POCount Then If $PDataA[0] > $PData Then ReDim $PDataA[$PDataA[0]+1] For $PDCount = 1 to $POCount $PDataA[$PDataA[0]] &= $R[$PDCount] Next $PDataA[0] += 1 EndIf If $NPos[$R[0]] < $PDInput[0] Then $NPos[$R[0]] += 1 If $R[0] < $POCount Then $R[0] += 1 ElseIf $NPos[0] = 1 And $R[0] < $POCount Then $NPos[0] = 0 $NPos[$R[0]] += 1 $R[0] += 1 Else $NPos[$R[0]] = 1 $R[0] -= 1 $NPos[0] = 1 EndIf WEnd $PDataA[0] -= 1 if $PDataA[0]>$PData Then SetError(1) Return $PDataA Case 1 Case 2 EndSwitch EndFuncthe cases where $PMethod is set to 1 or 2 have obviously not been written yet. The equations that I know to calculate the number of those types of permutations rely on calculating factorials, so a function will need to be written to handle that mathematical expression. Anyway, this may work for you as a start.
DaleHohm Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 This is typically and easily resolved with recursion Try Google for "permutate recursion" and you'll find lots of example algorithms Dale Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model Automate input type=file (Related) Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded Better Better? IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead? Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble
Uten Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 JdeB's solution should give you some hints. Seems like it can be optimized a bit though, but I have not given it a try.If you are solving this with recursion remember that recursion, although a strong technique, can kill your computing speed if it forces the OS to swap data to disk. At least consider it before selecting the best implementation.. Please keep your sig. small! Use the help file. Search the forum. Then ask unresolved questions :) Script plugin demo, Simple Trace udf, TrayMenuEx udf, IOChatter demo, freebasic multithreaded dll sample, PostMessage, Aspell, Code profiling
jvanegmond Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 (edited) This one is by /dev/null expandcollapse popup$permutarray = permute("1234") $msg = "" For $n = 1 To $permutarray[0] $msg = $msg & $permutarray[$n] & @CRLF Next MsgBox(0,"", $msg) Func rotate($sString, $nRotateLevel) Local $aStringArray = StringSplit($sString,"") Local $nStartRotate = $aStringArray[0] - $nRotateLevel + 1 Local $n, $tempchar, $tempstr = "", $retval = "" For $n = 1 To $nStartRotate - 1 $tempstr= $tempstr & $aStringArray[$n] Next $tempchar = $aStringArray[$nStartRotate] For $n = $nStartRotate+1 To $aStringArray[0] $retval = $retval & $aStringArray[$n] Next $retval = $tempstr & $retval & $tempchar Return $retval EndFunc ;==>rotate Func permute_internal($sString, $nRotateLevel, ByRef $permutations) Local $n, $str Dim $arr[$nRotateLevel] If $nRotateLevel = 2 Then $permutations = $permutations & ":" & rotate($sString,$nRotateLevel) Return EndIf $str = $sString For $n = 0 To $nRotateLevel -1 $str = rotate($str,$nRotateLevel) $arr[$n] = $str ;--- special check, to stop a level beeing printed twice --- If not (($n = 0) AND (StringLen($sString) > $nRotateLevel)) Then $permutations = $permutations & ":" & $arr[$n] EndIf permute_internal($arr[$n],$nRotateLevel-1,$permutations) Next EndFunc ;==>permute_internal Func permute($sString) Global $permutations = "" permute_internal($sString,StringLen($sString),$permutations) $permutations = StringTrimLeft($permutations,1) Return StringSplit($permutations,":") EndFunc ;==>permute Edited April 6, 2007 by Manadar
DaleHohm Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 This is typically and easily resolved with recursionTry Google for "permutate recursion" and you'll find lots of example algorithmsDaleI want to refine what I said on this topic. It appears that it is a classic homework assignment to be asked to solve this both with and without recursion, so saying this is typically resolved with recursion is not accurate. Let me say instead that this can efficiently and elegantly be solved with recursion (meaning with a lot less code than without recursion).Uten, I'm not sure why you would warn against recusion as you did. There is nothing inherently bad about recursion or anything that causes hard disk writes -- it is, however, notoriously easy to mess up the recursion level exit logic and end up spinning out of control into a recursive black hole, but there is no escaping bad code and recursive routines just do a better job of punishing you for it than other approaches typically can.Dale Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model Automate input type=file (Related) Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded Better Better? IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead? Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble
improbability_paradox Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 expandcollapse popupMsgBox(0,"",_Permutate("A|A|A|B|B|C|C|C|C|D",0,2)) MsgBox(0,"",_Permutate("A|B|C|D|E",3) & @TAB & _Permutate("A|B|C|D|E",3,1) & @TAB & _Permutate("A|B|C|D|E",0,2)) $array=_Permutate("A|B|C|D|E",3,0,1,", ") Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled") For $i = 0 to $array[0] Send($array[$i]) Send(@CRLF) Next Func _Permutate($PDInput, $POCount=0, $PMethod=0, $RPD=0, $POSChars="", $PDISep="|") ;$PDInput: Structure containing data to be used for permutations ;$PDInput is a structure whose elements are separated by | (or $PDISep) ;$POCount: The number of objects in the final permutation ;$PMethod: 0=With Repetition, 1=Without Repetition, 2=Arrangements $PDInput=StringSplit($PDInput,$PDISep) If $PDInput[0]=1 Then Return 0 $POCount=Int($POCount) If $POCount<1 Then $POCount=$PDInput[0] $PMethod=Int($PMethod) If $PMethod>2 or $PMethod<0 Then $PMethod=0 If $POCount>$PDInput[0] and $PMethod>0 Then $POCount=$PDInput[0] Local $PData Switch $PMethod Case 0 ;n^r $PData=($PDInput[0]^$POCount) If $RPD=0 Then Return $PData Local $PDataA[$PData+1] $PDataA[0]=1 Local $R[$POCount+1] $R[0]=1 Local $NPos[$POCount+1] For $NPCount = 1 to $POCount $NPos[$NPCount]=1 Next $NPos[0]=0 While 1 If $NPos[$R[0]] > $PDInput[0] Then If $R[0]=1 Then ExitLoop $NPos[$R[0]] = 1 $R[0] -= 1 ContinueLoop EndIf $R[$R[0]] = $PDInput[$NPos[$R[0]]] If $R[0]=$POCount Then If $PDataA[0] > $PData Then ReDim $PDataA[$PDataA[0]+1] For $PDCount = 1 to $POCount $PDataA[$PDataA[0]] &= $R[$PDCount] & $POSChars Next $PDataA[$PDataA[0]] = StringTrimRight($PDataA[$PDataA[0]],StringLen($POSChars)) $PDataA[0] += 1 EndIf If $NPos[$R[0]] < $PDInput[0] Then $NPos[$R[0]] += 1 If $R[0] < $POCount Then $R[0] += 1 ElseIf $NPos[0] = 1 And $R[0] < $POCount Then $NPos[0] = 0 $NPos[$R[0]] += 1 $R[0] += 1 Else $NPos[$R[0]] = 1 $R[0] -= 1 $NPos[0] = 1 EndIf WEnd $PDataA[0] -= 1 if $PDataA[0]>$PData Then SetError(1) Return $PDataA Case 1 ;n!/(n-r)! or P(n,r) $PData=(_Factorial($PDInput[0],$PDInput[0]-$POCount));/_Factorial(($PDInput[0]-$POCount))) If $RPD=0 Then Return $PData Local $PDataA[$PData+1] Case 2 ;n!/(a1!*...*ak!) Local $ArrangeObjects[$PDInput[0]+1][2] $ArrangeObjects[0][0]=1 While $ArrangeObjects[0][0]<($PDInput[0]+1) For $ACount = 1 to $ArrangeObjects[0][1] If $ArrangeObjects[$ACount][1]=$PDInput[$ArrangeObjects[0][0]] Then $ArrangeObjects[0][0] += 1 ContinueLoop 2 EndIf Next $ArrangeObjects[0][1] += 1 $ArrangeObjects[$ArrangeObjects[0][1]][1]=$PDInput[$ArrangeObjects[0][0]] For $ACount = $ArrangeObjects[0][0] to $PDInput[0] If $ArrangeObjects[$ArrangeObjects[0][1]][1]=$PDInput[$ACount] Then $ArrangeObjects[$ArrangeObjects[0][1]][0] += 1 Next $ArrangeObjects[0][0] += 1 WEnd ReDim $ArrangeObjects[($ArrangeObjects[0][1]+1)][2] $ArrangeObjects[0][0]=$PDInput[0];$POCount $PData=1 For $ACount = 1 to $ArrangeObjects[0][1] $PData *= _Combination($ArrangeObjects[0][0],$ArrangeObjects[$ACount][0]) $ArrangeObjects[0][0]-=$ArrangeObjects[$ACount][0] Next If $RPD=0 Then Return $PData EndSwitch EndFunc Func _Factorial($n, $nfs=1) ;n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)...(n-(n-1)) ;0! = 1 ;a special provision ($nfs) has been incorporated to modify the ;stoping point so that it can be some number other than (n-(n-1)) $n=Int($n) If $n<0 Then Return 0 If $n<2 Then Return 1 $nfs=Int($nfs) If $nfs<1 Then $nfs=1 Local $nr=1 While $n>$nfs $nr *= $n $n -= 1 WEnd Return $nr EndFunc Func _Combination($n,$r) ;C(n,r)=n!/((n-r)!*r!) or P(n,r)/r! where P(n,r)=n!/(n-r)! $n=Int($n) $r=Int($r) ;Don't know what to do yet with zeros or negatives... If $n<1 Or $r<1 Then Return 1 Return (_Factorial($n,$n-$r)/_Factorial($r)) ;alternately: Return (_Factorial($n)/(_Factorial(($n-$r))*_Factorial($r))) EndFunc The code has been enhanced a little bit. Methods 1 and 2 should now return the correct number of possible permutations, but I have not yet written the code to return the permutations themselves. The code has not been cleaned up, but I figure that can wait until all of the methods have been completely coded.
litlmike Posted June 25, 2008 Posted June 25, 2008 _ArrayPermute()_ArrayUnique()Excel.au3 UDF
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