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Posted (edited)

A small UDF to connect to IRC using TCP Functions.

Please note, Every IRC server is slightly different you may need to tweak the Example.au3 for it to work.


_IRCConnect ($server, $port, $nick)

_IRCJoinChannel ($irc, $chan)

_IRCSendMessage ($irc, $msg, $chan="")

_IRCChangeMode ($irc, $mode, $chan="")





Example Script.

In the Example Script there is a small thing on recieved messages.


8Ball Script.Quickly made up.

My 8ball.ini

1 = "As I see It, Yes"
2 = "It is certain"
3 = "It is decidedly so"
4 = "Most likely"
5 = "Outlook good"
6 = "Signs point to Yes"
7 = "Without a doubt"
8 = "YES"
9 = "Yes, definitely"
10 = "You may rely on it"
11 = "Ask again later"
12 = "Better not tell you now"
13 = "Cannot predict now"
14 = "Concentrate and ask again"
15 = "Don't count on it"
16 = "My reply is No"
17 = "My sources say No"
18 = "Outlook not so good"
19 = "Reply Hazy, Try again"
20 = "Very doubtful"
21 = "Not only no, but HELL No!"
22 = "Not only yes, but HELL Yes!"
23 = "You will regret it!"
24 = "Signs point to No"
25 = "Go away... I don't want you back!"
26 = "Well I love you, come back!"
27 = "What? Are you taking me as an 8 ball?"
28 = "Outlook is disturbing"
Edited by Chip

A small UDF to connect to IRC using TCP Functions.

Please note, Every IRC server is slightly different you may need to tweak the Example.au3 for it to work.


_IRCConnect ($server, $port, $nick)

_IRCJoinChannel ($irc, $chan)

_IRCSendMessage ($irc, $msg, $chan="")

_IRCChangeMode ($irc, $mode, $chan="")





Example Script.

In the Example Script there is a small thing on recieved messages.

Very very useful!

Good Job!


Can anyone think of functions I could add? I can't think of any :whistle:

Posted (edited)

have you tried tidy? some of your indentataion is wrong.

But really cool and useful funcs. Thanks!

Edited by theguy0000

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


A registers func would be cool, so I can use to to join channels you need to be registerd to join.

but not all networks/servers use nickserv, so it wouldn't work everywhere. Best to only make global use functions that always work on any server. A register one wouldn't do that.

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


I haven't given this a try yet, but I intend to.

the things off the top of my head would be:

-Keep alive connection (afaik if you do nothing the connection doesn't stay open forever)?

-send private messages (would allow registration or w/e on some networks)

-scan chat for keywords (would allow for commands/communication to be recieved, maybe directly launch functions that are declared in a seperate file?)

-perform on connect (mainly joining channels/registering)

please ignore if any/all of these functions already exist / arent necessary.

Thanks alot in advance, will give it a go tonight


I haven't given this a try yet, but I intend to.

the things off the top of my head would be:

-Keep alive connection (afaik if you do nothing the connection doesn't stay open forever)?

-send private messages (would allow registration or w/e on some networks)

-scan chat for keywords (would allow for commands/communication to be recieved, maybe directly launch functions that are declared in a seperate file?)

-perform on connect (mainly joining channels/registering)

please ignore if any/all of these functions already exist / arent necessary.

Thanks alot in advance, will give it a go tonight

I think if you take a look on the example.au3 you should see that many of those things can be written within your script.

Just hook the incoming messages from the server.


theguy0000: I've never tried Tidy maybe I should

lolp1:Those are server-specific functions, "NS ID Pass" or whatever you would use.


-PING Function, but yes if you don't response to the PING you get booted

- _IRCSendMessage ($irc, "Message", "User") It works since the only different in PRIVMSG is #Chan and User

- That would be in your script, this is just for connecting and interacting with server.

- You again would add those in right spot.


theguy0000: I've never tried Tidy maybe I should

yes, it's built into scite, just open your script and Press Ctrl+T and it will fix indentation among other things, depending on your preferences.

The cake is a lie.www.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP images.theguy0000.com is currentlyUP all other *.theguy0000.com sites are DOWN


I'm some what confused. How do you plan on responding to the ping?

; Description:      Returns a PING to Server
; Parameter(s):     $irc - Socket Identifer from _IRCConnect ()
;                   $ret - The end of the PING to return
; Requirement(s):   _IRCConnect () to be run
; Return Value(s):  On Success - 1
;                   On Failure - -1 = Server disconnected.
; Author(s):        Chip
; Note(s):          English only
Func _IRCPing($ret)
    If $ret = "" Then Return -1
    TCPSend($irc, "PONG " & $ret & @CRLF)
        If @error Then 
        MsgBox(1, "IRC.au3", "Server has disconnected.")
        Return -1
    Return 1

--> If $sTemp[1] = "PING" Then _IRCPing($sTemp[2]); Checks for PING replys (There smaller then usual messages so its special!

You recieves these at random to make sure your still online and
not disconnected. 

PING :Randomletters

Usually a PING has random letters that you have to respond with.

PING :29809dj0d

You would respond with
PONG 29809dj0d

This should answer your question


Sorry to bump this topic, but is any way my bot can "read" commands I add, like !msg, or !time, so I can make an intelligent bot?

Posted (edited)

Very cool script, I just tried it out and it works a treat!

Edit: Sorry to keep editing my post but I just figured out why the script is not working for me, some bits are missing in the code. In IRC.au3 change this:

Func _IRCJoinChannel ($chan)oÝ÷ ÚÚºÚ"µÍ[ÈÒTÒÚ[Ú[[
    ÌÍÚË    ÌÍØÚ[oÝ÷ Ø   Ý{ayìZ^±Êâ¦Û©àzØb±«­¢+Ù%ÀÌØíÍQµÁlÅtôÅÕ½ÐíA%9ÅÕ½ÐìQ¡¸}%I

After these changes the script responded to pings just fine.

Edited by Obi-w00t

:"> Whoops, it was a fast func. I upload a new vers in an hour.


; Description:    Connects you to a IRC Server, and gives your chosen Nick
; Parameter(s):  $server - IRC Server you wish to connect to
;                  $port - Port to connect to (Usually 6667)
;                  $nick - Nick you choose to use (You can change later)
; Requirement(s):   TCPStartup () to be run
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Socket identifer
;                  On Failure - It will exit on error
; Author(s):        Chip
; Note(s):        English only

Could you please add the Version line in your code so I'll know I have older code and needs to download your updated code? Or even a date. thanks!


Good job. But there's one thing you forgot. Ip spoof protection. That is where a server checks for a ip spoofer by sending a ping.

telnet output:

:irc.toontownmovie.com NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
:irc.toontownmovie.com NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using yo
ur IP address instead
NICK lol
PING :907F36E1

to pass the ip spoof test you must reply with: PONG numhere


server sends: PING :907F36E1

client must send to pass test: PONG 907F36E1

i edited your _IRCConnect function for you :shocked:

Func _IRCConnect ($server, $port, $nick)
    Local $i = TCPConnect(TCPNameToIP($server), $port)
    If $i = -1 Then Exit MsgBox(1, "IRC.au3 Error", "Server " & $server & " is not responding.")
    TCPSend($i, "NICK " & $nick & @CRLF)
    $ping = tcprecv($i,2048)
    if stringleft($ping,4) = "PING" Then
        $pong = stringreplace($ping,"PING :","")
        tcpsend($i,"PONG " & $pong & @LF)
    TCPSend($i, "USER " & $nick & " 0 0 " & $nick &@CRLF)
    Return $i

[size="10"]Pure Au3 crypt funcs(I'm currently also working on making a dll from this)[/size][Y] Be more active in the community[Y] Get 200 posts[N] Get 300 posts[N] Make a Topic in the example scripts forum with at least 50 replies.People who currently hate me:ValikSmOke_N


I think that might just be you, mmavipc, I get the following response when using the script:

:irc.toontownmovie.com NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
:irc.toontownmovie.com NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
PING :B9F31B30

I think that might just be you, mmavipc, I get the following response when using the script:

:irc.toontownmovie.com NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
:irc.toontownmovie.com NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
PING :B9F31B30
you still got the ip spoof protection

PING :B9F31B30

[size="10"]Pure Au3 crypt funcs(I'm currently also working on making a dll from this)[/size][Y] Be more active in the community[Y] Get 200 posts[N] Get 300 posts[N] Make a Topic in the example scripts forum with at least 50 replies.People who currently hate me:ValikSmOke_N

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